Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Watykan i masoneria pozbywają się problemu – starszych osób.

I don't have the strength to write about all this anymore. On the one hand the Christian/Bible wars and on the other the unborn born again Catholics reading this kind of news who don't want to come to God. They choose like from a buffet.



Ale muszę informować innych o tym co się dzieje…

Here's a new news item:


Coronavirus in a senior's home. The number of deaths is rising


Nine residents of the senior citizens' home have already died "And in the heart of May" from Wola Czolnowska in Puławy County.

Chyba nie taki maj a liść opadł…

Why is this happening?

In the same news story, the same newspaper wrote:


Seniors were vaccinated against Covid-19 in January.

Unfortunately, what we see is not seen by journalists because they have explained it away with this:

Receiving the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine does not guarantee full protection against the disease.,n,1000283559.html


Takich “przypadków” śmierci ludzi starszych, z domów opieki jest coraz więcej.





This is how the Vatican bankster gets rid of a few problems:


  1. Social Security Insolvency.
  2. Paying beneficiaries from Nursing Homes.
  3. The problem of the mentality of the old generation people.


They take over the pensions of people in Nursing Homes who have ceded their assets and pensions in exchange for care.

State nursing home residents give them 70% of their pension, the rest is subsidized by the family or the State.


Social Security has the problem of insolvency out of the way and, in addition, the moral values of the older generation disappear paving the way for the new (not) normalcy of the Sodmites.

Madonna sang two years ago that not everyone would get into the new reality, and that's what's happening.


We thought it was going to be a war. World War 3 and it is a war, but an information war and not a physical war. There may be a military traditional, but now we have an information war.


System one thing, reality another.

Here's something from outside programmed journalism without cognitive ability:



The portal has rightly linked the facts of the actors' deaths:


Tutaj też się pomyliłem, gdyż myślałem, że zostali oni poinformowani jako ludzie systemu, ale szatan ich po prostu wyssał, wykorzystał i .,…sami osadźcie.


A generation of so-called old-timers is dying who were a problem for the world banksters and are a problem for the rainbows.

Incidentally, if it weren't for the fact that Christians don't fight this way I would consider it an act of Christian patriotism:



Tęczowe ławeczki w Kielcach zniszczone przez wandali! Nie wytrzymały nawet doby od postawienia.”


Older people are salt in the eye, the dark ages.


The Bible makes it clear why mankind believes the lie:



My people perish because they lack knowledge. Hosea 4.



Inform your grandparents, your grandmothers. We won't save everyone, but like Adventist Desmond Doss we will save one more and one more.



Ten “wstrętny” sabatarianin, ten “judaista” świętujący szabat ratował ludzi po obu stronach frontu. Pan Waldek Dalecki też by go zaszufladkował.


Speaking of the buffet. Greetings to Ms. Maria and her daughter from the usa.


There's a tense atmosphere about it all that sometimes gets to me too.

Uciekam od hejtu, ludzi niekulturalnych. Tak po ludzku. Od ludzi niewdzięcznych…Robisz coś dobrego a tu atakują..


The King of this earth, to whom all nations bow down:



In conclusion, a generation of people who remember the war, who remember communism, who are devoted to God in the way that was possible then, must die out.

Bądźmy więc tymi Edmundami Dossami z filmu “Przełęcz Ocalonych”.

Ocalajmy swoich bliskich krok po kroczku…


All good things in the name of Jesus.




I am a Christian, biblical columnist, blogger, vlogger and lover of God's Law.

For about 10 years he has been following the Law of God and reporting on reality based on this Law. We are living in a time just before the coming of Jesus. But first there will be the Biblical Great Tribulation, which mankind is already experiencing with plandium, which is a time of grace: a time to repent, that is, to forsake sins and walk away from this broken world.


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Updated: 14 February 2021 — 19:11

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