Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Violent clashes with police in the Netherlands as rebellion against curfew and...harbinger of the Oppression.

Mankind still wants to regain freedom while at the same time giving it away through participation in Satan's culture and through adoration to political-economic systems.


“W Rotterdamie w Holandii w poniedziałek wieczorem na ulice znów wyszli ludzie, aby protestować przeciw godzinie policyjnej, wprowadzonej przez rząd kilka dni temu w ramach walki z pandemią koronawirusa. To trzeci dzień z rzędu, w którym Holendrzy buntują się przeciwko ograniczeniom.”,79cfc278?fbclid=IwAR2UGp5h4z_O6SR5bQL2k0RXLkfx1-tYMR1F3L0Wnurv87J4GfRLmBzEV1A


Dutch people attack police during street fights with police:



This is just the beginning of the rumpus. It was all shown in the Grey State trailer:



The problem is that the world is not aware of where we are in biblical history.

The QAnon faith was a clear example of this.

Trump will win, Trump will bring order, Trump will remove the Deep State, Trump will deal with pedophiles.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. They didn't take years to prepare for it and now some poorly organized group is preventing them from doing it.


Acting Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said:

This has nothing to do with protest, this is not a freedom fight, this is criminal violence and we will treat it as such. We are not doing this for pleasure. We're doing it because we're fighting a virus and it's a virus that's taking away our freedom for now.


The public, of course, does not believe. At least a large part of it does. It's just that the Dutch, like the Poles, gave them power and they have the army, the police, the offices, the churches. Simply everything.

The Great Biblical Tribulation that is coming will be a judgment on a godless world. Now people can still repent, but there will come a time when it will be too late. That time will be the rapture of God's people.

Ufasz sobie? Myślisz, że sobie ze wszystkim poradzisz? Ok, to sobie radź…


Przypominam, że w tej “pisowskiej”  Polsce póki co godziny policyjnej nie ma.

For two reasons:


  1. Power's fear of declining ratings and public reaction.
  2. Higher degree of rule of law PIS than PO and sld/villain.


Of course it's going to get worse. Especially since a small percentage of people have been vaccinated.

The snag is that vaccinations don't fix anything.

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bance says


“wirus ma pozostać na świecie  NA ZAWSZE “



"I believe SARS-Cov-2 will stay with people forever," in an interview with Yahoo Finance Live. "We will have to have injections tailored to a virus similar to the flu. It's the same thing, they're both mRNA viruses and we're going to have to live with it forever ".


Ryzyko grypy będzie wieczne. Wyjątkowo zgadzam się z prezesem …

So is the risk of cutting your finger...


W filmie z Willem Smithem “Jestem legendą” wirus faktycznie był do końca świata.


The virus has become an ideology. The virus has become a whip, a bogeyman, and a philosophy.

Niewielki procent ma jakieś przemyślenia i woła do Boga, pragnie poznać Jedynego Wybawiciela od tego zła – Jezusa Chrystusa.


It is the people who have brought this fate upon themselves.




Updated: 26 January 2021 — 18:53

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