Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Coming 4 riders. Gates has purchased 242,000 acres of farmland throughout the United States.

Yesterday morning I posted a video from the BaldTV channel outlining the facts about the planned food supply cut.

In my videos on the old channel, I told you that markets buy food. I may have blogged about it.



Now comes a new news that reinforces my belief that the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse are coming:



" And I saw, and, behold, a white horse, and he that sat on it had a bow, and he was given a crown, and set out as a victor to continue to win. (3) And as he removed the second seal, I heard the other figure say: Come! (4) And another horse came out, the color of fire, and to him that sat on it, was given the power to disturb the peace of the earth, so that its inhabitants would kill one another; and a great sword was given to him. (5) And when he removed the third seal, I heard the third figure say: Come! And I saw, and, behold, a horse of punishment, and he that sat upon it had a weight in his hand. (6) And I heard as if a voice among the four figures was speaking: A measure of wheat for a denarius, and three measures of barley for a denarius; and do not touch oil or wine.” Ap 6



At the beginning of the pandemic, I pointed out to my listeners the coincidence of the name of the virus with the first horseman who has a crown on his head.

Przypominam także, że wszyscy masońscy politycy jednym chórem mówili o półtora roku. Wtedy to stwierdziłem, że w ciągu półtora roku pojawi się antychryst. Za miesiąc mija rok…

21 will be Biden's inauguration. This is their time. Evil is coming in big steps.

If we are at the white horse stage, we are yet to see war and only starvation.

I was talking about the war. The question is when it will be.


In confirmation of the sometimes slow and sometimes fast prophecies of Revelation today I learned that Gates who is the fourth richest person in the world and is known for his programming skills rather than his love of nature, is buying huge acres of farmland all over the United States,


In fact, according to a report by Forbes , he has bought more than 242,000 acres of farmland, which officially makes him the top private farmland owner in America. Gates has been buying farmland for years in places like Florida and Washington and has built a massive farmland portfolio spanning 18 states. Its largest holdings are in Louisiana (69,071 acres), Arkansas (47,927 acres) and Nebraska (20,588 acres).

Together, this adds up to 96800 hectares.



Co jest intrygujące piszący o tym dziennikarze Forbes pojęcia nie mają w jakim celu Gates kupuje tyle ziemi…


This man creating an entourage of philanthropists for himself wants to introduce a food monopoly, and then the prophecy will actually come true:


 And I heard as if a voice among the four figures was speaking: A measure of wheat for a denarius, and three measures of barley for a denarius; and do not touch oil or wine.


But who cares, after all, there are more important things than Bible prophecy.

Therefore, the world is facing global hunger and food shortages.

That's why supporters of the EU, which has wrecked our agriculture, will pay dearly for it.


Gates will probably use the land to control the nation's food supply, offering GMO artificial foods such as Future Meat, to poison the population.


Bill Gates invests in lab-grown meat. I know that for many people this is a matrix, something unbelievable, so maybe I will explain what the production of laboratory-produced meat is supposed to be about.


Satanists call it "pure meat." They must always give positive names to evil purposes.

This "clean meat" simply grows in the lab instead of being part of the animal.


I wrote about it:


W Chinach budowane jest miasto robotów. Dlaczego Gates zainwestował w „sztuczne mięso”.



In 2008, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced $306 million in grants to promote

sustainable agriculture among smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia and continues to invest in the development and proliferation of climate-resilient "super crops" and high-yielding dairy cows.


All this with the acquiescence of stupid humanity, voting for socialism (read non-communism) which has put us in the hands of corporations.



The above photo is from the Simpsons predictive cartoon. That January 21 will be the world's day of darkness no matter what accompanies it.


May the Good Lord keep you in His protection. Read His Word, don't trust any vaccine pastors or pro-Israel pastors.


Praise Jesus.



Updated: 16 January 2021 — 22:44


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  1. Dear Peter, there is a Czech error in the accounts 🙂 - I'm sorry.
    1km2 = 100ha
    98 000ha = 980km2
    Gates' estate represents approximately 8.2% of the Świętokrzyskie Province's land area
    980 / 11 710 = 0.082 x 100% = 8.2%
    Which is 0.3% of Poland's surface.
    980 / 312 679 = 0.0031 x 100% = 0.31%

  2. In October you posted Peter a report from a Canadian politician regarding a pandemic. As far as I remember already for the second half of this year, he predicted food outages. So far the plan is in full effect. The construction of temporary hospitals, the gradual increase in patients and mortality due to c19, has become a reality.

  3. Hectares are converted well. Fractions are not. You wrote;
    “Dla przykładu województwo świętokrzyskie ma 11 710 km², czyli stanowi to mniej więcej 1/10 posiadłości Gatesa.
    Polska ma 312 679 km². Gdyby Gates chciał zakupić ziemię w Polsce byłoby to 2/3 Polski”
    Gates' estate is 12.5 times smaller than Holy Cross, accounting for 8% of its area, not the other way around. From the context of the sentence, it appears that świętokrzyskie is 10 times smaller than his estate. I have no idea where the estimate of 2/3 of Poland came from, but I don't go into it anymore. I don't want to be too small-minded 🙂 .

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