Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Niebawem reaktywacja platformy do komunikowania się online – Discorda. Zasady.

I launched an online chat platform on Discord on Tuesday and there were almost 300 people on the first day. It became a mess.


I started the Discord server for several reasons.

The first reason is to integrate communities obedient to God's Word. So that there is an opportunity to connect locally when times get a little tougher than they are now.


The second reason was to help beginning believers. I myself am not able to answer everyone's questions. I am often bogged down in answering emails, messages.


Unfortunately, as it happens in groups, there are various scuffles and frictions, which can cause resentment and bad emotions.

Dlatego postaram się ZMINIMALIZOWAĆ  wszelkie obiekcje. Jedni będą zadowoleni,  inni zaś zasmuceni. Jak to mówi staropolskie przysłowie “jeszcze się taki nie urodził co by…


Initial Principles.

As neither my blog nor my Discord channel is some sort of ecumenism of ideas and religions, there will be the following rules:


  1. Believers according to verification will have access to all channels. The rest will only have access to some of them.
  2. There will be a GENERAL channel such a caffeterium (conversation on all topics) and channels such as BIBLE QUESTIONS, WORSHIP DISCUSSION, VOICE AND STATE, PRAYERS, HEALTH.
  3. There will be doctrinal differences (Adventist, Charismatic, etc.), but without forcing one's point by force. I myself have friends from different streams.



Since I am setting up the server for the readers of my blog and around the blog, it is for people outside of the denominations, i.e. for religiously free people. People who belong to churches have their churches, and it can't be that I'm fighting ecumenism and someone from a religion is attracting ignorant sheep.

This Discord is not assumed by any religion.


We wstępnej weryfikacji będzie punkt mogący wprowadzać w zadziwienie, mianowicie “Czy darzysz szacunkiem założyciela bloga”. Pytanie to, ma na celu wyeliminowanie hejterów. Jeśli skłamią , to będzie to ich sumienie.

Now it's the case that there are haters reading my blog, and sometimes they bite too. I don't have time to fight with people with unconverted hearts. It's not up to me. I leave vengeance to God, and limit my stress here.


There will also be a question in the revision concerning the acceptance of the present biblical canon. The day before yesterday people who did not understand the apostle Paul despite the fact that they were not at home were pushing their theses concerning Paul. If we remove Paul, so will Luke, Mark, and Peter, who spoke of Paul:


2P 3:15-17: “a cierpliwość Pana naszego uważajcie za zbawienną, jak to również umiłowany nasz brat Paweł według danej mu mądrości napisał do was, jak również we wszystkich listach, w których mówi o tym. Są w nich trudne do zrozumienia pewne sprawy, które ludzie niedouczeni i mało utwierdzeni opacznie tłumaczą, tak samo jak i inne Pisma, na własną swoją zgubę. Wy zatem, umiłowani, wiedząc o tym wcześniej, strzeżcie się, abyście dając się uwieść błędom tych, którzy nie szanują praw Bożych, własnej stałości nie doprowadzili do upadku.”



This cuts out 2/3 of the NT.

If someone wants so, his will, let him create his own server and convince others of his teachings there. I will not interfere.


But here I feel responsible for people and will not allow the Bible as we know it to be undermined. Do you have a different opinion? I respect that and suggest you start another server. God be with you.


If you are a novice believer, then you need to watch your language and not use profanity (instant ban).


If we still have the opportunity, we will organize conventions in different parts of Poland or in the center.


The rules are made out of concern for the group and attention to quality.


At this time I have presented to you, dear brothers and sisters, the main principles, and as is sometimes the case in life, it remains to be seen what we need to do. I will try to keep this online chat on a biblical level. Love and mercy and truth are the key words of this place.












Updated: 15 January 2021 — 10:34

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