Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Religious world hegemon Pope Bergolio has already vaccinated. How about you? If not, get in line now for Pfizer 2021.

The Vatican's marketing specialists seem to have changed tactics by reading into public opinion perhaps based on artificial intelligence algorithms.

I myself was betting that it wouldn't happen without cameras, and yet it did:



Po cichu, po wielkiemu cichu, idu sobie na szczepienia papieże do tajnej komnaty…


Argentyński dziennik “La Nacion” podał, że papież Franciszek został zaszczepiony przeciwko COVID-19. So far, the Vatican has not confirmed the reports, but reported that the vaccination campaign began on Wednesday.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will also be immunized.



Gdzie potęga wody święconej? Gdzie modlitwy maryjne o wypędzenie zarazy? Gdzie wiara papieża i… pastorów nakłaniających do szczepień?

Jakże ciekawym jest właśnie fakt wspólnego stanowiska tych pastorów z papieżem…

All as one body. Regardless of religion.



Yesterday I posted a video about what a vaccine caused in a Christian woman probably from the US:

The movie is > HERE <



Well, yes it is conspiracies.


A few days ago a reader wrote to me:


Detective this information from today my mother works in a military hospital and her colleague on Thursday received a vaccination and on Thursday she got epilepsy, the girl is 36 years old she doesn't have any diseases or illnesses she took care of her health and as far as I know she always did some periodic check-ups, from what my mother says there is a big commotion in the hospital.



The virus is, was, and will be. But it has never been used to shut down businesses, limit freedoms, and kill in hospitals with dysfunctional health care.




98% influenza in 2020 is gone. Miracle on the Vistula.

Although the data is from the UK.

Do you have a cold? Cowid.

This information comes from Axel Springer's communist website


” Wg badań przeprowadzonych przez rządową agencję Public Health England, globalna liczba zachorowań na grypę w 2020 roku spadła o 98 proc., w porównaniu z tym samym okresem ubiegłego roku.”,koronawirus-a-grypa–gwaltowny-spadek-zachorowan-na-grype—przyczyny,artykul,21750001.html


The rest is playing with statistics, who had a comorbid disease, etc.


Below is a portion of the articles of association of Axel Springer AG


  1. To uphold freedom and law in Germany, a country belonging to the Western family of nations, and to promote the unification of Europe .
  2. Promoting reconciliation between Jews and Germans and supporting the vital rights of the State of Israel .
  3. To support the transatlantic alliance and solidarity with the United States of America on the shared values of free nations.
  4. Reject all forms of political extremism .


Extremism will always be the right wing for them. Antifa is peaceful. As peaceful as the US has been for the last 50 years.


Orwell napisał “1984”.

Korporacja słusznych pisze scenariusz rękoma polityków do książki, którą zatytułowałbym “Pfizer 2021”.


Find the difference:




When I was interested in astrology, I was aware that I had a hard time getting along with people under the sign of Cancer.

Now it doesn't really matter to me who is under which sign, because I am guided not by astrology, but by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, who leads into all truth.

Stąd wiem jaki mają i będą miały skutek te dźgania….


Now the test for spiritual television addiction.

Answer the following questions:


  1. Do you trust governments and politicians on health, economics, morality?
  2. Do you think that a guaranteed income, sponsored by the money of other working people, is a fair distribution of wealth?
  3. Does God and his people reign on earth?
  4. Czy uważasz, że forsowanie praw “tęczowych” sprowadzające się między innymi do nauczania dzieci o równości w Sodomii jest wyrazem ich walki o równe prawa?


If you answered YES to most of these questions, it means that you are intoxicated by the lies of demons and should see a doctor like Jesus Christ as soon as possible.


I bless all the blog readers in the holy name of Jesus Christ.

May our King keep you in his protection.




Updated: 14 January 2021 — 11:12

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