Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Russia is creating a database of citizens including: salaries, vehicle information, and even school scores.

Biden will be a "good" end times president. He could calmly shake hands with more than just Putin. If Stalin were alive I think these Lucian people would get along.



Russia, the country taken over by the Khazars, will spend $2.4 million on a giant database that will contain information on every resident of the city, including passport numbers, insurance policies, salaries, car registrations - and even their pets.


This database will also include employment and tax data, school ratings and data from "Troiki" - Moscow's unified transportation payment system, used on subways, buses and trains. This new proposal has raised fears of increasing surveillance in the Russian capital.



At the same time, the number of  facial recognition cameras.

Authorities also warn of the high risk of being targeted by hackers who often focus on Russian government documents in order to sell them online.

This is where the snapper program of the game "CyberPunk2077" comes to mind.



Speaking to Kommersant, lawyer Sarkis Darbinyan noted that "data centralization always increases the risk of leakage and unauthorized access," expressing his concern about the project. "In this respect, the model implemented in Scandinavian countries looks much more secure, making it illegal to store data in one place," he said.


But this is just the beginning of bad things and the model country of course is China, where it was the communists who made a run-up to the biblical system of the Great Tribulation by introducing a point system for citizens.


The Social Credit System is Social trust system.

The system awards each citizen a predetermined number of points, in the case of the pilot program it was 1,000 points. In the Sesame system, built since 2015, up to 350 to 950 points are awarded. A citizen can lose or gain points depending on the activities they undertake.


Orwell was not a fantasist, But an initiated Freemason.

One of the main characters in the book "1984" was Emmanuel Goldstein. The name says a lot. Christopher Hitchens a Spanish communist claimed that the prototype of this character was Leyba Davidovich Bronsztejn better known to us as Lev Trotsky.

Orwell was a socialist . No one does not become a famous writer without initiation into the Secret Society. He was a controlled opposition just like Michnik (now a businessman and Soros man).


Going back to Russia, the Russian Troika by name responsible for the online payment system , laundered money in European banks.


The law in this communistic and papal world is designed for oligarchs and corporations and is aimed at the average citizen, whose freedom is being taken away step by step, regardless of political option.


In times like these, how can we not put our hope in Jesus alone? The only King and liberator.

Praise Jesus.






Updated: 13 January 2021 — 17:25

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