Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Krótka historia o Templariuszach, Rothschildach, Illuminati i Jezuitach oraz “słusznych” (Edomitach).


It was supposed to be news, but in order to bring others closer to what is going on in the world, I had to write an introductory text to the news, which will be a separate text.


Any conspiracy seeker is well aware of the history of the Jewish Rothschild family.

The surname Rothschild is a German surname, derived from the term for a house with a red sign (Middle High German: rōt "red" + schild "shield", "sign", "signboard"), a name recorded as early as the 13th century.


The red signboard and the color of communion indicate the origin of these Jews. It was Esau, Jacob's brother who was called red. Esau was the progenitor of the Edomites who constantly persecuted both Israelites and Judeans during and after the Babylonian captivity.


The founder of the Rothschild mega fortune was Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who was the financial advisor to the Landgraf of Hesse in Hanau, Landgraf is the title of a feudal lord in the Holy Roman Empire who, as a count, was directly subordinate to the Emperor.

The German Empire, in turn, was a continuation of the Roman Empire. This is all important because it shows the web of connections.


Templar Thread.

As we know the Knights Templar had great wealth, which in the end turned against them, because the French King Philip IV the Beautiful was in debt to the Templars. It was for this reason that he decided to accuse them, probably rightly so, but because it suited him so. He accused them of sodomy, worship of the idol Baphomet, deviation from the faith and conspiring with the Saracens, or simply Islamists. This is not insignificant in this day and age as we have it all together as elements of the power of world satanism: LGBT, Luciferianism, banksterism, one religion with Islam.

It is no coincidence that Friday the 13th is also considered unlucky.

Friday, October 13 1307 year the Templars were imprisoned.

But at the date of the fall of the Templar the order had 4500 members of which 2500 were outside France.

Incidentally, the term free mason first appeared in an English text in 1376, about half a century after the fall of the Templar Order. It is also worth mentioning that in the Order there were not only military men but also servant brothers, artisans and spiritual chaplains.

According to etymology, the word Freemason is derived from french deadline francs mestiers ("free professions"), the term meant craftsmen who are free people and enjoy special favors.


Here is an excerpt from a text about Freemasonry and the subsequent fate of the sodomite Order of Knights Templar:



The first brotherhoods of free masons and builders were formed in England and Scotland. The rise of these organizations was connected with the suppression and persecution of the Order of the Temple, the Templars. Some of the knights fled to Britain, where they were not threatened with imprisonment or forced by torture to confess to their guilt. Saving their lives, the fugitives from the repressive France of Philip the Beautiful brought with them the wealth of skills they had accumulated since the Crusades. And for those times, this knowledge was vast and closely guarded. Beginning with military issues, economic, and ending with finance and modern banking. The Templars were able to mark their activities and caches in a sophisticated




On May 1, 1776, Adam Weishaupt, professor and doctor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, founded the secret Union of the Illuminati, whose symbol was Egyptian pyramid with the following placed on its top the all-seeing eye of Horus.

Weishaupt was a Jesuit, and those Jesuits were mostly of Jewish descent.


Further in the text of we can learn that


The freemasonry lodges made it easier for illuminati to infiltrate the most diverse structures of state administration. Decades after the dissolution of their union, Illuminati ideas were reflected in the program of the Justice League and the Communist Leaguefor which The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx. Some conspiracy theories link Weishaupt to the Rothschild family, which supposedly financed his activities, as a promoter of what many decades later came to be seen as socially disruptive communist anarchy. In the second half of the nineteenth century, Freemasons raised in public the issues of assimilation, emancipation and equality of Jews. Participation in the activities of the Masonic fraternities may have been an excellent cover for the bankers to capture new areas of financial and political-social power.


What do Jews, Rothschild and the illuminati have in common?


In 1773. Mayer Amscheld Rothschild gathered a dozen of his most influential friends (most of whom were Jewish) at a secret meeting and introduced them to his Grand Plan: if they all pooled their money and influence, they could take over the world. Mogą stworzyć Tajny Światowy Rząd. Spotkali się we Franfurcie w domu Rotschilda, przedtem nazywającego się “Bauer” , a wtedy już “Rotschild” – “Czerwona Tarcza”. “Czerwony Szyld”
At this meeting Rotschild zawiadomił ich, że znalazł idealnego kandydata do kierowania super – tajną organizacją, który podejmie dzieło konsolidacji tych wysiłków, tworząc sieć elity intelektualnej , która w pierwszej kolejności podporządkuje sobie tradycyjną masonerie, w większości stanowiąca stada użytecznych “durniów” dla masonerii najwyższych stopni wtajemniczenia.
Człowiekiem tym okazał się Adam Weishaupt który posługując się pseudonimem “Spartakus” i w pierwszy dzień maja 1776r, zakłada tajne stowarzyszenie i nazywa je “Zakonem Iluminatów” – “Oświeconych”.
This is why May 1 is celebrated in communist countries. Still in Poland.


In conclusion: the Freemasons, the illuminati(not officially existing) the Jesuits, the Vatican and the Jews are one and the same group ruling the earth. There are no Freemasons without Jesuits and there is no Vatican without Jews. They have everything under control and their SIX MINUTES, or rather three times six, is coming now.


According to modern historians, the knights who came together as the Templars, were part of a wave of European royalty descended from the Elder Jewswho fled the Holy Land around 70 AD when it was invaded by the Romans.
After the destruction of the Templars, Masonic lodges, Jesuits, and the Rotchild fortune were established.


By supporting the Catholic Church, you support Satan
By supporting the Jesuits you are supporting Satan.
By supporting illuminati doctrines and music market, socialism you are supporting Satan.
If you support banks, you support Satan
Popierając “słusznych” popierasz szatana. Niestety gros pastorów.


This can no longer be stopped, but by making others aware we save their lives, for the only hope from this evil is Jesus Christ alone.


Useful link:



Updated: 5 January 2021 — 11:02

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