Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

An angel over the Polish sky the day before Christmas Eve.


Happening. At this point, it's hard to judge what it was, though the mainstream media isn't questioning the photo's credibility.

The photo appeared on the profile of the fire department in the village of Maldites.

Widać na nim ewidentnie “anioła” unoszącego się nad dachem gaszonego przez strażaków budynku.


Some may consider it a blue beam others may look for angelic care.

In my estimation, whether it was an angel or a demon or a blue beam projection, we are living at the dawn of a time when the greater the oppression and Luciferianism, the more supernatural phenomena will occur, and then there is the UFO theme.

The issue of the so-called aliens has recently been heavily publicized by the systemic, and therefore Luciferian media, and perhaps they are preparing us to welcome these aliens.

If it is indeed a UFO visit, then we Bible believers will be assured that these are demons.

If it is mystified, it will surely be for the purpose of indoctrination, so that humanity will eventually stop believing in God and swallow theories about extraterrestrial civilizations.

Indeed there are such civilizations. 🙂

Jedna cywilizacja zajmuje królestwo Niebieskie tam gdzie jest Bóg i aniołowie, a druga “cywilizacja” mieści się w drugim niebie tam gdzie panuje książę powietrza:


" And ye are dead in trespasses and sins, (2) in which you once lived after the example of this world, according the ruler of the spheres of the air, that is, the spirit, który teraz działa w buntownikach”

Ephesians 2



Ten władca powietrza – Eteru – mieszka w drugim niebie wraz ze swoimi demonami i od tego roku zaczyna się ich pięć minut, a właściwie mniej więcej 7 lat.

"There will be strong earthquakes and in places famine and pestilence; terrible phenomena will appear and great signs in heavene.”


This is already starting to happen.

Chwała Jezusowi, ponieważ niebawem nastąpi koniec wszelkiego zła. Ale najpierw przyjdzie Wielki Ucisk….


All the best to you in the name of Jesus Christ



Updated: 4 January 2021 — 22:12

1 Comment

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  1. The wings of this angel are smoke. Please enlarge the photo and look at the chimney outlet.

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