Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." contributor Witold Jurasz - "vaccines should be mandatory.

Praise God for the PIS president and government.

I have long said that occupation can take many forms.

The Stalinist occupation was different from the Nazi occupation.

Sometimes people who don't use reason but are subject to emotions and susceptible to manipulation wrote me "what are you talking about, pis is evil" and that was one of the mildest descriptions of PIS and my observations.


Since the Khazarian UBecja took over, leading to the collapse of Roman Kluska's company Optimus, to which Onet belonged, the portal has become a mouthpiece of the extreme left, i.e. dyed-in-the-wool communists. This is the role of all the daughters of Axel Springer - to create media propaganda thanks to the ignorance and passivity of unintelligent Poles.'s demagogy and manipulation go much further than Christian courtesy.

Today I read on this site that:


Opinion polling firm Kantar has released a poll showing that 47 percent of Poles more worried about vaccine complications than getting coronavirusOnly 26 percent are more afraid of the disease itself. In turn, the research carried out for the prestigious scientific journal "Nature" shows that Poles, next to Russians, are the least likely to be vaccinated. In the case of Poland, only 56% of respondents declared their willingness to vaccinate (In Germany 68 percent, in Spain 74 percent, in the United States 75 percent, and in South Korea almost 80 percent). These results are an alarm bell and prove that ignorance and superstition are perfectly fine in Poland.


Taking care of one's life, searching for the truth, reading leaflets is, according to, superstition and ignorance. As you can see, they don't even wrap this excrement in silver, but they hit it with a big pipe.


In his article, Witold Jurasz, the son of a communist diplomat, claims among other things that


  • Anti-vaccine movements have been supported for years by Russian special services
  • The success of these moves means that Poland has lost the hybrid war with Russia
  • It happened, among other things, because of the mediocrity of the Polish intelligentsia and Polish elites and the obscurantism or cynicism of the Polish right wing
  • This all leads to the conclusion that vaccines should be mandatory


Source: has become like the Soviet newspaper "Pravda" a pack of lies and propaganda.

If it's true that anti-vaccine movements have been supported for years by the Russian secret service, where did they come from in Germany, where protests numbered in the thousands?

Why such movements in the US?,usa-chce-walczyc-z-przeciwnikami-szczepien-rzad-ma-w-tym-temacie-duzo-do-zrobienia,artykul,97561124.html#sila-ruchu-antyszczepionkowego-w-usa


By the way, this medical service of the Group, Medonet, is as credible as the words of Kwasniewski or Tusk.


If Russia is behind the anti-vaccine movement in Poland, how does Witold Jurasz explain the very small support for vaccination in Russia, and this in September of this year, when we were not yet aware of the Pfizer or Moderna leaflets?



"To be vaccinated against COVID-19 wants 54 percent of those surveyed. Interestingly, Russia is the first country in the world to register a vaccine against COVID-19 - Sputnik V. However, this vaccine has not passed the third phase of clinical testing."


Are the Russians sabotaging themselves? Or are they living more in harmony with nature, with what God has given.


What is happening is a battle for truth. A powerful artillery of lies is firing mega propaganda at humanity.

If it weren't for the sites, the truth vlogs, the support rate for vaccination would hover around 95%.

Excluding Faith, Jerzy Zięba, Justyna Socha, have done a powerful job of educating the public on this issue, followed by sites and blogs like mine.


You must learn to recognize the intentions of a particular daily newspaper, portal or television.

Does employ people who care about the health and life of Poles or maybe they work for some ideology, a group holding power.

My blog has a not so large audience compared to others and therefore you should think whether it is worth making people aware of the honesty of such portals as in other places.


The world's communists must somehow RATIONALISE such little support for vaccination and the Russian conspiracy theory was invented. But by the way. Just as there is no more Poland and there is Polin there is no more Russia and there is a Khazarian savagery.


There's a lot more at stake than people think, and I'll be discussing that soon, partly in my video and partly on my blog because the Youtube corporation censors information and I take into account that I have jealous enemies reporting my videos.








Updated: 29 December 2020 — 11:07

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