Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." has removed its article from 11 years ago about the NWO "conspiracy" theory.

I made a psc from this text:

Source from profile:

It is unbelievable that described what it promotes now and ... removed the text about the so-called conspiracy theory, which is not a theory but a fact.

All major internet portals are against God and will want to introduce Luciferianism. Unfortunately, people are asleep and they trust lies more than they trust the truth, which is very rare in these times.

All already described 10 years ago by the mainstream media:




The New World Order is being born before our eyes. The Earth is threatened by a global totalitarianism that not even Orwell dreamed of. The world as we know it is doomed. In the coming years, a quarter of humanity will die. How will the lives of those who survive change? "NWO," the three letters signifying the end of all we know, holds the world in fear.
(S)creators of a global nightmare
The term "New World Order" The New World Order (NWO) was used in the 20th century by many influential politicians, such as Woodrow Wilson, George Bush senior and Mikhail Gorbachev. This led to suspicions that efforts to introduce a "new order" had already begun.
Conspiracy theories about the New World Order are based on the belief that there are secret organizations that intend to take over the entire planet by establishing a "world government". The creation of organizations such as the League of Nations, the United Nations, NATO, the Bretton Woods monetary system, and the World Trade Organization (WTO) were said to be the manifestation of this desire.
Progressive globalization and integration within such groupings as the European Union and the African Union is causing the New World Order to become a reality before our eyes. There are claims that the end of this process will be the merger of integration groups into a world government that will take over political, economic, military and ideological power over the entire planet.
The motivation for establishing the NWO is idealistic; its proponents claim that only by doing so will peace, justice, and unhindered economic development be able to triumph permanently in the world. However, proponents of conspiracy theories insist that the essence of such a world will nevertheless be central planning, which has always in history favored the development of totalitarian systems.
How will the New World Order change our lives?
A constant feature of New World Order conspiracy theories is the claim that it can only be implemented through a significant reduction in global population. The world's population would be reduced, according to various estimates, by 25 to 50 percent. The way to achieve this would be to deliberately launch a global epidemic such as swine flu, which would decimate nations around the world.
Those who survive are to be implanted with chips that not only make them immune to certain diseases, but also keep them under the supervision of a global authority. Those who rebel will be placed in new types of concentration camps where they will be "re-educated" or exterminated. Specifically mentioned in this context are centers run by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which are to be symbols of enslavement under the NWO.
After the epidemiological catastrophe some cities will be liquidated. People will eventually live in special city-zones, which will be giant cities located between natural parks. The New World Order assumes extremist protection of the laws of nature in order to stop ecological degradation of the Earth. Concentration of the population is intended to provide easier control over communities cut off from each other.
The new power will lead to the formation of a planetary consciousness and a new type of man. Old concepts such as nationalism and patriotism will be gradually erased. National boundaries will be recognized as obstacles to unity, and the state of permanent conflict in international politics will be replaced by cooperation and harmony.
A world without wars, money... and freedom
The New World Order aims to eliminate war as a means of settling disputes. All disputes will be settled by negotiation and pressure from international organizations like the United Nations, which, with its own army, will be able to impose its will on every country in the world.
The price for lasting peace, however, will be a de facto curtailment of human rights. In theory, the new authority will invoke democratic principles, but this will not include the right to dissent. All aspects of human life will be brought under the control of the authorities, who will decide not only where people live, the type of occupation they pursue, but also aspects of their personal lives, such as the number of children.
Economically, the whole world is to be placed under the supervision of a global institution regulating the flow of capital and resources, which are to be strictly rationed. This is to lead to the elimination of economic crises and reduction of unemployment. Thanks to this, the division into rich North and poor South is to be overcome.
This will result in a central system of economic planning and oversight that will lead to a shift away from a capitalist economy. According to futurists, this will enable a gradual transition to an economy based on knowledge and "values" rather than money and raw materials. According to them, in such a world all the spiritual needs of people will be able to be met. Permanent elements of the New World Order are technological progress, new sources of energy (e.g. water and wind) and ecological technologies that will save the environment.
The world from freedom to fascism
Most conspiracy theories suggest that the New World Order will be brought about by a "planetary coup." This could be the outbreak of World War III or a spectacular terrorist attack that will eclipse in scale even the tragedy of September 11, 2001.
The result will be the seizure of power by the military and the militarization of societies. The civilian authorities will only play the role of a fig leaf in the face of the totalitarian activities of the military. A parallel civilian-military government is also possible; however, it too would exercise total control over slave societies.
However, more and more people emphasize that with each passing year the scenario of a power grab involving a gradual strengthening of the powers of global organizations becomes more realistic. The United Nations is most often mentioned here. As Professor Henry Lamb argues in his website, the UN has usurped the power of "global governance" over the planet since its inception.
According to him, the organization would become a planetary government while retaining the institutions of states, but they would be completely stripped of sovereignty. They would have to introduce and apply international law enacted by the United Nations. Guarding this law would be a United Nations army, which would not only guard its observance, but would also serve as an element of terror against those who do not respect the authority of the UN.
Prof. Lamb argues, showing the successive stages of the creation of international organizations, that the plan to establish the NWO was born in earnest at the end of the 19th century, when Cecil Rhodes, the legend of British imperialism, founded the Society of the Elect. The plan was to work towards the creation of an Imperial Federation, consisting of the British Empire and the United States. The plan failed, but its legacy was the formation of the Round Table movement, whose activists later took part in the creation of such organizations as the League of Nations and the United Nations.
Humanity in the shackles of the Fourth Reich
Some conspirators claim that the essence of the New World Order is to be the establishment of a Fourth Reich. This would be created by Nazi sympathizers around the world. Organizations such as ODESSA, which promotes imperialism, militarism, and the suppression of individual rights in favor of government, would play a central role in this process.
These ideas are already supposed to be implanted in the global political culture, enabling their promotion in Europe and the United States. This would consequently lead to the gradual transformation of the USA into the Fourth Reich. This creation would be able to establish a "Western Empire" that would impose its (Nazi) values on the "Aryan peoples" of European countries, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and parts of South Africa.
Already, there is no shortage of people claiming that "imperialist" U.S. foreign policy is evidence of the creation of the Fourth Reich, and that the war on terror is a stepping stone to the establishment of planetary totalitarianism under Washington's auspices.
The Americans themselves are increasingly worried by the information that at a secret meeting it was decided that NAFTA, an agreement on economic cooperation, has already been transformed into the North American Union, which will limit the sovereignty of the countries forming it - the USA, Canada and Mexico, following the example of the EU. The European Union has shown that such a "supranational" scenario is very possible.
"Big Brother" is already keeping an eye on you
For many years there have also been reports that the intelligence services and the so-called military complex are behind the whole world of quasi-democratic politics. They are the ones who are supposed to be "Big Brother," acquiring more and more information that they can use to enslave citizens. It does this by creating databases, including data on the health, property or personal information of individuals.
The acquisition of "sensitive" data from various fields is supposed to be the key to gaining absolute power with a scope known even from Orwell's novel "1984". In this world, people will be subject to constant control by the authorities at every level of existence. Proof of this is to be the creation by the U.S., Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand of the Echelon electronic intelligence network for global listening and data collection. "Big Brother" has thus already gone into action.
The elite above the slave masses
There is also a theory that says that the NWO will be a synthesis of unlimited power with the latest scientific advances. According to this theory, an international caste of scientists is being formed in the world who, through human experimentation, will create a "posthuman" society. It is to be physically and mentally modified so as to be susceptible to the manipulations of those in power.
Subsequent scientific discoveries will then lead to an accelerated pace of world development that can no longer be comprehended by "transformed" societies. This will prevent any rebellion against the "post-human elite" who, in the New World Order, will exercise undivided power and control over the enslaved billions of people. Such a variant was already described by Aldous Huxley in his book "A Brave New World" back in 1931.
A black scenario for humanity
The price for implementing the New World Order will be enormous. It will be paid by ordinary people who will become slaves in the name of building a "new better tomorrow." No one can guarantee that the ultimate goal - the creation of a "united world that aims at the well-being of man" - is more than mere propaganda.
The process of creating a "just world" will be halted midway when some form of world government gains sufficient power over societies enslaved by the latest technological advances. This is the memento that keeps awake the minds of all those who warn that the world is already on the road to global fascism or communism.
The New World Order, idealistic in its intentions, will quickly become a caricature of freedom and justice. Consciousness control, birth control, large-scale spying on the citizenry, new powers for the police and secret services, an increased role for the military, and a sham democracy are just some of the things the NWO will bring to humanity.
The New World Order we are slowly moving towards is in fact a ruthless power play that will create a global elite in control of the slave masses. It will be an unprecedented totalitarianism in human history. Proponents of conspiracy theories insist that the world has unfortunately already taken the first step toward this dangerous utopia.


Updated: 27 December 2020 — 18:20

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