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FDA approves emergency use of abortion-contaminated Moderna COVID-19 vaccine Catholic theologians are morally divided.

Catholic theologians are divided on the ethics of vaccines.

According to


The United States Food and Drug Administration has authorized the emergency use of a second COVID-19 vaccine.

The FDA granted emergency use authorization (EUA) to Moderna, a Massachusetts-based biotech company, yesterday. So did the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine approved for use on December 10, Moderna vaccine uses informative RNA.

The EUA comes as civil liberties advocates around the world have concerns about the possibility of "COVID passports" that allow individuals who have received the coronavirus vaccine, freer movement than those who do not.

Dzieje się tak również wtedy, gdy niektórzy lekarze , tacy jak America’s Frontline Doctors, od miesięcy wyrażają swoją frustrację z powodu odmowy FDA przyznania EUA dla leku hydroksychlorochiny (HCQ), który jest stosowany od dziesięcioleci do bezpiecznego leczenia malarii i zapalenia stawów. Amerykańscy lekarze z pierwszej linii i inni, którzy leczyli pacjentów z koronawirusem, twierdzą, że HCQ jest skuteczny w leczeniu tej choroby.

In the Moderna vaccine trials we learn that, the lipid nanoparticle delivery system are described as using HEK293 cell line derived from an aborted fetus.


Officials say the authorization for both vaccines, although "expedited," was consistent with the "stringent safety standards" required for EUAs.


The question is, who sets these standards?



According to the FDA, the new vaccine contains a small piece of COVID-19 genetic material (informational RNA) that "instructs" cells in the human body to "produce a characteristic viral protein."

„Po otrzymaniu tej szczepionki, jej organizm wytwarza kopie białka kolca, które nie powoduje choroby, ale pobudza układ odpornościowy do uczenia się reagowania obronnego, wywołując odpowiedź immunologiczną przeciwko SARS-CoV-2” – czytamy w komunikacie prasowym FDA.

According to The New York Times An "early study" found that Moderna vaccine protects volunteers against COVID-19 przez trzy miesiące. …

Czyli co? Później kolejne szczepionki za nasze pieniądze…


The debate over the moral use of Moderna's new vaccine continues, and bioethicists catholic are divided as to the extent to which the material derived from an aborted child was used to develop it. Stacy Trasancos of St. Philip's Institute in Tyler, Texas, revealed to the Catholic Register in November that HEK293 cells from an aborted baby were "used to express protein and mRNA to develop and test a vaccine [Moderna]".



Many experts have said mass vaccination is not necessary to end the coronavirus crisis. In October Dr. Michael Yeadon, once Pfizer's most senior researcher, wrote:

There is absolutely no need for vaccines to put out a pandemic. I have never heard such nonsense said about vaccines. You don't vaccinate people who are not at risk for a disease. Nor are you going to plan to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that has not been extensively tested on humans.

In an interview published earlier this month, Dr. Theresa Deisher, who holds a PhD in molecular and cellular physiology from Stanford University, said that "so far this virus has less than 0.03% mortality rate, and most of these people I believe are 92 % or more have other health problems; we're doing a vaccine at warp speed for a virus that doesn't look like it needs a vaccine." Deisher also confirmed that refusing any vaccine for COVID-19 was a rational decision.

"Available data on Moderna COVID-19 vaccine administered to pregnant womeny are insufficient to communicate the risks of vaccination during pregnancy," states an FDA fact sheet for health care professionals . It also states:

In clinical trials, adverse reactions in participants 18 years of age and older included injection site pain (92.0%), fatigue (70.0%), headache (64.7%), myalgia (61.5%) joint pain (46.4%), chills (45.4%), nausea/vomiting (23.0%), armpit swelling/tenderness (19.8%), fever (15.5%), injection site swelling (14.7%), and injection site erythema (10.0%).

Meanwhile, the U.K. government has advised pregnant women not to receive the Pfizer vaccine, which it recently approved, and should avoid pregnancy for two months after receiving the vaccine.


This article shows not only that vaccines contain aborted fetuses, but also that doctors are nevertheless divided on the validity of vaccinations.



Updated: 21 December 2020 — 13:57

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