Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

“Usiądź na kolanach szatana” – sataniści przytulają dzieci zbierając od rodziców 6,66$ na pomoc innym.

A complete lack of awareness is shown by humanity.

It stems from a lack of love for the truth.

People, they don't know what awaits them, what is coming. You know what would be the best Christmas gift for our friends and families? I'll tell you right now: sleepwear. Because they're all asleep without seeing what's going on...

They don't know that the coming system will be a system of Satan alone.
So far, two systems have been intertwined: the Christian and the leftist, and it has been difficult to separate them. The civilization of nominal Christianity, not to be confused with Biblical Christianity, mixed with Masonic or Talmudic values.


From the year 2021 onwards, nominal Christianity will be successively removed and destroyed and, in parallel, overt Satanism will enter according to Albert Pike's letter on Plans for 3 world wars.


This year in early spring before the kowi lie took hold satanists officially read an invocation to Satan in Washington.


Niedawno wielki serwis randkowy, czyli “dopasowanie”  zaprezentował reklamę ukazującą szatana z dziewczyną o imieniu “2020”.



Część pewnie pomyślała: co tam,  taka reklama mająca szokować. Problem polega na tym, że coraz więcej tych satanistycznych wątków i zobaczycie co będzie w roku 2021. Jak to mówię znajomym, jeszcze zatęsknicie za wspaniałym rokiem 2020…
Let's not expect anything better in the coming years.



They are getting bolder and bolder going as I predicted.
W USA zorganizowali akcję “Usiądź na kolanach szatana”.


On December 19, children will be able to sit on the lap of Satan dressed as Santa Claus. Except that Santa Claus is a fictional character and only symbolizes Satan, because parents have to lie to children by telling them that there is some old man with a beard dressed up as red.


In the US, it was clear who it was. I wrote how it was converted to letters in Santa's name. From Satan to Santa.

With this being their 5 minutes, they are officially showing who is behind the so-called Santa Claus.

So far they have been operating in secret, not displaying themselves except as illuminati puppets in show business showing the sign of the horns and the pyramid that is the star of Remfan.


Na stronie “Sit on Satan’s Lap” czyli na język polski “usiądź na kolanach szatana” widzimy dzieci na kolanach Mikolajo- szatana w maskach.

Ale to nie jedyny horror w tym wszystkim i ohyda duchowa będąca esencja zła…


Jednym z ich haseł jest “Nie wysyłaj myśli i nie módl się. Przekaż dziś 6,66 $!”.


Do people really not see what is going on in the world? Are they really influenced by so much soap opera?

Unfortunately, you have to treat your friends and relatives as drug addicts. Fight for them spiritually (pray) and physically, that is, educate, warn, show them the separation from this world.

Satanists are now destroying churches, the Catholic church and this site sit in Satan's lap also points this out:


They wrote:



How many people have been saved through prayer? Zero. How many have been saved by wearing a mask? 130 000!

God: 0.

A small piece of cloth: 130 000.

The numbers don't lie!

Don't put money in the church collection plate; instead, use it for actual use.



Well, the numbers lie. Masks take away oxygen and this picture of Satanic Santa with children in masks is a hideous manipulation

Chwytliwe hasło:”Nie wkładaj pieniędzy do kościelnego talerza”. Ludzie są zrażeni kościołem katolickim, który notabene oni tez niszczą od środka przez jezuitów i “słusznych”, co na jedno wychodzi…



Wszystko zgodnie z Planem 3 wojen światowych”


We'll let the Nihilists and the atheists and we will provoke an extraordinary social cataclysm (covid), who in all this horror will show clearly and emphatically to the nations the effects of absolute atheism, the origin of savagery and the most bloody orgies.

Then, in every place, everywhere, citizens, forced to defend themselves against ethnic minorities and revolutionaries, will exterminate these destroyers of civilization and the masses will be devoid of illusions towards Christianity, whose divine spirits, forming Christianity without compass and direction (lukewarm pastors and priests), lust after ideals but without knowing where to place their devotion and adoration, will receive actual light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, finally exposed to public view.



Ale to nie wszystko,  Netflix opublikował wczoraj grafikę, którą za jakiś czas podobno usunęli’



Netflix is a tube of declared satanists and is known for ridiculing Jesus. I believe that no believer in Jesus should watch this satano platform.




Do you have any doubts yet about the times we live in?


You who do not want to live according to God's Word, do you still want to live in sins of hatred, malice, and share in satanism?


Do you think you have to, like these mindless parents, give your children into the lap of a guy dressed as Santa Claus and Satan to do evil to children?


Just don't teach them God's Law, separation from evil.



Here I am speaking to the haters.


Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Keep sending this type of news continue to warn people of the coming Satanism in the year 2021.

You will not hear such warnings on commercial stations.





If you'd like to support me in what I do, I'm providing wire transfer details:

Recipient: Peter

In the title: "selfless donation for admin"

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Thank you sincerely 🙂





Updated: 17 December 2020 — 13:05

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