Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Vatican's occult nativity reveals Vatican's true faith or heralds arrival of aliens?

I think Catholics are feeling increasingly uneasy, and I am really surprised at their lack of consistency. The leaders of the Church of Rome give many reasons for their faithful to leave this religious corporation, and yet Catholics continue to authorize the demonic activities of this church by their participation.

But it is necessary to expose the lies of the devil and that is what I am doing. The devil mixes truth with lies, just like in the various apocrypha.


That is exactly what the Roman Catholic system is. A confusion of Biblical Christianity with Satanism.

Whereas this representative of the Jesuits who murdered the first reformers who invented communism, and I mean Bergolio, who has adopted the nickname Francis for marketing purposes.


Bergolio is a super trained disciple of his spiritual daddy and that is why every now and then he shows how his daddy is rushing to make changes in culture, mentality, economics.

Bergolio's works, activities are the execution of Beelzebub's orders.


Well Pope Francis and the Vatican unveiled a manger scene in St. Peter's Square on Friday, a caricature of Jesus' birthplace.



In the camp of the 1st Tadeusz Kosciuszko Division in Sielce a song called "Oka" was written, which begins more or less like this:


What it reminds you of,
that reminds you
view familiar to this one?


First, the central figure reminds me of a power station:




That's half joking half serious.

But let's look at this figure:


Like a medieval Lord Vader on the back and an alien on the front?


What did the socialist Hermaszewski look like in space?

What did the people disguised as cosmonauts look like?



Is there a convergence?


It reminds me more of the birth of the antichrist. Some of you have seen it, but those who haven't should take a look:


Here is the Vatican's discovery of faith....



The Bible calls the church of Rome a great harlot, Indeed this church from the beginning of its history has twisted and scoundrelled....


1) Then came one of the seven angels, having seven bowls, and thus spoke to me, Come, I will show you the judgment on the Great Whore, who sits upon many waters, (2) with which ungovernability have been committed by the kings of the earth, and the inhabitants of the earth have become drunk with the wine of her harlotry. (3) And he carried me away in a state of rapture into the wilderness. And I saw the Woman sitting upon a beast of scarlet, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns. (4) And the Woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, all adorned with gold, precious stone and pearls, and had in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filth of her ungodliness. (5) And on her forehead was written a name - a mystery: "Great Babylon. A mother of harlots and abominations of the earth." Rev 17



Praise God we got out of it. I was so angry after learning the truth about this church of Satan that I went to the parish and made an apostasy.



The Vatican said the nativity scene displayed in St. Peter's Square was created by students and faculty of the FA Grue Art Institute, a state-run design high school that dedicated its school activities to the theme of Christmas in the decade 1965-1975.
It is interesting what they teach in the schools, what spirit prevails there, and how freely this powerful corporation that is Vatican City allows such abominations to be seen by the whole world.


You must know that those five-pointed stars, which are on hotels, military bands, music programs, lotto, are the signature of the devil. It's his system that marks, stamps.


Let's add to this cosmic nativity scene information about contact of the "exceptional" country Israel with aliens:


Israeli general: the United States and Israel are in contact with aliens.

Betting they are either preparing us for the arrival of aliens (fallen ones) or covering up the rapture of the Jesus ecclesia with aliens. Either way, what the Vatican has presented is occultism and ugliness.


Some say she is Isis the sister and spouse of Osiris. In her hands she has his member, which she fished out of the Nile, and with which she impregnated herself, giving life to Horus.




It is true, the Vatican is the mother of religions and Polish Protestantism, Baptists, Pentecostals, the whole Evangelical Alliance is stuck in friendship with Rome.



They are prostitute religions. Judaism, Islam, and Jehovah's witnesses are also with Rome, even though the latter are deceived about their apparent enmity. Look, are Jehovah's witnesses talking about plandemonium in these end times?

Do they warn on their websites about vaccines changing DNA like we do?

Here comes the great deception, the big bad, this is their 5 minutes and the one elected pope 13 March at 20.13 year 2013 Jesuit has a cosmic stake in this tour.

He is the one who melts Rome.

I don't know why people like Braun, Bosak, ultra-Catholic, are still stuck in this demonic church, in this blasphemous organization?


The harlot will be burned and after her the biblical beast or Israel will take over the world....




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Updated: 13 December 2020 — 17:39

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  1. Thank you for your work, brother

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