Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Greek Catholic priest dies after receiving Moderna's COVID vaccine.

Fr. John Fields was the Director of Communications and Religious Education for the Archeparchy of Philadelphia, which is part of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. In announcing his death, the Archeparchy stated that Fr. Fields "died at his home. The cause of death has not yet been determined ". Rev. Fields turned 70 this year.


Recently Fields was participating in Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine trials after receiving an email from the University of Pennsylvania in late August asking if he wanted to "participate in the third and final phase" of the vaccine trial.

Ks. Fields was more than willing to participate in the rehearsals, responding "yes" to an email : "This would be a great opportunity to fight this unbearable virus that has suddenly appeared and is wreaking havoc around the world, bringing death and disrupting every aspect of our lives . "

It was requested to him especially because of his age , because he was in an age range that the research team "identified as a higher risk group for COVID-19 virus." The first injection he received was on August 31 and the second on October 1.

Despite ask you to record any symptoms after vaccination , Rev. Fields previously confirmed to The Dialog that has not experienced any .


I think of the scientists who, in just a few months, under Operation Warp Speed, together used their knowledge and the wisdom of God Almighty to achieve this medical milestone ” – powiedział. „Być może będę w stanie w niewielkim stopniu przyczynić się do opracowania skutecznej szczepionki, która pomogłaby powstrzymać światową pandemię COVID-19 i strach”.


Archbishop Boris Gudziak of the Archeparchy said: "During our last conversation before Thanksgiving, Fr. John was in good spirits and seemingly improving in health.




This is a powerful teaching not to say lesson for believers.

Blind trust in the system costs death and even death the other, because we should separate ourselves from this world.


It is also strange that this Greek Catholic priest was unaware that Moderna had developed a vaccine using cell lines from aborted human tissue.


How very applicable is God's word from Hosea 4:

My people perish for lack of learning: because you also have rejected knowledge, I will reject you from my priesthood. The law of your God you have forgotten, so I will also forget your sons.

God in this world of the father of lies requires us to take a step toward furthering our education.

Ta szczepionka – powiedzmy sobie jasno – jest eksperymentem.

Większość poważnych skutków ubocznych szczepionek nie pojawia się natychmiast po ich otrzymaniu – czasami mogą minąć lata, zanim skutki uboczne zaczną się pojawiać – lub, jak w przypadku Fieldsa, miesiące później.

Why would that be? Because vaccines are the leading cause of autoimmune diseases in humans and pets.

Szczepionki oszukują organizm do zaatakowania własnej tkanki – tak jak w przypadku autyzmu.

W przypadku starszych pacjentów, takich jak ten ksiądz, szczepionki często mogą wywoływać udary – a biorąc pod uwagę jego entuzjazm do czarów (farmakia – czary)szczepionkowych, prawdopodobnie co roku „religijnie” dostawał szczepionkę przeciw grypie – być może był bardziej posłuszny swojemu lekarzowi niż Bogu.

No autopsy will be performed on this priest.

Problem z takimi szczepionkami polega na tym, że trudno udowodnić, czy istnieje związek między śmiercią a szczepionką Moderna – co byłoby czasochłonne i kosztowne – a wyniki mogą być potencjalnie niewygodne……


Two leading Pfhizer scientists are calling for the suspension of all research on the SARS Cov2 vaccine due to the risk of exaggerated immune responses, female sterilization, fatal allergic reactions, and a general lack of understanding of long-term effects.

They call vaccine testing unethical because the risk of disease and any supposed benefits of the vaccine are unverified, which places the use of vaccines in the general population, especially mandatory vaccines, directly in the immoral category.

This shows that there are, shall we say, scientists with a conscience.


You will not hear about the threat of vaccines from priests or pastors. Only a few of them see what is happening and an even smaller group warns their sheep.


What this world against God is doing is selecting people called eugenics. The problem of Social Security insolvency and alleged overpopulation will be solved.



"Requiring medical attention, an 80-year-old Bielawa resident spent several hours in an ambulance circulating from hospital to hospital. The patient with stroke was sent by medics from Świdnica, Dzierżoniów and Walbrzych. Eventually, he was admitted to the hospital in Dzierżoniów, where died shortly after being admittedDramatyczną sytuację przedstawiono w programie “Interwencja” telewizji Polsat. “


An 80-year-old man spent seven hours in an ambulance. He died shortly after being admitted to the hospital


We well know that more people die from intentionally crippling the system than from a coronavirus cold.


People need to realize whether they trust authority or not. Whether the authority is acting in God's way or not. If they answer these questions in the negative, then they should stand by God.


Nie wiem ile ludzie jeszcze muszą dostać batów od tej przeciwnej ludzkości władzy, aby zrozumieli, że za żadnym rządem nie stoi Bóg, a raczej Jego przeciwnik…



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Updated: 3 December 2020 — 18:43

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