Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Phases of introduction of COWI-COMMUNISM by 2021.

Due to the fact that I have my main channel on YT blocked for 2 weeks and cut down the reach on the backup channel, I am posting the text that is the script for the video from Friday about the plans of world satanism.


The text is a translation from a Canadian site that warns of what is about to happen:





- Phase in secondary blocking restrictions continuously, starting in the core areas of the Cities , and then expanding outward. Expected by November 2020. - Accelerate the purchase (or construction) of insulation facilities in every province and territory. Expected by December 2020.

- Daily new COVID-19 cases will exceed testing capacity, including an increase in COVID-related deaths following the same growth curves. Anticipated by the end of November 2020.


- Total additional lock-in (much more stringent than the first and second rolling phase restrictions). Expected end of December 2020. - early January 2021. - Reform and expand the unemployment program to become the Universal Basic Income program. Expected by Q1 2021.


- Predicted COVID-19 mutation and/or co-infection with a secondary virus ( referred to as COVID-21 ) leading to a third wave with significantly higher mortality and infection rates. Anticipated by February 2021.


- Daily new COVID-21 hospitalizations and COVID-19 and COVID-21 related deaths will exceed the capacity of medical facilities. Anticipated Q1 - Q2 2021.


- Expanded blocking restrictions (called the third blockade) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions (including between provinces and cities) will be imposed. Expected Q2 2021.


- Transition of individuals to the Universal Basic Income program. Expected mid-second quarter 2021.



- Projected supply chain failures, inventory shortages, high economic volatility. Anticipated end of second quarter 2021.


- Deploy military personnel in major areas of the Cities , and on all major roads to establish checkpoints for travel . Limit travel and traffic. Provide logistical support in the area. Expected by Q3 2021. In exchange for accepting this total debt forgiveness, the individual would lose ownership of any property and assets forever. The individual would also have to agree to participate in the COVID-19 and COVID-21 vaccination schedule, which would provide unrestricted travel and unrestricted life even with a full blockade (through the use of a photo ID Those who refused would first live under indefinite confinement. in the short term, as more People move into the debt relief program, those who refuse to participate will be deemed a threat to public safety and will be moved into solitary confinement.

Once they are in these facilities, they will be given two options: Are participating in a debt relief program and will be released or indefinitely held in solitary confinementclassified as a serious threat to public health and confiscate all their assets In fact, all countries will have similar roadmaps and programs of vaccine coercive dictatorship as determined by the Globalist Agenda .



It looks very bleak, but let's also remember that the situation can change 180 degrees when the antichrist appears.

However, as of today, I am betting that such a scenario will take place. You will ask: why?

They are actually investing in future solitary confinement (read prison):




Another example is news from my region:



In Kraków, 77 isolatoria are being built under the special "lex covid" law, the law of kowikomunism. By the way, how they use biblical symbolism...


Dear Reader. We live in the end times and only Jesus Christ can pull us out of this Matrix. No Braun, Korwin Mikke and others will save you from what is to come.

This is the end of the time of grace and therefore the last moment to repent of your rebellious life.

Start reading God's Word, establish a relationship with God through prayer, and sanctify yourself every day.


The Bible says it is to be a tribulation such as never was and never will be. The concept of freedom will soon have no meaning. Only in Christ is there salvation.


More extensive commentary in the video on the new channel:





If you'd like to support me in what I do, I'm providing wire transfer details:

Recipient: Peter

In the title: "selfless donation for admin of"


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Updated: 27 September 2021 — 19:55

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