Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Is Manhattan's 7-year countdown clock preparing for the Great Tribulation?



From 17 in September, a giant clock pointed at Manhattan 7 years, 103 days, 15 hours, 40 minutes and 7 seconds to extinction, climate catastrophe.


What are the precise calculations?

Co za przypadek w identycznej ilości lat biblijnego Wielkiego Ucisku…

And then there are those seven:

September 17, 7 years and 7 seconds according to National Geographic's coverage.



Oczywiście jak przystało na artystów być może chcieli zaszokować i zaistnieć. Nieszokujący artysta w świecie szatana to żaden artysta….


First option:

Through their infludencers they want to bring the ideas of eco-communism into the global consciousness. I remind you that China has a one-child policy.

They will probably want to eliminate traditionally powered cars and replace them with hybrids, and given the price, this will be an offer for the few, the privileged class.

Recently I found out that the infulencer of communism Kinga Rusin has a car for 400 thousand Polish zloty. An eco-hybrid, of course.


But Rusin can afford it. Satan pays well for 5 minutes on earth and that's for a few.

This action is certainly a nod to Jesuit Bergolio's advertised Sustainable Development. Read the new communism.


Option two.

They brazenly give a date either to the great tribulation of the Bible, or these 100 days are the time of the appearance of the antichrist and only 7 years will follow.



Manhattan Clock co-author Gan Golan is anti-Republican and co-director of ArtIsMyOccupation, an arts organization that donates funds to artists who create work on the front lines of the fight for economic justice.

Jeśli czytacie, słyszycie  hasło “sprawiedliwość społeczna”, to łapcie się od razu za kieszenie.

Eco-communists are the Janissaries of the 21st century: they take from one to give to another.


Oni łamią dekalog – NIE KRADNIJ – usprawiedliwiają swoim wewnętrznym poczuciem sprawiedliwości.


Interestingly, the other co-author of Ecosegar, is the author of essays entitled 12 Characters in Search of the Apocalypse.

12 is a biblical number, and the apocalypse...

They know the Bible unlike most people in the world. What is different is that they twist everything to suit their satanic ideology.

Ten pierwszy – Gan Golan jest autorem książki Don’t Let the Republican Drive the Bus!

Twierdzi w niej, że republikanie to machina polityczna , która ma tylko podwieźć swoich białych kumpli w cylindrach; i przejechać tylu „socjalistów”, ekologów i pracowników publicznych, ilu może znaleźć…

It's as if Obama and Clinton are corporate free, and we know full well that for most satanocoporations like Disney, Netflix, and many sports clubs are ultra-leftist.

The problem is that there is no right and wrong here, that Republicans are good and Democrats are bad.

It's still a Hegelian dialectic. we, they, fuel the fight between the two groups and thus keep the system divisive.

The Bible says the whole world is stuck in evil and it is. Just see where there is or is not a planned demoniac. It is in every country in the world.


Perhaps the two options I have presented to you are complementary.

Te 100 dni do siedmiu  lat wychodzi gdzieś około 27 grudnia a ten czas również jest wiele przesłanek o tym, że w tych dniach przesilenia zimowego, któremu panuje Saturn, będą chcieli  jakieś show…

Jak będzie zobaczymy…

Najważniejsze to być przy JEZUSIE  – JEDYNYM – ZBAWICIELU.

Not any Mary, politician, but by the King of Kings, by the God who SAVES FROM ALL EVIL.



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