Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Lawlessness of school covid-19 statements to parents

The school year has begun and with it the struggle of informed parents against the intermediaries of the Ministry of Indoctrination, which are teachers and school directors.


First of all, some schools require children to wear masks, which is illegal because this obligation results from the regulation, not the law. In one of the schools in Kielce, I think, I can't remember, parents called the media and showed how the headmaster ordered the children to wear masks, which in our practical language means to take away oxygen from the children and to inhale bacteria deposited on the masks.



However, just as in some schools there is an order to wear masks, nationwide there is already coercion of people to sign a covid declaration by their parents.
This is a very interesting topic. Here is a picture of that declaration:



One problem is that this statement is a choice statement, but teachers instruct parents that they must check all the boxes.


Tj amazing how people, like lambs go to slaughter their intellect. Choice is the absence of choice. They must sign off on all points.
If the declaration was a condition, first of all there would be no choice, and look on the left side there are boxes to check....

Secondly, as I learned from the tok fm portal, which tries to be credible in these times of lies, where truth is at a premium, that


According to Maciej Sokolowski, a legal advisor who Specializes, among others, in educational lawRequiring this type of statement from parents should not be done. Schools are probably trying to protect themselves from liability, but there is no legal basis for such action. - Such a statement is ineffective. It can be made, it can be signed by a parent, But it doesn't really have any effect. It does not limit or exclude the liability of the persons or entities that should be liable under it, the lawyer says.


If I understand the legal language correctly, and the Torah itself is a set of laws, then requiring such a declaration is the same as declaring for drivers not to run a red light at this intersection in Kielce:



In his opinion, the idea is probably to prevent a situation in which it would occur to a parent to seek responsibility for some coronavirus situation from the headmaster or managing authority. - Schools, nurseries and crèches cannot require parents to sign a statement whereby parents take full responsibility for infections caused by coronavirus. The reason for this is simple - parents cannot take responsibility for something they have no control over," says Dr Iga Kazimierczyk, president of the foundation "Space for Education".,103085,26257274,kontrowersyjny-pomysl-jednej-z-szkol-rodzic-w-zwiazku-z-koronawirusem.html


In my estimation, the schools don't so much want to protect themselves, but this Masonic government wants the people themselves to authorize the coronavirus. After all, they are signing on to the covidian declaration.

I know some teachers and some of them are just people who learned something by heart, no matter in what field, be it mathematics or biology, and now they enforce theories learned by heart, but they are completely devoid of logic.


Intelligence and cognitive ability decline in direct proportion to the proliferation of modern technology. Man is supposed to be dumb and machine is supposed to be smart. A new Adam - the work of Satan. Man is to be in humiliation.

Słowacki was a great poet. The class repeats.


It is a human privilege to be wrong, but it is ignorant and self-indulgent not to examine how things work.

This is not any sentiment of the known. These are my thoughts.



It has been reported that the mass of our brains has decreased by about 15% over several thousand years.

The intellect of a man of the twenty-first century and a man of the early twentieth century are no longer the same despite the increase in knowledge, especially since we have incredible access to information and can read about the origins of communism about the Freemason Louis Pasteur, the one from vaccines.


I know that groups such as teachers, clerks, policemen, cashiers in stores are placed in a complicated situation between the ministries of Freemasons and anti-Kavidians.


In turn, writes:


Also questioned are such announced solutions as refusing to admit a child to school if, for example, he or she has a runny nose or cough. Such actions can be compared to the prohibition of entry into a means of public transport. The right to education results from Article 70 of the Constitution, but also Article 1 of the Education Law and the Convention on the Rights of the Child - notes Adam Mazurek.


Stigmatizing children, labeling.


Parents also don't like the requirement to take temperatures and to put children who may have an infection in isolation. Such measures only lead to stigmatizing students.,edukacja-deklaracje-szkoly-koronawirus-covid-19-epidemia-uczen-nauczyciel.html



Now the best part.

The very Ministry of Indoctrination or MEN has declared:

There is no legal basis for parents to sign "statements of risk awareness and waiver of potential claims in case of coronavirus infection" at school,powrot-do-szkoly-oswiadczenie-zakazenie-koronawirusem-men.html



The illegality of these declarations is one issue. The measurement of temperature is another.
The temperature is tested not by traditional thermometers but by infrared ones and it is on the forehead. We have two problems in this connection.

First, we need to ask ourselves if infrared thermometers are harmful or safe?

People take everything as it comes uncritically, trusting godless people with evil intentions. It is now being said in the mainstream media and on government websites that infrared thermometers are not dangerous. Ok, but I recall how back in the 80's we had carcinogenic amalgam inserted in our teeth. Back then it was all according to the ministry of medical corporations.
So far, I personally have not found any evidence of infrared harm.



Secondly, they accustom children who will be leaving schools in some years to scan their foreheads for the mark of the beast.


"(16) And he causes everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on their foreheads, (17) And that no one may buy or sell who does not have the mark or name of a wild animal, or the number of its name. (18) This is where wisdom is needed. He that hath understanding, let him calculate the number of the wild beast; for it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred and sixty-six." Rev. 13.




Every dictator had to tame the public with his ideologies before coming to power.



In conclusion, going by the words of the indoctrination ministry:

There is no legal basis for parents to sign "statements of risk awareness and waiver of potential claims in case of coronavirus infection" at school


It is also not worth getting your child used to, as you put it, being stigmatized with an apparatus that measures temperature on the forehead.

Praise Jesus for the truth that sets you free from the lies of the Evil One.


Song from 40 years ago how real:




As you know I got banned from YT for a week. No arguments, just a slogan from their general rules, which can be used for everything. So far I do not know the reason for the ban...





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Thank you sincerely.

All the best.


Updated: 18 September 2020 — 12:18

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