Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Firma Hemp&Wood zachipuje Polaków. Czy to już jest znak bestii biblijnej?


I was first sent a link to pap.
This one didn't look trustworthy, the site crashed like some kind of fake, no columns, logo, etc.
With news like this, there is always the risk of fake news, or misinformation.

Nie dowierzałem. Ale sprawdziłem, w kilku miejscach. Okazało się że to prawda, że rząd polskojęzyczny chce nas zachipować. To nie była mina…
The government of the vaccine godmother , to whom they entrusted Poland wants to chip us of course under the guise of caring for our health. Evil must be rationalized.

I remember when I had haters on my blog saying that I was scaring such news about chips in the future. Well, now I will give some more sources.

Business Pulse. reliable source:


In a joint venture with an American biotech company, Alivecel will transfer to Poland part of its research on a health monitoring tool - a subcutaneous implant placed in the hand between the thumb and index finger.

Now look at the advertisement I have sometimes posted on the blog for many years how they will encourage you to adopt the chip by listing its health-promoting, practical benefits. This educating for the mark of the beast commercial is at least 10 years old. There are so many on YT.

Do you see how biblical truth seekers have long warned about the chip?
I invite you to enjoy a minute of prophetic advertising

Wait until the first real commercials like this appear on tv soon:


Well, that's how they fulfill this prophecy:

Configured with an app, the sensor can monitor glucose and insulin levels in real time. Work on it is well advanced. Gerard Bencen, CEO of Alivecel, points out that such sensors are available on the market, but require frequent replacement, at most every three months. Alivecel will extend the life of the implant several times. Together with Poles the team will also focus on modifying the technology in a way that will allow to use it in diagnostics e.g. for cancer and detection of coronaviruses COVID, SARS and MERS.

Chip w ludzkim ciele, to już jest hybyrdyzacja człowieka. Człowiek staje się powoli robotem, a zaczęło się tak bardziej na grubo od smartphonów. Te telefonoorganizery to już prawie nasze ciała…

COVID-19 accelerated the transition to a cashless society for several reasons.
We were frightened that the cash was carrying a virus on it.
Sheltering at home means that more shopping is done online.
It's all a well thought out plot to the smallest detail.

Is this already the mark of the beast?

In my opinion not yet. Why? Well, because first of all the Swedes already had such a chip about 5 years ago. Of course, no Christian has had such a chip implanted nor will do so now.
I for one will not be taking advantage of this offer. At least voluntarily.


Second, the mark of the beast is on the hand or on the forehead.
Po trzecie jak przeczytałem wam przed chwilą te chipy mają krotki okres żywotności i należy je wymeiniać co kilka miesięcy. Aleeee…. jest to poważny wstęp do znaku bestii, który zapewne będzie za półtora roku, za te słynne 18 miesięcy…i jeśli się nie mylę, to będzie to, co pisuję na blogu od 8lat: tatuaż elektroniczny.

Now here's an interesting fact.

Alivecel Company Logo. Why am I not surprised that this is a pyramid?



As agreed, Alivecel will commercialize the technology primarily in the United States, while Hemp & Wood will have exclusive rights to distribute the products in Poland and European markets.

I read such a mundane comment online on a blog about investing in stocks:

“Ów Hemp & CokolwiekDziś to dawne EBC Solicitors, samozwani specjaliści od “doradztwa” na rynku NewConnect. Doradzili (samym sobie), że nie opłaca się już “robić technologii”, przeszli na konopie (modne), a teraz na wirusy (MODNE!) – znają się, jak dymać inwestorów.”


To oznacza, że te firmy nie mają w sobie żadnego morale. Powiecie jak większość korporacji. To prawda, ale my tu mówimy o chipach i warto znać ich podejście do ludzi inne niż pięknie ułożone hasła przez speców od marketingu czy polonistów, typu “w trosce o zdrowie Polaków” lub “czynimy wiele starań”. itd takie bal bla bla dla zamydlenia oczu.


The Book of Revelation, or the lifting of the veil of what is to happen predicted this as far back as 2000 years ago. It's already that time. That's why they make us dependent on each other by creating these shields of help.
Korwin Mikke and Mr. Tanajno won't tell you about these prophecies any more than the conspiracy jutubers will.

It is not that someone who knows about chips will be saved. Judas knew a lot about Jesus and was not saved. There is a lot of hate on the Internet, people insulting others. They just have broken hearts. Conspiracies do not save. I watched a man on yt a few days ago whose channel someone recommended to me.

This jutuber, an elderly man, during about 20 minutes probably 30 times called his viewers suckers, just because they wanted to support the protests in Poland. Incredible hatred. The essence of evil. Such hatred is typical for Khazaria, but not only. Unfortunately, among the commenters there I met a man who knows the Scriptures well. He supported this hater.

People can't tell right from wrong. Generally looking at my comments, which I delete or those of others, mankind has an awful lot of evil in itself. But these people even knowing the truth about the chips will not be saved. Maybe they will have a chance to repent during the great tribulation. They must experience a shock to desire God's love, to beg God to transform their hearts.

However, they must self-diagnose first.
Teraz jest jeszcze czas na nawracanie czyli na zdanie sobie sprawy ze swojego złego serca, ale ten czas się kończy…
The only salvation is in Jesus Christ, who warned us of the mark of the beast.

Soon the world will be divided into system people and believers in God. It will not be that someone who professes the new age, has his own God, and does not accept the mark of the beast and will be saved. Such a person will be put up against a wall of choice: either the antichrist or Jesus. There will be no other way, so I recommend making this important decision now.

You see I have the audacity to talk about this even though it bothers many. I get comments that the news is ok, sarnies are ok, but not the bible. These people's demons are infected by the Bible.
Those who have seen my film about this being a good time for cleansing will remember that I said that now God is sealing people, that the goats are slowly being separated from the sheep, that this is a time for reflection, and so I appeal to the unwilling to come to God before you are afflicted. Not to me, but to Jesus Christ, and I am not interested that the two words Jesus and Christ have an allergic effect on many.

Already a lot of people see what's going on and they know about vaccines and chips and they don't accept it, thinking it can all be handled by human means. I'm going to worry you. It is no use your rebellion. The prophecies always had to be fulfilled. Get on the right side.



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