Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

In 2018, BILL GATES funded EarthNow to oversee a ghetto on Earth.

Bill Gates is becoming even more famous, and not because of Microsoft, but because of building a worldwide surveillance control system for humanity.


Jest  inwestorem obozu koncentracyjnego jakim robi się ziemia…
First we learned about digital ID2020 for every resident, and now it's coming out that this Rockefeller associate funded the 2018 startup EarthNow.


What is the Earth Now project?


EarthNow is a startup company based in Seattle , whose goal is to cover the Earth with live satellite broadcasts , initially to provide services to governments and corporate clients.

Take a look at the EarthNow logo as above.

Two pyramids by the way.

The mark of the beast in the apocalypse is a pyramid



The satellite network is to be deployed as a constellation of several dozen satellites weighing 230 kilograms in Earth orbit.

Gates przygotowuje się również do uruchomienia pierścienia satelitów, który całkowicie zbadają naszą planetę z kosmosu, zapewniając obrazy wideo tylko w czasie rzeczywistym z opóźnieniem o jedną sekundę…


The amount he spent on it was 6, 6 a billion dollars...


Mr. Gates wants, along with his colleagues under the hexagram, through the COVID-19 vaccine and linked to ID2020 called the immunity passport, to track every person on earth in real time.


This is another puzzle in the end times puzzle.

The entire satellite launch operation is to be completed by 2022, which in this situation becomes clear why the world of Masonic politicians, ministers talk about 18 months.

Beginning in April 2020, 18 months will pass at the end of 2021.
By that time, the countries in economic chaos brought about by these Luciferian politicians will have managed to become totally dependent on welfare so that, according to Bible prophecy, no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark of the beast on his hand or forehead.


"16) And he causes everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to take the mark on his right hand or on his forehead; (17) And that no one may buy or sell, but he who has the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (18) Tu jest mądrość. Kto ma rozum, niech obliczy liczbę bestii, gdyż jest to liczba człowieka. A liczba jej: sześćset sześćdziesiąt sześć.” Ap 13.


Bill Gates is like 100% influential people in the world a believer. Of course, it's not a belief in Jesus, because that one is consistently persecuted.

Satan's people say that either Jesus never existed because most of the historical evidence is probably in the Vatican, or that Jesus is a hippie who loves everyone who does whatever he wants.

But Jesus is a Mighty and Just God, and soon after the tribulation of those days He will return with payment.


Bill Gates is a believer as befits the Luciferian new age Aquarian era, and in fact since the Jesuits, he meditates regularly.


In the article below, Mr Gates suggests reading "A Guide to Meditation" by former Buddhist monk Andy Puddicombea.



Meditation was a regular practice of Igacio Loyola, the Edomite founder of the Jesuit order.
The purpose of meditation is to find God in their own beings, because God (Brahman) and the self (Atman) are truly one.

What will happen in the next few years is that Jesus will be removed and replaced by a god in himself, but we know that this god in himself is a god with a small letter, and yoga and meditation are the same as drugs and getting drunk: opening a gateway for demons.

Remember, those who promote the god within will be agents of the Luciferians.

Scripture says:

And the Spirit openly says that in the end times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceptive spirits and teachings demons

et al:

..Bodily exercise (joga, techniki oddechowe – admin) for it is of little use, but godliness is useful for everything, since it contains the promise of the present and future life



Bill Gates according to the idea of the all-seeing eye wants to control all the people in the world.


Watching every person from id2020 in real time will make earth the one big ghetto with camp commanders....



I believe that vaccines are the first phase of the literal mark of the beast, but not yet the mark itself.



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Thank you all in Jesus' name.



1 Comment

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  1. Hi. Yesterday at the Saturday service the pastor of the Adventist church in Warszawa centrum spoke.

    The sermon begins at about 1.55 hours. He is convinced that the technologies themselves are not the mark of the beast, but the very rejection of God's law. Which I believe will be the case with these technologies once they are common and compulsory.

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