Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Galleries will tag people and examine them with a thermal imaging camera.


I received some news from a reader of my blog or a listener of my YT channel. These news concern changes in the galleries.


“Galerie handlowe w Polsce przygotowują się do złagodzenia obostrzeń dotyczących ich działalności. Być może już w połowie maja będą mogły zostać otwarte działające w nich sklepy odzieżowe, perfumerie oraz elektromarkety. Klienci galerii mają być jednak podzieleni na trzy grupy. Specjalna aplikacja przypisze ich do grupy zielonej (brak kontaktu z koronawirusem), żółtej (osoba po kwararantannie) oraz czerwonej (osoba po zakażeniu). Dzięki temu zwiększony miałby być limit klientów, którzy w jednym czasie będą mogli przebywać w galerii.”



A listener/reader asked me, if mall customers are to be divided into three groups, green, (no contact with coronavirus), yellow (person after quarantine) and red (person after infection) should malls be avoided?

Well this situation is similar to that of the chip if we look at it through the lens of the apocalypse. The chip itself is not the mark of the beast. Already, those thousands of Swedes who have been chip can be converted.

However, when there is the mark of the beast, conversion after receiving the mark of the beast will not be possible.

It is false religions that have created the image of Jesus eternally indulging, but the apocalypse says far otherwise.

The mark of the beast will be a decision of life and death, but the latter death.

Those who do not accept the mark of the beast will, from the day after the second ungodly dies, live forever by God, without disease, without pharmaceutical corporations, politicians, and evil in general.


Therefore, visiting the gallery with this app is not yet a sin, but it is such a prelude to further procedures. If I had to choose, I will not want such an application.


Look, I said on Thursday that there would be green, yellow and red lights in the vaccine passport. Remember?

And now we learn that such lights will introduce galleries. This is another prophecy of the Masonic Luciferians, another dispatch from above to the puppet politicians.


Galleries in general are expensive, and we can support small and already moribund small businesses and not support Satan's system.


Another link .

Thermal imaging cameras will track down sick people in shopping malls



It appears that soon thermal imaging cameras will be on the list of the most wanted products in Poland. Just like masks or protective gloves were until recently.

Unofficially, has learned that on April 22nd the Ministry of Development started consultations with owners of shopping malls (with an area exceeding 2 thousand square meters). Galleries could open in mid-May, ale przedstawiono szereg warunków, które musiałyby zostać spełnione po otwarciu.”




Is it worth supporting such a venture? Do you really want to feel better about paying for it with freedom?


I think that as long as you can, you should avoid the galleries with a wide bow.


Look also at how they are introducing all this according to the principle of small steps or boiling frog. It started with closing schools, then with disinfecting and social distancing.

Then the masks and further down the line the thermal imaging cameras. All according to orders from the world's Luciferian elite with the silence of priests and pastors.


W 4 fazie tzw odmrażania, bo tak nazywają to, co teraz naprawiają po tym jak bezprawnie spowodowali kryzys zamykając firmy wirusem mającym mniejsza śmiertelność w wielu państwach niz grypa będą  otwarte salony masażu, solaria, teatry, kina, siłownie i fitness…


So the question becomes: do we Christians have to take advantage of all this? Definitely not.


We can tan with what God has given.

We have a cinema at home and the best movies are written by life.



I have been practicing push-ups, jogging for many years and do not need any gym as I have a bench and dumbbells. .

Może to już jest ten czas, kiedy powinniśmy przywyknąć do tego, co ukazali w teledysku Avici…



Podsumowując, ja odradzałbym jeśli nie musicie chodzić do tych snobistycznych budynków  będących takim mini Wuhan, pełnym kamer a teraz kamer termowizyjnych,.. a to dopiero początek…

Look, the name gallery already says a lot. Look at this photo of a traditional gallery. People walk around looking at artwork, but shopping malls serve the same function, namely, shoppers walk around such a gallery looking at beautiful exhibitions, tempting them to go inside.


Galerie nie są już samym bazarem, zbiorem butików, ale nobilitują przeciętnego spacerowicza. Przypomnijcie sobie jak się czuliście pierwszy, drugi raz w dużej galerii handlowej? Myślę, że podobnie jak niektórzy w galerii sztuki. Jest prestiż, ekskluzywność. Nie musisz nic kupować by poczuć się lepiej. Na salonach…. Otoczenie ma wpływ na psychikę.


We Christians must learn to cut ourselves off from this world. Not just for God's sake but for our own.



Updated: 27 April 2020 — 19:31

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