Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Satanists echoed in Washington. Luciferianism will become the official religion.

For two thousand years Christianity expanded its kingdom. Although there was a departure from God's Word after it was taken over by the Roman Empire which was started by Emperor Constantine, the Reformation started by Hus and Tyndal gave new life to the world. Mankind was once again able to know the Word of God.


Meanwhile, the time of Satan's total reign on earth is coming and the following message is proof of that.


It will only be their 5 minutes for all who have believed the lie, which means not only these people you are about to see, but all kinds of religious leaders 5 minutes, priests, pastors and other priests who have collaborated with the Evil One.


What is this message? In Washington, se worshippers of the Satanic Temple performed a demonic ritual ceremony.
They openly demonstrated their faith in front of a government building.



Now the so called anti-systems think it is NWO, an artificial creation, but it is Luciferianism which I am documenting to you right now.


I don't know why Mr. Zagorski from NTV, who has already made a film about the NWO, doesn't see etherTV satanism, and doesn't see many conspirators. If there is Satan, there is God. On which side do you want to stand in this conflict that is developing?


Wake up!!!


This is no longer a choice of right-left or system and anti-system, but Christianity and Satanism. You have no other choice, dear Poles!



Look, the Luciferians are saying their prayers. Obviously in honor of Satan and probably throwing curses, but do Christians pray for their families, close friends and enemies? I leave you with that question.



It was a group of devout Catholics (most are only believers in theory) who protested a passing Satanist march by singing an M. Smith song:




Look, Catholics protested and not Protestants dormant don't see the changes taking place in the world. ....
Protestantism is theoretical. There are individual good churches somewhere. But who thunders in those churches about ecumenism? they are as polite as a lonely lady's poodle.....



Satanists from the Satanic Temple, such as Justin Harvey-John Ashby, said their event was about promoting religious plurality. He said he believes Satanic beliefs have been misunderstood and perceived as "grossly perverse," with their core values being empathy, reason, bodily autonomy and justice.
Evil will never call itself evil....
They are so emphatic that they will want a ban on quoting the Bible. Do you see how the bible has great significance? not ufo's, not aliens, not new age but the bible is persecuted. Not Mr. Lalak's chakras, but the bible.

Amid pious protesters, satanists from a satanic temple conduct a ritual on the steps of Capitol Hill Sessions.
As you can see they are holding a pentagram. The same one that is as a star on hotels, as a star of events like dancing with stars, in lotto etc etc etc .





Catholics prayed in Jesus' name.

Some younger Catholics held a sign that read "Satan has no rights."



The government's "Department of Enterprise Services has authorized the Satanic Temple of Washington to perform invocations during the current legislative session, from noon to 13.00 satan's number, on march 6. They cried out HAIL SATAN!


Ostentatiously the satanists marched under the government building making an invocation at the end, but they along with these politicians, ecumenical pastors and priests and those who have not come to Jesus will end up in the lake of fire:



And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are. And they shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.



I pity people for real I pity people. Tell others about what is happening because bad times are coming.



Take a look at my archived writings on the blog. Washington was not a one-time prank:


Satanists in Australia want to teach in schools and evangelize on the streets about their Dark Lord!


The rise of a satanic temple in Canada and the development of satanism worldwide.



Let us pray for our loved ones and for all the saints ...



"Do all this by praying and asking God for help. Pray, moreover, continually, yielding to the action of the [Holy] Spirit. Be very watchful and pray for all believers." Ephesians 6




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