Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Do you think God's Law is binding? Then follow the 613 commandments.

Christians who are greedy for cheap stick and want to justify their misdeeds, behaviors towards their neighbor and God and those who are subject to the authority of pastors and not God say that if you want to Keep God's Law, you must keep all 613 commandments.

Let me once and for all dispel this myth, this slogan, this catchphrase for disobeying God's Law.


Perhaps let the starting point be that God has not cursed people with commandments they cannot fulfill!

God did not even number these commandments. The only ones He numbered are those in the Decalogue Dear Readers.


I took up this topic to write once and for all to all those who do not think but utter this magical query: do you keep all 613 commandments.

This is a study, the source link of which is at the bottom. Mine are some of the comments.



First, no one is expected to obey all 613 commands" because most of them were addressed to Levitical Cohen's (priests); some were only for men; some were only for women; and some were only carried out for a limited time. This division alone refutes the mindless Christians repeating this inquiry's attack on the validity of God's Law.


But some were meant to last FOREVER - and to these, believers in the Word of God and not of men must pay attention.


Mental laziness and conformity push people to summarize God's Law to Jesus' 2 commandments. But it was a summary:


" Teacher, which commandment in the Law is the greatest? (37) He answered him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. (38) This is the greatest and first commandment. (39) The second is similar to it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (40) All the Law and the Prophets are based on these two commandments." Matthew.



But these same Christians refer to Leviticus when discussing LGBT issues, or Deuteronomy when discussing divorce, or Leviticus when discussing the prohibition against divination.

The lukewarm evangelicals are even more hypocritical because they chase Catholics for the 2nd commandment while they themselves do not observe the 4th.


Christianity has decided that Jesus' death somehow changed the Sabbath rest the seventh day in God for a church event that took place on Sunday morning (which is based mostly on Paul's writings, his stories).

Others still say that the Sabbath is in Jesus. If that's the case, then he suggests working 7 days a week and not idling on Sunday like Rome. 🙂


Mankind has always liked to "pick" for itself from God's Word as if it were a buffet.

God has NEVER removed the commandment of the seventh-day Sabbath.

God has always communicated what is to be or not to be.



All Scripture from God (Torah) is inspired and useful for teaching, for persuasion, for correction, for education in righteousness - (17) That the man of God may be perfect, being fitted for every good work. 2 Timothy 3. 


Scripture is inspired because at the time of Jesus and right after there was only the Old Testament.


So did "Jesus" abolish these 613 commandments?



Many Christians, in order to show believers in the Torah "the error of their ways ", gleefully with a hint of sarcasm, brings up the fact that "no one can keep those old commandments". The fact is that almost none of these Christians realize what the 613 commandments were, nor that no one (including Jesus) never kept them all - because most were for priests; some were for men only, others for women; some were only for a limited time; some for weddings Nazire and over 200 related to the templethat doesn't stand!



Nor do they realize that the number 613 Mitzvot (Commandments) was rather a man-made traditionthan the actual "the number of commandments" sent by YHWH. The idea came from the Edomite Talmud, which says that there are both "positive" and "negative" mitzvot (what is allowed and not allowed), which can be divided into 365 negative mitzvot (to remind us not to do bad things every day of the year) plus 248 Positive mitzvot - a total of 613.

Similarly tzit-tzit (tied tassels) talita (prayer shawl) are also associated with the 613 commandments. The Torah commentator, Rashi, stated that the number of knots on the tzit-tzit (as spelled Mishnaic ) has a value of 600. When doubled, each fringe has eight threads and five sets of nodes, for a total of 13 - Masonic number - making a total of 613.


The above knot tying method is performed by Ashkenazi Jews (Khazars), while Sephardic Jews tie knots in a way that causes them to speak the Name of YHWH.



The world must be made aware that although God has given us many commands to follow, including the Ten Commandments, NO "removed the Torah" (his divine instructions for justice contained in the first five books of the Bible without which man would not have NO moral plan, the holy life). Yeshua sought to abolish the rabbinic, man-made "things" - opinions and traditions that held people in bondage. Neither he nor his apostles never spoke against the Torah or suggested that after Yeshua's death the Torah became invalid! (This is a strictly Christian concept that Scripture cannot verify! Do we then nullify the Law by faith? May it never be! On the contrary, we establish the Law. (Romans 3:31)


For those who really want to learn more about the God we serve, we invite you to join us as we explore this issue in detail!



Where can these original 613 commandments be found? They come straight from the Torah. You can see them scattered throughout the Torah in places like Gen 26: 2-5; Ex 15: 25-27; Ex 16; Ex 20: 6; Lev 22, 26, 27; Num 15, 36; Deut 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31. There are more, but you get the picture: God was very adamant about people following all of His teachings and commandments.



Why is it important for us to know the original commandments of God?

Because these are "eternal" commandments of YHWH (seventh-day Sabbath, Biblical holidays, etc.) They still apply, and Christians, as part of Israel through the blood of the Messiah, MUST do "exactly as the Israelites did."



Numbers 15: 13 " (13) Every native will act in this way, wanting to make a burnt offering from these animals as a fragrance pleasing to Yahweh. (14) If a foreigner who is your guest, or a man who has lived among you from a long time ago, wishes to offer a sacrifice of pleasant fragrance to Yahweh, he should do as you do. (15) Only one law will apply to you and to the foreigner. It will be a perpetual law and for generations to come: to Yahweh the foreigner is bound by the same law as you. (16) The same law, the same order will apply to you and to the foreigner staying with you."



Some claim that "the Torah was only for the Jews," but as you can see from the above, this is not true. First of all, the Jews are an invented nation. For before that, there were the Israelites. Second, "Foreigners" includes anyone who chose to believe in Yeshua! The Bible tells us that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13: 8); that Yeshua and his Apostles and disciples were Torah observant, Seventh-day Sabbath keepers.

The Bible also tells us that his original followers in the first century (before Catholicism came to pervert the Word), also observed the Torah. So what has changed so much? The answer is: feedback human.



Jeremiah 31:32 tells us that YHWH made a "new covenant" with the House of Israel and the House of Judah; He did not make a "new covenant" with the Gentiles because He did not have an "old covenant" with the Gentiles. However, He has given His grace and mercy to believing Gentiles who, as believers in Yeshua, automatically become part of "Israel"! We have been grafted in (the apostles were Judeans and Benjamites).


The Lord Jesus said that salvation comes from the Judeans because they were the first to experience salvation. So did some of the Israelites scattered throughout Asia.


And God said to Israel: "I give you good instructions: do not forsake my Torah" (Proverbs 4: 2).

Okay, so how has the "New Covenant" changed the way we are to worship? Let's check it out:

Although COVENANT (covenant) has changed, the following changes have not:

  • Torah
  • YHWH's regulations
  • Punishment for disobedience
  • The promises of YHWH



Psalm 119:


 (89) Your word, O Lord, endures forever, unchanging as the heavens. (90) Your faithfulness [endures] from generation to generation; you have strengthened the earth, and it endures. (91) All things continue to this day according to Your judgments, for all things serve You. (92) If Your Law were not my delight, I would already be perishing in my misery.



What has changed?


Yeshua is now the steward of God's Law, relieving Moses of this responsibility and thus fulfilling the prophecy in Deuteronomy 18:

Deuteronomy 18: 18


"I will raise up for them a prophet from among their brethren like you, and I will put my words in his mouth; he will speak to them all that I command. (19) If anyone will not listen to my words which he speaks in my name, I will demand of him an account."



A prophet is a person who speaks by inspiration of God. Jesus spoke by inspiration of God.


Torah written in our hearts: There is more to it than meets the eye! First of all, the Torah is presented and administered (not replaced - YHWH never said He replaces the Torah!) Under the new covenant that is written in our hearts through the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit) which fulfills the prophecy of Jeremiah 31:


Jeremiah 31: 32 "For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days" - ADONAI says. "I will put my Torah in them and write it in their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people."


Through a new bridegroom - Jesus - God has entered into a new marriage relationship. With those who were willing to enter into this new relationship. Not with all of Israel. After all, John 6.66 says that many of the Judeans turned back, walked away from Jesus, many of the disciples let go of Jesus' teachings.




Also note that "Torah written in our hearts" means that although we may be BORN with it in our hearts, in our human "earthly suits" we are NOT aware of it until we learn to recognize our need for Torah and are willing to follow YHWH's instructions. In order to RECOGNIZE that we have it "written on our hearts", we must continually study Torah and read the Bible from cover to cover!






The one who fulfills the prophecy of Psalm 110, in which King David wrote:



Psalms 110:


ADONAI says to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I put Your enemies as a footstool under Your feet. (2) Your mighty scepter may the Lord extend from Zion: Reign among your enemies! (3) By you I will reign in the day of your power, in holy robes [you will be]. From the womb of the dawn like a dew I brought you forth. (4) The Lord has sworn and He will not be sorry: Thou art a Priest for ever after the image of Melchizedek. (5) The Lord at your right hand will wipe out kings in the day of his wrath. (6) He will judge the nations, erect piles of corpses, wipe off heads as wide as the earth. (7) On the way, he will drink from the stream, so his head will rise.


Jesus reigns among enemies, but no one shows these non-friends by the way. There is ecumeny. Of course there will be God's wrath and not mercy at the end of the time of grace.





Innocent animals were sacrificed under the Mosaic covenant. But under the new covenant the blood of Jesus has redeemed us , thus fulfilling the announcement of Psalm 40, which deals with animal sacrifice:


Psalm 40:


(7) In offerings and gifts you are not pleased, you do not demand a burnt offering or a sin offeringbut you opened my ears. (8) So I said: Behold, I come; in the scroll of the Book are contained directions for me. (9) To do Your will, my God, is my desire, and I carry your law deep in my heart.



We must remember, as Paul said, Jesus sacrificed Himself, and the only way to gain eternal life is to believe that He IS the Son of God. When Torah observers talk about "walking in Torah" and celebrating the holidays, people jump to conclusions and accuse one of wanting to earn salvation - which absolutely IS NOT TRUTH. Man is not "saved" by works alone! We must obey God's Torah because He commanded it; and because keeping it makes us holy/separate!


Matthew 5: 17


"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the prophets. I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill. 18 Yes, indeed! I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not so much with Tory minie yud or striking - not until all that must happen has happened 19 Whoever, therefore, does not oppose the least of these micwot and teaches others will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness is much greater than that of the teachers of the Torah and Pushushim , you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven! " (Sterna)


Those who will be doorkeepers in the Kingdom of Heaven will be lucky. But is it worth it to measure so low just because something doesn't suit us, because some pastor said, and I keep showing you the deception in the churches and who people believe.


Psalm 89:33

"I will not break my covenant and change what my mouth has spoken. (36) I swore once [forever] by my holiness and I will not fail David: "




John 14:15 If you love Me, you will keep My Commandments.



John 14:21 Whoever has My commandments and keeps them, he who loves Me, and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him.


Jeremiah 31:33 "For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days," says ADONAI: " Insert in them the Torah, and I will write it in their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people.


Ezekiel 11: 19-21


"19) I will give them a different heart, a new spirit I will put inside them. I will remove from their flesh a heart of stone, and give them a heart of flesh, (20) That they may keep my commandments and observe my laws. When they do these things, they will become my people, and I will be their God. "




Matthew 5:17



(17) Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill. (18) Verily I say unto you solemnly, Until heaven and earth pass away, and until all things are fulfilled, not one jot or one line shall be changed in the Law.


Let's also remember to Romans 3:31, Who says:


 "Do we then nullify the Law by faith? Never! On the contrary, we establish the Law ..."


The bottom line is this: Jesus' arrival and ultimate death on the cross did NOT abolish the Torah! He himself said that. He observed the feasts; he ate only clean animals; he worshiped and taught in the synagogues. Everything He did was completely and thoroughly "Israelite" and exactly according to Scripture - and He instructed His disciples to do the same.

What exactly were the original 613 commandments? YHWH gave us 248 positive Mitzvot / Commandments ("deeds") and 365 negative ("commandments"). These are:



Not everyone will want to wade through this tangle of translated text below and that is why I have written under these points what is no longer valid.


248 positive mitzvos / commandments: "To"


  • P 1 Exodus 20: 2 - To believe in God
  • Deuteronomy 6: 4 - Recognizing the Oneness of God
  • Pr 3 Deuteronomy 6: 5 - To love God
  • Pr 4 Deuteronomy 6:13 - Fear God
  • P 5 Exodus23: 25; Deuteronomy 11:13; 13: 5 - To serve God
  • Deuteronomy 10:20 - Clinging to God
  • Deuteronomy 10:20 - Taking an oath on God's Name
  • P 8 Deuteronomy 28: 9 - On walking in God's ways
  • Q 9 Leviticus 22:32 - On the sanctification of God's name


  • P 10 Deuteronomy 6: 7 - When reciting the Sh'my every morning and evening
  • Deuteronomy 11 6: 7 - On the study and teaching of the Torah
  • Pr 12 Deuteronomy 6: 8 - On tying Tefillin on the head
  • Pr 13 Deuteronomy 6: 8 - After binding Tefillin on the hand
  • Pr 14 Numbers 15:38 - After making Tzitzit with blue thread, the edges of the garment
  • Pr 15 Deuteronomy 6: 9 - After placing the Mezuzah on the doorframes and gates
  • Pr 16 Deuteronomy 31:12 - While gathering every 7 years to hear the Torah
  • Deuteronomy 17:18 - The king must write a copy of the Torah for himself
  • Pr 18 Deuteronomy 31:19 - On this everyone should have a Torah scroll
  • Deuteronomy 8:10 - Praise God after eating, Grace after meals


  • P 20 Exodus 25: 8 - On building a Sanctuary / (Tabernacle / Temple) for God
  • P 21 Leviticus 19:30 - On Respecting the Sanctuary
  • P 22 Numbers 18: 4 - On the protection of the Sanctuary
  • P 23 Numbers 18:23 - On Levitical Services in the Tabernacle
  • Pr 24 Exodus 30:19 - Cohanim wash their hands and feet before entering the temple
  • Pr 25 Exodus 27:21 - On the lighting of the Menorah by the Cohanim
  • Pr 26 Numbers 6:23 - Cohanim bless Israel
  • P 27 Exodus 25:30 - At the Showbread before the Ark
  • P 28 Exodus 30: 7 - About burning incense on the Golden Altar twice a day
  • Pr 29 Leviticus 6: 6 - About the eternal fire on the altar
  • Pr 30 Leviticus 6: 3 - After the ashes are removed from the altar
  • P 31 Numbers 5: 2 - After removing the unclean persons from the camp
  • P 32 Leviticus 21: 8 - On the honor of the Cohanim
  • P 33 Exodus 28: 2 - On the garments of Cohanim
  • P 34 Numbers 7: 9 - On the Cohanim carrying the Ark on their shoulders
  • Q 35 Exodus 30:31 - About the holy anointing oil
  • Pr 36 Deuteronomy 18: 6-8 - On Cohanim ministers in rotation / watchful
  • P 37 Leviticus 21: 2-3 - About the Cohanim being scolded for their dead relatives
  • P 38 Leviticus 21:13 - On this Cohen haGadol may marry only a virgin


  • P 39 Numbers 28: 3 - Twice a day Burned, tamid, victims
  • P 40 Leviticus 6:13 - Cohen haGadol offers a twice daily meal
  • P 41 Numbers 28: 9 - On the Sabbath an additional, musaf, offering
  • P 42 Numbers 28:11 - New moon, Rosh Chodesh, additional offering
  • Pr 43 Leviticus 23:36 - About the additional Passover offering
  • Pr 44 Leviticus 23:10 - On the second day of Passover the offering of the Omer
  • P 45 Numbers 28:26 - On Shavuot in addition, musaf, an offering
  • Pr 46 Leviticus 23:17 - About the two loaves of bread The offering of the wave on Shavuot
  • P 47 Numbers 29: 1-2 - As part of the Rosh HaShannah offering
  • P 48 Numbers 29: 7-8 - On Yom Kippur additional offering
  • P 49 Leviticus 16: 3-24 - In the service of Yom Kippur in Avodah
  • Pr 50 Numbers 29:13 - On Sukkot, musaf, sacrifices
  • P 51 Numbers 29:36 - In an additional Shemini Atzeret offering
  • P 52 Exodus 23:14 - During the three annual festival pilgrimages to the temple
  • P 53 Exodus 34:23 - Appearing before Yahweh during the feasts (Deuteronomy 16:16)
  • Pr 54 Deuteronomy 16:14 - Rejoicing in the feasts
  • P 55 Exodus 12: 6 - On 14 Nisan the killing of the Pesach lamb
  • P 56 Exodus 12: 8 - About eating roasted Pesach lamb on the night of Nisan 14/15
  • P 57 Numbers 9:11 - After the slaughter of Pesach Sheini, Iyyar 14, the offering
  • P 58 Numbers 9:11 - On eating the Pesach Sheini lamb of Matzah and Maror
  • P 59 Numbers 10: 9-10 - Trumpets for the holiday offering brought and for the tribulation
  • P 60 Leviticus 22:27 - On the minimum age of cattle to be offered
  • P 61 Leviticus 22:21 - Offering only undefiled sacrifices
  • Pr 62 Leviticus 2:13 - About bringing salt with every offering
  • P 63 Leviticus 1: 2 - About the burnt offering
  • Pr 64 Leviticus 6:18 - On the sin offering
  • P 65 Leviticus 7: 1 - On the sacrifice of guilt
  • P 66 Leviticus 3: 1 - On the sacrifice of peace
  • P 67 Leviticus 2: 1 - About the meal sacrifice
  • Pr 68 Leviticus 4:13 - About the sacrifices for the court (Sanhedrin) that erred
  • P 69 Leviticus 4:27 - Fixed the Sacrifice of Sin by unknowingly breaking the karet
  • P 70 Leviticus 5:17 - Suspending guilt offering in case of doubt about breaking the karet
  • P 71 Leviticus 5:15 - Unconditional offering of guilt for theft, etc.
  • P 72 Leviticus 5: 1-11 - Offering higher or lower value according to their meaning
  • P 73 Numbers 5: 6-7 - Confess your sins before God and repent of them
  • P 74 Leviticus 15:13 - Sacrifice brought by zav (man with discharge)
  • Pr 75 Leviticus 15:28 - Sacrifice brought by zavah (woman of discharge)
  • P 76 Leviticus 12: 6 - Sacrifice brought by woman after childbirth
  • Pr 77 Leviticus 14:10 - Sacrifice brought by leper after cleansing
  • P 78 Leviticus 27:32 - About the tithe of cattle
  • P 79 Exodus 13: 2 - The offering of the firstborn of pure (permitted) cattle
  • P 80 Exodus 22:28 - On the Redemption of the Firstborn of man, Pidyon ha-ben
  • P 81 Exodus 34:20 - Of the redemption of the first donkey, if not ...
  • P 82 Exodus 13:13 - ... breaking the neck of the first ass of a donkey
  • P 83 Deuteronomy 12: 5-6 - Immediately bringing appropriate offerings to Jerusalem
  • P 84 Deuteronomy 12:14 - All sacrifices must be offered only in the Sanctuary
  • Pr 85 Deuteronomy 12:36 - About offerings from outside Israel to the Sanctuary
  • P 86 Deuteronomy 12:15 - On the redemption of the accursed sacrifices of sanctified animals
  • P 87 Leviticus 27:33 - On the holiness of sacrificed animals
  • P 88 Leviticus 6: 9 - On the Cohanim eating the remainder of the Meal Offerings
  • P 89 Exodus 29:33 - About the Cohanim eating meat Sacrifices of sin and guilt
  • P 90 Leviticus 7:19 - Burn the consecrated sacrifices that have become tameh / unclean
  • Pr 91 Leviticus 7:17 - Burn the remains of the Sacrificial Offerings that are not eaten in time


  • P 92 Numbers 6: 5 - Nazir lets his hair grow during the separation
  • P 93 Numbers 6:18 - Nazir's vow to shave his head and make an offering
  • Deuteronomy 23:24 - A man must keep his oral vows and oaths
  • P 95 Numbers 30: 3 - On this basis, a judge may annul vows, only according to the Torah


  • P 96 Leviticus 11: 8 - Contamination by touching certain animal carcasses ...
  • P 97 Leviticus 11:29 - ... touching the corpses of the eight creeping creatures
  • P 98 Leviticus 11:34 - Contamination of food and drink if one comes in contact with unclean things
  • P 99 Leviticus 15:19 - O Thou of Menstruation
  • P100 Leviticus 12: 2 - On the Thrum of the woman after childbirth
  • P101 Leviticus 13: 3 - On the Trumpet of the Leper
  • P102 Leviticus 13:51 - On garments polluted with leprosy
  • P103 Leviticus 14:44 - In a leper's house
  • P104 Leviticus 15: 2 - O Tumah zav (a man with a running problem)
  • P105 Leviticus 15: 6 - O Tumah of the seed
  • P106 Leviticus 15:19 - Tuma of zava (woman suffering from running problem)
  • P107 Numbers 19:14 - About the Tummy of the Corpse of Man
  • P108 Numbers 19:13 - Law of water purified by sprinkling, mei niddah
  • P109 Leviticus 15:16 - On immersing oneself in a mikveh to obtain ritual order
  • P110 Leviticus 14: 2 - On the specific procedure for cleansing from leprosy
  • P111 Leviticus 14: 9 - A leper must shave his head
  • P112 Leviticus 13:45 - On this basis the leper must be easily distinguishable
  • P113 Numbers 19: 2-9 - On the ashes of a red heifer, used in ritual cleansing


  • P114 Leviticus 27: 2-8 - On the valuation of a person in the temple
  • P115 Leviticus 27:11 - On the valuation for the unclean beast to the Temple
  • P116 Leviticus 27:14 - On valuing a house as a donation to the temple
  • P117 Leviticus 27:16 - On valuing the field as a donation to the temple
  • P118 Leviticus 5:16 - If you use the Temple property, restitution plus 1/5
  • P119 Leviticus 19:24 - On the fruit of trees the increase of the fourth year
  • P120 Leviticus 19: 9 - On leaving the horns (Peach) of the fields to the poor
  • P121 Leviticus 19: 9 - On leaving the gathering of the land for the poor
  • P122 Deuteronomy 24:19 - After leaving the forgotten sheaf to the poor
  • P123 Leviticus 19:19 - On leaving ill-formed grapes for the poor
  • P124 Leviticus 19:10 - About leaving the gathering of grapes for the poor
  • P125 Exodus 23:19 - On the separation and bringing of the First Fruits into the Sanctuary
  • P126 Deuteronomy 18: 4 - To separate the great lifting sacrifice (terumah)
  • P127 Leviticus 27:30 - Setting aside the first tithe for the Levites
  • P128 Deuteronomy 14:22 - Setting aside the second tithe, eaten only in Jerusalem
  • P129 Numbers 18:26 - About the Levites giving a tenth of the tithe to the Cohanim
  • P130 Deuteronomy 14:28 - Setting aside the poor man's tithe in the third and sixth years
  • P131 Deuteronomy 26:13 - Declaration made while separating the various tithes
  • P132 Deuteronomy 26: 5 - Declaration issued bearing first fruits to the temple
  • P133 Figures 15:20 - In the first part of the Challah given to Cohen


  • P134 Exodus 23:11 - On the childless products of the sabbatical year (shemittah)
  • P135 Exodus 34:21 - On resting on the land during the sabbatical year
  • P136 Leviticus 25:10 - On the dedication of the year of jubilee (50)
  • P137 Leviticus 25: 9 - Blow Shofar on Yom Kippur in Jubilee and freed slaves
  • P138 Leviticus 25:24 - The reversion of the land to the ancestral owners in the Jubilee
  • P139 Leviticus 25:24 - On the redemption of a house within a year of sale
  • P140 Leviticus 25: 8 - Counting and declaring the years until the year of jubilee
  • P141 Deuteronomy 15: 3 - All debts are cancelled on the sabbatical year, but ...
  • P142 Deuteronomy 15: 3 - ... one may pay the debt of a foreigner


  • P143 Deuteronomy 18: 3 - Cohen is guilty of slaughtering every clean animal
  • P144 Deuteronomy 18: 4 - On the first of the fleece to be given to Cohen
  • P145 Leviticus 27:21 - (Cherem vow) one thing dedicated to God, another to the Cohanim
  • P146 Deuteronomy 12:21 - Slaughtering animals according to the Torah before eating
  • P147 Leviticus 17:13 - Covering the ground with the blood of slain fowl and beasts
  • P148 Deuteronomy 22: 7 - After the parent bird is released, when it takes up the nest
  • P149 Leviticus 11: 2 - Looking for prescribed signs in animals, to eat
  • P150 Deuteronomy 14:11 - Looking for certain signs in birds, to eat
  • P151 Leviticus 11:21 - Seeking the prescribed signs from the locusts, to eat
  • P152 Leviticus 11: 9 - Looking for prescribed signs in fish, to eat


  • P153 Exodus 12: 2; Deuteronomy 16: 1 - The Sanhedrin sanctifies the new moon and counts the years and seasons
  • P154 Exodus 23:12 - Resting on the Sabbath
  • P155 Exodus 20: 8 - On declaring the Sabbath holy at the beginning and at the end
  • P156 Exodus 12:15 - After the removal of the chametz, the acid (yeast) on (Nisan 14) Pesach
  • P157 Exodus 13: 8 - Say Exodus from Egypt on the 1st night of Passover, (15 Nisan)
  • P158 Exodus 12:18 - About eating Matzah on the first night of Passover, (15 Nisan)
  • P159 Exodus 12:16 - Resting on the first day of Passover
  • P160 Exodus 12:16 - Resting on the seventh day of Passover
  • P161 Leviticus 23:35 - Count the Omer 49 days from the first sheaf (16 Nisan)
  • P162 Leviticus 23:21 - On resting on Shavuot
  • P163 Leviticus 23:24 - On resting on Rosh Hashanna
  • P164 Leviticus 16:29 - About fasting on Yom Kippur
  • P165 Leviticus 16:29 - Rests on Yom Kippur
  • P166 Leviticus 23:35 - Resting on the first day of Sukkot
  • P167 Leviticus 23:36 - Resting (8th day) Shemini Atzeret
  • P168 Leviticus 23:42 - About dwelling in the Sukkah (booth) for seven days
  • P169 Leviticus 23:40 - About taking the Lulav (four species) on Sukkot
  • P170 Numbers 29: 1 - After hearing the sound of the Shofar on Rosh Ha Shanna


  • P171 Exodus 30:12 - For every man who gives half a shekel a year to the Temple
  • P172 Deuteronomy 18:15 - On hearing the prophets
  • P173 Deuteronomy 17:15 - On the appointment of a king
  • P174 Deuteronomy 17:11 - On obedience before the Great Court (Sanhedrin)
  • P175 Exodus 23: 2 - Enabled in case of division, respecting majority decision
  • P176 Deuteronomy 16:18 - Appoint judges and court officials in every city
  • P177 Leviticus 19:15 - Equal / impartial treatment of litigants before the law
  • P178 Leviticus 5: 1 - Anyone who is aware of the evidence must come to court to testify
  • P179 Deuteronomy 13:15 - The witnesses' testimony will be carefully examined
  • P180 Deuteronomy 19:19 - On the condemnation of witnesses who bear false witness
  • P180 Deuteronomy 19:19 - False witnesses punished as they intended, accused
  • P181 Deuteronomy 21: 4 - On Eglah Arufah, on the heifer, when the murderer is unknown
  • P182 Deuteronomy 19: 3 - On the establishment of six cities of refuge
  • P183 Numbers 35: 2 - Give cities to Levites - who have no ancestors in the land
  • P184 Deuteronomy 22: 8 - Build a fence on the roof, remove potential hazards from the house


  • P185 Deuteronomy 12: 2 - On the destruction of all idolatry and its affiliations
  • P186 Deuteronomy 13:17 - The law about the city that has become deviant / perverted
  • P187 Deuteronomy 20:17 - On the law concerning the destruction of the seven Canaanite nations
  • P188 Deuteronomy 25:19 - On the extinction of the seed of Amalek
  • P189 Deuteronomy 25:17 - Remembering the wicked deeds of Amalek against Israel


  • P190 Deuteronomy 20:11 - Regulations for wars other than those commanded in the Torah
  • P191 Deuteronomy 20: 2 - Cohen to special duties in war; also men unable to return
  • P192 Deuteronomy 23:14 - Prepare a place outside the camp to maintain sanitary conditions ...
  • P193 Deuteronomy 23:15 - ... so include a digging tool among the tools of war


  • P194 - Leviticus 5:23 About a robber who restores a stolen article to its owner
  • P195 Deuteronomy 15: 8 - Further to give charity to the poor (Leviticus25: 35-36)
  • P196 Deuteronomy 15:14 - On giving gifts to a Hebrew slave after his freedom
  • P197 Exodus 22:24 - On lending money to the poor without interest
  • P198 Deuteronomy 23:21 - On lending money to a foreigner with interest
  • P199 Deuteronomy 24:13 - Exodus 22: 25 About restoring the lien to the owner if he needs it
  • P200 Deuteronomy 24:15 - After paying an employee on time
  • P201 Deuteronomy 23:25 - An employee is allowed to eat the products in which he works
  • P202 Exodus 23: 5 - Assist in unloading, when necessary, a tired animal
  • P203 Deuteronomy 22: 4 - On assisting a man to burden a beast with a burden
  • P204 Deuteronomy 22: 1 - Exodus 23: 4 On this lost property must be returned to its owner
  • P205 Leviticus 19:17 - The necessity of defaming the sinner
  • P206 Leviticus 19:18 - Of loving your neighbor as yourself
  • P207 Deuteronomy 10:19 - On the commandment to love the convert / proselyte
  • P208 Leviticus 19:36 - On the law of exact weights and measures


  • P209 Leviticus 19:32 - On honoring the old (and wise)
  • P210 Exodus 20:12 - On honoring parents
  • P211 Leviticus 19: 3 - On the fears of parents
  • P212 Genesis 1:28 - Continue to be fruitful and multiply
  • P213 Deuteronomy 24: 1 - On the Law of Marriage
  • P214 Deuteronomy 24: 5 - Of a bridegroom devoting himself to his wife for a year
  • P215 Genesis 17:10 Leviticus 12: 3 - On the circumcision of the son
  • P216 Deuteronomy 25: 5 - If a man dies childless, his brother shall marry a widow or ...
  • P217 Deuteronomy 25: 9 - ... let her / the widow (Chalitzah) go
  • P218 Deuteronomy 22:29 - The violator must marry the virgin/virgin he violated
  • Deuteronomy 22:18 - The instigator of his bride is flogged and may never be divorced
  • P220 Exodus 22:15 - For the seducer should be punished according to the law
  • P221 Deuteronomy 21:11 - Imprisoned women treated according to special regulations
  • P222 Deuteronomy 24: 1 - The law of divorce, to be only a written means
  • P223 Numbers 5:15 - Suspected adulteress must submit to required test


  • P224 Deuteronomy 25: 2 - On scourging transgressors of certain commandments
  • P225 Numbers 35:25 - In exile in the city of refuge for unintentional homicide
  • P226 Exodus 21:20 - On the beheading of transgressors of certain commandments
  • P227 Exodus 21:16 - On strangling transgressors of certain commandments
  • P228 Leviticus 20:14 - On the burning of transgressors of certain commandments
  • P229 Deuteronomy 22:24 - On the stoning of transgressors of certain commandments
  • P230 Deuteronomy 21:22 - Hang yourself after execution by violating certain commandments
  • P231 Deuteronomy 21:23 - While being buried on the same day of execution


  • P232 Exodus 21: 2 - On the special laws concerning the treatment of the Hebrew slave
  • P233 Exodus 21: 8 - A Hebrew slave girl married to her master or his son or ...
  • P234 Exodus 21: 8 - ... allow the redemption of the Hebrew slave
  • P235 Leviticus 25:46 - On the laws concerning the treatment of foreign slaves


  • P236 Exodus 21:18 - On the punishment of the person inflicting the injury
  • P237 Exodus 21:28 - On the Law of Animal Injury
  • P238 Exodus 21:33 - On the law of cavity injuries
  • P239 Exodus 21:37 - On the law of punishing thieves
  • P240 Exodus 22: 4 - On the law of judgment for the damage done by the beast
  • P241 Exodus 22: 5 - According to the law of judgment for damage caused by fire
  • P242 Exodus 22: 6 - On the law of the unpaid guardian
  • P243 Exodus 22: 9 - Under the law of the paid guardian
  • P244 Exodus 22:13 - On the right of the borrower
  • P245 Leviticus 25:14 - On the law of buying and selling
  • P246 Exodus 22: 8 - On the right of litigants
  • P247 Deuteronomy 25:12 - Save the life of the pursuer, even if necessary - kill the pursuer
  • P248 Numbers 27: 8 - On the Law of Succession

365 negative mitzvot / commandments: "Prohibitions".


  • N 1 Exodus 20: 3 - Do not believe in any god other than the One God.
  • N 2 Exodus 20: 4 - Do not make images for the purpose of worship
  • N 3 Leviticus 19: 4 - Do not make an idol (even for others) to worship
  • N 4 Exodus 20:20 - Do not make human figures
  • N 5 Exodus 20: 5 - Do not bow down to an idol
  • N 6 Exodus 20: 5 - Do not worship idols
  • N 7 Leviticus 18:21 - Do not hand over any children to Moloch
  • N 8 Leviticus 19:31 - Do not practice the magic of necromancy
  • N 9 Leviticus 19:31 - Do not practice the magic of yidde'oni, familiar spirits
  • N 10 Leviticus 19: 4 - Do not investigate idolatrous practices
  • N 11 Deuteronomy 16:22 - Do not erect a pillar that people gather to worship
  • N 12 Leviticus 20: 1 - No figured stones (dias) on which to worship
  • N 13 Deuteronomy 16:21 - Do not plant trees in the Sanctuary/Temple
  • N 14 Exodus 23:13 - Do not swear by an idol or urge it
  • N 15 Exodus 23:13 - Do not direct any non-Jew to idolatry
  • N 16 Deuteronomy 13: 12-13 - Do not try to persuade a Jew to worship idols
  • N 17 Deuteronomy 13: 8 - Do not love someone who tries to lead you into idols
  • N 18 Deuteronomy 13: 9 - Not relaxing aversion to misleading idols
  • N 19 Deuteronomy 13: 9 - Not saving the idols of a bad leader
  • N 20 Deuteronomy 13: 9 - Do not plead (do not defend) misleading idols
  • N 21 Deuteronomy 13: 9 - Not to oppress evidence unfavorable to the misleader
  • N 22 Deuteronomy 7:25 - There is no benefit from the ornaments that adorn an idol
  • N 23 Deuteronomy 13:17 - Do not rebuild a city destroyed as a punishment for idolatry
  • N 24 Deuteronomy 13:18 - Not profiting from the property of a derogatory city
  • N 25 Deuteronomy 7:26 - Do not use anything connected with idols or idolatry
  • N 26 Deuteronomy 18:20 - Not prophesying in the name of idols
  • N 27 Deuteronomy 18:20 - Not prophesying in the name of God
  • N 28 Deuteronomy 13: 3-4 - Do not listen to him who prophesies in the name of idols
  • N 29 Deuteronomy 18:22 - Do not be afraid or prevented from killing a false prophet
  • N 30 Leviticus 20:23 - Do not follow the ways or practice the customs of idols
  • N 31 Leviticus 19:26; Deuteronomy 18:10 - Not practicing divination
  • N 32 Deuteronomy 18:10 - Not practicing divination
  • N 33 Deuteronomy 18:10 - Not practicing a spell
  • N 34 Deuteronomy 18:10 - Not practicing witchcraft
  • N 35 Deuteronomy 18:11 - Not practicing the art of the enchanter
  • N 36 Deuteronomy 18:10 - Not consulting a necromancer who uses O.
  • N 37 Deuteronomy 18:10 - Not consulting a sorcerer who uses ydo'a
  • N 38 Deuteronomy 18:11 - Do not seek information from the dead, necromancy
  • N 39 Deuteronomy 22: 5 - Women should not wear men's clothing or ornaments
  • N 40 Deuteronomy 22: 5 - Men shall not wear women's clothing or ornaments
  • N 41 Leviticus 19:28 - Do not tattoo yourself, as is the custom of idolaters
  • N 42 Deuteronomy 22:11 - Not wearing a mixture of wool and linen, Shatnes
  • N 43 Leviticus 19:27 - Do not shave the temples / sides of the head
  • N 44 Leviticus 19:27 - Not shaving the beard
  • N 45 Deuteronomy 16: 1 - Not making cuts in the flesh over the dead


  • N 46 Deuteronomy 17:16 - He does not return to Egypt to live there permanently
  • N 47 Numbers 15:39 - Do not follow the voice of your heart and eyes, straying into uncleanness
  • N 48 Exodus23: 32 - Not making a covenant with the seven Canaanite nations Deuteronomy 7: 2
  • N 49 Deuteronomy 20:16 - Do not spare the lives of the Seven Canaanite Nations
  • N 50 Deuteronomy 7: 2 - Show no mercy to idols
  • N 51 Exodus 23:33 - No one serves false gods in Eretz-Israel
  • N 52 Deuteronomy 7: 3 - Do not enter into marriage with one serving false gods
  • N 53 Deuteronomy 23: 4 - It is forbidden at all to marry a man from Ammon or Moav
  • N 54 Deuteronomy 23: 8 - Do not exclude marriage to a descendant of Esau if he is a proselyte
  • N 55 Deuteronomy 23: 8 - Not excluding marriage to an Egyptian who is a proselyte
  • N 56 Deuteronomy 23: 7 - It is forbidden to make peace with the nations of Ammon and Moav
  • N 57 Deuteronomy 20:19 - Not destroying fruit trees, even in time of war
  • N 58 Deuteronomy 7:21 - Do not fear the enemy in time of war
  • N 59 Deuteronomy 25:19 - Not forgetting the evil done to us by Amalek


  • N 60 Leviticus 24:16 - Not blaspheming the Holy Name of God [rather]: Exodus 22:27
  • N 61 Leviticus 19:12 - Not violating the oath of the Holy Name, shevuas bittui
  • N 62 Exodus 20: 7 - Not taking the Holy Name in vain, shevu shav
  • N 63 Leviticus 22:32 - Not profaning the Holy Name of God
  • N 64 Deuteronomy 6:16 - Not testing/trying His (Yahweh God) promises and warnings
  • N 65 Deuteronomy 12: 4 - Do not destroy houses of worship or holy books
  • N 66 Deuteronomy 21:23 - Do not leave the body of an executed criminal hanging overnight


  • N 67 - Numbers 18: 5 Do not delay, guard the Sanctuary / (temple)
  • N 68 Leviticus 16: 2 - Cohen haGadol enters the Sanctuary only at designated times
  • N 69 Leviticus 21:23 - Cohen with a blemish does not enter the temple, from the altar inward
  • N 70 Leviticus 21:17 - Cohen with blemish not to serve in the Sanctuary
  • N 71 Leviticus 21:18 - Cohen with interim convicting minister from outside the Sanctuary
  • N 72 Numbers 18: 3 - Levites and Cohanim do not swap their functions
  • N 73 Leviticus 10: 9 - Drunken persons may not enter the Sanctuary or teach Torah
  • N 74 Numbers 18: 4 - Zar (non-Cohen) does not serve in the Sanctuary
  • N 75 Leviticus 22: 2 - Tameh (unclean) Cohen not to serve in the Sanctuary
  • N 76 Leviticus 21: 6 - Cohen, who is backwards, does not serve in the Sanctuary
  • N 77 Numbers 5: 3 - Tameh (unclean) person does not enter any part of the temple
  • N 78 Deuteronomy 23:11 - Tameh does not enter the camp of the Levites (temple mount)
  • N 79 Exodus 20:25 - Do not build an altar of stones touched with iron
  • N 80 Exodus 20:26 - Do not go down the stairs to the Altar
  • N 81 Leviticus 6: 6 - Do not put out the altar fire
  • N 82 Exodus 30: 9 - Offer nothing but specific incense on the Golden Altar
  • N 83 Exodus 30:32 - Do not make any oil like the Oil of Anointing
  • N 84 Exodus 30:32 - To anoint no one with special oil except Cohen Gadol and the King
  • N 85 Exodus 30:37 - Do not make incense as was burned on the Altar in the Sanctuary
  • N 86 Exodus 25:15 - Do not remove the rods from their rings in the Ark
  • N 87 Exodus 28:28 - Do not take off the Breastplate of Ephod
  • N 88 Exodus 28:32 - Do not cut the upper garment of Cohen haGadol


  • N 89 Deuteronomy 12:13 - Do not offer sacrifices outside the Sanctuary / (Temple) Court
  • N 91 Leviticus 22:20 - Do not sacrifice the blemish of an animal to be offered on the altar
  • N 92 Leviticus 22:22 - Not killing a tainted animal as a korban
  • N 93 Leviticus 22:24 - Do not spill blood about blemishes on the Altar
  • N 94 Leviticus 22:22 - Do not burn the inner parts of the blemish of the beast on the Altar
  • N 95 Deuteronomy 17: 1 - Do not sacrifice a beast with a temporary blemish
  • N 96 Leviticus 22:25 - Not offering a blemish as a sacrifice to a Gentile
  • N 97 Leviticus 22:21 - Do not cause the consecrated sacrifice to be tainted
  • N 98 Leviticus 2:11 - Do not offer leaven or honey on the altar
  • N 99 Leviticus 2:13 - Not offering sacrifice without salt
  • N100 Deuteronomy 23:19 - Offering not on the Altar: "the hire of a harlot" or "the price of a dog"
  • N101 Leviticus 22:28 - Do not slaughter this animal and its young on the same day
  • N102 Leviticus 5:11 - Do not put olive oil on the sin offering
  • N103 Leviticus 5:11 - Do not put incense on the sin offering
  • N104 Numbers 5:15 - Do not put olive oil as an offering of envy, sot
  • N105 Numbers 5:15 - Do not put incense on the offering of jealousy, sotah
  • N106 Leviticus 27:10 - Do not substitute sacrifices
  • N107 Leviticus 27:26 - Do not change offerings from one category to another
  • N108 Numbers 18:17 - Do not use the firstborn of permitted (clean) animals
  • N109 Leviticus 27:33 - Do not sell tithes from the herd of cattle
  • N110 Leviticus 27:28 - Do not sell the consecrated (oath of Cherem) field
  • N111 Leviticus 27:28 - Not redeeming the devoted (by the vow of Cherem) field
  • N112 Leviticus 5: 8 - Do not split the head of a bird killed for a sin offering
  • N113 Deuteronomy 15:19 - Do not do any work with a devoted beast
  • N114 Deuteronomy 15:19 - Do not cut down a devoted beast
  • N115 Exodus 34:25 - Slaughter not Passover / Passover Lamb when it comes to Chametz
  • N116 Exodus 23:10 - Do not leave the sacrificial portions of the Passover lamb overnight
  • N117 Exodus 12:10 - Do not let the Passover lamb meat remain until morning
  • N118 Deuteronomy 16: 4 - No meat from the Nisan 14 holiday offering will remain until day 3
  • N119 Numbers 9:13 - No meat from the 2nd Passover lamb remains until morning
  • N120 Leviticus 22:30 - No meat of the Thanksgiving sacrifice until morning
  • N121 Exodus 12:46 - Do not break any bones of the Passover lamb outhouse
  • N122 Numbers 9:12 - Do not break the bones of the second Passover lamb offering
  • N123 Exodus 12:46 - Do not remove the Pesach offering from the place where it is eaten
  • N124 Leviticus 6:10 - Do not bake meal leftovers with leaven
  • N125 Exodus 12: 9 - Do not eat the Passover sacrifice cooked or raw
  • N126 Exodus 12:45 - Not allowing a stranger to eat the Passover sacrifice
  • N127 Exodus 12:48 - An uncircumcised person may not eat the Passover sacrifice
  • N128 Exodus 12:43 - Do not allow a deviant to eat the Passover sacrifice
  • N129 Leviticus 12: 4 - A Tameh (ritually unclean) person may not eat holy things
  • N130 Leviticus 7:19 - Do not eat the meat of consecrated things that have become tameh
  • N131 Leviticus 19: 6-8 - Do not eat sacrificial meat outside the appointed time
  • N132 Leviticus 7:18 - Do not eat sacrificial meat killed with evil intentions
  • N133 Leviticus 22:10 - Zar / non-Cohen may not eat terumah / (heavy sacrifice)
  • N134 Leviticus 22:10 - A Cohen resident or employed worker may not eat terumah
  • N135 Leviticus 22:10 - An uncircumcised person may not eat terumah
  • N136 Leviticus 22: 4 - Tameh (ritually unclean) Cohen may not eat terumah
  • N137 Leviticus 22:12 - Bat-Cohen, if married to a non-Cohen, not to eat holy food
  • N138 Leviticus 6:16 - Do not eat Cohen's offering
  • N139 Leviticus 6:23 - Do not eat sin-offering meat sacrificed in the Sanctuary
  • N140 Deuteronomy 14: 3 - Do not eat consecrated animals that have been contaminated
  • N141 Deuteronomy 12:17 - Do not eat the unredeemed second tithe of corn outside of Yerushalaim
  • N142 Deuteronomy 12:17 - Do not consume the unredeemed second tithe of wine outside Jerusalem
  • N143 Deuteronomy 12:17 - Do not consume the second, oil tithe outside Jerusalem
  • N144 Deuteronomy 12:17 - Do not eat the unblemished element outside of Yerushalayim
  • N145 Deuteronomy 12:17 - Do not eat sin offerings or guilt offerings outside the Sanctuary court
  • N146 Deuteronomy 12:17 - Do not eat the meat of the burnt offering at all
  • N147 Deuteronomy 12:17 - Do not eat lesser sacrifices before the blood flows on the Altar
  • N148 Deuteronomy 12:17 - Zar/non-Cohen is not to eat the most holy sacrifices
  • N149 Exodus 29:33 - Cohen not to eat first fruits before temples
  • N150 Deuteronomy 26:14 - Do not eat the unredeemed second tithe while in a state of uncleanness
  • N151 Deuteronomy 26:14 - Not eating the second tithe while mourning
  • N152 Deuteronomy 26:14 - On day 2 tithe money for redemption (for food and drink only)
  • N153 Leviticus 22:15 - Do not eat untitled products, tevel
  • N154 Exodus 22:28 - Does not change the order in which the various tithes are distributed
  • N155 Deuteronomy 23:22 - Delay non-payment for offerings, free will or mandatory
  • N156 Exodus 23:15 - Do not go to the temple on pilgrimage feasts without sacrifices
  • N157 Numbers 30: 3 - Do not break your word, even without an oath


  • N158 Leviticus 21: 7 - Cohen may not marry harlot, zonah
  • N159 Leviticus 21: 7 - Cohen does not marry a woman profaned from the Priesthood
  • N160 Leviticus 21: 7 - Cohen may not marry a divorcee
  • N161 Leviticus 21:14 - Cohen haGadol may not marry a widow
  • N162 Leviticus 21:15 - Cohen haGadol may not accept a widow as a concubine
  • N163 Leviticus 10: 6 - Cohen with disheveled hair cannot enter the Sanctuary
  • N164 Leviticus 10: 6 - Cohen wearing borrowed clothes cannot enter the Sanctuary
  • N165 Leviticus 10: 7 - Cohanim do not leave the Temple courtyard during worship
  • N166 Leviticus 21: 1 - A cohen cannot be scolded for the dead, except for some
  • N167 Leviticus 21:11 - Cohen haGadol may not be under the same roof with a corpse
  • N168 Leviticus 21:11 - Cohen haGadol must not be defiled for the dead
  • N169 Deuteronomy 18: 1 - The Levites took no part in the division of the land of Israel
  • N170 Deuteronomy 18: 1 - Levites do not participate in the spoils of war
  • N171 Deuteronomy 14: 1 - Do not tear off the hair for the dead


  • N172 Deuteronomy 14: 7 - Do not eat any unclean animal
  • N173 Leviticus 11:11 - Do not eat any unclean fish
  • N174 Leviticus 11:13 - Do not eat unclean fowl
  • N175 Deuteronomy 14:19 - Do not eat any creeping winged insects
  • N176 Leviticus 11:41 - Do not eat anything that creeps on the ground
  • N177 Leviticus 11:44 - Do not eat creeping things that multiply in corrupted matter
  • N178 Leviticus 11:42 - Do not eat living creatures that reproduce in the seed/fruit
  • N179 Leviticus 11:43 - Do not eat disgusting creatures
  • N180 Deuteronomy 14:21 - Do not eat any animal that has died naturally, nevelah
  • N181 Exodus 22:30 - Do not eat an animal that is torn or bitten, treifah
  • N182 Deuteronomy 12:23 - Do not eat any limb taken from a living animal
  • N183 Genesis 32:33 - Do not eat the tendon of the femoral vein, gid ha-nasheh
  • N184 Leviticus 7:24 - Do not eat blood
  • N185 Leviticus 7:23 - Do not eat certain kinds of pure animal fat, chelev
  • N186 Exodus 23:19 - Do not boil a young goat (meat) in its mother's milk
  • N187 Exodus 34:26 - Do not eat a young goat cooked in its mother's milk
  • N188 Exodus 21:28 - Do not eat the meat of the condemned and be stoned with an ox
  • N189 Leviticus 23:14 - Before the Omer, do not eat bread from the grain of the new crop
  • N190 Leviticus 23:14 - Do not eat the roasted grain of the new harvest before offering the Omer
  • N191 Leviticus 23:14 - Do not eat the green ears of the new crop before Omer (16 Nisan)
  • N192 Leviticus 19:23 - Do not eat eagle
  • N193 Deuteronomy 22: 9 - Do not eat mixed vineyard planting, kilai hack
  • N194 Deuteronomy 32:38 - Do not use libations of wine for idols, yayin nesach
  • N195 Leviticus 19:26; Deuteronomy 21:20 - Prohibition of eating and drinking to excess, gluttony and drunkenness
  • N196 Leviticus 23:29 - Do not eat anything on Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement
  • N197 Exodus 13: 3 - Do not eat chametz, acid (ed), at Passover
  • N198 Exodus 13: 7 - Do not eat the admixture of chametz / leaven (ed.) On Passover
  • N199 Deuteronomy 16: 3 - Do not eat chametz, acid (ed), on the afternoon of 14 Nisan
  • N200 Exodus 13: 7 - No chametz is seen in our homes during Pesach
  • N201 Exodus 12:19 - Do not have chametz, acid(ed), during Pesach


  • N202 Numbers 6: 3 - Nazir may not drink wine or beverages made from grapes
  • N203 Numbers 6: 3 - Nazir cannot eat fresh grapes
  • N204 Numbers 6: 3 - Nazir cannot eat dried grapes
  • N205 Numbers 6: 4 - Nazir cannot eat grape seeds / pips
  • N206 Numbers 6: 4 - Nazir cannot eat grape skin/shells
  • N207 Numbers 6: 7 - Nazir can't get around the dead
  • N208 Leviticus 21:11 - Nazir cannot be tamed entering a house with a corpse
  • N209 Numbers 6: 5 - Nazir cannot shave his hair


  • N210 Leviticus 23:22 - Do not harvest the whole field without leaving the corners to the poor
  • N211 Leviticus 19: 9 - Do not gather the ears that have fallen during the harvest
  • N212 Leviticus 19:10 - Do not accumulate ill-formed grapes
  • N213 Leviticus 19:10 - Do not harvest individual fallen grapes during the vintage
  • N214 Deuteronomy 24:19 - Do not return for the forgotten sheaf
  • N215 Leviticus 19:19 - Do not sow different kinds of seed in one field, kalayim
  • N216 Deuteronomy 22: 9 - Do not sow grain or vegetables in the vineyard
  • N217 Leviticus 19:19 - Do not mix animals of different species
  • N218 Deuteronomy 22:10 - Do not work together with two different kinds of animals
  • N219 Deuteronomy 25: 4 - A muzzle is not a place for animals to work to prevent eating
  • N220 Leviticus 25: 4 - Do not cultivate the land in the 7th year, shemittah
  • N221 Leviticus 25: 4 - Do not prune trees in the seventh year
  • N222 Leviticus 25: 5 - Harvest unplanted plants in the 7th year like an ordinary year
  • N223 Leviticus 25: 5 - Do not reap self-grown fruit in the 7th year of life. like a normal year
  • N224 Leviticus 25:11 - Do not cultivate the land or trim the trees in the year of jubilee
  • N225 Leviticus 25:11 - Do not gather the aftermath of the jubilee year like an ordinary year
  • N226 Leviticus 25:11 - Do not reap fruit in the year of jubilee as in an ordinary year
  • N227 Leviticus 25:23 - Do not permanently sell the possession of the land of Eretz Israel
  • N228 Leviticus 25:33 - Do not sell/change the open lands of the Levites
  • N229 Deuteronomy 12:19 - Do not leave the Levites without support


  • N230 Deuteronomy 15: 2 - Do not demand payment of debts after the (7th) year of Shemittah
  • N231 Deuteronomy 15: 9 - Do not refuse to lend to the poor, for the year of Shmitah is near
  • N232 Deuteronomy 15: 7 - Not denying mercy to the poor
  • N233 Deuteronomy 15:13 - Not sending a Hebrew slave away empty-handed
  • N234 Exodus 22:24 - Failure to demand payment from a debtor known to be unable to pay
  • N235 Leviticus 25:37 - Not lending business to another Jew
  • N236 Deuteronomy 23:20 - Not borrowing interest from another Jew in the interest of
  • N237 Exodus 22:24 - Failure to participate in interest agreement
  • N238 Leviticus 19:13 - Do not oppress the worker by delaying the payment of wages
  • N239 Deuteronomy 24:10 - Not promising the debtor by force
  • N240 Deuteronomy 24:12 - Not keeping a poor man's pledge when he needs it
  • N241 Deuteronomy 24:17 - Not accepting any obligation from a widow
  • N242 Deuteronomy 24: 6 - Not taking promises for your own business (or food)
  • N243 Exodus 20:13 - He does not kidnap the Israelites
  • N244 Leviticus 19:11 - Not stealing
  • N245 Leviticus 19:13 - Not stealing
  • N246 Deuteronomy 19:14 - Unfairly altering land/orientation boundaries
  • N247 Leviticus 19:13 - We do not usurp debts/deceive
  • N248 Leviticus 19:11 - Not paying debts, refusing to receive loans/deposits
  • N249 Leviticus 19:11 - Do not swear falsely in reference to another person's property
  • N250 Leviticus 25:14 - They do not harm themselves / cheat in business
  • N251 Leviticus 25:17 - They do not harm or mislead one another, even verbally
  • N252 Exodus 22:20 - Do not harm a stranger between you verbally
  • N253 Exodus 22:20 - Not hurting a stranger in business/trade
  • N254 Deuteronomy 23:16 - Not giving up a slave who has fled to Israel
  • N255 Deuteronomy 23:17 - Do not take advantage of a slave who has fled to Israel
  • N256 Exodus 22:21 - Does not touch orphans and widows
  • N257 Leviticus 25:39 - Not to employ a Hebrew slave in degrading tasks
  • N258 Leviticus 25:42 - He does not sell a Hebrew slave
  • N259 Leviticus 25:43 - Not cruel treatment of the Hebrew slave
  • N260 Leviticus 25:53 - Does not allow Gentiles to mistreat a Hebrew slave
  • N261 Exodus 21: 8 - He does not sell the Hebrew maid. and if you marry her ...
  • N262 Exodus 21:10 - ... do not refuse: food, raiment, or marriage rights
  • N263 Deuteronomy 21:14 - Not selling a woman into slavery
  • N264 Deuteronomy 21:14 - Not treating a woman in bondage as a slave
  • N265 Exodus 20:17 - Not coveting another's property/property, etc.
  • N266 Deuteronomy 5:18 - Do not covet your possessions, even your forbidden desires
  • N267 Deuteronomy 23:26 - A worker should not cut down standing grain while working
  • N268 Deuteronomy 23:24 - A hired laborer shall not take more fruit than he can eat
  • N269 Deuteronomy 22: 3 - Not ignoring lost property that must be returned to its owner
  • N270 Exodus 23: 5 - Do not refuse to help people and animals when they fall with a burden
  • N271 Leviticus 19: 35 - Not cheating / defrauding with measurements and weights
  • N272 Deuteronomy 25:13 - Not having false/inaccurate weights and measures


  • N273 Leviticus 19:15 - The judge does not commit iniquity
  • N274 Exodus 23: 8 - Judge does not accept bribes/gifts from litigants
  • N275 Leviticus 19:15 - A judge must not favor (be biased) a party in a dispute
  • N276 Deuteronomy 1:17 - Do not shun righteousness by fearing wickedness
  • N277 Leviticus 19:15 - Judge not to decide in favor of a poor man, out of pity [rather]: Exodus 23: 3
  • N278 Exodus 23: 6 - The judge should not discriminate against the wicked
  • N279 Deuteronomy 19:13 - Do not pity the one who killed or caused the loss of a limb
  • N280 Deuteronomy 24:17 - The judge shall not pervert justice toward strangers and orphans
  • N281 Exodus 23: 1 - Do not judge one side in the absence of the other
  • N282 Exodus 23: 2 - Court may not convict by majority of 1 capital case
  • N283 Exodus 23: 2 - A judge does not accept a colleague's opinion unless rightly
  • N284 Deuteronomy 1:17 - Not to appoint an uneducated judge unaware of Torah
  • N285 Exodus 20:16 - Not bearing false witness
  • N286 Exodus 23: 1 - A judge should not accept the testimony of the wicked
  • N287 Deuteronomy 24:16 - The judge does not receive testimony from relatives of the litigant
  • N288 Deuteronomy 19:15 - No conviction based on testimony of one witness
  • N289 Exodus 20:13 - Not murdering a man
  • N290 Exodus 23: 7 - No conviction based solely on circumstantial evidence
  • N291 Numbers 35:30 - A witness may not sit as a judge in capital cases
  • N292 Numbers 35:12 - Not killing a murderer without trial and conviction
  • N293 Deuteronomy 25:12 - Do not pity or spare the life of the persecutor
  • N294 Deuteronomy 22:26 - Does not punish a person for sin committed under duress
  • N295 Numbers 35:31 - Not accepting a ransom from an unwitting murderer
  • N296 Numbers 35:32 - Not accepting a ransom from a deliberate murderer
  • N297 Leviticus 19:16 - Do not hesitate to save the life of another person in danger
  • N298 Deuteronomy 22: 8 - Leaving no obstacle in the public or private domain
  • N299 Leviticus 19:14 - Not misleading others by giving bad advice
  • N300 Deuteronomy 25: 2-3 - inflict on the guilty no more than the assigned lashes
  • N301 Leviticus 19:16 - Do not tell stories
  • N302 Leviticus 19:17 - Do not stir up hatred in your heart against your brothers
  • N303 Leviticus 19:17 - Do not put one another to shame
  • N304 Leviticus 19:18 - Do not take revenge on another
  • N305 Leviticus 19:18 - Do not bear grudges
  • N306 Deuteronomy 22: 6 - Do not occupy the whole bird's nest, the mother and her young
  • N307 Leviticus 13:33 - Do not shave the leprous scroll
  • N308 Deuteronomy 24: 8 - Do not cut or cauterize (remove) other signs of leprosy
  • N309 Deuteronomy 21: 4 - Do not plow the valley where the slain body was found, e.g. Arlah arufah
  • N310 Exodus 22:17 - Does not let the witch / sorcerer live
  • N311 Deuteronomy 24: 5 - Do not take your bridegroom out of your home in the first year of marriage
  • N312 Deuteronomy 17:11 - He does not differ or disobey the Cohanim and the judge
  • N313 Deuteronomy 13: 1 - Do not add to the mitzvot / commandments of the Torah
  • N314 Deuteronomy 13: 1 - Not diminishing the mitzvah / commandments of the Torah
  • N315 Exodus 22:27 - Do not curse the judge
  • N316 Exodus 22:27 - Do not curse the ruler
  • N317 Leviticus 19:14 - Do not curse any Jew
  • N318 Exodus 21:17 - Not cursing your parents
  • N319 Exodus 21:15 - Do not hit parents
  • N320 Exodus 20:10 - Do not work on Shabbat
  • N321 Exodus 16:29 - Do not transgress the permissible limits, eruv, on Shabbat
  • N322 Exodus 35: 3 - Do not impose a penalty on the Sabbath
  • N323 Exodus 12:16 - Do not work the first day of Passover
  • N324 Exodus 12:16 - Do not work on the seventh day of Passover
  • N325 Leviticus 23:21 - Do not work on Shavuot
  • N326 Leviticus 23:25 - Do not work on Rosh HaShannah
  • N327 Leviticus 23:35 - Do not work on the first day of Sukkot
  • N328 Leviticus 23:36 - Do not work on the 8th day / Shemini-Atzeret, (after Hoshana Rabba)
  • N329 Leviticus 23:28 - Do not work on Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement


  • N330 Leviticus 18: 7 - No relationship with mother
  • N331 Leviticus 18: 8 - No relationship with the father's wife
  • N332 Leviticus 18: 9 - No relationship with sister
  • N333 Leviticus 18:11 - No relationship with half sister
  • N334 Leviticus 18:10 - No relationship with the son's daughter
  • N335 Leviticus 18:10 - No relationship with daughter of daughter
  • N336 Leviticus 18:10 - No relationship with daughter
  • N337 Leviticus 18:17 - No relationship with a woman and her daughter
  • N338 Leviticus 18:17 - No relationship with a woman and her son's daughter
  • N339 Leviticus 18:17 - No relationship with a woman and her daughter's daughter
  • N340 Leviticus 18:12 - No relationship with father's sister
  • N341 Leviticus 18:13 - No relationship with mother's sister
  • N342 Leviticus 18:14 - No relationship with father's brother's wife
  • N343 Leviticus 18:15 - No relationship with the son's wife
  • N344 Leviticus 18:16 - No relationship with brother's wife
  • N345 Leviticus 18:18 - No relationship with wife's sister during wife's life
  • N346 Leviticus 18:19 - No relationship with menstruation
  • N347 Leviticus 18:20 - No relationship with another man's wife
  • N348 Leviticus 18:23 - People must not lie with animals
  • N349 Leviticus 18:23 - Women must not lie with animals
  • N350 Leviticus 18:22 - A man must not lie carnally with another man
  • N351 Leviticus 18: 7 - A man must not sleep carnally with his father
  • N352 Leviticus 18:14 - A man must not lie carnally with his father's brother
  • N353 Leviticus 18: 6 - Not intimate with a relative
  • N354 Deuteronomy 23: 3 - Mamzer may not have relations with an Israelite woman
  • N355 Deuteronomy 23:18 - No relationship (harlot) with a woman outside of marriage
  • N356 Deuteronomy 24: 4 - Do not remarry your divorced wife after she has remarried
  • N357 Deuteronomy 25: 5 - A childless widow shall not marry anyone except the brother of her deceased husband
  • N358 Deuteronomy 22:29 - Divorce, not the wife, that he must marry after her rape
  • N359 Deuteronomy 22:19 - Divorce not the wife, after falsely slandering her
  • N360 Deuteronomy 23: 2 - Man unable to procreate (eunuch) not to marry a Jewish woman
  • N361 Leviticus 22:24 - Do not castrate man or beast


  • N362 Deuteronomy 17:15 - Not to appoint a king who is not of the seed of Israel
  • N363 Deuteronomy 17:16 - A king shall not gather an excessive number of horses
  • N364 Deuteronomy 17:17 - A king does not take many wives
  • N365 Deuteronomy 17:17 - A king does not accumulate great personal wealth


In connection with the New Covenant and the new spiritual Kingdom of Israel, the new high priest who once sacrificed forever, among other things, do not apply:


  1. Judicial Law. This was taken over by secular states.
  2. Sacrificial.
  3. Monarchical
  4. Priestly


It all follows from the Bible. Someone will say, "How does it follow, I want it in black and white". That is why the apostles taught that not everyone should be a teacher. The Bible does not say marijuana is forbidden, yet it is forbidden to use it for "relaxation". If you prefer a stronger example, the Bible is silent on prohibiting heroin and anal sex, yet it is a sin.



Updated: 23 January 2023 — 11:25

1 Comment

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  1. In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus does not defy the law of Moses. He himself fulfills it, as seen in the important events of his birth, life, and death, events that are said to be the "fulfillment" of the prophecy of Scripture. But even more than that, Jesus in Matthew requires his followers to fulfill the law as well as, in fact, to fulfill it even better than the Jewish leaders, scribes, and Pharisees. At the same time, Matthew does not simply describe a detailed list of what Jesus' followers must do and not do in order to enter the Kingdom. On the contrary, his point seems to be that paying too meticulous attention to the details of the law is not what really matters to God. Even the scribes and Pharisees can keep the law when it is strict enough, such as not murdering, committing, or eating forbidden foods. God wants more than just such strict obedience to the letter of the law. However, what does he want? What is the real purpose of the law? For there to be love between you; without the law, this cannot be achieved.
    The law must be laid out you cannot interpret on your own(happening 15:31), an eye for an eye e.g. what's the point here? This law serves to guarantee justice in the community, so that if your neighbor knocks out your tooth, you cannot cut off his head in return. This means that, contrary to how the law is commonly understood today, it was not originally intended to be vindictive, but merciful: the punishment should correspond to the crime, not exceed it.

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