Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Communist Pope calls for global redistribution of wealth.

Seemingly a good call, but the problem is that similar slogans of equality were preached by the communists and all Russians turned out badly.

Podobnie było z wejściem podatku dochodowego. Miał on być przeznaczony dla bogatych, ale ostatecznie najbardziej dotkliwie odczuli to najmniej zarabiający, gdyż tak, jak wcześniej wcale nie płacili, tak od momentu wprowadzenia tego podatku zaczęli płacić a bogaci unikali płacenia go poprzez furtki i odliczenia, koszty…




Pope Francis said Wednesday that tax breaks for the rich are a "structure of sin."

„Każdego roku setki miliardów dolarów, które powinny być płacone w podatkach na finansowanie opieki zdrowotnej i edukacji, gromadzą się na kontach rajów podatkowych” – powiedział papież uczestnikom seminarium watykańskiego.



In his discourse, the Pope reiterated his belief that poverty is growing around the world and "poverty is growing all around us."

As time passes and civilization advances, the number of poor people increases, not decreases, similarly claimed Francis last June, and "the poor are always poorer, and today poorer than ever."



According to the commonly used international line poverty " people are considered "extremely poor" if they live on less than $1.90 a day or the equivalent.

In today's world, less than 10 percent of the world's population lives in extreme poverty, while just 30 years ago (1990) about 37 percent of the world lived in extreme poverty. Two centuries ago, almost  all  in the world were living in extreme poverty.



While in 1800, nearly 90 percent of the world's population lived for less than $1 a day, the percentage has steadily declined, falling below 20 percent in 2000 and below 10 percent today.

However, it is not just "extreme poverty" that is falling. The global poverty rate is falling at every poverty line, whether the threshold is $1.90 a day or $10 a day.

In his speech on Wednesday, the Pope lamented that the annual per capita income this year will be 12,000 $ "according to official reports".



This Pope is a communist demagogue straight out of the Marxist/Leninist playbook. Lenin used the New Testament to confiscate the wealth of the Russian Orthodox Churches and murdered thousands of clergy while doing it. All in the name of redistribution of wealth and the "poor".



I believe that the Mark of the Beast on the forehead beyond the physical aspect of it symbolizes the mind's involvement in the system. I believe that people will voluntarily join and embrace the antichrist system, but will be so deceived that they will not recognize the act as something evil.

We are at such a point in end times history where if you don't have a smartphone/device without which it is difficult to buy goods, you will be a second class citizen.

There are already discounts for paying with a blister or a smartphone. For now there is a choice, but there is also a bonus for smartphone payments that discriminates against traditional payments. It is the same with banks. Electronic payments are preferred by banks...


So how far away can the day be when it will be impossible to buy or sell without being part of the system?

We're currently at the smartphone payment stage, but just wait as payments move to electronic tattooing in about 5 years.





Updated: 7 February 2020 — 16:32

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