Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

LGBT+ Pedophiles step up with actions, and Protestant churches go dormant.

Garden State Equality group, developed a model curriculum and selected districts across the U.S. to begin the first phase of the program  LGBTQ + P for pedophile movement.


When evangelical Christianity is dormant, LBPT +Pedophiles accelerate at the speed of light. me can't cover all the information.

 In New Jersey, public school teachers in 12 different districts are "re-educated" by the LGBTQ+ organization from the group Garden State Equality On how to teach students the new queer curriculum. Taking part, of course, and sort of like a politician: Gov. Phil Murphy.





In a previous article I wrote about revising the law against the Church of Satan. Here it is about re-education.


(20) Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness into light and light into darkness, who turn bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter! (21) Biada tym, którzy się uważają za mądrych i są sprytnymi we własnym mniemaniu! “. Izajasza 5. 





Teaching in public schools will be filtered through an LGBTQ + P lens for the queer movement and as always the goal will be to convince students that they must become gay, lesbian, trans, etc,

In this way Adolf Hitler took control over all of Germany, creating a curriculum for German school children and educating them accordingly. After Hitler had a whole generation of his Hitlerjugenda properly trained, taking over Germany was actually quite easy. 

Nie wiem czy o tym pisałem ale w Kielcach dzieci są pro LGBt bo tak im sie robi wodę z mózgu…. Grzech nazywany jest tolerancją, a każdy chce być tolerancyjny….




 Teachers in 12 New Jersey public school districts are now testing a pilot curriculum that includes instruction on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender input.

Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation last year requiring New Jersey public schools to include LGBTQ-related instruction in lesson plans for middle and high school students across the state. The mandate is effective for the entire 2020-21 school year.




It comes to such bizarre situations that on lessons stories students could learn about the thousands of gay men placed in Nazi concentration camps and forced to wear pink triangles or other important moments in the gay rights movement.

Skoro biznes holokaust wypalił dla Edomu  to dlaczego ma nie wypalić dla LGBT…. Być może Polacy będą musieli wypłacić specjalne odszkodowania LGBT za czas II wojny światowej.


Homosexuality is a serious sin that causes loss of salvation. We Bible Christians can only love these people by informing them of the loss of salvation, by speaking of the evil of sexualizing children.




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