Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The secret plan to take over home groups is no longer secret. Servant relationship.

One thing I cannot deny Mr. Fabian: biblical knowledge.

The problem is that the Pharisees had it too.


I have long held off on publicly evaluating the Secret Plan channel. However, yesterday came the moment when I received information about Mr. Fabian's plan to take over home groups. What is more, someone else on that day informed me about Mr Fabian's conspiracies.


But from the beginning.


In the video below, Mr. Fabian reveals the secret to taking over any home group:

He said:


“41:48 “zakładamy związek służebny… jeżeli gdzieś powstają społeczności, które się nie mogą wpasować w inne kościoły tradycyjne, zapraszamy was abyście stały sie diakonia dla waszego miasta, ….która doprowadzi nas do pełnej jedności miastach..
We want to create a concrete ORGANIZATION , a group of people.
Pierwszym naszym celem jest powstanie jedności kościołów miast w Polsce”.”

“1:54:29 “mamy w Polsce wolność wyznań, ale ona musi być w podstawowej formie ZAREJESTROWANA” ”

1:54:54 so we want to register the servant association as a religious association


Calling it a servant relationship cleverly manipulates the verses as if an individual Christian cannot be of service to other people. As if this servanthood should only be limited to the community, as if one cannot serve one's earthly family, employer, co-workers, neighbors.

Above all, however, Mr. Fabian's argument eliminates nurture by the Holy Spirit altogether.

Mr. Fabian started out as a supposedly ex-Jesuit (supposedly there are no ex-Jesuits) and independent Bible teacher who now proposes dependence. He was previously dependent on the church of Rome, suddenly stopped being dependent and now wants others to be dependent again. Doesn't this look like a takeover of home groups? To me, without question, of course it does.


Mr. Fabian's teachings, like most teachings, set aside the validity of God's Law, which in itself is deception. I have observed which of my acquaintances enjoy these teachings and they always turn out to be lukewarm people. They are so hung up on teachers and authorities that they push away the only right authority, which is God and His Word.


Mr. Fabian, who is supposedly independent, appears in Pentecostal churches. In the film below in Dom Chleba in Poznan he urges to apologize to Jews:


In this dependent Pentecostal church it says that peace is to come upon the Jews, but this verse speaks of God's Israel, not the Jews. Mr. Fabian thus betrays himself with his sympathies. Let's look at what Galatians says:



For neither circumcision means anything, nor uncircumcision, only a new creation. (16) On all those who adhere to this principle, and on the Israel of God, may peace and mercy descend



Peter explains who God's people Israel are today:

” Wy zaś jesteście wybranym plemieniem, królewskim kapłaństwem, narodem świętym, ludem [Bogu] na własność przeznaczonym, abyście ogłaszali dzieła potęgi Tego, który was wezwał z ciemności do przedziwnego swojego światła, (10) wy, którzyście byli nie – ludem, teraz zaś jesteście ludem Bożym, którzyście nie dostąpili miłosierdzia, teraz zaś jako ci, którzy miłosierdzia doznali.”



Mr. Fabian has the right background to juggle verses:


 professional motivational speaker, expert in personal development and achieving success


As for the House of Bread in Poznan, it brings together people like the famous Pentecostal prophet Richard Krzywy.





Another issue. Mr. Fabian befriends and advertises the false prophet Reinhard Hirtler:



The opinion of Mr. Andrew, whose writings on his blog I appreciate, from the website Straight Street, which specializes in the study of sightseeing:


“Jest potrzeba wyraźnie powiedzieć, że Reinhard Hirtler jest fałszywym prorokiem i zwodzicielem. Ma ogromny wpływa na Fabiana Błaszkiewicza i tzw Kościoły Domowe (nowo rejestrująca się denominacja w Polsce) Poniżej sprawozdanie z jednego spotkań Kościołów Domowych w Krakowie, na którym Reinhard Hirtler prorokuje że Fabian Błaszkiewicz ma zostać liderem wielkiego kościoła w Krakowie. Rzekomo Bóg zapełni wierzącymi każdą salę, którą Fabian wybierze. Ma przewodzić wierzącymi w Krakowie a u jego boku ma służyć Magda Błaszkiewicz – jego żona, która została namaszczona na prorokinię. Ma otrzymywać od Pana proroctwa i wskazówki co do działania krakowskiego kościoła. Reinhard mówił coś o 7 miesiącach – w tym czasie mają zacząć pojawiać się słowa od Pana. Niestety Proroctwo to zostało wycięte z nagrania i tutaj mamy już do czynienia z manipulacją. Panie Fabianie dlaczego pan to wyciął? Czyżby obawiał się pan, że proroctwo się nie spełni? Czy to jest jakieś wstydliwe przesłanie?


"LET GOD PROVIDE US IN LOVE to resolve, investigate and
as God's Word says in Ephesians 5:1-17.

Topics that arose during a meeting of house churches in Krakow:
1. female elder/teacher at church.
Prophecy for Krakow and Fabian and Magda Blaszkiewicz.
3 Healing.
4 Possession.
5 Dreams.
6 Emotions.
7. Modlitwa na Językach – publicznie.


The meeting took place in BiznesLab Al.Pokoju 1A, 9-13 a.m., and was organized by
e.g. The Secret Plan, Fabian Blaszkiewicz with his wife, some of Kraków's churches and
vicinity (Bibice, Niepołomice).


Reinhard Hirtler (translator Ela Podlecka) was introduced as an apostle of Jesus
Christ, teacher, prophet, healer, founding orphanages and leading
missionary activities around the world.


1. female elder/teacher in the church?
Fabian and Reinhard agree that a woman can be an older
Ela Podlecka is an elder and teaches at anastasis church ->
One of her teachings
In the same church, Reinhard is one of the mentors and spiritual fathers of
(information from their website).

In this church, women serve as pastors, elders, and teachers.
The Secret Plan agrees with the view that women can perform the above functions.

2. Pojawił się wątek dotyczący szatana – wg Reinharda jest on niegroźny,
Through what Jesus accomplished on the cross, Satan was deprived
any power.

He bases his teaching on this verse: "Be sober, be vigilant, for your
The adversary, the devil, like a roaring lion prowls about, seeking whom he may devour." I Peter 5
5:8 This verse, in my opinion, warns of Satan lurking for his prey
– Reinhard jednak uważa na podstawie swojej wizyty na safari (w taki sposób to
presented), that a roaring lion is a lion unable to attack anyone because
attacks quietly. There have been terms and behaviors that ridicule Satan and
disrespecting him.


1Kor 14:29: “Prorocy niech przemawiają po dwóch albo po trzech, a inni niech to

Proroctw Reinharda nie rozsądził nikt – wygłaszał je bardzo długo, czasem przez
15-30 minutes.

1. Proroctwo dla Krakowa – w autorytecie Boga – mówione w pierwszej osobie.
Reinhard mówi, żeby obserwować niebo – pojawią się na nim znaki. Mówi o “małej
cloud" in the sky.

The fruit of the awakening will be the conversion of millions of Catholics in Poland, and
Everything will revolve around Krakow. This city is supposed to be the place which will
attracted Christians from all over the world. Krakow is to appear in dreams
believers around the world. Reinhard wants to come back every year and
to oversee this work.

Reinhard says it's a message he received from God a dozen years ago and
only now is he saying them publicly. His 2016 prophecy is very similar
to the one he gave on 04.05.19 (
Reinhard mówił, że będzie to wspólne dzieło – nie może być osoby w centrum tak
beforehand (some pastor, pope, etc.), only all small communities will be equal in
it involved.

You can listen to everything at this link:

2. Proroctwo dla Fabiana i Magdy Błaszkewicz – w autorytecie Boga – mówione
In the first person.

Fabian Blaszkiewicz is to become the leader of a large church in Krakow. Allegedly
God will fill every room Fabian chooses with believers. He is to lead
wierzącymi w Krakowie a u jego boku ma służyć Magda Błaszkiewicz – jego żona,
who has been anointed as a prophetess. She is to receive prophecies from the Lord and
clues as to the operation of the Krakow church. Reinhard said something about 7
miesiącach – w tym czasie mają zacząć pojawiać się słowa od Pana.
This prophecy was cut from the recording (01:21:33 ).
When asked why the prophecy was cut, Fabian said it was not his
decision, and the person responsible for the video content on the Secret Plan channel
said it was a private prophecy and not a public one (with 300 people on


Reinhard, while prophesying, suddenly became quiet and started talking about people sick with
hall. He described their symptoms as "sick elbow" or "twisted knee during
playing sports." About 20 people stood up. While praying for them Reinhard
He "bound the spirit of impotence" whatever that means . No spectacular
healing, one woman allegedly raised her hand higher than she could before, but
it's hard to verify.

Reinhard modlił się indywidualnie o mężczyznę – wyglądało to dość dziwnie, gdyż
the man was shaking tremendously. It's hard to judge, though.


After the meeting, the woman threw herself to the ground, began to shake (as if epileptic), saliva
started flying from her mouth and she started screaming/squealing. Some people started praying and
kobieta – po jakimś czasie się uspokoiła. Również sprawa ciężka do jednoznacznej


1. Reklama książek Reinharda i zbieranie kasy dla niego – prawie wszystko dla
him the rest is not quite sure where

Scene with Ukrainians apologizing for their mistreatment by Poles

3 It was very emotional (applause, crying, laughing). I experienced extreme
emotions. Many people experienced states of extreme euphoria and "flew away." Woman
(one of the organizers) prayed in tongues during the prophecies. Atmosphere
was very specific and in my opinion dangerous.

4 Prayer directly to the Holy Spirit : "Holy Spirit thank you:" No
appeared to thank Jesus for his sacrifice on the cross, only dialogue with
The Holy Spirit.

5 Reinhard often said "God said" or "The Holy Spirit told me."

6 Reinhard said at the beginning of his teaching: "that he does not know what he will say" which
to indicate that the Holy Spirit would guide his teaching.



It appears that Mr. Fabian with this prophet wants to authorize a call to take over house churches. As you can see denominational control is not enough. Now they still want home groups.

I wondered why? In my estimation to indoctrinate during the Great Tribulation. It will look different when 50,000 Christians oppose the beast system and different if 500 people oppose.


The biblical beast has everything under control.

Therefore, I would now like to make a division because we are supposed to be divided. If there are fans of Mr Fabian among my readers then I am separating myself from you. We are not in the same group.


Mr. Fabian can be seen being given the task of merging the home groups and registering them as a church.


Co jeszcze jest interesujące powiedziano mi, że p Fabian w swym wykładzie o grupach domowych powiedział do chętnych “najwyżej będziecie w pierwszej kolejności do odstrzału podczas Wielkiego ucisku”. Skąd on to wie…..





Updated: 18 January 2020 — 17:19


Add a Comment
  1. Never heard of these two, but thanks for the heads up.
    “Fabian oraz Reinhard zgadzają się z tym, że kobieta może być starszą”
    And a very good one at that! :))))) Right at the outset they both agree that they have nothing to do with the teachings of the Bible.
    And by their fruits ye shall know them.
    “wątek szatana – wg Reinharda jest on niegroźny”
    For them surely. They work for Him by deception.
    Every born again person realizes what these powers are and we are very weak, but we have POWERFUL BACKS. JESUS CHRIST 🙂 .
    I appeal: let us persevere in the Bible faith!

  2. Doskonale pamiętam jak p.Fabian nauczał, teraz nie przypomnę sobie w której to było części (tego jest tak dużo) jak Pan Jezus Chrystus po ukrzyżowaniu cytuje: “poszedł do piekła, tam spędził całą wieczność za nas. Dla nas o jest niepojęte ale dla Boga wszystko możliwe”.
    It also teaches a certain concept of purgatory as the saved, some of the saved will not go into the 1000 year kingdom only this period will be spent in outer darkness. After that time they will go to the New Jerusalem. I may be wrong, I may be over-interpreting but this smacks of a purgatory concept to me.
    Of course, the guy has knowledge, but so what if he repeatedly contradicts himself.

  3. P.S
    Cytuje: “Poniżej sprawozdanie z jednego spotkań Kościołów Domowych w Krakowie, na którym Reinhard Hirtler prorokuje że Fabian Błaszkiewicz ma zostać liderem wielkiego kościoła w Krakowie(…)

    O dziwo bardzo podobne “prorockie” słowa (o cudach jakie mają stać się) swojego czasu publicznie wypowiedział Coppeland w stosunku do Toda Bentleya aby uwiarygodnić jego “służbę”. Taka ciekawa analogia.

    1. You mean Hitler? ?

  4. 3.5 years ago Christ allowed me to wake up, in 2018 in May, I unsubscribed from the Roman Catholic organization.
    I've been in several Protestant, Green, and Batista communities, and each time I've collided with a brutal reality.
    Poziom duchowości w ,, zborach” może i jest troszkę wyższy niż w jej, ale to jest ciągłe przedszkole, przerzucanie się wersetami, bezpardonowa obrona pastorów, niezależnie od tego w czy głoszą zdrową naukę, czy też nie.
    Dlatego przestałem szukać ,, wspólnoty” dla siebie, ludzie w tych organizacjach, są strasznie zmanierowani jak dla mnie, jakby pod płaszczykiem miłości czaił się gigantyczny strach przed różnymi rzeczami, sprawami.
    I'm a lone wolf and I appreciate this opportunity I've been given, regards to everyone reading.
    As far as possible from deceivers (and if the evil teacher does not have the awareness that he is doing wrong, we must ask for him to be enlightened)
    Wszystkie ,,wyznaczniki” zachowania w tych zborach, swoistego rodzaju obowiązek śpiewania pieśni wychwalających, wysłuchiwanie kazań, zbieranie dziesięciny….
    Nie kupuję tego, zwłaszcza gdy jestem gdzieś pierwszy raz, próbuję nawiązać kontakt wzrokowy z KIMKOLWIEK i okazuję się to zbyt trudne dla ,,ludzi w wierze”
    Here are my personal observations, I don't judge because I don't want to be judged, it's not far from the end.

    1. My saying, brother, is this
      From the bench I went to the bench I will not return ?
      May the Lord Jesus bless you

    2. I'm a lone wolf and I appreciate this opportunity I've been given, regards to everyone reading.

      ☺ you to know since I'm a lone wolf ☺

  5. Perhaps an article could be written about evangelicals, baptists, adventists and other churches detailing deceptive theories. What in each denomination is contrary to the Bible. There is a lack of such a guide. The fact that there are children of God everywhere who are seeking God and it is not about judging people but about what we should not believe in order not to be deceived. It is about false doctrines . I know that this is a broad topic and maybe for a few articles. Probably readers do not need to know anything about the Catholic Church but the rest may be interesting for people seeking the truth. Greetings !

    1. I join in, these can be helpful topics 🙂

  6. Bardzo dziękuję za ostrzeżenie przed tym człowiekiem…

  7. Słuchałem Pana Błaszkiewicza na początku jak się nawróciłem. Jego filmy o kulcie maryjnym, i film “Skąd wiemy,że Biblia jest prawdziwa” przekonały mnie i to dziś polecam je innym. Jednak co zauważyłem ( może jestem jakoś przewrażliwiony na tym punkcie) to jego tiki nerwowe… Pan Hirtler także jest jakiś “narwany” i to mnie odrzuca od takich ludzi. Nie wiem czy to dobre…

    1. Now that the words of character assessment have been said. P. Fabian is kind of impulsive in his movements. Other than that:

  8. To ja od vocem, on był jezuitą i “usługiwał” jako ksiądz w “mojej” parafii w Nowym Sączu przy ulicy Batorego. Sprawa też z nim była taka, iż zarazem był przedsiębiorczy a też po trochę ale tylko trochę zaczął mówić językiem bliblii i go z zakonu wyrzucili. Z bractwa jezuickiego można wyjść ale bractwo jezuickie już nie wyjdzie z niego. Prowadził tzw. msze młodzieżowe.

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