Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

New Year's Eve and Janus worship not for Christians.

Encore text 🙂




What is the source of this December 31-January 1 breakthrough?


"The Greek fortune-teller Sibylla predicted that in the year 1000 the world would end. Annihilation was to be done by the dragon Leviathan imprisoned in the dungeons of the Vatican. According to folk tales, in the year 317 the beast will defeat and subdue Pope Sylvester I. Sybilla claimed that the monster will awake from centuries of sleep on the night of 999 for 1000 years and will destroy existing civilization.

As the prophesied time for the fulfillment of the divination approached, the Vatican officiated Pope Sylvester II. Not only the people of Rome, but also of the whole of Europe awaited the arrival of the memorable night with tension, fear and terror. The public logically assumed that if Sylvester I imprisoned the dragon, then Sylvester II would be the one to free it. The frightened people awaited the doom. Some hid in their homes, others prayed, and still others performed religious penances.

Midnight had struck. Leviathan had not appeared, and the world still existed. Happy and exultant people ran out into the streets of the cities to celebrate another New Year. Despair turned into boundless euphoria accompanied by singing, dancing and streams of wine. Then, for the first time, the Pope gave the "Urbi et Orbi - To the City and the World" blessing. All the games and balls held in late December and early January are named after this pope.

This is how the tradition of joyful and boisterous welcoming of the New Year was born. Also from this point on, every year the pope blesses the whole world."




Jak widzimy, tradycja ta rozpoczęła się w roku 999, czyli odwróconą datą będzie  666. Tutaj sprawdzałaby się adwentystyczna interpretacja apokalipsy gdzie bestią byłoby papiestwo – 666


“Od II w. p.n.e. 1 stycznia wyznaczał początek rzymskiego roku urzędniczego, a od reform wprowadzonych przez Juliusza Cezara w 45 r. p.n.e. także roku prywatnego. 1 stycznia obchodzono wtedy święto Janusa. Miało ono huczny, żywiołowy i erotyczny charakter, dlatego też chrześcijanie z Galii i Hiszpanii obwołali ten dzień czasem postu i pokuty za związane z nim przewinienia i rozpustę. Reputację dnia podtrzymywało paryskie, plebejskie „święto szalonych” celebrowane w średniowieczu. Od V do VIII w. 1 stycznia był świętowany przez Kościół jako oktawa Bożego Narodzenia. W wieku VI pojawiła się judaizująca nazwa święta: Obrzezanie Pańskie, która przyjęła się szerzej w IX w. Od 1510 r. 1 stycznia jest dniem Nowego Roku w Cesarstwie Niemieckim, we Francji od 1580 r., a od 1630 r. w Polsce (za panowania Zygmunta III Wazy), w Rosji od 1700 r., w Anglii dopiero od 1790 r. za panowania Jerzego III (por. Stomma 1981: 49-50).”


If someone like the leader of the derogatory church, the pope, blesses the world, and it is from this institution that this holiday comes, then one should think deeply about celebrating these days.

That's what he accomplishes in this blog post.


First, if you feel you are a follower of Jesus, should you celebrate the Vatican holiday? Did Jesus celebrate the New Year?


Another issue is the "power" of midnight wishes. I'll tell you honestly that I'd rather hear a few blessings a year from the dedicated people on this blog, and my friends already, brothers and sisters, than have a clogged text message inbox with wishes from people out of this world, or wishes at some ball from drunks. I am a pragmatist. For me, what I do has to make sense and work in reality. Prayers and blessings from followers of Jesus make practical sense to me.

New Year's wishes have no value to me. They are merely a pagan wish.


Bubbling power.

Even 20 years ago I used to laugh at this day, because everyone agrees that on this very day they have to get drunk. They indulge themselves not only with alcohol but also with morality.

Add to that the thoughtless mixing of champagne with vodka, wine and poisoning is guaranteed. The result? If someone doesn't pass a conversation with a tiger or a so-called "peacock", his first words on the next day after waking up will be more or less like this: " head".

May the power alcohol does not will be with you.


New Year's Eve parties in Poland started only in the 19th century. So how young is this tradition. They took place mainly in palaces and rich urban houses. During the New Year's Eve party wax was poured out and various incantations were uttered in order to find out what the coming year would bring.



Janus – upadły anioł.


Janus był “bogiem” symbolizującym the cult of light and the sun. Such another incarnation of Satan after Sol Invictus. He was the god of everything that has a beginning. Janus' main holiday was the first day of the year, when wishes were made.


“Odkąd wprowadzono kalendarz dwunasto miesięczny Janus czuwał nad początkiem roku. From it comes the name of the month of January (Ianuarius) jako pierwszego miesiąca po przesileniu zimowym. W pierwszym dniu nowego roku Rzymianie hucznie świętowali”

Janus was depicted as a deity with two faces: a young man and an old man. It is possible that the Slavic Swiatowid originated from Janus.


He was also the father of doors and gates.


The double arch of Janus in Rome. Figure.


Hence, the Vatican has keys on its flag, but they are not the keys of Peter.



These are the keys of Janus.





In summary, celebrating the New Year by having fun and making wishes is paying homage to the fallen angel Janus and we should tell this to our brothers and sisters in churches unaware of this unbiblical and pagan holiday.




How does the Bible view such holidays?


2 Corinthain 6

"14 Do not cling to one yoke with unbelievers5. For what has justice in common with injustice? Or what does light have in common with darkness?15 Or what is the fellowship of Christ with Beliar or of the believer with the unbeliever? 16 Co wreszcie łączy świątynię Boga z bożkami? Bo my jesteśmy świątynią Boga żywego – według tego, co mówi Bóg:6
I will live with them and walk among them,
And I will be their God, and they will be my people.
17 Therefore go out from among them
And separate yourselves from them, says the Lord,
and do not touch that which is unclean,
and I will receive you
18 and I will be a Father to you,
a wy będziecie moimi synami i córkami –
mówi Pan wszechmogący.’




Of course, probably a small portion of the readers of this blog will go to a so-called New Year's Eve originating in Catholicism. Well, we have free will:


" Wszystko mi wolno, ale nie wszystko przynosi korzyść.” 1 Kor 6.


One more reason I will not celebrate New Year's Eve. God's New Year begins on the 1st day of Nisan, which is always in early spring! Even the Jews were lied to because they celebrate New Year's when it was celebrated in Babylon during the captivity, in September. They called it Rosh Hashanah. I have long wondered why one of the months is called Tammuz? Like the biblical adversary of God and ancient Israel.


“A siedemdziesięciu mężów spośród starszych domu izraelskiego z Jaazaniaszem, synem Szafana, stojącym wśród nich, stało przed nimi, a każdy miał w ręku kadzielnicę. Woń dymu kadzidlanego unosiła się w górę. (12) And he said to me, Son of man! Have you seen what the elders of the house of Israel are doing in the darkness, each in his own room with pictures? For they say, The Lord sees us not; the Lord has left the land. (13) And he said to me: You will see even greater abominations committed by them. (14) And he led me to the entrance of the north gate of the temple of the Lord; and, behold, there were women sitting there mourning for Tammuz. (15) Then he said to me, Have you seen this, O son of man? You will see even greater abominations than these.

(16) And he led me into the inner court of the temple of the LORD. And, behold, at the entrance of the tabernacle of the LORD, between the antechamber and the altar, were about twenty-five men; these, with their backs toward the tabernacle of the LORD, and their faces toward the east they worshiped the sun."


Dzisiaj również oddaje się cześć słońcu świętując Sunday – niedzielę – oraz hosti symbolizującej słońce:




To conclude. Can you imagine Jesus going to New Year's Eve and sending wishes as was done in pagan Rome?

Na przykład “Wszystkiego najlepszego Piotrze Szymonie w roku 2019”

Anyone who is a friend of the world is an enemy of God!

These are not my words...



Even atheists celebrate a holiday derived from the church of Rome. Their hypocrisy is caused by their failure to seek the truth. They tailor the truth to suit themselves.


So celebrating New Year's Eve especially for Christians should be a sin. It should be something we should abhor.

Christmas, New Year's Eve, and Pentecost are all pagan holidays, that is, unGodly, unGodly.

God established his holidays and never changed them!!!!!


So how should we behave on these days? Like a normal day. Personally, I don't see any objection to Christians getting together. That is not celebrating. Celebrating is getting drunk on that day, going to a party, going to a ball, attending town events, letting off fireworks, etc.

I know that love for the world will overshadow many pseudo Christians' love for God. It is my duty to report such holidays so that others celebrating are aware of sin. Now you already know that this is a pagan holiday.




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  1. Kurcze jak ten cały świat jest zarządzany przez Watykan to sie po prostu w głowie nie mieści. My naprawde nie mamy juz tutaj czego szukać. Cały swiat wydaje mi sie ułudą…
    A year ago I was with my ex-girlfriend at her brother's house for New Year's Eve, there were a few other people there. And what happened there? We broke up right after Mati didn't come to the room at 12 and didn't wish his woman well, and her reaction was.... I got a hook up and it was over xD Where am I?

    1. Wszystko miraż, coraz ciężej jest żyć w tym zakłamanym świecie…
      I can't 😀 You got yourself a girl 😛

      1. No wiesz. Chciała pewnie romantico classico przytulasy zyczonka jak to kazda panna heheh hehehtroche odwalilem po ziemsku mowiac krotko ale z drugiej strony te wszystkie zyczenia to takie sztuczne….czy to na swieta czy sylwestra. Sami wiecie.

        1. And that you have to have champagne at this hour etc ehhh it's not for me.

          1. Ej, współczuję ci 🙁 tak trochę niefajnie zrobiła… :/
            A tak serio- to nie lubię obchodzić sylwestra jako takiego, jedyne dlaczego jeszcze pamiętam o tym dniu to to, że tego dnia mój ziemski tata obchodzi urodziny i jednocześnie imieniny 😀 , to zawsze składam życzenia i jestem z nim w tym dniu… choć staram się być obecna przy nim i przez cały rok 🙂
            Nie piję wtedy dużo (raptem 1 lampka 2 to już max…, zresztą w ogóle dużo nie pijemy wtedy…) , inna sprawa że po prostu wolę kupić tzw. “szampan dla dzieci” 😀 lub kwas chlebowy… aż tak nie ciągnie mnie do alkoholu…
            a co mnie najbardziej denerwuje- że te huki zaczynają się już czasem nawet przed “bożym narodzeniem” (cudzysłów celowy), przez co biedne psy i koty (i nie tylko) robią się takie skołowane i szczekają, nawet niektóre uciekają… i u mnie to się ciągnie do 13 stycznia, bo wtedy przypada “sylwester” u prawosławnych, a na Podlasiu jest ich bardzo dużo 🙂
            Ja zaś lubię składać innym życzenia, choćby brzmiało to sztucznie…bo po prostu lubię składać życzenia, no cóż 😀
            Popatrzę sobie na fajerwerki o północy…ale zawsze zaraz po tym zbieram się do snu 🙂 [próbowałam kiedyś pójść spać przed 24, ale fajerwerki mnie niestety obudziły]
            Moja babcia (nieżyjąca już niestety 🙁 ) ,zawsze jak patrzyła na te fajerwerki, to mówiła do mnie i rodziców: “Zobaczcie, ile pieniędzy idzie z dymem”- i tu ma rację…pieniądze, które (np. w wypadku miejskich fajerwerków) można byłoby odłożyć na coś pożytecznego, idą na to coś…
            Rodzice nigdy nie kupowali fajerwerków i sami nie odpalali, bo nie chcieli by któremuś z nich i/lub mnie coś się stało, o co byłam czasem na nich zła, bo np. znałam osoby, które mieszkając w domach jednorodzinnych puszczały te “cosie” ze swego podwórka i im, niemądra, zazdrościłam tego 😀 …ale w sumie teraz to ich rozumiem 😀
            Kocham ich i cieszę się że ich mam, mimo że się tak różnimy… 🙂 zawsze w modlitwie dziękuję Bogu za to, że ich mam…chciałabym by odkryli piękno Słowa Bożego i byli szczęśliwi…

            1. *zapomniałam przecinka w: “(1 lampka, 2 to już max…) 😀

        2. Ale tak popatrz z drugiej strony- zacząłeś ów rok jako nowy ty 😀 a dziewczyna przesadziła… :/

  2. Peter, are there any human traditions not tainted by the influence of fallen angels?

    1. Well? Sometimes you wonder how you could not know the origin of all these earthly ceremonies. Seemingly they gave warmth and joy, but only seemingly.

  3. Worse than our own suffering is the anguish of those close to us spiritually.

  4. I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to sleep well on New Year's Eve, and if firecrackers wake me up, I'll fly out of the window like Kondrat did on Groundhog Day, and I'll make such a New Year's Eve party that it will be like ohoho 🙂 🙂 I'm not going to sleep on New Year's Eve.

  5. Apparently, ordinary, ordinary people throughout the year lack money for current needs, but for a party on the occasion of this or that holiday promoted by this world they always find it, even borrowing from a lender such as Provident. A paradox? I don't understand it.

  6. Presja na bycie do przodu ze strony upadlego swiata jest bardzo silna. Co slabsze charakterem jednostki jej ulegaja… Wyznawca Jezusa Chrystusa nie ma byc modny, a w swych przekonaniach biblijnych trwaly i niezmienny, bez wzgledu na okolicznosci.

  7. Many people seek spiritual solace in faith only when they themselves or people close to them are in distress. And afterwards or even after that it's Hulaj dusza bez kontuszusza or, in my opinion, Hulaj stary bez sukmana (Old man without a cloth) 😉 .

  8. And will there at least be a chat like last year?

    1. I was going to ask that too 😀

  9. Around the topic. The modern marker of social prestige in Poland is the possession of a high-class car (the maintenance costs of which often exceed the financial possibilities of a given person) or a house as big as a palace (equally expensive financially). But I wanted to write about the causes and not about the effects. Let us take nationality for example. It is not a primary attribute of a given human being, but a secondary one, i.e. it has to be acquired. It is the same with faith in God or respect for oneself and others in a broad spectrum. To a decisive degree it is also a question of the genetic system inherited from one's ancestors.

    1. A small addition. In countries where being an industrious and thrifty citizen is a model, there is little material stratification. The opposite is true in countries like ours where the ultimate dream is to be a lazy and wasteful parasite (read high government official 😉 etc.). There, in turn, is a thin layer of the rich and a whole lot of disinherited poor.

  10. Zwróciło moją uwagę przewijające się jak mantra w rozmaitych reklamach słowa “magia świąt”. Według mnie jest to szatański wtręt, który się zakorzenił i jest świadomie albo i nieświadomie powielany przez ludzi przy różnych /nie tylko świątecznych/ okazjach. Na pocztę sporo przychodzi mi ofert zawierających w tytule słowo “magia”. Pierwszy z brzegu przykład: “Stwórz Magiczne Święta w Twoim mieszkaniu”. To tytuł, a zawartość wiadomości to reklama kominków, które miałby ten “magiczny nastrój” zapewnić.

    1. Ha ciekaw. Faktycznie tj magia….

    2. “To będą jeszcze bardziej magiczne święta, bo wyłudzimy od was jeszcze więcej pieniędzy – Reklamodawcy” 🙂
      Jakoś trzeba tą sztuczną “magię” podtrzymać, żeby ludzie zaciągnęli kredyt, bo przecież święta muszą być “magiczne”.
      Depression after Christmas is no more 😉

      1. To prawda dużo tych magicznych reklam świątecznych, jakby się wszyscy zmowili…wiadomo jeden duch…
        Reklama pewnej drogerii: “Wróżymy udane święta”.

        "It's going to be an even more magical Christmas because we're going to shell out even more money to you - the Advertisers"
        – dobre 😀

  11. I'm asking because I don't understand, I have an invitation for a casual get-together with friends from the church.
    So is it better to stay home?
    As a matter of fact, I don't celebrate it per se as I used to celebrate Down with the Pagans!
    The second thing is Christmas Eve in the church, I ask myself, what is it about? Supposedly it's just a name, just eating a few carols and sitting around. What would you do if you were me?
    Greetings in Jesus Christ brothers and sisters!

    1. I would inform in love about the origins of these pagan holidays.

    2. We have Christmas agape and remember the birth of Lord Jesus.
      I recently watched a pastor from KWCH say that BN has more in common with the Festival of Lights (Hanukkah) than sol invictus, and it can be approached that way because Hanukkah is the 25th of the month of Kislev. I don't know what it is, but supposedly the early Christian writers wrote this date of the birth of Jesus, but biblical scholars are divided.
      I'm not going to the family Christmas Eve though I planned to, I'll make my own dinner without the wafers and hay under the tablecloth, because I decided that I'll feel bad and I'll be judged as a sect and religious orthodox.

      1. here about Hanukkah, the Lord Jesus then came to Jerusalem for this festival.

      2. Jesus was also judged as a sect and religious orthodox, that means you are on the right track 🙂
        “Błogosławieni będziecie, gdy ludzie was znienawidzą, i gdy was wyłączą spośród siebie, gdy zelżą was i z powodu Syna Człowieczego podadzą w pogardę wasze imię jako niecne” (Łk 6:22)

        1. The Festival of Lights (Hanukkah) is celebrated to commemorate the dedication of the Temple in 165 BC. Judah performed its ritual cleansing, but only one jug of oil secured with the seal of the high priest was found. This amount should have been enough to keep the lamp (ner tamid) burning for only one day, but the flame lasted for as long as eight days.
          Burning the oil for so long was considered a miracle, and this miracle became a symbol for the Jews of the promised Messiah.

          __” Ja Jestem światłością świata” mówił PAN.

          Jesus went to this feast to confirm that he is the one they are waiting for.

          __” Obchodzono wtedy w Jerozolimie uroczystość Poświęcenia świątyni. Było to w zimie. Jezus przechadzał się w świątyni, w portyku Salomona. Otoczyli Go Żydzi i mówili do Niego: «Dokąd będziesz nas trzymał w niepewności? Jeśli Ty jesteś Mesjaszem, powiedz nam otwarcie!» Rzekł do nich Jezus: «Powiedziałem wam, a nie wierzycie.” (Jana 10,22-25).

          All good for each day from our KING of Kings and LORD of Lords. May He guide and guard us each day and each night. Greetings 🙂 .

  12. The Roman personalism imposed on the Poles by the Jesuit Counter-Reformation made of them people who are incapable of thinking realistically about themselves and others in the long term, that is, incapable of planning rationally about goals and ways of achieving them as a national community, and not, as custom dictates, individually and for oneself. Because of this and only because of this (apart from the idolatrous worship of the Queen of Heaven) we are dragging on the grey tail in the race of nations towards a better tomorrow.

    1. If Poles were not so catholic and selfish as people, and were more pro-community and community in a Christian way, they would have prosperity.

  13. To be a true follower of Jesus Christ requires that one constantly hold the so-called middle line, i.e. balancing between the various ecumenists/scholars on the one hand (let us love one another, for we are all children of God) and the dissenters/closers on the other (only I am the true voice of God! etc.).

  14. Swoją drogą zobaczcie najnowszy film Allegro Baba Jaga. Oni chyba doskonale znają się na Apokalipsie…

  15. Pure and undefiled godliness before God and the Father is this: to help orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.James 1:27
    On the other hand, if we cut ourselves off from people, who will preach the gospel to them? And if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth in coming, and shall begin to smite his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with drunkards; the lord of that servant shall come on a day when he is not expected, and at an hour which he knoweth not. And he shall remove him, and appoint him a lot with the hypocrites; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 24

    How does the world celebrate Christmas? They eat and drink and then puke like cats and some barely standing on their feet go to shepherdess at 12 at night!
    for the black madonna or the devil himself.

    1. Cut yourself off, but in the sense of imitating and blindly following them.
      Oczywiście kontakt z ludźmi mieć musimy, chociażby po to, żeby widzieli jak reagujemy na pewne sytuacje i – oby Bóg dał – aby to wywołało w nich chęć poznania woli Boga 🙂

  16. Today's time is characterized by a terrible rush and impatience, which is imposed on deceived people (spiritually normal) by the viper tribe. Everything has to be right now, immediately. They do not care whether you are healthy or ill, whether you need to work or not, you have to fill their bowls and that's it, otherwise you will be persecuted and severely punished.

  17. Cieszyc sie, iz czlowiek jest o rok starszy… Pogielo ich czy co 😉 ?

  18. Polacy sa ze swej niewiedzy dotyczacej procesow zachodzacych w swiatowej rzeczywistosci, o zgrozo, nieslychanie dumni… Tak z glodu woli poznania prawdy o tym padole wykastrowaly ich nauki rzymskie…

  19. Ten swiat kochaja glownie ci, ktorzy dogadzanie w rozmaity sposob swojemu cialu uwazaja za najistotniejszy cel swojego zycia. Po prostu to sa tacy ludzie nie wyobrazaja sobie rzeczywistosci bez grzesznej nie sprawiedliwosci/pozadliwosci/chciwosci…

  20. Nasz adminek Piotrek ma dzisiaj urodziny 🙂 Wszystkiego co dobre, Bożego prowadzenia i błogosławieństw dzisiaj i każdego dnia … życzę ja.

    “Bo Pan Bóg jest słońcem i tarczą:
    The Lord gives generously with grace and glory,
    does not deny the blessings
    who acts impeccably.
    Lord of Hosts,
    szczęśliwy człowiek, który ufa Tobie! “

    1. I wish you Peter to have joy and peace in the Holy Spirit every day and to bear beautiful fruit to the glory of the Lord.
      "May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord brighten his face over you and be merciful to you. May the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."

      1. Thank you Emilka 🙂
        May God the Father bless you and your family and guide you every day 😉

  21. A wise and valuable article. I hope as many people as possible will read it. Unfortunately, in the mass media (sounds ominous) about the origins of all these customs there is not even a comma, but a mass of lies and legends presented on a par with other news. This is especially true of the Sol Invictus holiday, the extent of media deception reaches its zenith.

  22. Did you guys see the moon this night/early morning? It was huge and bloody 🙂 today around 6.25 as I was driving to work, I was shocked, it was reddish orange and spreading the same glow around. It was the first time I saw such a phenomenon with my own eyes.

    1. I did. Wonderful view 🙂 .

  23. My favorite topic.
    New Year's Eve every year actually at home. Once, as a young boy, my friends had to take me out for New Year's Eve, and I didn't want to. I didn't have a girlfriend. They took me out once, but it wasn't a good New Year's Eve for me. Then I even had a girlfriend and wanted to go out with her on New Year's Eve, but she went with her friends to Wawa under a cloud. Then I went again, but my girlfriend put me to the wind and I went alone, because I paid for it. I wanted to go with another one and I went and again it was a dud. I never went with my wife either. somehow it never worked out. When I think about it, I don't know what to think. Actually, I don't like New Year's Eve. The few times I've been there, I wasn't captivated, I was alone or with friends. When I met my wife I had New Year's Eve plans, and now I'm going with my beloved on New Year's Eve, but it never happened. It's all so strange. Today I don't even want to hear about a New Year's Eve party, because what for.

  24. Brother Peter I am confused, you say New Year's Eve is not for Christians and you took part in Christmas. I find your attitude a little strange. I don't mean to criticize but I can't understand it brother. Shalom

    1. I did not attend BN. I went to my family one day before Christmas Eve on Saturday to read the Scriptures. It was the only opportunity for me to read the Gospel because my mother reacts very badly to the Word of God.

  25. Well, it's hard for me now. I've heard about the Pope, but not about Janus. I don't really enjoy sitting around until midnight and beyond. What is the New Year's Eve celebration limited to in my family? To sit with the family, drink Piccolo, watch the fireworks and sleep. If I didn't celebrate New Year's Eve for religious reasons, they would call me haunted (I was called so for offering to read the Holy Bible. My mom said it was a joke, but I felt sorry for her). New Year's Eve doesn't have any special meaning for me. Just another year begins, which will be similar to the previous one and I am one year closer to death. But on the other hand, I don't want my loved ones to feel sad, so I'll probably go anyway :/ It's hard.

    1. You must choose who is most important to you.
      There is a price to pay for being a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
      Whoever loves mother, father, children more than me is not worthy of me is a paraphrase of Christ's words.
      You can't be a little with the world and a little with the Lord it is lukewarmness, and lukewarm people the Lord will spit out.

  26. This month shall be to you the beginning of months; it shall be to you the first month of the year. 2Moj.12,1

    W miesiącu pierwszym, czternastego dnia tegoż miesiąca…3Moj.23,5

    One shocking case.
    God established the calendar; it was He who determined which month should be the first month of the year.
    It is the month of Nisan, or Abib - the month of ears
    1Nisan is by God's appointment the first day of the year.

    Satan and the world claims otherwise.

  27. Cytuje: “Dzisiaj również oddaje się cześć słońcu świętując Sunday – niedzielę”.
    Hmm….w ujęciu adwentystycznym niedziela to dzień słońca. W takim razie z sobotą jest jeszcze gorzej bo sobota to Saturday, czyli dzień saturna.

    1. The issue of the Lord's Day as viewed by Adventists (Saturday or Sunday) is not at all as clear-cut as Adventists (ADS) preach today.
      It is a historical fact that prior to the memorable year 1844 practically all Protestant churches (Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, who were mainly part of that movement) recognized the Lord's Day as Sunday. It was only after the so-called Great Disappointment that the theology of Sunday or Saturday changed.

      After the so-called Great Disappointment, Miller's awakening (Adventist) movement split into several factions. The best known were the Coming of Age Adventists, Seventh-day Adventists, and Evangelical Adventists. Initially they all stayed with Sunday and the changes themselves were not carried out until the games crystallized into individual varieties.
      Adventists and Evangelical Adventists remained with the traditional Sunday, while the ADS changed it to Saturday mainly due to the influence of Seventh-day Baptists.

      Examples of Evangelical Adventist characteristics:
      * Sunday;
      * The postmortem existence of the soul;
      * eternal hellish torment;
      * The 1000 year kingdom of the Lord real on earth

      Examples of ADS features:
      * Saturday;
      * the posthumous sleep of the soul;
      * no hell, the damned soul is destroyed;
      * The 1000 year kingdom of the Lord in heaven.

      Interesting Fact 1: The thesis of the Lord's invisible return in 1844 was created by the Adventists of the Coming Age, and this concept was taken over from them by Russel (the one of the Watchtower).
      Ciekawostka 2. ADS datę 1844 roku przemieniło na “wkroczenie Pana do najświętszego miejsca w świątyni niebiańskiej i rozpoczęcie sądu”.
      Interesting Fact 3: The ADS began officially recognizing so-called Trinitarianism in 1930.
      Curiosity 4. Regarding the so-called Sabbath, from the very beginning there was no unanimity on this subject within the Adventist movements themselves. The ADS took over the observance of the Sabbath from the Seventh-day Baptists, who are a much older movement in their functioning than, say, the Miller movement. Interestingly, the ADS took over the Sabbath but did not initially take over the idea of a triune God.

    2. fxx.dll
      It was not Adventists, to whom I do not belong and do not even attend services, who established the name SunDay and do not ad7 celebrate a day off on Sundays, which is a day other than the Sabbath.

    3. “z sobotą jest jeszcze gorzej bo sobota to Saturday, czyli dzień saturna.”…
      Sobota przede wszystkim jest siódmym dniem tygodnia, dniem oddzielonym przez Stwórcę już w ogrodzie Eden. I nie ważne czyj jest to dzień, bo “dzień saturna” zaistniał po stworzeniu świata, a nie świat po stworzeniu “dnia saturna”. Więc ten dzień jest najpierw świętym dniem Stwórcy, a potem może być nawet dniem świętego Mikołaja 😉

      1. I think it's just a misleading way of getting people into the thick of things. In this way of looking at it, if Sunday is sunday, then Saturday should be made the feast of the idol, so let it be Saturn's day. Then everybody can say that if somebody starts celebrating the Sabbath, he is celebrating Saturn. Satan is a master manipulator.

  28. Will there be a chat today?

    1. I don't know, it depends on who's willing

  29. Praise God!
    Thank you Peter for this text.
    This passage in particular caught my attention:
    ,,God established his holidays and never changed them!!!!!
    1 Dalej Pan powiedział do Mojżesza: 2 «Mów do Izraelitów i powiedz im: Oto czasy święte Pana, na które będziecie wzywać ich zwołaniami świętymi, to są moje czasy święte! 3 Przez sześć dni praca będzie wykonywana, ale siódmego dnia jest uroczysty szabat, jest zwołanie święte, nie będziecie wykonywać [w tym dniu] żadnej pracy – to jest szabat dla Pana we wszystkich waszych siedzibach1.
    4 Oto czasy święte dla Pana, zwołanie święte, na które wzywać ich będziecie w określonym czasie. 5 W pierwszym miesiącu, czternastego dnia miesiąca, o zmierzchu, jest Pascha dla Pana. 6 A piętnastego dnia tego miesiąca jest Święto Przaśników dla Pana – przez siedem dni będziecie jedli tylko przaśne chleby. 7 Pierwszego dnia będzie dla was zwołanie święte: nie będziecie wykonywać żadnej pracy.”Ks.Kap.23 1-7
    ,,15 Jednakowa ustawa odnosi się do was i do obcych, którzy się pośród was zatrzymują; jest to ustawa wieczysta dla waszych potomków i wobec Pana obowiązująca zarówno was jak i obcych. 16 To samo prawo i ten sam przepis obowiązują was i obcych, którzy mieszkają pośród was».”4 Moj. 15 15-16
    God,yesterday,today The same forever!
    Jesus Christ, no doubt, celebrated Christmas by divine appointment.
    And we are to imitate Him.
    Let the Word of God be a light for our steps, so that we do not walk in darkness.

  30. Now I know why I can't stand this so-called celebration. For years I've been waiting for the New Year's Eve circus to end, but there are upsides too. Another year brings us closer to the coming of Jesus, so all the best to all believers

  31. And the brethren and I are having a home group today and entering into prayer. We give everything to the Holy Spirit using our day off.

  32. (16) And he led me into the inner court of the temple of the Lord. And behold, at the entrance of the tabernacle of the Lord, between the vestibule and the altar, were about twenty-five men; these, with their backs toward the tabernacle of the Lord, and with their faces toward the east, were worshipping the sun."

    Isn't that what Islamists do?

    1. Oo, bardzo ciekawy werset…
      I don't know much about Muslims, but I remembered that in the Middle Ages churches were oriented towards the east. I found a very telling text about it now:

      ”Orientowanie kościołów jest zwyczajem starym jak chrześcijaństwo. Co więcej, wszystko wskazuje na to, że ludzie modlili się, zwróceni twarzą na wschód, na długo przed Chrystusem. Robili to w sposób naturalny, gdyż intuicja podpowiadała im obecność nieznanego Boga w kosmosie. Ojciec Kościoła, Tertulian (II-III w.), po nim zaś konstytucje apostolskie wspominają o domach modlitwy, w których wierni gromadzą się „twarzą do światła”. Niektórzy wyjaśniali sens tego zwyczaju nakierowaniem ku Jerozolimie, ale nie stąd wziął się początek orientacji. Najstarszy znany nam kościół w Dura Europos nad Eufratem zwrócony jest ku wschodowi, chociaż to syryjskie miasto leży na wschód, a nie na zachód od miejsca ukrzyżowania i zmartwychwstania Chrystusa. Istotą było zwrócenie się ku wschodzącemu słońcu. Pierwsi chrześcijanie chętnie porównywali doń Zbawiciela, nazywając go Niezwyciężonym Słońcem (Sol Invictus). Dlatego też Konstantyn, pierwszy nawrócony cesarz (313–337 r.), nakazał budowę domów Bożych, w których miejsce celebransów – prezbiterium – ulokowano po zachodniej stronie budynku. W ten właśnie sposób księża mogli oddawać cześć Bogu w kierunku wschodnim, a jednocześnie zwracać się twarzą do ludu. Jednak dla samego ludu nie było to wygodne: wierni musieli bowiem stać plecami do Sol Invictus. Prowadziło to do napięć. Jeszcze około 450 r. papież Leon Wielki z oburzeniem wspominał o rzymskich chrześcijanach, którzy przed wejściem do bazyliki św. Piotra odwracali się i pozdrawiali rytualnym gestem wschodzące słońce.”

      A więc znów ten ”wszędobylski” kult solarny :/

    2. Wonderfully written text respect my friend ☺
      A possible question from God the Father to all of you for the year 2020 son, daughter what have you done for me, not for yourself but for me, reflect on these words, imagine that you are standing before the throne of God, and he will ask you this, about your life, not about what you have done for your own glory but for mine.

  33. Wiadomo jakoś ludzie chcą się bawić witać nowy rok ale zobaczcie te odgrzewane kotlety te koncerty te bujanie się i hasła “rączki do góry” jakie to banalne nudne a już tymbardziej jak człowiek trzeźwy nie wkręcony w te klimaty większości .Marność i tyle .Jeszcze racja z tym co napisałeś (też latami wstecz dawno temu to miałem ) to upadlanie się bo trzeba się napić a co za tym szło ? Upodlenie się ,urwane filmy niemal dno fizycznie i psychicznie i potem odchorowanie tego .Nie znoszę tej daty z 31na 1 ale już od kilku lat dużo lepiej bo nie ma dla mnie znaczenia ,nie obchodzę ,nie wczuwam się w klimat,czekam aż przeminie.Mimo to skoro mamy ten nowy rok najlepszego życzę na tym blogu wam oraz nadejścia Pana panów Jezusa Chrystusa.

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