Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Soon there will be tattooing of newborns. The mark of the beast is coming - the electronic chip.



A video version of this information is at the bottom of the text.



Dear Readers.


When 6 years ago I wrote about tattoo as a sign of the beast some people didn't believe me and sometimes even scoffed.

As the years went by, electronic tattoos evolved and I still had disbelievers.


I recall one of my many texts about the chip as the mark of the beast:


As I keep saying every year is a technological sheeple leap. In a few days it will be 2020 and robots are already knocking on our doors. Another Masonic-Marxist revolution will take place before our eyes. This time it will be technological or let's call it more firmly and laboriously so that everyone knows the threat - robotic revolution.

Each revolution brought something bad. The industrial one, among others :


-placing people in concrete cities,
-the birth of the labor movement and socialist ideology which resulted in the introduction of socialism throughout the world.
-Change in the structure of society from an agrarian society, with a predominantly rural population, to an industrial society,
-increased coal and iron ore mining and steel production

That last one reminds me of some scenes from the movie Lord of the Rings when trees were being cut down for Mordor. The beast system, on the other hand, draws
lots of carbon for electronics, electricity....

It turns out that the Star Wars saga is not a sciene fiction film, but a fact, or rather a plan, a premise, a program.



Such characters as you see are not a scriptwriter's invention, but something that will soon be a fact.



This robot below named Sophia once said she would destroy the world.

Of course, everyone ultimately treated it as a joke.



This one leads the worship services:




Today, on the other hand, I am learning about an unheard-of thing, yet one that is consistent with my analysis and predictions. What I predicted is becoming real:



The beast system introduces tattoos and it starts with newborns.
Yes yes Dear listeners... If this was a newspaper like gossip kmiotek, I wouldn't care about the nesv, but it is given by one of the biggest internet portals in Poland, Interia, which is in the lead of Polish portals after and



These tattoos, as you can see, can enhance the immunization program withInstead of outdated documentation...
All the advantages, isn't it? Nobody even asks the journalists of interia whether the tattoo itself will not have side effects... Nobody writes that God announced it in the 13th chapter of the Apocalypse...


"15) It was even allowed to breathe its spirit into the image of the beast, so that it even spoke the image of the beast and caused all who would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (16) And he causes everyone: small and great, rich and poor, free and slave to receive a birthmark on his right hand or on his forehead, (17) so that no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark: the name of the Beast or the number of his name. (18) Wisdom is [needed] here. He who has understanding, let him count the number of the beast, for the number is man. And his number is six hundred and sixty-six." Rev. 13.



Unfortunately, neither Catholicism nor Protestants, i.e. evangelicals, warn about this because it is the same mafia. Anyway, the Polish Evangelical alliance is in ecumenism with Rome.
The system of the beast is built by mountains of Catholicism and false Protestantism. They will not warn you of all this. Nor will anyone warn you of the return of the beast that was mortally wounded in the year 70 and came to life in 1948. The biblical beast, the very powerful movement that created communism is to be kept quiet....


Look at these wonderful advantages according to the people of the beast system:

"In places where paper immunization books are lost or nonexistent and electronic databases are exotic, this technology can quickly and anonymously provide patients' immunization histories.",nId,4223977?nor=1&fbclid=IwAR2Qy3QXngJiD1Bj4DFSB7-vBTRtymKR26lLdLiiV8rObOL8jdRR9aaNiy0



It also turns out that studies took as long as 5 years on rats whether this electronic tattoo was exposed to sunlight.

Here comes a new one.
Satan is creating his alternative world to God's world. He wants to create a new man - Adam - fields man fields robot,. All sick people will be able to have electronic/mechanical parts implanted and eventually become Robocops. This movie was also their plan not science fiction. There are already daqno cures for cancer but they have to milk people first and reduce the population.



Do you now know why vaccinations are mandatory?

Do Korwin Mikke, pastors, Catholic priests preach to you about the dangers of modern technology? Do they tell you about the chips? Do they tell you why the fashion for tattoos arose? Do they warn you about the biblical beast that is a group claiming to be a particular nation that is not?



"He who has understanding, let him count the number of the beast, for the number is man."


Apparently David, but this is the star of the idol -> Remfana    <-



Pastors won't tell you about vaccines and tattoos, and neither will Pope Francis. Because they are all one team.


Does your priest or priest warn you against taking the mark of the beast and against ulcers as a result of taking 666?




There are certainly God-dedicated pastors but a significant number are subservient to the beast system and should unsubscribe from that system soon. You can't serve two masters, and Baptists are in ecumenism, Pentecostals and other smaller denominations.


Finally. I was in Kaufland about a week ago. A mass of 6.99 and 9.66 prices. Not one or five but a mass. Dozens or hundreds.

They simply prepare people's subconscious.


This is the time of people from under the sign of the hexagram.
They will brand people like cattle.

Now you know why MPs are so insistent on compulsory vaccination.....






God is everywhere-even in the news. That's why I interpret every story through the lens of faith.

I post interesting resources to help you understand this world in the context of Scripture.

But to do what I do takes a lot of work and time.

So if you want you can help me be a voice of truth in the ocean of mainstream media and Catholic media by supporting me:


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Thank you all in Jesus' name.








Updated: 27 December 2019 — 15:42


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  1. Lays chips were priced at 6.66 at my store....
    Priests, pastors, rabbis with harlotry....

    1. A popular food substitute among young people.

  2. Hi.
    Detective, if a Child of God is caught and forcibly implanted with such a chip then what?
    The child of God then has, according to your theory, the mark of the beast.
    To whom then does it belong to God or to Satan?

    1. Hello sir.

      Constantly at such questions I write, and from the text I think this is clear as well: electronic tattooing will be coupled with rejection of God's Law. Accepting the mark of the beast will be voluntary.
      In writing the other day that the chip itself does not cause loss of salvation, I once exposed myself to anti-chip Christians who even began to suspect that I was on the wrong side.
      People already have the chips, so they can still convert. During the so-called Great Tribulation they will no longer be able to convert.

      1. Yes, the mark of the beast is not there yet because there is no beast that will take over the whole world, but attempts to develop the technology are still going on and it is a sign of the times.

      2. What are you so official about.
        To the point, however;
        You are unnecessarily mixing up material issues.
        That which pertains to GOD has a spiritual dimension and so the mark of the beast is also spiritual.
        So nothing will be connected in the sense that everything else is/will be meaningless.
        You rightly write about rejecting God's Law though I define that as consciously rejecting CHRIST JESUS and consciously sinning.
        You know very well what form the world is taking. For the time being you can function in it as a spiritual opponent, but this will probably be stopped at some point. Those who renounce the system will be outlaws. Those who renounce the system will be outlaws; those who accept the satanic world will have the mark of the beast in them.
        The forehead and hand are symbols of thought and action just like:
        5 Moses 11:18
        18 Put these words of mine into your heart, and into your mind, and bind them as a sign in your hands, and let them be as a pillar among your eyes.


    I think they're just living what I describe as rapturomania. "Don't worry. Don't be afraid. Nothing bad will happen to you. First will be the rapture and then all the rest.The mark of the beast does not concern you. The mark of the beast will be taken by those who remain." M/w something like this.

    We live in an interesting time. From everywhere we are attacked by the words "don't be afraid", "don't worry", "it doesn't concern you", "a chip,tattoo will not be the mark of the beast because there must be a catch beforehand". Such putting to sleep of vigilance.

    What if they are wrong. What if the "cashless Poland" where everyone will have to have a bank account and will not buy or sell anything without this account (number) will be the system (or precursor) of the beast ?. What will they say then. - "No it is not because there has not been a rapture yet".

    1. Interesting observation.
      I always wondered about the rapture blowout. Now it makes sense.

      1. We are just living in such a time, such another Millerite movement. At that time the cry was "the Lord is coming." Today the cry is "the rapture is imminent."

        A wind blows - a rapture, a lunar eclipse - a great sign of impending rapture, an earthquake - a rapture just around the corner.
        That's what they've been screaming for about 5 years now.

        If they are right - great, but what if they are not right. What if the use of this excuse is simply a lull in our vigilance.

        What if one day each of us is faced with a decision - accepting a mark in the form of say some number in a global biometric system, a chip, a tattoo, anything even a symbolic bow to something. What then?

        What if the beast system is not uniform. For one part of the world it will be a number, for another a chip, for another a tattoo, etc.

        "No it's not because there hasn't been a rapture yet.

        Furthermore, the mark of the beast is wildly interesting from the standpoint of "once saved always saved" theology.

        Our pastor/lord/rabbi (whatever you prefer) Chojecki shouts to his audience every now and then: "do not be afraid this is eternal security. There will be a rapture and all the rest including the mark of the beast will not concern you but only those who remain".

        What if we remove rapture from this equation, what then? Accepting the mark of the beast will equate to losing salvation or not.

        Or is that what rapturomania is all about?

        P.S just asking questions that I think are interesting to consider.

        1. I think the fall of Babylon will be so great that something that will emerge from it (the Beast and the 10 kings) will not escape our notice 🙂
          It is not likely to be a symbolic bowing down, and he will want to worship as a god.
          Am I going to get caught? Cool. I will not be raptured = I will bear witness to Jesus Christ to the very end of my days.
          So help me God 🙂

        2. "That's what they've been shouting for about 5 years now" because only God knows the date when it will happen just like when the end of the world will happen etc.

          What if one day each of us is faced with a decision - accepting a mark in the form of say some number in a global biometric system, a chip, a tattoo, anything even a symbolic bow to something. What then?
          - Refuse to accept.

          "What if the beast system is not uniform. For one part of the world it will be a number, for another a chip, for another a tattoo, etc.
          - Without meaning to, the mark or stigma must be the same.

          "Moreover, the mark of the beast is wildly interesting from the standpoint of 'once saved always saved' theology.
          What if we remove rapture from this equation, what then? Accepting the mark of the beast will equate to losing salvation or not."
          - How can you ask such an idiotic question? You probably haven't had your breakfast or your sugar has dropped. If one accepts the mark of the beast, he is openly defying God, that is, he is siding with Satan, so there can be no salvation!

          As far as Chojecki is concerned, he is a colleague of Kowalski's, pseudo-nationalists. They are not worth listening to. If I remember correctly, he was the one who reassured us about 447 that it was nothing and nothing dangerous.

  4. "Yes. The mark of the beast is not yet there because there is no beast that will take over the whole world, but attempts to develop the technology are still going on and it is a sign of the times."

    How do we know that the beast is not yet here? At this time we are not yet able to determine what the beast is, so it is impossible to say whether it is already here or not.

    Secondly, it should not be the case that comments that are not vulgar, relevant to the topic, and do not offend anyone are not published on a public forum.

    There is all this talk about how the chip, the tattoo, is connected to the mark of the beast. But the Word says you need one of three things to be able to buy or sell. Again, not necessarily material goods...


    and that no one may buy or sell unless he has the mark or name of the animal, or the number of its name.

    We see the symbolism here.

    Mark, from the Greek "charagma" can mean - a mark, birthmark, carving, manufacture, seal, sign, something engraved

    "Name" can also mean - name, name, character, reptuation, fame;

    Finally. Why is such a strong emphasis placed on these chips when examining this issue? How can it possibly be related to the worship of the beast? And as we can see, one does not necessarily need the mark of the beast to "not buy". In my opinion, we should get out of this research framework, because the beast may already be at work, and there may be people who have the mark, but it is not for us to know.

    Greetings and welcome to join the discussion. Of course, if my comment is made public.

    1. what comment are you referring to ? Maybe I missed

    2. Oxymoron, I'll agree that the Beast is probably already there, I just meant that it hasn't destroyed the Harlot and taken over yet. Whatever the Beast and Harlot turn out to be, this Babylon has not yet fallen, so there is no sign of the Beast mandatory in that sense.
      If you cannot buy or sell, you will not be connected to the payment system of some creature who will exalt himself above God.
      We're not likely to miss it.

    3. For some time now, someone or some circles have been spreading the information that this mark of the beast will be a chip.
      People are shown who have implanted a chip in their hand and make up whole stories about it. The revelation mentions a "mark" on the right hand and on the forehead. I think this is the key to solving the mystery. The right hand symbolizes actions, the forehead/head symbolizes thinking. We even have this formal division of occupations: mental and physical.

      Why is there such a choice of either hand or forehead? Will someone be able to choose where they give the sign?

      The current LGBT movement, or in Polish: LPTO [ Lesbian-Pederate-Transvestite-Obigoted] is growing significantly. This ideology is being programmed into the minds of adults and children - rainbow Fridays, etc.
      This is even promoted by politicians, but since when do politicians care about people?

      I think that might be a sign for the forehead. Because it's a kind of mindset [FONT] of tolerance of deviance and deviation. Those who are not tolerant will be socially excluded. It doesn't necessarily have to be exactly that but something along those lines.

      God's position on the homo issue is well known to us and it is unchanging. Everything that is not pleasing to God is pleasing to Satan.

      The sign for the hand will perhaps be some deeds. Most of the society is right-handed, so you can say that the right hand built the world. From a practical point of view, such a chip would be more comfortable on the left hand because it is less likely to be damaged. That is why, for example, a watch is worn on the left hand.
      That is why I think it will not be a chip but something symbolic. Some kind of a sign for the members to recognize each other.
      Have you noticed on the streets people with rag bags rainbow (rainbow 6 colors) are supporters of the LPTO, they give a "sign" with these bags what values they profess and by this they can recognize themselves in the crowd.

      Anyway, we already have a lot of chips in our lives: sim card, payment card, work pass, monthly ticket, e.g. PEKA, electronic student card, etc... The pesel number is also a number given from birth. These are all tools of the devil even though they are useful.
      I don't know if you know but right now in IT there is a huge emphasis on all kinds of cloud solutions and artificial intelligence - data science, machine learning, and blockchain technology.

      Finally, a quote about the mark of the beast and the angel who will directly warn against it:

      Revelation 14:9 And another angel, the third, came following them, saying with a loud voice: If anyone worships the beast, and his image, and takes to himself his mark on his forehead or his hand, he also shall drink the wine of the inflammation of God prepared, undiluted, in the cup of his wrath; and he shall be smitten with fire and brimstone before the holy angels and before the Lamb.

      1. Kamil, I don't know if you know, but in ancient times slaves were marked. Hitler gave a number.
        The seal of God in my opinion will be spiritual and the mark of the beast literal just like Ishmael the child of the flesh and Isaac the child of faith.

  5. By the way, greetings and prayers at the same time.

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