Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Norwegian Post created a video showing Jesus as a letter carrier's child and Mary as an adulteress.


New commercial Christmas produced by the Norwegian postal service, Posten Norge, suggests that the conception of Christ in Mary's womb was not through the Holy Spirit, but the letter carrier...

After the letter carrier makes his rounds, he decides to deliver a scroll sent by Emperor Augustus to Joseph and Mary, ordering them to return to their hometown and register for the census.

As the letter carrier bends down to deposit the scroll in the flower pot in front of the house, Maria opens the door. Their eyes meet, and Maria is charmed by the fair-haired letter carrier.

Nine months later we see Mary and Joseph in a stable. Joseph looks lovingly at Mary and Jesus, who have blond hair, much like the letter carrier.

"Well, maybe that's not quite what happened in those days," - says the narrator.

"But regardless of history," the narrator continues, "the mailman has always been an important part of Christmas."

A version of the video posted on Twitter sparked fierce opposition from Christians on the platform.

Posten is a STATE institution under the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Can you see now that it is not just a bullshit but a worldwide conspiracy of the authorities against God?






Updated: 19 December 2019 — 18:00


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  1. Are you my friends surprised? I read the Talmud once and it is the same as what they present in this advertisement. Read the Talmud and compare it with the Bible and see what the Edomites write for nonsense in the Talmud.

  2. That's what I thought would be found here....
    Horrible... Just because a letter carrier is needed to deliver a letter/mail doesn't mean he should be involved in THIS story... :/

  3. Hello!

    And the Scripture quote is immediately found.

    from ap. John 13.6:

    "(4) And they worshiped the dragon for giving the beast power, and they also worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like the beast, and who can fight with him?

    (5) And a mouth was given him speaking haughty and blasphemous things, and power was given him to act for forty and two months.

    (6) And it opened its mouth to blaspheme against God, to blaspheme against his name and his tabernacle, against those who dwell in heaven. "

  4. This is a very popu;ar chant of atheists, they have no evidence against the Word of God, so they cynically read their carnal explanations into the situation.

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