Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Lewiatan – duch pychy religijnej. Jak możesz zmiażdżyć ducha dumy we własnym życiu?



The Bible generally does not describe demons and their characteristics, although the mighty one Leviathan is given plenty of space as far as evil spirits are concerned:


May she be cursed by the maligners of the day who are capable of awakening Leviathan.
 Job 3:8

(14) Thou didst crush the heads of Leviathan, thou didst deliver him to the sea monsters.
Psalms 74:14,

 That's where the ships go, and the Leviathan you created to play in it.
 The Millennium Bible)


(1) In that day the LORD shall punish with his hard sword, great and strong, Leviathan the timid serpent, Leviathan the wriggly serpent; and he shall slay the sea monster.



Leviathan is also a chain store and an employers' organization. Of course, both groups are systemic.


And in demonology, Leviathan is the name of a demon whose main demonic influence is spiritual pride and holding back Liberation.


The following information is a collection of thoughts from people who have dealt with this demon.


  Leviathan stops people's spiritual development. They cannot pray, read the Bible...

Experienced liberation ministers who have encountered Leviathan say that Leviathan is caused by a family curse. Children who have learning difficulties, especially in reading, are under this curse and the presence of Leviathan.

Leviathan caused painful neck and shoulder stiffness.

When dealing with Orion, Pleaides and Articus are two of the seven demons present with Leviathan. Experienced ministers have stated that when these two demons are cast out, Leviathan also leaves.


W Księdze Izajasza 27 Lewiatan może również oznaczać węże budzone przez zaklinaczy węży, którzy znani są z tego, że potrafią rzucać klątwę – pamiętaj więc, aby je łamać. Przykładem tego, jak jest sytuacja, w której wydaje się, że w pewnym kościele występuje „wielki ruch Boga”, i zdają się istnieć cuda itp., a  dzieje się to przez  Lewiatana i działającą  wraz z nim „Królową Niebios – Jezebel”. Queen of Heaven gives power to Leviathan to give false gifts, healings, miracles etc. The Leviathan in the pastor, teacher, evangelist, etc. He charms or hypnotizes people and they are deceived and seduced into believing they are working through the Holy Spirit . The reason pastors, teachers, evangelists, etc. accept this is because they do not want to believe that they have demons and that they need Deliverance from demons.


Leviathan  Is a seductive spirit that chooses to deceive. He offers himself to you as false protection and will do everything in his power to keep you from trusting God. He is a controlling spirit and wants you to control everything without trusting God to take control. People who wear Leviathan will struggle with pride and like to exaggerate stories to others in order to look good or appear spiritual. They will suffer with false dignity and pride, always trying to justify their actions and convince people that they are right. This is usually the result of an inferiority complex.



Fraud plays an important role at Leviathan – duch oszustwa współpracuje z nim, a na ciebie i na twoje błogosławieństwo Bóg składa zgodnie z Malachiasz 2: 1 ”2.

It stops spiritual growth and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is also the cause of not being able to speak in tongues.

„Prawdziwe” wybawienie Boga pozwala wypędzić demony zgodnie z Marka 16:17. Biblia mówi, że jeśli nie kochamy prawdy – Bóg sprawi, że uwierzymy w kłamstwo. Jedynym sposobem na pozbycie się demonicznych wpływów Lewiatana jest ich „wygnanie w Imię Jezusa”.

Here is a list of demons associated with Leviathan that should be cast out in the Name of Jesus: Leviathan, pride, king of the children of pride, grief, spiritual darkness, arrogance, spiritual pride, using logic, ego, little pride, rationalization , justification for knowing the things of God, blocks the mind, hinders spiritual growth, distraction, causes fatigue, deception, pondering, melancholy, depression, gloominess, mental depression, panic, irresponsibility, rebellion, seduction, betrayal, idolatry of mind, vanity, jealousy , meaning, false gifts, Orion, suffocation, hard heart, schizophrenia.


In Job 41, pride manifests itself in the spirit realm as Leviathan, the crooked sea serpent. Spirits operating in the demonic pride group include arrogance, haughtiness, puffed up, self-elevation, vanity, rebellion, stubbornness, obstinacy, defiance, disobedience, anti-submission, selfishness, perfection, and the spirits of Rahab and Orion.



A supplication is a prayer, and Leviathan does not make a supplication because he is too proud. LThe worldling will therefore try to block prayer and attack prayer ministry. We are dealing with people, who pray sleepily and they found that it could be linked to Leviathan.

When we pray, we should always approach God with a spirit of humility. The concept of supplication in Bible verses such as Philippians 4: 6 is to send a request to the one who has authority over us. God is our creator, our ruler. He is sovereign. He is to be worshipped and feared. He is our ultimate help. But those who operate in a spirit of pride will have the attitude that they don't even need God, that they don't need His covering and protection. They seemingly pray and ask, but in reality they are acting in their own way. Pride will cause us to try and work things out ourselves, to seek our own solutions. But they will be failures.



Pride causes us to lean toward our own understanding, which is limited to say the least. We cut God's infinite wisdom, unlimited power and provision out of the picture, and we prepare ourselves for failure and burnout, among other things.


When someone is affected by this spirit, it destroys covenant relationships. This spirit breaks marriages, business partnerships, and friendships.



Pride makes you think that you don't need anyone, that you can do everything yourself. It leads you to see people as resources to be exploited and used to achieve your own goals. Pride keeps you from experiencing the intimacy of relationships, collaboration and exchange of ideas and thoughts. That way you won't see the value in others. Pride will lead you to competition rather than cooperation. You will have an "me versus the world" mentality.


For proud people, keeping a covenant is not possible. Wszelkie obietnice nie są dla nich realne. Nie widzą błogosławieństw chodzenia w przymierzu. Dzięki przymierzu musicie być gotowi na kompromis, dawać i brać, słyszeć, a czasem działać w imieniu innej osoby. Lewiatan zatwardza ​​serca tych, których posiada, powodując, że odrzucają przymierze – nawet przymierze z Bogiem. Ludzie kontrolowani przez Lewiatana nie cenią innych; dlatego nie mogą honorować innych, dotrzymując im słowa. Marriages, friendships, and families are the kind of covenant relationships that fall apart because one party is proud.


The Psalmist said: "I have humbled my soul with fasting" (Ps. 35:13). He knew that humility is a great weapon against pride, and encourages the grace of God (James 4: 6) to fight to give another level of strength against this stubborn demon. When we fast, we humble our souls. Liberation from Leviathan brings peace, grace, joy and freedom.

Pharaoh was Leviathan. God delivered His people from Pharaoh's grip through terrible judgments. The people of Israel left Egypt and went to the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey. Prosperity would come with deliverance from Leviathan.

The spirit of Leviathan can only be defeated by the supernatural work of the Spirit of God, not by human means. This spirit causes hardness of heart in people (Job 41:24), so-called hard hearts, hardened, making it even more difficult to bring those used by this spirit to the repentance they need.

As you begin to cast out and dismantle spirits operating in a spirit of rejection, know that your battle with pride will be the most difficult of all. It is the foundation of our fallen nature. It penetrates deep into the spirit of man. But you can win, though not without humbling yourself before God and seeking Him for deliverance. You cannot win against Leviathan by your own strength.


Niektórzy sugerują, że jest to KSIĄŻĘ – nie tylko demon („Król nad WSZYSTKIM…”), czy może Mocarz.


Python is a territorial spirit. Its purpose is:
Pushing people out of life-giving apostolic ministry to stop the movement of God in a region or city.

The neck speaks of will. Pride and stubbornness are with Leviathan.

It may manifest as a painful RAPIDNESS in the NECK and shoulders.


During release, Leviathan sometimes manifests with suffocating manifestations around the throat.

Those who carry this spirit, even unconsciously, can strive for such attitudes:


– Staraj się ukrywać: „Nie mów tego”, „Nie informuj ich o tym”…
Twist words and messages to hide your sin or weakness
– Mocno wierzy w PRYWATNOŚĆ
– Bądź uparty w uznaniu potrzeb lub konieczności zmiany
(Some of these characteristics can be seen in previous generations as culturally and socially expected ways
maintaining a good appearance ).


The PRIMARY KEY over Leviathan is to embrace a position of HUMILITY.
This is the position of the CHURCH.
Crucifying the flesh. Love never includes pride.


A key weapon against the Python Spirit:

a) Modlitwa – szczególnie w nocy
b) Uwielbienie – pełne chwały uwielbienie!
c) Ufanie sprawiedliwości Boga w zamanifestowaniu – wiara w Boga
d) Declare the citizenship and authority of your insurance
(Luke 18) Night and day prayer releases the swift justice of God.
A personal prayer of repentance:
Father, in Jesus' name, I come to repent of the Pride in my heart.
Please forgive me for thinking about myself more than I should.

I repent for not humbling myself before you AND OTHERS.
DRIVE MY HEART AWAY from pride and give me the willingness to be OPEN and ESSENTIAL about my spiritual walk.
I CHOOSE INTEGRITY humility and walk with LOVE toward others.
I renounce the spirit of Pride in my life and cancel WORDS or ACTIONS that were prideful, arrogant and self-sufficient.

Thank you for cleansing me with your blood. In the name of Jesus. Amen.






Updated: 18 December 2019 — 19:50


Add a Comment
  1. That made me realize a lot, thanks.

  2. This post was much needed for me. Thank you.

  3. From these verses I understand leviathan more as a creature something like the dinosaurs of old than a description of a demon.

  4. Jeśli rzeczywiście jest tak, jak to przedstawiłeś, to Lewiatan staje się dość kluczowy dla apokalipsy, bo to duch samolubności…

  5. Thank you so much for this post

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