Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Why was Jacek Międlar detained by ABW? Real reasons what does Trump have to do with it?


The detention by the Internal Security Agency of a former Catholic priest hitting on nationalists from time to time is not something singular in terms of its overtones. This is not about Jacek Międlar.



But let's get to the news.



"ABW detained Jacek M. on suspicion of public incitement to hatred on the basis of national differences. The activities were carried out on the recommendation of the District Prosecutor's Office for Wroclaw-Stare Miasto"



Jak wiemy Wrocławiem zarządza PO, a więc jest “wiosenny” choć związek z tą sprawą nie jest tak duży. Ważne jest to, co robi p. Międlar.




Spokesman for the minister coordinator of special services Stanisław Żaryn confirmed that the Internal Security Agency detained Międlar:



“Funkcjonariusze Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego zatrzymali Jacka M., w związku z podejrzeniem publicznego nawoływania do nienawiści na tle różnic narodowościowych poprzez publikację w dniu 9 listopada 2019 r. na portalu internetowym artykułu pt. ‘Polska w cieniu żydostwa. O masowej zdradzie i dywersji wobec odradzającego się Państwa, czyli skrywana prawda na stulecie odzyskania niepodległości'” – wyjaśnił Żaryn w komunikacie przekazanym PAP.”



It is true Mr. Jacek Międlar is an anti-Semite, although the Jews who have power are Khazars and Edomites, so they are not descendants of Israel.

If this nation was indeed of Judean descent, it would observe the Torah.


But in this deceitful sense that most of the public does not understand because some 95%, yes, Mr. Jacek Międlar is an anti-Semite.
In this real sense, he is 100% anti-Jewish. Every now and then he preaches anti-Jewish slogans and calls for the reconstruction of a Poland that is long gone.


Yes, I agree, Mr Międlar is inciting hatred. I wrote about it probably as the only one of the anti-system publicists and bloggers. I am not writing to exalt myself but to show that no portal deliberately pointed to the lack of Christian fruit of Mr Międlar.



Take a look at my post from January this year:


Sklep Jacka Międlara – poduszka „śmierć wrogom ojczyzny”.



Overt hatred of Jews.

So it is not reasonable to ask whether Mr. Międlar is anti-Jewish and whether he preaches hatred because he does, but why does he do it?

In October, I wrote the following about Mr. Jack:


Independence March 2019 towards the spiritual enslavement of Poles.

I wrote then:

“Mamy od niej (Królowej Niebios – Matki Boskiej)  taki sam ucisk, jak od fałszywych potomków Dawida. Zresztą to dwie strony tej samej monety….a p. Międlar super symbolizuje tę monetę.”



In my opinion Mr Jacek works for the system that punishes and so the obvious hatred towards Jews is to silence all the other people who criticise Jews. So that all criticism even without hatred will not take place before the coming of the biblical beast.

Pan Międlar może być takim samym więźniem politycznym jak p.  Wałęsa i dopiero historia może kiedyś pokaże jak w przypadku p Wałęsy jakim był wrogiem systemu…

What is happening is preparation for the coming rule of the people under the sign of the Hexagram.

To confirm my hypothesis, I would like to inform you that the politically expansive President Trump has signed an executive order to combat anti-Semitism in US universities:


Trump announced Wednesday the signing of an executive order (EO) that calls for government departments to enforce Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. To adopt a definition of anti-Semitism concluded by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).


Specifically, the order targets federally-funded universities and colleges and will require the Department of Education to consider this widely accepted definition of anti-Semitism as part of its assessment of whether an incident or action that may be anti-Semitic occurred when reviewing whether Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was violated. As such, according to the EO explanation provided by the Anti-Defamation League, Criticism of Israel can be considered anti-Semitic if it becomes "deliberate, unlawful, discriminatory intimidation and harassment of Jews".


Co za cienka różnica…


Natomiast Przewodniczący parlamentu Narodowej Koalicji Żydów, senator Norm Coleman, powiedział: „Prezydent Trump pokazał, że jest najbardziej prożydowskim prezydentem” z wykonawczym antysemityzmem, który rozgniewał anty-izraelskich demokratów”

That's not true. The Democrats are just as pro-Jewish. After all, during the Clinton administration, money was also flowing to Israel. The Democrats are just more Vatican and pro-Papies.


Critics say the order violates free speech rights on university campuses and unfairly attacks the BDS movement. (Boycott - Disinvestment - Sanctions) to end the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and recognize full civil rights for Palestinians.

Do you see what is happening? Such matters should be looked at broadly, not just locally in Poland's backyard. Not just globally but biblically. One power will hand over power to the other beast and they will destroy the harlot.



What happened with Mr. Międlar intentionally proclaiming slogans that are not anti-Semitic but anti-Jewish is theater for Gentiles. So as to silence those who criticize in a healthy way. For example, merely digging into the history of the current false Israel can be a sign of anti-Semitism. Simply pointing out as a biblical beast can be a sign of anti-Semitism. One may not call anyone names, insult or incite hatred, but to have a different opinion about history and one may become anti-Semitic.

This is what it is all about. Mr. Międlar consistently stirs up anti-Jewish emotions.
Gdyby był chrześcijaninem, to opierałby się na faktach a nie na emocjach. Nie wzywałby do nienawiści. Byłby merytoryczny…



We are probably facing a revolution. In every revolution, theater was created. The same pattern and tactics are at work in the LGBT movement. Provocation to reassert their power
Let us not be provoked. What's more, we should weigh our words about Jews even more, because they are only waiting for such actions as those of Mr Międlar.

Chcą siebie zrobić ofiarami aby oficjalnie rządzić . Można drwić z Polaków w kabaretach, w reklamach Media Markt, ale nie można nawet mieć innego zdania od od najbardziej pokrzywdzonego i świętego narodu na świecie i bezgrzesznego….. Nie można interesować się ich historią. W sumie nic nie można.


What is to be will be, but let's not get caught up in their game. All the more reason to respect this group.



Updated: 16 December 2019 — 11:28


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  1. The whole truth.
    A priest in civilian clothes. He is a provocateur and a puppet of the Catholic Church. During this year's march he also added to the stove, knowing that the town hall was only waiting for this. In fact, he was waiting because, as you can see from the videos of the march, the pacification action was planned in advance. There were a lot of police cars, but no ambulances, which is strange for such an event. The police cordons went together with the marching people. It's a strange coincidence that maybe two days after the march there was a rally of WKU and a morning conscription of the reserves.
    Here His fiery 2018 speech.
    It is a provocateur question whether conscious or not.

  2. Exactly like the kielce pogrom was staged by the nkvd and the sb in order to show the superpowers that poland is a savage and anti-semitic country, so they do not deserve freedom and should be pissed off.
    Exactly today the same role has jacek. He or jablonowski-olszanski, michajlowicz, braun because smiersz, nkwd, gru etc are already bad.
    W skrocie nasi ‘bracia slowianie’ przemalowuja sie na narodowcow i kreuja nienawisc do Zydow. Latwiej wtedy znowu olac nasz kraj na arenie miedzynaroowej czy wydac na pozarcie sasiadow. dlaczego?
    Because they are those famous and worst anti-Semites. This is the agenda of Miedlar, Braun, Mikhailovich, Jablonovsky and maybe Roll. After all, it was there that they built the camps, organized the pogroms.
    On the website of NiezlomniCom the whole scheme of the Kielce pogrom is explained in detail.
    And it doesn't differ from similar ones created back in the times of tsarism probably in Bialystok region (Braun had a lecture about it).

    1. Dzięki za komentarz, całkiem ciekawe spostrzeżenia…o niektórych rzeczach nie wiedziałam…

  3. Sorry if this is off topic, but I came across this passage in a magazine about the shape of the earth

    wisdom speaks of itself :

    Before the mountains were founded, before the hills were, I was born. When he had not yet made the earth, nor the fields, Nor the beginning of the dust of the earth's circle; When he prepared the heavens, I was there; When he measured the circle over the surface of the deep; When he established the clouds above, And strengthened the springs of the deep; When he set the sea its bounds, That the waters should not transgress his command, When he fixed the foundations of the earth; I was then by his side like a pupil, And was his joy every day, rejoicing always before him; Rejoicing in the circle of his earth, Delighting in the sons of men.
    Proverbs 8:25-31 PUBG
    This passage dispels all doubt.
    Praise the Lord Jesus. ?

    1. Piękne dzięki…w takim razie Ziemia ma kształt okręgu z tą taką kopułą nad nim (nie wiem czy dobrze opisałam)?

  4. US presidential election 3/11/2020 what a random date.

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