Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Satanists in England killed sheep by marking them with occult signs.



The powers of darkness are intensifying forces on many levels. Songs about the Illuminati are being written. Even the pks bus going to Hel from the English hell has the number 666.

We also have more and more earthquakes. People are becoming more and more angry, bad for each other, and the youth and children are becoming uneducated and as a result spoiled, lazy, entitled, materialistic.

Someone might say that such an act of bestiality is just the dumbing down of pseudo-Satanists. No, this is spirituality. It is the emanation of evil. It must be realized. It is also realized through sodomy and lgbt.



Just as Christians have their prayers, Satanists have their rituals and their spirituality. They believe in Satan unlike most people in the world. They believe in the causal power of Satan. We Bible Christians believe in the existence of Satan as the being who is behind all the evil in the world.
Even satanists, everything that they have good, nature, sea, sand, forests, which they also enjoy, they have from God. From Satan they have only hatred and evil. They have chosen the wrong path.



How much hatred does it take to painfully stab a cow and kill a sheep for the sheer pleasure of it.

Ms. Lil Masti also sang about sheep.

Ludzie przeciwni Bogu wiedzą co jest grane ale nie chrześcijanie. Ludzie nie wiedzą co się dzieje…
The sheep had pentagrams and the sign 666 , and on the door of the church in Bramshaw an inverted cross. as a sign of rebellion against Jesus.



They hate the sheep that is Christians.
Look how far this goes, in the supposedly Protestant USA, the church of Satan has been legalized. This country that supports Israel is steeped in evil. Of course there are certainly many Godly people there as well, but overall the entire culture of the USA is a spiritual gutter.

Is this act of satanism an evasion?


Reverend David Bacon, said the animal attacks have left people concerned and scared.

Dodał: „W przeszłości mieliśmy bardzo pojedyncze, niewielkie incydenty, jakiegoś małe elementy graffiti, ale nigdy nie zdarzyło się coś takiego.”

Let us pray for our families, friends, neighbors, that they will come to know the truth that will set them free. For our sake there should be more and more believers.

It won't be long. I believe a few years or a decade as the Lord of lords and King of kings Jesus Christ comes.



news source:,new-forest-zabite-owce-z-satanistycznymi-symbolami


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  1. Przerażająca jest ta współczesna intensywność wszelakiego rodzaju profanacji, bluźnierstw, dewiacji i zabójstw – człowiek najwyraźniej przestał bać się Boga?

  2. Something unimaginable. These are not people, but real demons :/

  3. Satan's system.
    Minister zdrowia oficjalnie potwierdził, że substancja powodująca raka od zawsze była w lekach na cukrzycę. Kolejna teoria spiskowa farmacji okazała się prawdziwa….

  4. I want to convert to Christianity, but I live in a Muslim country and can't find anyone to help me

    1. Then ask God to give Cui brothers and sisters in the faith.
      I know one man from Dubai. He has one brother.

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