Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Israel sent into the wilderness in Hosea. The portent is the same as in Revelation.

“Dlatego teraz Ja zwabię ją i zaprowadzę na pustynię, i przemówię do jej serca” Ozeasza 2.16.



I always have more understanding of Scripture on the Sabbath than on other days. This time I noticed a footnote in the second chapter of Hosea. I rarely read footnotes. Taking Israel into the wilderness is figurative in this case to show that in that wilderness God's people will have to rely only on God through mortification and solitude. But I was immediately reminded of Revelation.


“I uciekła niewiasta na pustynię, gdzie ma miejsce przygotowane przez Boga, aby ją tam żywiono przez tysiąc dwieście sześćdziesiąt dni.” Ap 12.6


In both Hosea and Revelation, the woman symbolizes God's people. The desert, therefore, is a place of seclusion. It need not be literal at all, but symbolic. If I am interpreting this correctly, then God's people will live in seclusion without the help of humans.


Prawdopodobnie coś jak teraz, część ludzi czytająca bloga bez denominacji. Zwłaszcza, że 144 tysiące to grupa, która nie skalała się z kobietą, czyli religią, a jak wiadomo w tych czasach znaleźć zbór biblijny i zarazem nie ekumeniczny graniczy z cudem, a więc wolimy się nie skalać z kobietą (religią), aniżeli na siłę tkwić bo wypada mieć zgromadzenie…

The Great Tribulation period is a period of reliance ONLY on God if there is no rapture. No church. The desert is an unpleasant solitude, but it builds a relationship with God.


Nie chce nas faworyzować. Ludzie na prawdę chcą mieć społeczność, ale nie chcą za wszelką cenę… Za cenę ubrudzenia się ekumenizmem, przymykania oka na współpracę z Rzymem i popieranie syjonizmu.

On 100%, not all Christians will stay in the churches while visiting. Many will leave the churches.


Then we are presented with the further fate of the woman.




And when the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth, he began to persecute the woman who had given birth to the boy. (14) And two wings of a great eagle were given to the woman, that she should fly into the wilderness to her place, where they would feed her for a time and times and half a time, far from the serpent. (15) And the serpent cast a stream of water out of his mouth after the woman, that the stream might carry her away. (16) But the earth came to the aid of the woman, and opened its throat, and absorbed the stream which the dragon threw out of his mouth. (17) And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and departed to take up arms against the rest of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and stand fast by the testimony of Jesus. (18) And I stood on a sandy seashore.


Niewiasta przeniesiona na pustynię przez orła. Ogólnie chrześcijanie gardzą Starym Testamentem, ale on pozwala zrozumieć Boga i …przyszłość:



“„Wy widzieliście, co uczyniłem Egipcjanom, jak nosiłem was na eagles' wings i przywiodłem was do siebie. A teraz, jeżeli pilnie słuchać będziecie głosu mojego i przestrzegać mojego przymierza, będziecie szczególną moją własnością pośród wszystkich ludów, bo moja jest cała ziemia. A wy będziecie mi królestwem kapłańskim i narodem świętym. Takie są słowa, które powiesz synom izraelskim.” 2 Moj. 19:4-6″ 




Based on the book of Genesis, eagle wings may simply be the power of God.

And in Isaiah we have a supporting verse:


“Młodzieńcy ustają i mdleją, a pacholęta potykają się i upadają. Lecz ci, którzy ufają Panu, nabierają siły, wzbijają się w górę na skrzydłach jak orły, biegną, a nie mdleją, idą, a nie ustają.” Iz. 40:28-31”



If I understand all this correctly, then when analyzing the apocalypse we should mainly deal with the book of Revelation through the prism of ST.

What happens next?


 And the serpent cast a stream of water out of his mouth after the woman, that the stream might carry her away.


The serpent is Satan, and here we have no doubt. However, what is water? Man is made up of water and the Lord Jesus said it is the water of life, but what kind of water could Satan release behind the assembly of God? Poisonous, of course.

If the Word of God is truth, then the poisoned water will be the teachings of the devil. A counterfeit of the work of the Holy Spirit. Remember Trump's swearing in? There were many charismatics around him.


But the earth came to the aid of the woman, and opened her throat, and swallowed up the stream which the dragon threw out of his mouth


To understand what the earth is we must refer to other passages in Revelation concerning the earth, and they are barely in the next chapter or 13.


 And the whole earth followed the beast with its eyes in awe.

Then I saw another beast coming out of the earth: it had two horns like the horns of the Lamb, and it spoke like the Dragon.

 And all the power of the first Beast before it is exercised, and it causes the earth and its inhabitants to worship the first Beast, whose mortal wound has been healed.



In the second quote mentioned we have the beast coming out of the earth, so we cannot take this literally. What then is the earth a symbol of? Most likely the peoples.

In the third quote we are told that the earth worships, yet the earth as territory or as soil cannot worship, so they are nations. The USA as one beast speaking like a lamb (false Protestantism) rules over the first beast (false Israel).

If I understand it correctly, the nations will absorb the false doctrines but the woman will continue to be pure by fleeing the poisoned water among the nations.


But the earth came to the aid of the woman, and opened its throat, and absorbed the stream which the dragon threw out of his mouth. 


The poisoned water spread through the nations.


 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and departed to take up arms against the rest of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and stand fast by the testimony of Jesus. 


That remnant may be people born of a woman and who will hit the Great Tribulation. This is how I see it.

Revelation is hard to uncover, and it has the quality that end-time issues will only be discovered during these events.



Updated: 3 December 2019 — 09:45


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  1. Thank you Peter for this text. We Christ-followers are in the desert. Maybe some of you are lucky enough to live in converted homes and sanctify yourselves with your loved ones. I am alone. It is very hard, but I know that our Lord Jesus Christ is beside me and helps me. Unfortunately, I fall, I have a lot of remorse, that sometimes for the sake of peace I will give in and for example there will be a Christmas tree in my house, that I will go to Christmas Eve, although I do not want it very much. On the other hand, think about it, brothers, how in the time of the Inquisition these poor tormented people had an unimaginable hardship. The Lord God was with them and added to them. They should be an example to us. This month of December has been an extremely difficult time for me spiritually.

    1. You're not the only one with these problems.
      I am plagued by stupid blasé thoughts that I can't deal with. For a while there is peace, and then it all starts again.
      My family thinks I'm haunted, and my colleagues at work give me a wry look when I see a scripture.
      And to make it even better, my financial situation is in such a deplorable state that I cannot afford to celebrate every Sabbath.
      But I trust God to get me out of it.

      1. I'll pray for you.

        “Rodzina ma mnie za nawiedzonego, a koledzy w pracy na widok pisma świętego krzywo się patrzą.”

        No nwłaśnie, to biblii a nie święconej wody boją sie ludzie zdemonizowani…

  2. I kept thinking literally about that passage about the desert, that the 144,000 people would be waiting there for God to take them to heaven, but these interpretations somehow make more sense.

    1. te literalne są bardziej baśniowe. Nagle wszyscy chrześcijanie zostają porwani na Saharę i tam będą sobie palić ogniska i jeść kawior czy makrele… a na deser gigi.

      I'm not saying I'm right, but given the history of the chosen people and the metaphors and comparisons, God never miraculously moved people but miraculously helped: the parting of the Red Sea, the Jordan, manna from heaven, bypassing the spirit of death with a door smeared with blood.
      Uważam, że znaczna częśc chrześcijan będzie w czasie Gniewu Bożego, ale chroniona….część zginie.

  3. Since this entry is on the topic of end times, I wanted to share something strange that I discovered some time ago. Everything I write below is just curiosities, I have my opinion on the subject and let no one take it as revealed truth.

    There is a man on the Internet who says that Jesus will return to Earth in 2028 on Rosh Hashanah (I think that's how it's spelled). Apparently nothing new, not the first and not the last, but he was the first to refer to the not very well known theory of the 7th millennium (I actually believe in this theory, it makes sense when you take the whole Bible into consideration, but let everyone research it for themselves), that is, that we are approaching the end of the 6th millennium and Jesus will return at the beginning of the 7th millennium, beginning the period of the millennial kingdom. According to him it will be 2028, because Jesus died in the year 28 at the turn of the 4th and 5th millennium and will return 2,000 years later. Whether this is true time will tell, if the Tribulation began in 2021 then something would be up.

    If you have time you can check this man out, for me personally it was just interesting how he interpreted the description of the creation of the world, that in the description of each day of creation is included a prophecy concerning a crucial event in each millennium, that is on the first day a prophecy concerning the first millennium, etc.

    But what I wanted to write about is a bit related to this. On a picture site where people can also comment on things that are posted, someone posted a picture about a bet between some teenagers, some of whom were Christians and others pagans. But it's not important, in the comment someone wrote that he has a Christian friend and together they studied the Scriptures all night and calculated the date of the end of the world on the basis of the prophecies and they came out that Jesus will return before the end of 2027. And they bet that if it doesn't happen this Christian friend of his is going to take him to a typical pagan party full of alcohol, cocaine, ladies for hire and put everything out of his own pocket. I'm not even commenting on this, but for some reason I came across this comment and was immediately reminded of this man preaching about the end in 2028. From what he wrote this bet was made a long time ago from 10 years ago or more, and this man has been preaching about it for only a few years.

    Maybe I'm trying to force myself, but this page with the pictures wasn't even about the Bible or biblical topics, just someone decided to write such a comment even though he didn't have to. Anyway, time will tell.

    1. Such baseless divagations make no sense, and books with apocalyptic content are often written for cash.

      Let's watch the political and religious events more. This is reliable.

      1. Thanks for the tip!

    2. I am counting on 2020 as the beginning of the great tribulation. Although even this year before Christmas something is supposed to happen, such opinions of people are on the Internet, but only God knows when it will begin.

  4. Marcin, my only dream is that Jesus would already be on earth, that I would be able to go to Him with the people I love, my loved ones and my friends.

    Those who will, and even if it is at the end of the world, I will "somehow" reach it, anyone who will, for the Father has said that

    all the nations of the world will gather, so he will support those who of their own free will follow Jesus, so we have nothing to fear about

    opportunity, money, because the Father will guide Us, as He said, so it is. I really miss Daddy, as Jesus sometimes did about our

    To the Father he said, and when Jesus returns again, we will be closer to the Father through him, we will finally be safe. My longing for God to

    know personally to be able to be with him is overwhelming and day by day I hope that maybe this is the last day, that maybe already, so much

    that I sometimes overinterpret various events - this world disgusts me, I don't want to participate in it, it's bad and getting worse,

    But I know that I have to be here and pass on Our Father's words to others, to help them at least try to see clearly, to show them the way to God with

    Love and devotion, even though they are the ones who have to make the final decision whether to stay by the Father's side or move away, even though I try

    As much as I can, I don't just say it, I put it into action, showing everyone around me the Wonder of God's Creation, His Love, Devotion and

    Suffering and Pain, then I am seen as a freak, a queer, only the support of my beloved gives me encouragement and strength in others

    People, that maybe in the end, that maybe at least one more will wake up. I know I won't change the world and I'm not trying to, it can only make

    Jesus, but I try to bear witness to Him in my immediate environment. Martin, remember that when God said something, when Jesus

    something He said, and all that He did, He did by Our Father, is Unchangeable and Constant and Perfect. Jesus once said: "But about the day

    no one knows that day or hour, not even the angels of heaven, but the Father himself" - remember for all your life, his words are Perfect and

    Unchanging, simple so that everyone understands it, and the message is clear only God knows when it will happen and no one else, not Jesus or the angels,

    nor demons, nor the evil one himself. If you read, you will hear even the most reliable-sounding explanations to you, dates that

    They "line up nicely" and even if the person presenting them has no ill intentions, remember that NO CREATION knows the date

    end only Our Father, and those who say they have learned it are deceived or are deceivers. God has given us Guidance, which for an open

    God's Heart and Love are equally obvious - they are being fulfilled before our eyes, they are a foreshadowing of the coming end of time, but they

    are not for us to guess the final date based on them, because it will happen anyway, they are for us to come to our senses so that those who

    have been deceived, have begun to see that they are doing wrong, therefore these events will increase in number and will "reach" more and more people.

    people will not succeed in evil to hide them, people are to see it, hear it and experience it because when Jesus comes everyone will know it. This

    is to take time to prepare your heart and help those of Us who are lost to find ourselves. Father in His Perfection,

    give your children time to see and hear what is really important, God's love, love for others, God's love for them

    Creation, humility and unity. Unfortunately, there will be some among us who, even though they know that Jesus, the Nazarene, the Son of Man

    stands before them, they will deny it and continue to blaspheme, but it is their choice that despite the time they have had, they continue to be deceived by the evil one,

    who cares about proving God wrong, that his children, people are not worthy to be called God's children,

    unworthy of that Name, and sadly more and more people are moving further and further away from God - to think that Lucifer is doing this with

    Jealous of God's Love, he was his appendage, an archangel, he knows who God is, he was scared that now he would love man more,

    a miserable and weak creature more than his in what a mistake he was. His jealousy, and fear, of losing the Father's Love drove him to madness.

    He is so blinded by this that he does not see that he is moving away from God, because he has free choice; it is not God who pushes him away, but he himself.

    No man, verily, no man can defend himself against evil, for he is a being of great knowledge, intelligence, in certain

    issues similar to humans, but more perfect because in the end we were all created in the likeness of Our Father. If someone does not have

    God's love within you, His Words on your lips, will not defend you against the evil one. If you are by God's side, the evil one will not even dare to attack because

    He will not dare to oppose God in anything for all time. He will never lift a hand against God, will not reach for his kingdom, because he knows who God is

    He is, he gives Him respect but misunderstanding. His hatred, his anger is directed against man, not God. Even Jesus, when

    spoke with Lucifer, treated him with seriousness and clarity, and finally in the name of Our Father commanded him to depart, and he departed. Abide

    by the Father, with all your might, do not give up, and even when everyone and everything opposes you, remember, God always

    is with you ALWAYS AND FOREVER because he loved us in great joy, he gave himself to us, wanting to share his love, he made the greatest

    Of the gifts of the Perfect One.

    May God keep you and your families in His care.

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