Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Were the apostles nationalists?

Perhaps I should write this before November 11, but the thought came to me yesterday.

I consider critical The message of this text that I am writing now, today, Tuesday.


Yesterday's coverage of the 2019 Independence March was of little consequence in the context of what I will write.


I didn't look too long for coverage of this year's March. I am pasting Mr. Bosak's comment.



Mr. Christopher a somewhat sympathetic politician wowed at the end by writing:

“Niech żyje Wielka Polska!”.


Questions such as: is Poland great and is there still a Poland?

Yes, we have borders, but invisible to foreign countries. Instead of Warsaw Pact armies, we have US troops on our territory because we cannot defend ourselves.

Instead of the USSR and a centrally planned economy, we have EU directives destroying Polish agriculture and we cannot yawn without EU officials.


Top Polish players like Lewandowski and Piątek play for foreign clubs. Do Germany's best players play for foreign clubs?


Two million Poles stay abroad because each successive government has destroyed the Polish middle class with taxes and Social Security. It is not even profitable for people to run one-man businesses. Yes, there are many such companies, but they have found strength, a niche in this unfavorable economic climate. The climate created by politicians from the Democratic Left Alliance and Civic Platform.


100% of the big markets are foreign. They dictate prices to Polish farmers.

Most banks are foreign.

Even Polish gold is in England.


Mr. Bosak had to write something pathetic. He served Poles something a la a drink or rather a hundred of vodka (brrr) as an anesthesia against the realities I wrote about above.


Polish nationalists feed romanticism, nostalgia for the great Poland.


The problem is that Catholic Poland will never be free because it will be dependent on the Vatican.



Tutaj mógłby ktoś poniekąd słusznie napisać “no ale jeśli nie katolicka to będzie żydowska albo ateistyczna”.

Well, Catholicism is a religious version of atheism. The Church of Rome from the very beginning allowed pagan rites, rituals as part of their so-called Christianity.


The wrealu24 portal advertises itself as an independent Catholic portal which is an oxymoron. It is like an honest politician or a good gangster. It is precisely such a good gangster that Mr Pasikowski wants to promote in the last part of Psy 3.

If the portal is Catholic then it is dependent.

I am independent of religious institutions, but not the wrealu24 portal treating itself as Catholic.


Tutaj pojawia się pytanie zasadnicze? Czy chrześcijanin powinien być narodowcem? pomijam ten relatywny termin “chrześcijanin”. kto nim jest i czy jest raczej uczniem Jezusa.


Well, if you really believe, you will be a nationalist, but of the Kingdom of Heaven, and that is in Russia as well as Germany or the USA.

Catholic Poland is a denial of biblical values. Catholic Poland is political enslavement (concordat) spiritual enslavement (queen of heaven). Catholic Poland is black and purple Poland. It is a hopeless Poland. Yes, a Poland without hope.


This year's March used the rosary and was promoted by the Mother of God (Ashtarte) herself. I ask myself, when did this spiritual being help Poland? During the three partitions, or maybe during the First or Second World War, or maybe during the Yalta trade of Poland? When the Russian Khazars took over Poland after 1945, or maybe during the Round Table?



As for the ownership, Poland is in the hands of the Khazars as well as the Vatican and these two options fight each other for influence and hence we have different factions in the parliament. But the Khazars are both on the left and are bishops and on the side of the so-called right. Both sides are developed by the people who have taken over Poland.

Anyway, the initial situation is to define this country correctly. It is Polin.


Catholic Poland is a godless Poland.

Despite a peaceful march in Warsaw, police intervened in Wrocław. Water cannons and tear gas were used.



The march was more like the Jewish revolt in Jesus' day, where a minority occupied by Rome wanted a national uprising.

We today are occupied by the Edomo- Khazars and the neo-Babylon that is Rome and any physical intervention against this system of theirs is the same as the Jews expecting the Messiah to deliver them from oppression. But in this godless patriotism no one accepts Jesus Christ and he was SILENT AND HUMBLE HEARTED. He did not chant for a free Israel or Judea.


Paweł apostoł pisał Nie ma Żyda ani Greka”, co oznacza, że Rumun w Chrystusie i nawet Żyd w Chrystusie jest naszym bratem. Tylko, że Żydów, którzy pozbyli się nacjonalizmu, co tych kibiców, którzy przyjęli Jezusa jako swego Pana. Może gdzieś sa pojedynczy Żydzi nienacjonaliści , niesyjoniści.

However, I doubt that there are people devoted to Jesus around Mr. Jacek Międlar.



With all this in mind, should we give up Polish patriotism altogether?

No, because the opposite of patriotism is hatred to the homeland, treason. In the case of Poland it consists in buying in foreign markets and not in the bazaars of the Poles, in supporting the ROMANIC  religion and its politics. This is treason. This is hatred of the homeland. The Khazarian Diaspora is doing well because it is dividing Poles.


Poles are stupid people. They chant Poland goal while watching international matches, but I ask which Poland? The Poland in which the fans buy beer in Tesco supermarkets to watch the matches?

Do these fans of Slask Wroclaw know who is the media patron of their favorite team?

Jest nim Radio Eska odtwarzające niebożą muzykę. Radio, które wchodzi w skład holdingu, którego logiem są dwa trójkąty….

The other media patron is the ultra-leftist portal Doesn't it bother the fans?

The technical sponsor German Adidas doesn't mind either.

So where is this patriotism? Aren't there any Polish companies, like 4F, cheaper and of good quality?


This year I talked to a man, who was jogging near Wroclaw, and came across the so-called "set-up" of Slask fans. They distracted him and in addition, because it was not enough for them, they stuck a rod in his leg. He lost consciousness and memory for a month, not to mention a serious head operation.

This is the kind of supporters Korwin Mikke counts on during the war, having as much in common with Jesus as Tusk has with Poland.


Were the apostles defending their Judean background or building the Kingdom of Heaven?


Patriotism is defending what was given to us on our so-called homeland.

The question is, who sold Poland to foreign companies and the biggest company in the world which is the Vatican?


The LGBT issue remains.

You don't see anti-LGBT protests in Kielce or other cities. Neither is seen in the stadiums.

But another question arises: to what is the anti-LGBT stance ascribed, to the church of Rome or to the Bible?

As we know, the church of the empire of ROME is divided over this. But the followers of Jesus are not divided on this, for the people of the world will know us by this.


“Kto przyjmuje moje przykazania i jest im posłuszny, ten Mnie miłuje. Kto zaś Mnie miłuje, tego miłuje Ojciec mój. Ja również będę go miłował i objawię mu siebie.”



Christians recognize Jesus as God and therefore it is GOD's commandments that should be number 1, not the teachings of an institution or a man who supports bringing in dissenters called refugees.


Leviticus 18:22.24-25.29
22 You shall not commune with a man as you commune with a woman. This is an abomination!
24. all these things do not defile yourselves, for with all these things have the nations defiled themselves, which I am driving out before you.
25Also the earth became unclean. So I punished it for its guilt, and the earth spat out its inhabitants.
29 For everyone who does one of these abominations, all who do them will be excluded from their people.





This is what God says through His Word, not any church (name invented).


The great Zionist tentacles promote the view of attributing the religion of Rome to patriotism. But if so, how about these gentlemen from Germany?








What will you Catholic nationalists say about one of the world's greatest Catholic criminals Aloysius Stepinac?



O chorwackim “Auschwitz”


The winner received a gold watch, a piglet and a bottle of wine. In several hours he managed to slaughter more than a thousand people in the Jasenovac camp. The way the Croatian Ushtashe dealt with their victims horrified even the Germans.


Katoliccy duchowni prześcigali się w okrucieństwach.  Franciszkanin, Miroslav Filipovici, sławny komendant obozu w Jasenovacu. Zakonnik najpierw był kapelanem ustaszów. “Zasłużył się” w antyserbskich czystkach w Banja Luce, w których zginęło ponad 2 tys. mężczyzn, kobiet i dzieci.



Where are Catholic priests now when Polish children are FORCED to be vaccinated?


Where are the Catholic patriots during the 5G rollout?


Freedom in Christ means freedom from religion and obedience to God's Law. I am a nationalist of the Kingdom of Heaven and when the demands of this Kingdom are realized in Poland, I will support the German minority in this matter.




In summary, the apostles were not nationalists, nor did they profess a native religion (Judaism), nor did they establish any institution to which their nation was attached.

There is no Jew or Greek in Christ.




God does not save for religious affiliation, but for faithfulness to His Word. Not the word of a priest, pope, or politician, but for faithfulness to His Word.





Updated: 12 November 2019 — 10:55


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  1. Very wisely said 🙂

    1. Praise be to the Lord Jesus . He is the one who brings us to the truth.
      Kielce sends its regards to Gizycko 🙂 🙂

  2. By the way, what is your attitude to November 11, 1918, is it a day to celebrate? Have the Polish people emerged from slavery or are we still under slavery? :/

  3. Thank you for this edifying article

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    1. With the collapse of this system, a new one will enter: the cashless beast system.

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