Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Historia Słowian sprzed V wieku. Zakończenie.

Let's recap the FACTS so far.



  • The 10 tribes of Israel were carried into captivity in Assyria In 722 B.C. (8th century), which was located in what is now Iran, parts of present-day Turkey, and Armenia and Azerbaijan.
  • The Scythians inhabited the area just north of Assyria.
  • Sarmatians living next to the Scythians occupied their territory
  • The Venedians were part of Sarmatia. Sarmatia was a large Iranian confederation.
  • The Slavic system of beliefs was faithful to the type of Proto-Indo-European mythology.
  • The Slavs have the same haplogroup as the people living in present-day Iran. 




Serię moich tekstów napisałem  nie po to aby gloryfikować słowiaństwo, które obecnie można nazwać neopogaństwem, ani nie w  celu udowodnienia izraelskiego pochodzenia Słowian.

Uważam, iż historycznie rzecz biorąc, na podstawie dostępnych nam materiałów nie da się udowodnić izraelskiego pochodzenia Słowian.


Circumstantial evidence of the commonality of Slavic beliefs with the Israelite faith.


Poszlaka to nie dowód, ale na początku roku 2013 opisałem tzw. Wedy Słowiańskie co wklejam niezaznojomionym:


Wedy – hinduski termin przypominający polski wyraz “wiedzy”. Owe wedy, weda zostały odnalezione na terenach Bułgarii i Rosji czyli tam gdzie kościół katolicki nie miał wpływu. Przedstawiają one wiedzę bardzo zbliżoną do wed hinduskich. Jak wiadomo  odnaleziono także wyraźne dowody na pobyt Izraelitów w Indiach. To właśnie z Indii wywodzą się ariowie czy inaczej mówiąc indoeuropejczycy:

Indo-Europeans - A conventional name for a group of peoples speaking Indo-European languages, descended, according to linguists, from a common Proto-Indo-European root. Formerly, all Indo-Europeans were called Ariami, the name is currently only used to refer to Indo-Iranian peoples. Wikipedia

Słowianie wykazują także wyraźne pokrewieństwo z ziemią perską – obecnym Iranem
Dlaczego w Polsce nie ma dowodów o wpływach indoeuropejskich? Tak jak w 1989 roku zaczął się nowy rozdział od którego cały układ postkomunistyczny chciał uciec od przeszłości ze swoim hasłem naczelnym : “wybierzmy przyszłość”, tak w roku 966 wraz z poddaniem się kościołowi katolickiemu straciliśmy tożsamość. Tak jakby od tego roku zaczęła się historia Polski co i jest propagowane kłamliwie w podręcznikach. Nikt nie zna historii Polski z przed roku 966. Historia z przed poddaństwa watykańskiego została staranowana i zrównana z powierzchnią ziemi.
I once had a conversation with a rather bright history graduate. She told me that there are many topics, historical sources in Poland to which an ordinary Pole is forbidden. I don't remember the details.

After reading the Slavic Vedas I came to a conclusion confirming the thesis that the Russians and the Slavs in general are the lost tribe of Israel and that is why we have been so strenuously destroyed for hundreds of years and are now relegated to a buffer zone between Germany and Khazar Russia.

I present a selection of vedas, incredibly similar to many parts of the Bible.
"Honor your Parents,
And keep them in their old age,
Because if you show concern for them,
tak i o was zatroszczą się dziecięta wasze”

like a biblical commandment slightly expanded


5 (21). Preserve the memory of all the Ancestors of your Tribes
i wasi potomkowie będą pamiętać o was”

typowe dla izraelitów – zainteresowanie genologią


“Brońcie starych i małych,
Fathers and mothers, sons and daughters,
gdyż to Krewni wasi, mądrość i piękno narodów waszych…
Raise in your children
love for the sacred land of the Race,
lest they covet the wonders of the overseas,
and they could have done wonders on their own
more wonderful and beautiful,
ku chwale świętej ziemi waszej”

blood defense as in Israel

——————————6 (22). Nie czyńcie cudów dla dobra własnego,
a czyńcie cuda dla dobra Rodu swego i Rodu Niebieskiego…
Help your neighbor in his misfortune,
and when misfortune comes to you
pomogą i wam bliźni wasi…
Do the works of good,
To the glory of your House and your Ancestors,
a otrzymacie opiekę od Bogów Jasnych waszych…

as the commandment of Isus


The following lives according to the principles of Isus:9 (25). Do not do harm to your neighbors,
żyjcie z nimi w pokoju i harmonii…
Don't demean other people,
a nie będziecie poniżeni…
Do no harm to people of other faiths,
gdyż bóg-Stwórca Jedyny nad wszystkimi Ziemiami…
i nad wszystkimi Światami…

10 (26). Do not sell your land for gold and silver,
for you will bring a curse upon yourselves
i nie będzie przebaczenia po wszystkie dni bez reszty…
Defend your land, and
You will overcome all your enemies with righteous weapons Breeds...

A warning about what successive Round Table governments and now Tusk are doing

13 (29). He who flees from his land to a foreign country
In search of a life of ease,
...he's a deviator from his family,
there will be no forgiveness of his House,
gdyż odwrócą się Bogowie od niego…
Do not rejoice in another's misfortune,
For who enjoys another's misfortune,
ten do sobie nieszczęście wzywa…
Don't denigrate or laugh,
of those who love you
and respond to love with love
by doświadczyć opieki Bogów waszych…
Kochajcie bliskiego waszego, jeżeli on tego godny…


a nice precept of femininity and again a Bible-like recommendation14 (30). Let no brother marry his sister,
a syn – matki swej
or you will anger the Gods
i krew Rodu zmarnujecie…
Don't take wives with black leather,
For you profane your house and waste your Family,
taking wives with white skin,
swój dom rozsławicie…
i swój Ród przedłużycie…
Wives do not wear men's clothes,
because you will lose your femininity,
a noście żony to, co wam polega na…


and again the commandment of abstinence from alcohol about which in the Book of Solomon and elsewhere16 (32). Love the wives of your husbands,
gdyż oni obroną i oparciem waszym, i całego Rodu waszego…
Don't overuse hoppy drinks,
have moderation in your drinking,
Because who abuses alcohol,
traci wygląd ludzki…

Again as if from the book of Solomon:

14 (62). There are eighteen qualities in self-development:
restraint in action,
inaction and goal setting,
taming injustice, judgment, pride,
low desires, unrighteous anger,
despondency, greed, denunciation, jealousy,
folding, irritability, anxiety,
forgetfulness, talkativeness, conceit.

15 (63). Tak człowiek pojmujący samorozwój…
becomes sober,
He has eight qualities: righteousness,
the ability to reflect,
The capacity for self-knowledge,
Researchability, Implausibility,
uczciwość, niewinność, skupienie…

Warning of vipers and dragons and command to depart from blood sacrifices

8 (72). Other Great Breeds
rozsieją się po całym obliczu Ziemi-Midgard…
i przejdą za Himawat-góry…
And teach people with skin the color of Darkness,
Mądrości Świata Świetlistego…
So that they stop bringing
horrible, bloody victims,
swojej bogini – Czarnej Matce
Adder-Smokom From the World of Navi,
a odzyskali nową Boską Mądrość i Wiarę…


A passage along the lines of the apocalypse:

10 (74). But foreign enemies will come from the World of Darkness,
and begin to flatter the Children of Man
Flattering words, covered by lies.
And they will deceive old and small,
and the daughters of man shall be taken as wives
Irynirować będą między sobą…
i między ludźmi… i między zwierzętami…
And they're going to start apprenticing
all the nations of Midgard-Earth,
And those who will not heed their words,
and imitate the deeds of pathetic Foreigners,
poddadzą męczarniom i cierpieniom…

An accurate portrayal of a nation that conquered the world financially by deception, blending in through marriages with women of European countries including Poland and Russia.

A description of the equivalent of a viper tribe: homosexuality and dyeing

12 (76). After the gray skin of their,
poznajecie Cudzoziemskich wrogów…
Eyes the color of Darkness in them and bipedal they,
And they can be a wife as well as a husband.
Każdy z ich może być ojcem albo matką…
They cover their faces with paint,
żeby upodobnić się do Dzieci Człowieczych…
and they never take off their clothes,
ażeby nie obnażyła się nagość zwierzęca ich…


Viper tribe characteristics:

13 (77). With lies and flatteries untrue
they will win numerous countries
as they have already done on other Earths,
in many Worlds in the Time of the previous Great Assa,
but they will be vanquished,
and exiled to the land of the mountains,
where people with skin the color of Darkness will live
and descendants of the House of Heaven
Coming from the land of God Nija.
And the children of Man will begin to teach their work,
so that they can grow their own crops
i warzywa dla żywienia dzieci swoich…


Racial consciousness, belief in one's own worth. Monotheism and proof of the existence of a heavenly race of people created by God, untainted by the blood of the fallen:

1 (81). And the Sage Svyatosar said,
...of the famous Swatorus family,
Lightning Everlasting:
You, tell-tale, Lightning-Father,
what that will be with The holy land of the Great Race
and the Faith of our Ancestors?
Reply-Speak Dear God,
If hard times come
for the Sons of the Great Race, are,
kto może uratować świętą ziemię Rasy…
and descendants of the House of Heaven?


Another apocalypse:

2 (82). God the great wise spoke such words:
Wiedzcie ludzie, co ciężkie czasy…
bring the stream of the River of Time
na świętą ziemię Rasy Wielkiej…
And they will stay on this earth,
only the priest-guardians of the Old Knowledge
i Mądrości Ukrytej…
… Gdyż wykorzystają ludzie
The elemental power of Midgard-Earth
and destroy Little Moon
i Świat swój piękny…
And then the Swarovski Circle will turn
i przerażą się ludzkie Dusze…

It's like the present time:

4 (84). People will hide from with poisoned rains,
Death bearing in the caverns,
and will feed on the bodies of animals,
for the fruit of the trees will be filled with poison
and many people will die,
having tasted this food
Poisoned waters of streams will bring much death
To the Children of the Great Race

and the descendants of the House of Heaven,
and suffering will bring the desire

The immediate possible future:

5 (85). And after the council of Foreigners,
secretly coming to Midgard-Earth,
ludzie pozbawiać zaczną jeden drugiego Życia…
for a sip of fresh water,
dla kawałka czystego pożywienia…
And they will begin to forget the Old Wisdom
and the Laws of the One Creator God


The transformations we are currently participating in:

8 (88). And the foreign priests will come
in the land of the Great Race
Pretending to be salesmen and storytellers,
And false legends they will bring,
and they're going to start teaching the unrighteous life
people of the Great Race,
nie kierowanych Złem i Oszustwem…
And many people will be fooled
fall into the web of Flattery and Deception,
And they will turn the World of Righteousness into nine vices:
debauchery, lying, conceit, lack of spirituality,
optionality, ignorance,
niezdecydowanie, lenistwo i obżarstwo…

Nostardamus and Jackowski at this text is a kindergarten of predictions:

11 (91). For the seven Circles of Life shall cover the Darkness
ziemie Rodów Rasy Wielkiej…
Wielu ludzi zginie od metalu i ognia…
Hard times will come
for the nations of Midgard-Earth,
brother will go against brother,
son against father,
krew będzie lać się jak rzeki…
Mothers will kill
their unborn children.
Hunger and Spiritual Emptiness


Saving the human race:

12 (92). But God the Creator alone will not allow
i Ród Niebieski do zagłady Rasy…
Rebirth of the Great Race
and the awakening of the caring spirit
of the sons of the House of Heaven
bring on the White Dog,
Sent by the Gods
na świętą ziemię Rasy Wielkiej…
The holy land shall be cleansed
From the thousand-year slave yoke of Foreign enemies,
who sacrifice
The blood and flesh of his children,
and lies and false flatteries
are poisoning the Souls of the children of Heaven....

Indication that our race comes directly from God

A foreshadowing of nuclear war:

16 (96). Millions of lives will be taken by mindless wars
to satisfy the wishes of Foreigners,
gdyż czym więcej będzie wojen…
and death between the Children of Man,
the greater the riches
gain the messengers of the World of Darkness
and they will have influence over minds
licznych z Rasy Wielkiej…
Dark forces to achieve their goals
they will also use the Fasha Destroyer
Fire Mushrooms Bringing Death
will rise above Midgard-Earth


On the nature of fallen angels and their works

6 (134). Fash-destroyer evaporated rivers, seas,
and black clouds filled the sky,
przez odór nieprzenikniony, światła promień nie przechodzi…
… i Życie nie wróci w ten Świat nigdy…
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
This has happened with many Earths,
where enemies from the Dark World resided
They were attracted by riches and minerals,
które miały te Ziemie przepiękne…
By flattery, he won the trust of the residents,
napuścili ludzi na siebie wzajemnie…
Tak w tych Światach wojny zostały zrodzone…

After reading the Slavic Vedas, I have a feeling that some of its verses may have been cut from the Bible. On the other hand, I am sure that the Vatican still hides many answers to unasked questions.

Wcześniej o izraelskim pochodzeniu Słowian szczątkowo napisałem tutaj:




From the above text of the vedas, there is an exceptional parallelism with the Law of God. We can nitpick at the details, but let's not forget that the Israelites were unknown how many years in Assyrian captivity and where they ended up in other regions and when.


Natomiast po przeczytaniu bodajże mojego drugiego tekstu o Słowianach, Henryk Kubik napisał do mnie pokazując mi bardzo interesujący fragment z 3 księgi Ezechiela, którą omawiałem częściowo z dwa miesiące temu.



James 1:(1) James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, greets twelve generations, which live in dispersion.



Here is that excerpt:


III Ezra (sometimes as II).


13:(39) And that you saw him gathering for himself another numerous multitude who were peaceful,

(40) those, that is, ten tribes, which were abducted from their own land into captivity in the days of king Hosea, whom Salmanasar king of the Assyrians had taken captive: he carried them beyond the river and they were taken to another land.

(41) And they devised a plan for themselves to leave the multitude of nations and go into a faraway land where mankind has never lived,

(42) That there they might at last keep their laws, which they had not kept in their own land.

(43) I oni przeszli przez ciasne przejście rzeki Eufrat,

(44) because at that time the Most High did miracles for them and stopped the channels of the river before they passed.

(45) Through this land there was a very a long way, a journey of a year and a half; this land is called Arzareth.

(46) At that time they lived there until until the final time, and now that they're starting to come back again,

(47) The Most High will stop the channels of the river again, so that they can pass over it. That is why you saw the crowds gathered in peace.

(48) Those who are left of your people, who are within my holy borders, will be saved.

(49) And it shall come to pass, when he shall destroy the multitude of the nations that are gathered together: he shall defend those of the people that are left,

(50) and then He will show them very many miracles.


One by one, what caught my eye (blue color).


  1. Król Asyryjczyków  wziął w niewolę: przeniósł ich za rzekę and they were taken to another land.


The king of Assyria took the Israelites captive. He carried them across the river



What river? Probably the Euphrates, but it doesn't matter because there are many rivers and we won't get to which one.

He carried them across the river and they were taken to another land. The construction of this sentence clearly indicates that they did not typically live in Assyria. Otherwise, it might sound like this:


The Israelites were pulled out of their land to another place.


2 Taken where? Here we have a complement to my observation. The red color is H.K.'s observation.


into a faraway land where mankind has never lived,


Ewidentnie jest mowa o tym, że Izraelici byli z pewnych powodów nam nieznanych deportowani w miejsce poza Asyrią. Być może mieli uprawiać rolę dla Asyrii powiedzmy na północy, albo na zachodzie…

The territory of the Slavs in the 7th century BC was uninhabited.


3. the long journey.

a long way, a journey of a year and a half; this land is called Arzareth.


One step at a time. What is Arzareth? This is not the name of a place, but its properties for the purpose of understanding the text.


It is described from the Hebrew as "another land" lying a year and a half beyond the river, i.e., the Euphrates. This probably corresponds to the Hebrew "eret" ( Deuteronomy 29:28 ). In Josephus' time the people were thought to still exist in innumerable numbers.


3. a year-and-a-half journey.

There's a problem with that.

Today the pilgrimage from Poland to Israel is about half a year:


Polish couple walks to Jerusalem for world peace

A Roman soldier, a legionary walked about 37 kilometers per day.

Assuming they had children and there were no bars or inns along the way one can forcefully conclude that the journey to the Slavic areas, first they WALKED to the areas of northern Russia, one can conclude that it was a year and a half.



Jakkolwiek by nie patrzeć, to Polacy i Rosjanie, oraz Chorwaci nieco Słowacy, najbardziej na świecie bronią swoje kraje przed LGBT.

USA, Anglia, Niemcy, Skandynawia, Australia są najbardziej zepsutymi pod tym kątem państwami.


However, a sinless nation is nowhere in the world.

The Slavs practiced polygamy, but so did the Israelites. Incidentally, in Paul's letters concerning the bishop as the husband of one wife refers not to one marriage but to monogamy.

After the death of a husband, the wives of one man often committed suicide, recognizing that with the death of their husband there was no more life on earth for them.

This leaving an empty plate for a guest on Christmas Eve is also derived from Slavic customs where a free plate (vide demon) was left for the ancestral spirit.



Co do pewności izraelskiego pochodzenia Słowian mieć nie możemy. Brakuje kilku ogniw. Na przykład gdzie Słowianie poznali swoje wierzenia, do jakich innych w Azji były one podobne?

We do not know the potential exact migration route. More archaeological evidence, Paleo-Hebrew artifacts are missing.


Slavs sin and Greeks and Russians etc.

Natomiast co do ogółu, są nacje, które wykorzystują inne nacje. Jak np te, które produkują demoralizujące filmy w Hollywood, jak te do których należą banki itp. itd.

The Slavs compared to other nations are pious people and abhor Sodomy.

Sodomia jest przypisana do Edomitów. Jedna z żon Ezawa była Kananejką, a nacją zamieszkującą Sodomę byli Kananejczycy. To oni do dzisiaj propagują dzięki pieniądzom nieuczciwie zarobionym te wszystkie obrzydliwości.


There will be no more, but instead there will be a text about the rule of Jesus and his people.





Updated: 22 October 2022 — 16:34


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  1. Within India, a civilization arose around 3000 BCE in the Indus Valley. This civilization was then conquered by the Arians around 1500 BC. The Arians introduced a caste system and combined their beliefs (polygamy, wandering of souls) with the locals giving rise to Hinduism. It is difficult to find elements of Israelite beliefs here.

    1. The problem is that nations mixed during the migrations and conquests of peoples.
      It's hard to come by, but maybe someday we'll catch a lead.
      Pewne kultury nie wzięły się znikąd. Słowianie – Wenedowie – Sarmaci.
      Maybe the Arians, too.


    I think this will be a good summary of the admin's consideration of the Slavs.
    Szkoda tej naszej czystej duchowo kultury oj szkoda. Chcesz zniszczyć naród zniszcz jego moralność…

    1. Siły grożą nam nieczyste pozwól chwalić Cię o Chryste…

  3. I recommend the book "From Ariov to Sarmatians" by Piotr Makuch. Fragment of the review: Revising the existing readings of the earliest records of the history of pre-Piast Poland (Kadlubek's chronicle, but also those of Gall Anonim, Mierzwa, and Długosz) and supplementing them with parallel accounts of Czech chronicles, Mr. Piotr Makuch notes striking analogies between the founding myth of the West Slavic states (Poland and Bohemia) and the ancient history of the Iranian peoples and that part of their epic mythology which, in a large simplification, is described as "Kejanidzic". He concludes that these parallels are not limited to isolated facts noted by earlier scholars (primarily Plezia), but are comprehensive in nature, supported by numerous details.

  4. This is an extremely important topic. The Messiah said he came only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. In 710rpne Israel in the number of 500,000, 50,000 from each tribe went into captivity in Assyria, then they scattered all over the world. How many descendants of Israel will there be today, if not billions, since they have intermarried with other peoples. And Judah in 70 A.D. was almost wiped out to the knees with only 10,000 souls left and Judah then wandered around the world also, but they did not associate with other peoples in general

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