Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A statue of Moloch was erected in Rome.


On October 28, 2019, a satanic statue of the infamous god called Moloch was set up at the Colosseum, the site of the martyrdom of Christians.

The worship of Moloch was manifested by sacrificing children. Mention of him appears in the Bible (2 Cl 23.10). He is said to be worshipped in the form of a bull. Medieval demonology considers Moloch to be one of the demons.



An ongoing exhibition at the Colosseum in Rome includes a reconstruction of Moloch, an ancient deity.


Exhibit, Carthago. The immortal myth began September 27 and will end March 29 - Twelve days before the traditional papal Via Crucis at the Coliseum for Good Friday, which falls on April 10 next year.


This exhibition of Carthaginian myths has been highly controversial, including Catholics themselves.


For this unusual initiative, a reconstruction of the god Moloch in hollow bronze, taken from the film Cabiria, old 1914 epic silent film, directed by pioneering director Giovanni Pastrone and filmed in Turin, was placed at the entrance to the world-famous Colosseum....


1914 film:





Italian writer and Illuminati member Gabriele d'Annunzio, 33 III  degree Freemason deeply involved in the sexual practices of Magick contributed to the script, wrote all the scenes , naming the characters and even the film itself. D'Annunzio, Duke of Montenevoso, Duke of Gallese, who held a prominent place in Italian literature from 1889 to 1910 and later in politics from 1914 to 1924, is considered by some historians to be the poet who invented fascism and inspired Mussolini. September 12, 1919, Five years after the release of the film Cabiria,  backed by a couple of former buddies w black uniforms called " arditi"d' Annunzio entered the town of Fiume in Habsburg (now Rijeka, Croatia) and declared himself its leader. During his strange, chaotic, 15-month reign over the city, it became a haven for all kinds of illuminati, such as occultists, futurists, free-love practitioners, and, of course, satanists.


According to Martin Scorsese, in the film Cabiria  director Pastrone invented the first epic film and deserves credit for many innovations often attributed to DW Griffith and Cecil B. DeMille.

One of the most shocking scenes in this film is depicted with the great temple of Moloch, a giant three-headed , with its mouth as the gateway to the infamous temple. The pictures show a hundred young children ready to die as sacrifices to the evil god Moloch, and inside a temple full of devotees of the dark side participating in the ritual we find a colossal statue of the winged god Moloch, now on display in the entrance to the Coliseum.



According to the Parco archeologico del Colosseo (Parco), the main organization running the exhibition, the goal "is to help introduce the public to a series of historical events that unite the two great powers of the ancient world, Carthage and Rome."

A pretext similar to that of the homo benches in Kielce...

Parco describes the statue of Moloch as a reconstruction from the 1914 film ..: "A reconstruction of the terrible deity Moloch, linked to Phoenician and Carthaginian religions, and depicted in the 1914 film" Cabiria ". (Directed by Giovanni Pastore and written by Gabriele D'Anunzio) will be stationed at the entrance to the Colosseum to welcome visitors to the exhibition. "

Reconstruction was also done by this transsexual:


He reconstructed ...abortion...


While some consider the depiction of Moloch at the entrance to the Colosseum to be a harmless part of the exhibition, others are concerned about the situation.

The priests issued a letter in protest.


On the other hand, we are left to wonder if this is not an announcement of the outpouring of God's wrath on Rome, i.e. the fulfillment of the prophecy of the apocalypse:


"Fallen, fallen Babylon the capital city. And it became the abode of demons, and the hiding place of every unclean spirit, and the hiding place of every unclean and revolting bird, (3) For with the wine of the fierceness of her whoredom she has made all nations drunk, and the kings of the earth have committed whoredom with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the vastness of her splendor. (4) And I heard another voice from heaven saying, My people, come out of her, that you may not share in her sins, nor bear any of her plagues: (5) for her sins have accrued up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes."





Shocking things have been happening for about two years. An outpouring of LGBT, an influx of refugees, Baal gates in various parts of the world.

Evil is expanding and pushing, but with the onslaught of evil, people are beginning to see the satanism of the elite.


By the way, I would like to share my observation with you. Namely, according to my feelings, I think that now is the time of SEALING OF GOD'S PEOPLE.

The time of grace and conversion is coming to an end.




Updated: 6 November 2019 — 07:38


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  1. As for the ending, I feel that way too. You have to define yourself. You have to be cold or hot! And there is a growing rift between believers in Jesus and the rest of society. This veil being let down on them is becoming more and more apparent. They just can't see or hear. They are completely blinded. Although there are still a few who have doubts...
    Since we have knowledge, let us try to teach the few who want to know how it is and strive for the Truth!
    more and more geopoliticians are talking about a multipolar world (I'm waiting for those 10 kings...)
    Everything is slowly but steadily coming to an end until the King returns!
    Amen 🙂 Amen.

    1. One more point to this text. Also note the triangle on Moloch's belly. It has a pyramid and an eye on it just like the Illuminati symbol and the Jesuit symbol.

      1. Against a background of sunshine. All of this in shape resembles a Catholic monstrance:
        And that is why God, knowing men, forbade the making of images, figurines, and "holy" things....
        Deceived people don't even know who they are kneeling before....

  2. In the cinema in the city near where I live, there are these old posters on the walls, and just one of them is a poster of this movie. I remember looking at them a few years ago while waiting, and this one caught my eye - I saw people lining up to the statue with their arms outstretched, and I realized that this is Moloch worship after all. It is sickening to see this statue and the fact that these things continue to happen. But I am comforted by the fact that soon our King will come and this will stop.

  3. It's kind of insane... is this statue even that disgusting and in this place?... hmmm


    1. DrHalst. Of course, because evil knows neither nationality nor language. It gets to everyone. Even Jesus was tempted by a demon! I encourage you to read the Gospels. A demon tempted Judas, Peter tortured John, etc. The question is whether we will call real evil an art, an artistic expression, a spirit of the times, or whether we will steadfastly stand by God and shout BACK to demons.

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