Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Historia Słowian sprzed V wieku. Cz I.

As I wrote about a month ago in an article about the Slavs, the history of the Slavs starts barely from the 5th century as if hundreds of thousands of Slavs suddenly appeared in the current area.



But today I found a lead.

Well  Encyclopedia Britannica, for example, records that the original homeland of the Slavs "was Asia, from which they migrated in the third or second millennium pne to fill in parts of Eastern Europe" .

This would go along with the map covering the Indo-European peoples with the Assyrian captivity of Israel.


While there was an early settlement of Slavs in Eastern Europe, according to the encyclopedia, it was only in the fifth and sixth centuries AD era . that a larger migration of Slavs had arrived. These people "moved in the footsteps of the Germans westward into the country between the Oder and the Elbe-Saale line, southward into Bohemia, Moravia, Hungary, and the Balkans, and northward along the upper Dnieper"



Thus the story of the migration of the Slavs begins in the Middle East!



The truth is that many Noachian families populated the earth in various parts after the flood.


Many of these nations, including the Israelites and Assyrians, wandered into distant lands.

Jednak jednocześnie – jak pokazuje Encyclopedia Britannica – duże populacje tajemniczo pojawiają się później w różnych częściach świata. Ale z pewnością te populacje could not have spontaneously arisen!

It could not be that suddenly a great multitude of people one year or even in 50 years inhabit an area. These migrations had to be of great caliber.


Only when you accept the biblical narrative can you connect the dots and understand: these large populations that are emerging in Eastern Europe are merely a continuation of the various migrations of people that began in the Middle East centuries ago!

The history of the Slavic people demonstrates this pattern. The story begins in Asia, jak stwierdza encyklopedia – szczególnie w regionie Bliskiego Wschodu kontynentu azjatyckiego.

Central Asia, which is where the Indo-European haplogroup peoples originated.



All the while, despite the upheavals on the political scene, God had everything under control and transformed evil into good.


The greatest periods of upheaval in the Middle East, and thus the beginning of many long migrations, were usually the result of the destruction of one empire and the beginning of a new one. For example, the Assyrian empire established itself by ruthlessly conquering its neighbors and deporting them to other areas of its territory. It collapsed in 612 pne . at the hands of a coalition of nations led by the Chaldeans and an Iranian nation called the Medes, descendants of the biblical patriarch Madai. The Chaldeans established an empire in Mesopotamia, while the Medes continued to rule the territory of modern Iran and the area around the Caspian Sea.

The Medes ruled their area in loose confederation with their neighbors, especially the Persians. W 550 BC. Cyrus poprowadził Persów, kolejny naród irański, zbuntowany przeciwko Medom. Po objęciu sąsiednich Medów rządami perskimi Cyrus podbił Imperium Chaldejskie i Azję Mniejszą, ustanawiając Imperium Perskie – czasami nazywane Imperium Medo-Perskim po bliskiej federacji między dwoma plemionami.



After the establishment of the Persian Empire, another period of migration of people moving from the Middle East to Europe began. Among them were Israelites, Assyrians, and Medes.

The Medes began sending colonies of people to Europe soon after the Persians gained power.

In the 400s pne grecki geograf Herodot zapisał wiele z tego, co było znane z mieszkańców Grecji i okolic. Spośród mieszkańców ówczesnej Europy Wschodniej i południowej Rosji opisał konkretne plemię ubrane jak Medowie, mieszkające na wschód aż do Dunaju – naród, którego „granice sięgają prawie do Eneti nad Adriatykiem, a oni nazywają siebie the colonists of the Medes. "

Rzymski geograf Pliniusz potwierdza to, co zapisał Herodot. Pisał A.D.  pierwszego wieku . ludzi, którzy mieszkali na dzisiejszej Ukrainie: „Następnie dochodzimy do rzeki Tanais (rzeki Don), która wypływa do morza dwoma ujściami, a brzegi zamieszkują Sarmaci, potomkowie Medi. ”

Tak więc historycy rzymscy i greccy odnotowują, że potomkowie Medów wyemigrowali z Azji z dzisiejszego Iranu do Europy – osiedlając się w całej Europie Wschodniej, od współczesnej Ukrainy aż po Bałkany! In the time of Pliny, the Medes came to be called Sarmatians .


So the devil admittedly led Israel to perdition, but God, through their dispersion, ultimately saved the people through political turbulence.


Encyclopedia Britannica also recognizes the Sarmatians as an Iranian nation.

I took a photo from the PWN Universal Encyclopedia entry on the Sarmatians:



Related, meaning they probably inhabited the Scythian area.


Thus, the descendants of the Medes, the dominant Iranian tribe, held an important place in the Sarmatian tribes.

Scytowie, z którymi spokrewnieni byli Sarmaci zajmowali obszerne terytorium na zachód aż w stronę Polski, a więc Lechici, Polanie nie mogli się pojawić nagle w roku 966….





The Medes are found in end times prophecies in Jeremiah 25:25 and Isaiah 21. In both cases they are mentioned along with another Iranian people, the Elamites.

Apparently, the Medes were not the only Iranian people migrating from the Middle East to Europe.



Starożytni Elamici mieszkali na wschód od Babilonu w południowej Mezopotamii we współczesnym Iranie. Według żydowskiego historyka Józefa Flawiusza Persowie pochodzą od Elamitów. Elamici byli blisko związani z Medami i znaleziono je w górach Greater Media – północnym regionie Iranu.

Genesis 14: 1 shows that the Elamites already had a history of moving into Europe over a thousand years earlier when they conquered Asia Minor in a confederation led by Assyria. From there, the colony moved further northwest to the Balkans, where the Greeks called them by exactly the same name.

Interestingly, the Elamites can be found in Greek stories in Eastern Europe, especially in the Balkans! The Greeks observed a tribe of people living north of them in the Balkans called the Elimaei . These people were originally independent kingdoms, but were later conquered by the Macedonians in the 4th century before our era .

This reference in history provides the origin of many of the tribes migrating to Eastern Europe, which were later called Slavs . Word Elimaei is the same Greek name for the land under Babylon, called "Elam."

It is clear that many Slavs are descendants of Elam and Medes.



Medes and Elamites now in Europe!




Thus the tribes of the Elamites and Medes were among the Sarmatians who migrated to Europe. The Sarmatians were found in southern European Russia as far as the Balkans as early as the time of Herodotus, but the great migration of the Sarmatian people to this area did not begin until the early third century pne , two centuries later.



At the first age AD . The Romans were increasingly familiar with the people of Eastern Europe and the Sarmatians were called by specific tribal names such as Venedi (or Venedians)... The Roman historian Tacitus records a strong connection between the Slavic Venedi tribe and the Sarmatians, recording that "The Venedi are the equivalent of the Sarmatians" and lived in a similar way.


These tribes were later grouped as Slavs w VI wieku AD ., Kiedy w końcu przyszli do głosu w Europie Wschodniej Hunowie zostali pokonani. Współcześni historycy powiedzą, jak Słowianie „nagle” pojawili się i podbili Europę Wschodnią, ale cytowane wcześniej źródła wskazują, że żyli w Europie już dawno pod różnymi nazwami. Dopiero po zepchnięciu Rzymian, Niemców i Hunów Słowianie w końcu mogli dojść do władzy.

The beginning of the great Sarmatian migration coincides with an important date in history that reveals the momentum of the people's movement at that time. That date was the destruction of the Persian empire in 331 rpne . Zaledwie trzy dekady później sprzymierzony lud Persów – przede wszystkim Medowie i Elamici, ale najprawdopodobniej także inni ludzie – pojawia się na północ od Morza Czarnego w licznych ilościach jako Sarmaci, a później jako Słowianie.




There are many scholars who acknowledge and confirm the Iranian roots of the Slavs, even though it is not generally accepted. Scientific Croatian society named zdpph held a conference presenting the findings of these scholars in 1998. Among the research was genetic evidence indicating that 75 percent of Croats were of Iranian descent. The results also included evidence of ancient Croatian names in an ancient Darius stone inscription and in Greek inscriptions around the Sea of Azov dating to the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC. , exactly the period in which the archaeological record shows the great migration of the Sarmatians.

Other similarities are obvious. For example, one of the main rivers that flowed through Elam was called Croats, a actually the same term was used for the Slavs called Croats! In addition, "the name of the Croatian capital, Zagreb, is related to the mountain range Zagros Iran. The Dinar mountains in Dalmatia and the Dinar currency can be connected to the Dinar (Dene) mountain in Iran. The name Serbia is similar to Seropi or Surappi River in Elam ", according to Dr. Samar Abbas ( Jat Jyoti, November 2003) there was also a strong Iranian influence in the religion of the Slavs before they converted to Christianity.

These similarities apply not only to Croats but also to other Slavs, as ancient histories recorded by the Greeks and Romans show.

Only one conclusion can be drawn: the ancient Elamites, Medes, and other related peoples of Iran migrated from the Middle East to Europe, where they became known first as Sarmatians and then as Slavs!




Słowianie przenieśli się do Europy ze współczesnego Iranu przez Kaukaz, to samo terytorium, na którym migrowali potomkowie Meshecha i Tubala i kontynuowali migrację. Geograf grecki Strabo napisał, że Sarmaci mieszkali w obszarze, który rozciągał się „na południe aż do Gór Kaukaskich”, które dołączyły do ​​Gór Moschskich. „Równinę Iberyjską zamieszkują ludzie, którzy… ubierają się zgodnie z modą ormiańską i medianą”, żyjąc jak „sarmaci, których są zarówno sąsiadami, jak i krewnymi” – napisał.

As described in the previous article, the descendants of Meshech and Tubal are now known as Russians. Strabo shows a strong connection between Russians and other Slavs because these people migrated through the same areas and at about the same time. This is why the general classification of Slavs includes almost all Eastern Europeans, including those from the Balkans, Russia, Poland, and Ukraine.

The Slavs spread eastward into the Ural mountains and westward as far as the Adriatic Sea and north of the Danube in Eastern Europe, following the advanced colonies of their people who migrated to the same places years ago.

Although all of these peoples were called Slavic, these peoples included several distinctly different groups. They formed their own nations and ethnic types based largely on where they eventually settled iz who.

From the stories shown, it is clear that ukrainian ethnic type – kiedyś znany jako Mali Rosjanie, ale dziś zaliczany do grupy wschodniosłowiańskiej – originated from the Medes. Słowianie dalej na zachód na Bałkanach na północ do Polski – sklasyfikowani jako Słowianie Południowi i Zachodni – mają silniejsze pochodzenie od Elama i prawdopodobnie innych plemion irańskich z Bliskiego Wschodu.


Slavs in Prophecy.



The proximity and close relationship of the descendants of these two peoples was prophesied in Isaiah 21: 2, where they allied together and attacked the last resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire, the German-led European Union. When you combine this prophecy with the prophecy in Revelation 17, which shows that the EU will make a deal with the current 27 members into 10 national groupings, it becomes very clear that some Eastern European nations will not be in the Union!



Interestingly, in this prophecy, as in Jeremiah 25:25, nowhere does it say Persians . If the Medes and Elamites were still in modern Iran, as many believe, surely the Persians would also be mentioned in this prophecy. However, as this prophecy shows, the Elamites and Medes emigrated from Iran while the Persians remained. This is why Persia is not associated with them in biblical prophecy.


Do you know how wikipedia defines Elamites?


"Elamites - A people from southwestern Iran, o nieustalonym pochodzeniu.”




Elam is also mentioned in a prophecy in Ezekiel 32. This chapter contains prophecies of the end times for several nations. Interestingly, Elam is mentioned in order between Germany (modern Assyrians) and Russia (modern Meshech and Tubal). This is perhaps another biblical confirmation of where to find the descendants of Elam today: stuck between the Germans and the Russians.



I tak najliczniejsza grupa etniczna i językowa w całej Europie jest podzielona między wschód i zachód – ze Wschodnimi Słowianami, Rosjanami, Ukraińcami i Białorusinami w jednym obozie, a Europą w drugim. Most of the rest of the Slavs expect security in German Europe.


But we, in accordance with the will of slaves, learn English, because this language not only dominates culturally, but also the countries speaking it outweigh the beaten Slavs financially.



Historically, the state of these nations does not rest in their hands, but depends on what Russia and Germany decide. World Wars I i II played out in the territories of these nations, leaving much of their land destroyed and populations brutally diminished.

Today, Russia has regained much of the position it lost after the fall of the Soviet Union, and Germany is dealing with global affairs on its own terms. Given the return to power of both nations, those who live between the two warriors need to know more than ever what Bible prophecies will unfold. Will history repeat itself?

The answer is yes! Eastern Europe is about to become a bloody battlefield again between these world powers! These powers will once again clash in war more fierce and more terrible than the previous world wars combined!


Based on:


The Slavs do not know their own identity and that is why we let ourselves be drawn into Khazar-edomite alliances. Before World War II we were betrayed by the League of Nations. Today the EU together with NATO will have no qualms about selling us out again and barbecuing Poles on our territory.


Based on these facts, the Slavs are descended from the Elamites or simply inhabited the area according to the emigration of the Indo-European haplogroup.



A seal with an inscription in ancient Hebrew was found on Russian territory north of the Black Sea. Why is this discovery so important?



Sarmatian cataphracts (heavy armored cavalry) fight the Romans in the Dacian Wars under Trajan (Wikimedia Commons)


In 2014, a major discovery was made near Rostov-on-Don, a Russian port city on the northern Black Sea coast. Archaeologists were uncovering the 2000-year-old tomb of a Sarmatian noblewoman. To their surprise, among the artifacts discovered in the tomb was an object they never expected: The seal of carnelian engraved in ancient Hebrew!




Napis na pieczęci nosi po prostu nazwę „Elyashib” (lub „Elyashiv”). Było to powszechne hebrajskie imię oznaczające „Bóg przywraca” i faktycznie znajduje się w 15 wersetach Biblii Króla Jakuba. Archeolodzy datowali pozostałą zawartość grobowca na okres między pierwszym wiekiem pne a pierwszym stuleciem (w czasach życia Jezusa Chrystusa), ale pieczęć jest o wieki starsza.








Updated: 25 July 2022 — 07:33


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    1. And the Germans are us? As broken as the history of Poland is, there is probably no other such country in the world.

      1. Martin, in my estimation we cannot be both Germanic and Slavic at the same time.

        1. The Slavs inhabited as far as the Rhine River. They conquered Rome and North Africa. It was the Germans who stole our identity by appropriating the term Germania, which the Romans called us, meaning neighbors or those living next door. The Sassanids or black-headed people (read Jews) appropriated by deceit and lies the lands of the Slavs, including their history. To this day, German towns and cities are named after great Slavic rulers. Germany is the state of the viper generation, which together with Rome, under the guise of faith in Lord Jesus, is bleeding pure Slavic nations, mainly Poles, to this day.
          Germany is a tool of Satan created by the Jews to kill the Slavs. History speaks for itself.

          1. Ok, so that's what you wrote in general, and the sources too Martin?

            Certainly enemies read this blog and for them that means a posse.
            I documented with maps, sources, wikipedia.

            Part II will only show a clue, as we have no certainty.

            1. Herodotus Pilinius Prokosz sources are numerous. Already more than once here recommended mocked books by Mr. Janusz Bieszk or lectures Lalak or Skwarek who cite primarily these chroniclers.
              I visit ancient Slavic fortified settlements (this long weekend I was in Przywidz.) On the website Atlasgrodzisk. pl there is a map showing how inhabited was Poland BC. Thanks to lidar technology, new ones are found every now and then. Let us also remember that history was taught to us by the Germans during the partitions of Poland. ?

              1. Most sources are abroad anyway. Janusz Bieszk collected them in his book Kings of Lechia and Lechites in History.

                1. Bieszek's books are a joke, they cannot be taken seriously, they have long since been debunked. Bieszek himself combines peoples, very often different from each other with the Slavs, relies on legends, takes every stupidity seriously. Bieszek has no idea about critical analysis of sources.

                  The same Bieszek believes in the cosmic origin of the Slavs.

              2. Martin is not ridiculed but considered infantile. I've even forgotten the name of the channel. He's the one who took over from the ladies in hats.
                In contrast, I want to explore the possibility of our origins in Israel. They didn't do that.

                  1. Mr. Bold,

                    First of all I love the Judeans but not the Edomites. God commanded me to respect the Edomites and I do so in contrast to them who together with the Khazars falsified our history and probably everyone knows well who is interested in history that Stalin ordered the Polish Khazars to change their names after World War II. We know who formed the core of the SS, what was the origin of Lenin and Stalin, Marx, etc.

                    Po drugie nie rozumiem Pana tu obecności skoro tak bardzo mnie Pan nienawidzi….

                    Poles have a right to their history and you should not panic. After all, it is known that history is written by the winners and we Poles are losers, so we do not know history.

                    It is a kind of denial mechanism, I guess. You repress the truth because you would have to admit many things to yourself and that would cost you dissonance.

                    Oh and please show me one country blessed by your nation. Just one. OK?

                    I wish you all the best. I will not wish God's blessings because it would sound artificial.

  1. The Slavs are a people of the Word, only most despise Him.

    1. etymology:
      Latin. Bethlehem < Gr. Βηθλεέμ < Hebrew בית לחם (bêṯ leḥem) → literally "house of bread"

  2. For those interested in the history of the Slavs, I recommend this site:

  3. Very interesting and confusing story, many things I didn't even know 😮

  4. “To by się zgadzało z mapką pokrywającą ludy indoeuropejskie z niewolą asyryjską Izraela.”
    Assyrian captivity around 750 BC
    Emigration 2,000 BC. That's right hehehe.

    1. I did not write about the start of this captivity, but about the time of its functioning. Please read with understanding, because later you will have unjustified claims.
      I wrote clearly that it coincides with the map and not with the exit time.

      My thinking was as follows:

      1. the captivity of the Israelites in Assyria.
      2 Indo-European peoples fit right in.
      3. the haplogroup of the Poles is the same as that of the Indo-European peoples

      And please do not mock, because it shows a lack of culture. I think that you have mastered the hatred, and it's a pity because we can discuss the arguments and as you see it is possible. But if you will give in to emotions, especially hatred, I will not post such comments.
      God's people need to be kind like Jesus was kind, and I try to be that way with the Lord.

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