Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Christians are argumentative people.

The title is over the top and meant to make you think. Not everyone is argumentative.

The followers of Christ are uncompromising. Well, just how did our King deal with conflicting and contentious situations?

First, the exchange of words was very brief. Second, he clearly DISCUSSED from the HERETICS.


The Lord Jesus was clearly creating a boundary line, because that is what HOLY was all about.



There are plenty of preachers on the internet, but if you went to the Facebook groups, incidentally also full of agents, you would see how argumentative Christianity is, which is a terrible, not to say tragic, picture of evangelicals.


I personally delete comments from provocateurs and people who personally attack. One person wrote that I quickly end conversations on uncomfortable topics because I am afraid, but he was afraid to give me his real email. Generally, haters are hypocritical people.

Besides, in this case I gave arguments on several issues. But he wanted to go on arguing. In such situations the Lord Jesus answered and went away in silence.


There are some people who go somewhere on other sites just to realize their argumentativeness. Their spirit MUST be to argue, to accost. I don't enter any sites to argue. I just do my own thing. But you, dear reader, if you want to be a follower of Jesus and you are notoriously involved in arguments, you are giving a bad card to your God.


It is worth fighting for the truth, but not deliberately arguing.

The book of Proverbs teaches in many places to end arguments very quickly.


What coal is to embers and wood to fire, the quarrelsome man is to stir up strife.
BW - Proverbs 26 26:21


When the wise man has a dispute with the foolish man, the latter bursts out once, laughs once, and there is no reconciliation.


He who causes strife is like one who lets water out; so desist from it before the strife breaks out.
BW - Proverbs 17 17:14


One must be a superficial person or at the beginning of the journey to not follow such verses.

I have this constant stalker from the US, a Catholic complaining about his Baptist wife and himself having terrible fruit. He has been writing biting comments every few days for a year. A walking cluster of demons. He takes pleasure in his venomous comments, feeds his demons and considers himself a believer. You are lucky that you don't see the comments of the haters because they are really disadvantaged people and we won't help them until they acknowledge themselves as sinners.



Paul in his letter to the Romans wisely warned:


"And I beseech you, brethren, to beware of those who stir up strife and mischief contrary to the doctrine which you have received; avoid them.
BW - Paul's letter to the Romans 16 16:17″


My blog is argument free and I deliberately avoid hateful people. I've deleted many comments by anti-people not for lack of argument because they had none. But because of venom. Heresy builds a demonic personality. I've written that I've been hurt the most by antipavlovians. One reader cleverly escaped addressing the fruits of his group by saying I had bitterness. Such a switch from de facto to ad personam. Well, but I merely dressed up the behavior of a certain group in statistics. Like them Khazars etc.... It's like a victim of the Gestapo saying that he suffered the most harm from the Gestapo men. It's from a point of view like this antipawl reader that the victim would be at fault and not that group should do something about themselves.

There's no point in talking...



I also write more and more often to people on cardinal issues that differ from the line of this blog so that they have the courage not to read it. I constantly emphasize that I do not read Catholic websites, nor Senyszyn's blog, nor Korwin's blog, etc... Except when someone throws something at me... People who are devoid of the Holy Spirit want to hook up to such places where he is. But I separate myself from such people. If someone is confirmed in his beliefs, he should be CONSEQUENT and not look where someone writes heresies.



We followers of Christ are to separate. So if you see someone with totally different beliefs about the faith than you, don't argue with them, just SEPARATE. Don't cast your pearls before swine, don't "follow" someone like that.

The difference between Christ-followers and non-Christ-followers is that the former, having the Spirit of God in them, do not follow someone who has bad fruit or bad beliefs, while it is people full of malice who follow Jesus like the Pharisees, following God-fearing people. I don't regularly go to any of my enemies' websites. I am not interested in ecumenical pastors or other deceivers.

Let us not throw what is precious to just anyone. Our peace is a treasure. Blessed are the peacemakers.


The same is true in real life. Exchanges on non-biblical and contentious topics should be a few sentences long at most. The rest is carnality.


I have built a quality, biblical culture here and I will not let that be disrupted. Even though I've never seen each other with most, we create such an online church and that's beautiful.

Praise God for this congregation.




Updated: 24 October 2019 — 15:26


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  1. I have many demons inside me depression, suicidal thoughts, hatred, jealousy, lust. Ahh how hard, only the Lord's return will save me in Him I hope.

    1. It is very good, because you have the grace to see these sins, you know that you are sick. Very good, it means that God is with you. Now fight and ask God for help. I will pray for you as soon as I remember.

      1. The key to understanding and healing is to receive God into your heart, to trust God.
        Only a man with a good heart who knows how to deny himself, be selfish (good does not mean the one who lets himself be used) and hard-working will achieve peace.
        The newborn man becomes strong and has the distance to argue because he understands that the interlocutor may be spiritually immature or an evil person who does not accept the truth.
        Also Peter you described it very nicely and you are doing the right thing. Fruitless discussions are like blood in the sand.

  2. The argumentative nature of some teachers of God's word leads to calling people idiots or retards for most of the video, and then proving that the Lord Jesus did that too. I agree with the admin that in conflict situations Jesus did not have long arguments and the exchanges were short. Instead, people have a need to prove they know the Bible best at the cost of pastoring others.

  3. Yes Peter, you have rightly said. Let us pray as David did in the words of Psalm 141
    Lord, set a guard before my mouth, Guard the door of my lips!
    And like Yahushua our Savior let us separate ourselves from the world.
    That people may see good works in us and glorify the Father who is in Heaven.

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