Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Who stole from the Slavs their history and origins?

The beginning of my blog goes back to 2012 and one of my first texts was the one about Slavs:


In that text, I began the article with this story:


“Pewnego razu w wiejskiej zagrodzie był sobie malutki orzeł żyjąc pośród kur. Nie wiadomo skąd się tam znalazł. Bawił się i gadał z kurami, ale był trochę inny. Pewnego już będąc dużym zobaczył razem z kurami wielkiego ptaka na ich gospodarstwem. Spytał orzeł kur: “co to jest za wielki ptak nad nami”? Kury mu odparły: to jest orzeł, bardzo silny i wielki ptak z bystrym wzrokiem, ale my nigdy tacy nie będziemy” – powiedziały kury orłowi.”,


While almost 10 years ago in some of my texts I was wondering how we, Polish Slavs, fell out from under the magpie's tail in 966, today I wanted to deal with the Slavs on a global level.


As Poles know well, without knowing the language we can get along in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, or Croatia, which is visited every year by tens of thousands of Poles.


Traveling really educates (thought from Syrah). Once, when I was in Bosnia, I asked a Bosnian a little in Polish and a little in English if they realized that the USA was behind the war in the Balkans?

I don't know how much he knew about the situation, but he had an idea.

Here is a brief synopsis from a true story in a nutshell:


Baer maintains that by means of lies and half-truths the CIA used its officers and agents to spread distrust among the various Yugoslav republics and ultimately to break them up.

He gives extremely interesting information about the famous massacre in Srebrenica, because he claims that it was a directed event, during which, however, as many Serbs as Bosniaks died, while the blame for the slaughter was put on the Serbian side only. According to Baer, it was the Serbs who were to be the main culprits of the genocide and what was to be the pretext for the US intervention in Yugoslavia. "The town of Srebrenica was sacrificed to give America a pretext to attack the Serbs for their alleged crimes."

Robert Baer, a former CIA officer, is now a widely read author who has published books on the behind-the-scenes activities of that agency during the administrations of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Baer served in the former Yugoslavia from 1991-94 and has published in Vanity Fair, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post, among other publications.


By the way, it is to be expected that our Khazar friend, i.e. the USA, may carry out identical military operations in Poland and that is why it is so important to side with the truth and not to take sides in the conflict.


The war in the Balkans claimed up to 200,000 lives, roughly the equivalent of all the people of Kielce.

Brother killed brother, or rather Slav killed Slav.

It was similar under hmmm Polish (?) king Sigismund Vasa. It was one of the first (I don't know) major wars with Russia.

Polish army under the command of the king begins the siege Smolensk (It is captured in the spring of 1611). July 4, 1610 at Klushino troops Stanislaw Żółkiewski (7.5 thousand) smash the Swedish-Russian army (35 thousand troops) using the mobility of the Polish cavalry.


However, there is a small BUT.


Sigismund II Vasa was a former tertiary of the Jesuits.


That is, the Vatican's armed arm of Jewish origin.

The sellout Vasa was assisted by a certain Dmitri Samozwaniec, whose real name was Otrepiev. He was an Orthodox monk from 1601-1602 and promised Sigismund (note) the CATHOLICIZATION of Russia.


W ten sposób podbijano narody….

Rome as in Jesus' day was walking hand in hand with the Edomites.

Since more or less that time, the Slavs had been attacking the Slavs and the most shameful for the Poles was the invasion of the Czech Republic. Of course, we can make excuses that it was the Warsaw Pact that attacked in 1968, but after all, ordinary rank soldiers and corporals were of Slavic origin. If these simple Poles had known Jesus, they would not have gone to any war. Wars are of Satan.


I return to the origin of the Slavs.


The map of Slavic languages shows how large a territory the Slavs inhabited.



From the Baltic to the Adriatic and the Black Sea.

Divide and rule is their rule. Now we are all strangers to each other, but we should love each other. Unfortunately, the Khazar-edomite culture has ruled out any kind of re-marriage of Slav brothers. However, it is not that we have no way out. We are now all brothers and sisters in Christ. Not in the Jesuit church of Rome, but in Christ, and true Christ-followers can be recognized by:


"After that, everyone learn aboutthat you students myif you love one another" (J 13, 35)


Regardless of where we are in the world. They will also know us by the fact that we separate ourselves from this wretched Catholic-edomic-Khazar culture.

Politically we will no longer connect, but spiritually we will.




Odkąd więc istnieje wzmianka o Słowianach? Otóż pojawili się oni nagle w okolicach V wieku n.e. Słuchajcie, ni stąd ni z owąd Słowianie zajęli obszar stanowiący więcej niż Europa i nie wiadomo skąd się wzięli…. Szok!.

These are not my words.

It is said that Jesus painted Montenegro very beautifully. I have not been there, but I presume it is similar to Croatia or Greece.

The territory of Montenegro was once inhabited by Slavs - Dukljans.

They settled in the 6th century out of the blue. Pop Duklanin calls their territory Croatia Red (South).

It can only be assumed that there was a great migration of Slavs in the 5th and 6th centuries and they came to Montenegro along with the Slavs to Croatia.

In the seventh century, our brothers the Croats arrived in this area, to which so much pulls now the Poles.


Now a great curiosity!



but that's as far as it goes...:-)

It's been reported to me that you guys don't like reading longer texts 😉 .





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Updated: 22 October 2019 — 11:17

1 Comment

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  1. I will disagree with one thing: it's not true that I don't cubin read long texts. I, for one, love to read long, interesting articles 🙂 .
    And I look forward to the next one; as for the Slavs and possibly the 10 lost tribes of Israel, mega Interesting 🙂

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