Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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How the Edomite Jews took over the Roman church by the Jesuits. Part III last.


Here is another excerpt from Professor Maryks interview with the Boston Globe....

"The Archbishop of Toledo issued a blood purity law in 1547, so the founding of the Jesuits coincided with the rise of blood purity laws. In 1593, the Society passed a law stating that no candidate with a Jewish background could enter the society, and those who had already spoken in the Society who had not taken vows had to leave. This was much stricter than the first because it did not limit genealogical investigation. In 1608 the inquiry was set at five generations. "


Thus, the Jesuits not only created their own law of purity of blood, but they created one that was "much stricter" than that of the Archbishop of Toledo. It helped put them above suspicion. Note, however, that they did not expel converts who had already completed their vows, which left converts in the Order to conduct background checks. By having their staff do the background checks, they were able to forge clean conversion certificates.

As for any background checks that were not conducted by outsiders, getting around them was a simple matter of simply bribing the inspectors and/or presenting forged documents. Like the Wikipedia entry on limpieza de sangre (purity of blood)...

"Orders, guilds and other religious and military organizations incorporated into their charter clauses require proof of blood purity. Mobile newly created Christian families have either had to struggle with their plight or bribe and forge documents attesting to generations of good Christian ancestors ".

At the time of these blood purity laws, forged documents and bribes were common. I w kontekście zakonu jezuitów dało to początek „closet-converso” –  krypto-żydowi, który miał „clear Christian background."

The maneuver was repeated with Polish Edomites. They changed the Edomite surnames to -ski and added false files, e.g. of the Home Army.

I personally know one Jew who made a film about the Home Army men telling me that his grandfather was in the Home Army in Starachowice.



Thus, in 1593, the Society of Jesus became an Edomite conversion synagogue. 



The Society of Jesus actually had ways of avoiding the blood purity laws and they continued to bring in Jews under deep cover. With financial help from the " Jewish court " outside the Church, The Order spent centuries spreading its tentacles both within the Church and around the world, eventually taking over the Church entirely.


Take a look at this inconspicuous sentence from Wikipedia about the Jesuits ...

The Society participated in Counter-Reformation, and later in implementation of the Second Vatican Council ".

By the late 1950s, the crypto-Jews (Edomites) had amassed enough power in the Church that they could remake it in their image, making it more worldly and cosmopolitan. They officially began this process on October 11, 1962 with the convocation of the Second Vatican Council.


People learn quickly and in my estimation they learned the method from the time of the Maccabees. They mixed together and became Jews. Similarly with the Jesuits: they mixed up and became Catholics, and that too as the armed arm of the Vatican, which by force introduced Catholicism and consequently Talmudic Judaism and rule and power from under the sign of the Hexagram. Today's Catholics are under Jewish rule. In my estimation Mr. Kaatz was the FIRST Jewish pope.


It is this worldliness and cosmopolitanism that is the domain of churches today. They all believe in Jesus, they teach about Jesus, but they do not teach about the danger of worldliness and cosmopolitanism.

They were the ones who stifled the Counter-Reformation and then took over the remnants of Protestantism.


Teraz spójrzcie na artykuł Huffington Post … … napisany w 50. rocznicę Rady, mówi o nim tak [ komentarze dodane w nawiasach] …


>>> With Vatican II (the council), the Catholic Church sent a message that it was part of the modern world , said Thomas Ryan, director Loyola Institute for Ministry . " Not against, not above, not separately , but in the modern world" – powiedział. „Kościół starał się engage, not condemn ." [Note who is talking about the new worldliness of the Church here : one of the directors of a Jesuit institution.] <<<


They don't need to separate what the bible teaches and Jesus taught, they are in the modern world,. Hence Christian rock, Christian disco polo, etc. etc.


The article also talks about the most important change of all...

>>> Perhaps the greatest of these changes occurred in the Church's approach to Judaism. Before Vatican II, Jews were stigmatized as the people who killed Jesus Christ. That changed with the council when The Catholic Church has recognized its Jewish roots and its Jewish covenant with God , Ryan said.

„Miał taki wpływ, jak słońce, gdy wschodzi i przeszkadza nocy” – powiedział rabin Edward Cohn ze świątyni na Synaju w Nowym Orleanie , whose best friend as a child had to get permission from the archbishop to attend Cohn's bar mitzvah. "It was no less dramatic than that. It provided a whole new day. It changed everything. "[In this passage we have Ryan, a Jesuit-bound and Jewish rabbi, telling us how great Vatican II was; saying, no?] <<<

Can you guess who led the Council's efforts to change the Church's position on Jews?

It was that Jesuit Cardinal Augustin Bea (sitting next to his co-conspirator Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel ) ...... Here's what Wikipedia says about Bea and his role in Vatican II...



>> Augustin Bea, SJ (28 maja 1881 – 16 listopada 1968), był niemieckim Jesuit a priest and scholar at the Pontifical Gregorian University specializing in biblical studies and biblical archaeology. He has also served as a personal confessor of Pope Pius XII .




In 1959, Pope John XXIII made him a cardinal of the Catholic Church. He served as the first president of the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity from 1960 until his death. Bea was a leading biblical scholar and ecumenist who greatly influenced Christian-Jewish relations during the Second Vatican Council in Nostra Aetate...





Bea was very influential at the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s as a decisive force in the drafting of the octane nostra, who rejected anti-Semitism. W 1963 r. Led by confidential discussions with Abraham Joshua Heschel , promoting Catholic-Jewish dialogue. John Borelli, a historian of Vatican II, noted that " imposition declarations to the council required the will of John XXIII and the perseverance of Cardinal Bei ". <<<


Przekonał papieża, aby pozwolił sobie i kilku innym jezuitom uczestniczyć w spotkaniu egzegetów Starego Testamentu – mainly Protestants, Żydów i świeckich uczonych – w Getyndze w 1935 r. Siła perswazji Bei była dość dużym rozmachem w czasach przed ekumenicznych, szczególnie biorąc pod uwagę że Święte Oficjum wydało edykt kilka lat wcześniej, zabraniając katolikom uczestnictwa w takich spotkaniach. Takie wrażenie wywarł na uczonych podczas konferencji Bea, że ​​poproszono go o poprowadzenie ostatniej sesji.




>>> Two key figures who inspired the preparation of "Nostra Aetate" were Cardinal Augustin Bea, a Jesuit who was head of the Secretariat for Christian Unity, and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, theological consultant to the American Jewish Committee . A sincere friendship began between the two, which helped them work out a declaration, though not without difficulties. From the very beginning Rabbi Heschel worked hard to remove all anti-Semitic words and any reference to the Church's mission to convert Jews from Catholic Church teaching . In May 1962, he submitted a memorandum asking the council fathers eliminate once and for all all accusations of the murder of the Jewish people, recognize the integrity and continuity of Jewish choices in salvation history, and finally abandon proselytizing Jews . The American Jewish Committee presented three memoranda; in the last one his influence was essential. He wanted the Council fathers to know that a Jew has dignity as a Jew and not as a human being for possible conversion to Christianity . He repeated quite often, "If I were asked to convert or die in Auschwitz, I would rather go to Auschwitz." <<<

As for getting the Church to "abandon proselytizing Jews," that would have to wait until the crypto-Jewish takeover of the Church is fully completed with the installation of the first Jesuit pope, Pope Francis ......


Oto złota reguła żydowsko (edomicka) – watykańska:


The golden rule in 13 denominations. This is what the Edomite pastors promote in the churches: unity of religion , that is unity in paganism, lack of holiness that is satanism.

This golden rule is also followed by Jehovah's witnesses:


“„Złota Reguła” jest oparta na wierzeniu, że wszystkie osoby ludzkie są do siebie podobne, a będąc podobnymi, powinny się nawzajem szanować. W różnych wersjach zasada ta pojawia się w wielu religiach, jak chociażby w:
- Christianity: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
- Hinduism: "Do not do to another what, if done to you, would bring you pain."
- Islam: "No one can be a believer until he loves his brother as himself."

Czym jest “Złota Reguła”?


Ekumenizm jest więc tworem edomickim pod egidą Watykanu jako religii fałszywych Żydów…


In summary, the Edomites hated the church for forced conversion just as they hated the Judeans for forced circumcision. But in both cases by their perversity and unscrupulousness and ruthlessness they conquered both Judea and Rome.

This period of history we are dealing with is unquestionably their 6 minutes, or rather 666 seconds.

But soon the Lord of lords and King of kings will come.





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Updated: 15 October 2019 — 06:52


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  1. Wojtyla was not the first Jewish pope. After the anthropological features of his predecessors, I believe that most of them were of Edomite origin.

    1. Perhaps, Martinek, but I base myself on what I know, and everything is a question of knowledge. I don't have that here.

    2. Jeśli choćby znaczna część księży kardynałów ma takie korzenie, to cóż…kruk krukowi oka nie wykole…

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