Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

How the Jews took over the Roman Church through the Jesuits. Part II.

"Conversion" of Edomites IS equal to "Marrano / Crypto-Jew" because virtually no Jew would ever accept a trivialized / Romanized version of their religion imposed on them by the enemies of their people. Almost all conversions were done for practical purposes, not out of a genuine profession of faith.


Here we come to a turning point.

Mr. Loyola had a Jewish background.


“15 sierpnia 1534 r. Ignatius of Loyola with six other companions (Francis Xavier, Alfonso Salmeron, Diego Laínez, Nicolás Bobadilla, Pierre Favre, Simão Rodrigues – wszyscy byli studentami Uniwersytetu Paryskiego) w krypcie kościoła Świętego Dionizego w paryskiej dzielnicy Montmartre – złożyli ślubowania i założyli Towarzystwo Jezusowe. Six years later, the Jesuit rule was approved by the Pope. Spośród sześciu jezuickich “founding fathers” czterech (Salmeron, Laínez, Bobadilla, Rodriguesz) z całą pewnością było pochodzenia żydowskiego, należąc do tzw. conversos. Co do pochodzenia Loyoli istniej mocno uzasadniona teza, iż jego dziadkowie po kądzieli byli Żydami – co zgodnie z żydowskim prawem halachicznym czyniło go pełnoprawnym Żydem. Jednakże jeżeli nawet przyjąć, iż Loyola nie był Żydem z krwi – był duchowym Semitą, cechującym się postawą wielce filosemicką.
Okres od zatwierdzenie reguły zakonu do pierwszej połowy lat 70 – tych 16 wieku – to czas rozwoju TJ i zdobywania rozległych wpływów w jego formule krytptojudejskiej, z przyjmowaniem w szeregi Towarzystwa ogromnego odsetka conversos – osadzanych na eksponowanych stanowiskach. W okresie tym bez większej przesady możemy mówić – poprzez analogię do Żydokomuny – o Żydojezuityźmie. Przełom następuje dopiero w 1573 r. wraz z wyborem na generała Towarzystwa Everarda Mercuriana, który rozpoczyna operacje oczyszczania TJ z conversos, nowa zaś calkowicie polityka zostaje zainicjowana około roku 1590 przez kolejnego generała TJ – Claudio Acquaviva, który wprowadza bezwzględny zakaz przyjmowania w szeregi zakonu osób pochodzenia żydowskiego. Tytułem dygresji warto dodać w tym momencie, iż znany z polskiej sceny politycznej Antoni Possevino – należał do conversos i jako taki należał do frakcji stanowczo zwalczającej czystki zainicjowane przez Mercuriana.”,759076





When Ignatius' family was faced with a "convert or die" or "convert to accept and win" moment, they told the Catholics what they wanted to hear. But they secretly maintained their Jewish identity and practices, as virtually all Jews do. So when Ignatius created the Jesuit order, he had in mind what all Jews had in mind: seeking refuge from persecutors and seeking change to end persecution.



Robert Malyks, a scholar who is associate director of the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies at Jesuit University, answered the question posed to him this way:




Q. Why was the Jesuit order so inclusive in its early days?

A. Ignatius of Loyola, the Basque who founded the Jesuit order in 1539, was joined by men who came largely from Iberia. It was a liberal order for the first three decades. Loyola was very open to accept candidates of Jewish ancestry into the order. He made sure there was no discrimination among candidates. One of the founding fathers was a converso. The Society of Jesus was substantially influenced by Christians of Jewish ancestry.







P . Why was the Jesuit order so comprehensive in the beginning?

. Ignatius Loyola, a Basque who founded the Jesuit order in 1539, was joined by men who came largely from Iberia. It was a liberal order for the first three decades. Loyola was very open to accepting Jewish candidates into the order. He made sure that there was no discrimination among the candidates. One of the founding fathers was a conversationalist. For the Society of Jesus they had significant wpływ chrześcijanie pochodzenia żydowskiego.”



Do you remember this symbol?



Here is the religion of the Edomites: Isis, Horus, Seth.


Let's look at an excerpt from Professor Maryks book A Companion to Ignatius of Loyola...





From this passage we see that the "old Christians" (traditional Christians who were not converts) in the Church "suspected Loyola of crypto-Judaism" so much that at least one investigation was opened against him. Maryks also mentions "Ignatius' alleged Basque pride in his purity of blood". By the way, the " Alumbrados " (enlightened ones) of "Jewish origin", with which Ignatius had "numerous contacts", translates to "Illuminati". Lolyola was accused of having contacts with this group. Alum, luminati. You know what this is all about. Now after learning the truth it all becomes clearer who is behind the illuminati/Jesuits.


Alumbrados are the prototype Illuminati of the 15th century.

Alumbrado (Spanish: "Enlightened"), Italian Illuminato, plural Illuminati , a follower of the mystical movement in Spain In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Its adherents claimed that the human soul, having reached a certain degree of perfection, obtained a vision of the divine and established direct communication with The Holy Spirit. From this state the soul could neither advance nor retreat. Consequently, participation in the liturgy, good works, and observance of the external forms of religious life were unnecessary for those who had received the "light." The Alumbrados came primarily from among the reformed Franciscans and Jesuits, but their doctrines seem to have influenced all classes of people. 



The familiar Masonic owl motif at the Alumbrados show in Colombia:




Now the 41st page of the book mentioned above:




This passage makes three important points...

1) He talks about Jewish infiltration civil institutions and ecclesiastical. The Catholics with their own hands will bring them to themselves just as the Maccabees did. The same error.



2) This confirms that the converts saw the clergy in the Church as a haven from persecution , although Prof. Maryks does not mention the other obvious motivation the converts had for becoming clergy: to end the persecution of their people by changing and even takeover of the Church Once they were inside.


3) Indicates that crypto-Jews have infiltrated other orders of the Church. Standard Jewish operating procedure is to infiltrate all factions within the institution to monitor their activities and take control if possible. But they didn't have to take over the Jesuit order because it was theirs from the very beginning. It was their hand in the Church.

 The Law is essentially a synagogue of the Jews.









Updated: 11 October 2019 — 09:10


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  1. Czy istnieją obecnie prawdziwi Judejczycy? Jaką praktykują religię? Gdy ktoś mówi “jestem Żydem”, jak rozpoznać czy nie jest Edomitą? Skąd mamy wiedzieć czy w naszych żyłach nie płynie edomicka lub judejska krew, bo mieliśmy takich przodków np w XVI w?

    1. I don't know if there are any Judaeans today. There is a view that the House of Israel existed in Europe and that all the former kings in Poland and England were descendants of the House of David. Hence it is also said that the royal family in England is of this lineage. I personally find this to be an inconsistent view to say the least.

      The Edomites study their genealogy through their mother's line, the Judeans through their father's. This is important.
      The Edomites are placed in many offices together with the Khazars. They generally have everything under control.
      Edomites were very quick to get visas to the US until the 1990s.

      Could there be Jewish blood in our veins? Maybe, but I think we should know.
      Reportedly, the true Judeans were monetized.

      Generally there is nothing to fight against because everything is under their control.
      You can only defend yourself and be vigilant.
      Culture, business, offices, religions, everything is in their hands.
      That is why it is so rewarding to know that we are not alone, that we have JESUS.

      1. Czy oni – Edomici zdobyli wpływy w Azji np. Chinach, Indiach w krajach arabskich? Mówiąc “są wszędzie” masz na myśli Europę i obie Ameryki, czy cały Świat?

        1. If you did some research on the Jesuits you would find that they invaded everywhere. Note that the Edomites, like the Jesuits, were expelled from almost every country.

  2. What do you think of the theory that we Slavs are descended from the true Judeans? To me it seems highly likely, since all our kings were them?

    1. I don't see the convergence of religions. The Slavs professed polytheism and worship of the same gods as the Romans.
      Owszem, istnieje luka między 1 wiekiem a 5 > Nie wiadomo skąd są Slowianie….Mówi się ze z krajow indoeupejskich. 500 lat to za malo na całkowita konwersje Judejczyków i zapomnienie o JHWH.
      Prędzej od Izraelitów, ale tez podobny problem chiaz ytaj mamy ok 1000 lat na zmiane wiary…

      I do, however, have it in my mind to start some exploration.

      However, there are so-called Slavic Vedas, which are very similar to the Law of God:

      Text from an old blog where I was still crawling with these topics

      1. It is very likely that the Slavs are descendants of the Arians. They came from Hyperborea, a more certain land; where the Arctic now lies.

          1. It is obvious that o2 or wp will not write about it. Much of history is falsified, as I'm sure you know. There are even many sources (yes I know they may not be 100% reliable, but always something) + sources from the Aryan-Slavic vedas:

        1. The Arians conquered the civilization that arose in the Indus Valley of India in 1500 BC. They adopted their beliefs (they combined their own with the native ones and so Hinduism was formed) and introduced a caste society.

          1. Possibly. In any case, the Arians didn't come out of nowhere.

        2. They are certainly descendants of Noah. ?

  3. So the Judeans NEVER recognized descent from the mother and the Edomites began to recognize it?

    1. (1) The genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. (2) Abraham was the father of Isaac; Isaac the father of Jacob; Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers; (3) And Judah was the father of Fares and Zara, whose mother was Tamar. Fares was the father of Ezron; Ezron the father of Aram; (4) Aram the father of Aminadab; Aminadab the father of Naasson; Naasson the father of Salmon; (5) Salmon the father of Booz, whose mother was Rachab. Booz was the father of Obed, and his mother was Ruth. Obed was the father of Jesse, (6) and Jesse was the father of King David. David was the father of Solomon, and his mother was /the former/ wife of Uriah. (7) Solomon was the father of Roboam; Roboam the father of Abiah; Abiah the father of Asa; (8) Asa the father of Jehoshaphat; Jehoshaphat the father of Joram; Joram the father of Oziah; (9) Oziah the father of Joatam; Joatam the father of Ahaz; Ahaz father of Hezekiah; (10) Hezekiah father of Manasses; Manasses father of Amos; Amos father of Josiah; (11) Josiah father of Jechoniah and his brothers during the Babylonian resettlement. (12) After the Babylonian resettlement, Jechoniah was the father of Salatiel; Salatiel the father of Zorobabel; (13) Zorobabel the father of Abiud; Abiud the father of Eliakim; Eliakim the father of Azor; (14) Azor the father of Sadok; Sadok the father of Achim; Achim the father of Eliud; (15) Eliud the father of Eleazar; Eleazar the father of Mattan; Mattan the father of Jacob; (16) Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, from whom Jesus, called the Christ, was born.

  4. No właśnie… dlatego pytam. Zauważ, że Jezus nie miał fizycznego ojca i nie ulega wątpliwości, że był uznany jako prawdziwy Żyd (jak wolisz Judejczyk). W ten sposób Biblia sankcjonuje również pochodzenie po matce i wspomina w rodowodzie Jezusa także Marię. Gdyby nie uznawali pochodzenia również po matce, to by Go nie uznali.
    Wiesz dlaczego Żydzi kładą główny nacisk na pochodzenie po matce? Otóż jest taka zasada “mater semper certa est” czyli: matka jest zawsze pewna i skoro mata jest z pochodzenia Żydówką, to dziecko również. Oczywiście udokumentowane pochodzenie po żydowskim ojcu również jest uznawane.

    1. I don't understand the statement that the mother is certain. Is it the father who is not sure?
      Z filmu pt Ukradzione dzieci Hiszpanii wynika, że matka tez nie może być pewna jeśli bierzesz pod uwage “przypadki”.
      In Israel the father has always been important because there was patriarchy and in the Edomites there was matriarchy and who knows if today's
      Italians are not primarily Edomites with their mama mia.

      In the genealogy I have quoted intentionally, these three women are inserted episodically I presume to show these biblical characters highlighted in the books. The genealogy goes mainly down the male line.
      1 Chronicles to Abraham:

      “(1) Adam, Set, Enosz, (2) Kenan, Mahalaleel, Jered, (3) Henoch, Metuszelach, Lamek, (4) Noe, Sem, Cham i Jafet. (5) Synowie Jafeta: Gomer, Magog, Madaj, Jawan, Tubal, Meszek i Tiras. (6) Synowie Gomera: Aszkanaz, Rifat i Togarma. (7) Synowie Jawana: Elisza i Tarszisz, Kittim i Dodanim. (8) Synowie Chama: Kusz, Misraim, Put i Kanaan. (9) Synowie Kusza: Seba, Chawila, Sabta, Rama i Sabteka. Synowie Ramy: Saba i Dedan. (10) Kusz [jeszcze] był ojcem Nimroda, który był pierwszym mocarzem na ziemi. (11) Misraim był ojcem Ludytów, Anamitów, Lehabitów, Naftuchitów, (12) Patrusytów, Kasluchitów i Kaftorytów, z których wyszli Filistyni. (13) Kanaan zaś był ojcem Sydona, swego pierworodnego, potem Cheta, (14) oraz Jebusyty, Amoryty, Girgaszyty, (15) Chiwwity, Arkity, Synity, (16) Arwadyty, Semaryty i Chamatyty. (17) Synowie Sema: Elam, Aszszur, Arpachszad, Lud i Aram. [Synowie Arama]: Us, Chul, Geter i Meszek. (18) Arpachszad był ojcem Szelacha, a Szelach – Ebera. (19) Eberowi urodzili się dwaj synowie: imię jednego Peleg, gdyż za jego dni ziemia została podzielona, a imię brata jego – Joktan. (20) Joktan był ojcem Almodada, Szelefa, Chasarmaweta, Jeracha, (21) Hadorama, Uzala, Dikli, (22) Ebala, Abimaela, Saby, (23) Ofira, Chawili i Jobaba. Wszyscy ci byli synami Joktana. (24) Sem, Arpachszad, Szelach, (25) Eber, Peleg, Reu, (26) Serug, Nachor, Terach, (27) Abram, to jest Abraham. (28) Synowie Abrahama: Izaak i Izmael.”

      same thing, mostly fathers.
      Zwróc tez uwagę, że Polinie państwie Edomitów dąży się do matrairchatu. 500 plus jest motywacja do niezalezności kobiet od mężów. Matka Boska, parytet w sejmie itd itd…

    2. Jesus had no physical father because He Himself is the Father. ?

  5. Matka zawsze pewna – chodzi o to, że zawsze (lub prawie zawsze) mamy pewność, kto jest matką dziecka i jeśli ona jest Żydówką, Rosjanką itd. to mamy pewność, że dziecko ma pochodzenie Żydowski, Rosyjskie itd. Gdyby przyjąć że uznaje się tylko po ojcu, to nie jest to kryterium już tak pewne, bo matka może skłamać a ojcem w rzeczywistości może być np. cudzoziemiec.
    As I understand it, the Edomites follow Judaism (now rabbinic). What makes you conclude that this religion promotes matriarchy?

    1. It is common knowledge that the current Jews run the banks, schools, institutions and culture.
      So the laws they create and this culture of socialism where women are supposed to go on tractors. Now I'm not going to elaborate on the sexual revolution that they're behind.
      It is known that Mr. and Mrs. Lubavitch have both influence on the president of Poland and the United States.

  6. Niby już wcześniej kojarzyłam, że mieli i nadal mają spore wpływy (zarówno wśród jezuitów, jak i ogólnie…), ale nie wiedziałam że te macki są aż tak rozległe 😮
    (thanks also to the other commenters and the admin for another batch of new news)

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