Maybe not everyone remembers and maybe I can inspire someone with my attitude.
Well, for the first time in my life, I will boycott an election by casting an invalid vote in the form of writing a Bible quote or several on the ballot.
A reminder of my proposals:
" Woe to lawmakers ungodly laws and to those who have made unjust laws, 2 to drive away the weak from justice and to cast out the poor from the law" Isaiah 10.
" the fearful, the unbelieving, the abominable, the murderers, the debauched, the sorcerers, the idolaters, and all liars shall share in the lake burning with fire and brimstone. This is the second death . ." Rev 21.
"For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famine and pestilence, and in places earthquakes. (8) But all this is only the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24.
Recall reasons.
First of all, as I've been mentioning for about six months now, supporting anti-system parties stuck in Marian devotion is acting (I repeat myself ) from behind the scenes. It is not our human efforts that are supposed to bring us blessings, but obedience to the Law of God. Catholics, with their Marian devotion and support of the priesthood system, form the foundation of Satan's system. Pseudo-Protestants, as befits the daughters of the Harlot, obediently remain silent so that Rome may lead the way.
Secondly, I noticed that almost 100% of anti-system channels are controlled by either Zionism or Catholicism. Recently I was watching CEpowisle. A Catholic channel seemingly anti-system. One of the episodes featured Ms. Mira Modelska. She seemed to be in opposition. But in the face of what?
She specialized in three-way cabin translations: English-Polish-Russian. She has translated presidents, among others: Jimmy Carter, Mikhail Gorbachev, Bill Clinton and Lech Walesa/.
Would it be given to a random person to translate such policy wonks as the above?
It's kind of a curiosity.
Finally, third, in the face of the coming Great Tribulation, the ONLY hope will be in God and it is ONLY HE who can bless us.
That's my twist on the election approach, and let everyone vote as their conscience tells them.
I guess I'm timid because other than for work I don't go anywhere else.
I'm afraid to go to work, I leave home once in 2-3 weeks to go to the hairdresser and that's it. So you're not that scared with me Brother :]
To the best of my knowledge, writing something on the ballot does not invalidate the vote. If you want it to be invalid, you have to vote for more candidates than you can. And so I advise you to do.
So write on a piece of paper + cast a vote for more than one candidate?
Thanks in advance for the clarification 🙂
I with my family similarly ?
I will not vote for crooks. It is against my will. The Lord Jesus does not accept lies under any circumstances. He is the truth, so how can we support liars?
Have a good rest my dears.
Vote for the Kingdom of God .That is, look forward to the coming of the Lord
The passage from Revelation has a stronger message and form, but somehow I think the one from Isaiah fits the situation better.
And I will vote for the Confederation, you will ask why, but in order for one of the parties not to obtain a constitutional majority, because it is very bad when someone obtains such a majority, not because I will vote for them/they are great but in order for my vote not to be a lost vote, and besides I have a woman from the Confederation who fights for voluntary vaccinations and the possibility to teach children at home and that is why I will vote for her ☺ I know I know but I like to mix things up especially when it comes to the plans of the governmentI won't vote for pis, because children are still being killed in Poland, and they were supposed to do something about eugenic abortion, I collected signatures myself, I won't vote for po, because well, I'm at a loss for words, psl, well, during the European elections they showed that they are able to go together even with people who love others, there is only confederation left, they won't win but maybe at least they will get to the parliament and they will look into the hands of those who feel untouchable ☺
One more thing on whether we should definitely boycott the election
13 Be obedient to the governing authorities. For every authority comes from God. Those to whom you are subject are therefore also appointed by him. 2 Whoever opposes authority destroys the order established by God and brings punishment on himself. 3 People in authority are not a terror to those who do good, but to those who do evil. Don't want to live in fear of authority? Do good and you will receive praise from it! 4 God has established rulers for your good. But if you break the law, you have something to fear! For authority can bring offenders to order. Being in the service of God, it inflicts punishment on those who do wrong. 5 Therefore you must obey it-not just because of the possible punishment, but for the sake of your conscience.
6 For the same reason taxes must be paid. For government officials perform their service by God's command. 7 Therefore give to everyone what is due to him: Pay taxes and other dues, and show respect and deference to those who deserve it.
Those who are called to rule are also called by him, if all power is of God, why should I ignore such an important aspect, and perhaps it is by our voting as vessels for God that we will fulfill the aspect of calling more people to rule according to the will of God, so that what is to be fulfilled will be fulfilled.
The first quote is perfect for the election.
I don't know if these ballot entries will lighten the mind of anyone on the election board.
W latach 1970 – 1990 obserwowałem prace komisji wyborczych “od środka”, z uwagi na moją pracę.
I did not participate in its work, however, I was present at various polling stations in Cracow. I had access to every room occupied by its members, from the moment the committee took over the premises, until its settlement and dissolution.
The committee was dissolved after it counted the ballots cast and transported those ballots, along with the minutes of the committee's work, to the superior unit.
Jeśli, po sprawdzeniu, wyniki głosowań zgadzały się – komisja kończyła swą działalność.
In the case of discrepancies, she acted until they were resolved.
Back then, participation in elections was almost that mandatory.
Their boycott by citizens was frowned upon by the authorities of the time and really few did not participate.
Ponadto właściwie to były one fikcją. Obowiązywało hasło – “głosuję bez skreśleń”.
Uprawnieni do głosowania, po ustaleniu ich tożsamości i sprawdzeniu ich danych w ewidencji komisji, oraz “odfajkowaniu” ich uczestnictwa w tych wyborach, otrzymywali karty do głosowania.
It was in good taste when, in front of the committee, these cards were placed in an envelope and dropped into an urn standing nearby.
Instances of booths being used to make deletions on cards were sporadic.
Podczas liczenia wrzuconych do urn kart wyciągano koperty bez kart – ktoś zabrał je na pamiątkę.
There were also cards: crossed out, crossed over, blurred.
Trafiały się także karty z napisanymi wierszykami o różnej tematyce – nie tylko politycznej, a także z hasłami antyustrojowymi i antypaństwowymi.
There were also several facts of Bible quotes on the cards.
Blank envelopes, crossed-out ballots, and blurred ballots were counted as invalid votes.
By contrast, ballots with any writing on them were counted as valid votes, regardless of the content of that writing, as long as they did not blur the list of candidates on that ballot.
Były także przypadki manipulowania wynikami wyborów, np. w razie niskiej frekwencji wyborców w danym lokalu – do urny wrzucano karty i ich ilość potwierdzano w wykazie wyborców, odfajkowując losowo nazwiska w ewidencji.
About the possibilities of election fraud, falsification of election results you can find a lot of material on the web. It is possible not only with us.
This is also true of other countries, including the U.S., admired by our countrymen.
It doesn't matter who votes or how they vote.
It is important who counts these votes and what the result should be
This fact was stated by Batyushka Stalin himself, and he eagerly exploited it in times of need.
Co do uczestnictwa w wyborach, tylko po to, aby coś napisać na kartach, dołączyć jakąś ulotkę, będzie to fakt bez znaczenia dla pracy komisji – kart z oddanymi głosami jest dużo – należy je szybko posegregować na ważne i nieważne, oraz policzyć ile ważnych głosów oddano na każdego z poszczególnych kandydatów.
This work is to be completed in the shortest possible time and in accordance with the regulations applicable to the committee.
In addition, each committee member is after several hours of mental exertion due to their duties and is interested in ending their participation on the committee quickly.
Nikt nie przejmuje się jakimiś napisami na kartach, czy ulotkami – “ważne, że głosy są ważne proceduralnie”.
What matters to the committee and to those in power are the votes cast, that is, how many of us participated in this spectacle.
Attendance is all that matters, although you can turn it up too.
Biorąc udział w przedstawieniu, jestem za – chociaż przeciw.
If anyone else believed in the apparent good of the Vatican:
Jeszcze będzie tak, że w Kościele Katolickim już oficjalnie wyniosą ,,Matkę Boską” ponad Jezusa, że sam papież w Watykanie będzie się kłaniał obrazowi, a ludzie za nim. Ale Bóg na to długo patrzył nie będzie…
A tak w ogóle…
Isn't that another sign?
I am rather distanced from such events as the water turning blood-colored, but it may be a sign.
May the name of Our Father YHWH be glorified and the name of His Son Yahushua be praised always in our actions and thoughts. Me thinks that casting an invalid vote and not voting work similarly. They are a testimony to the Father and the people. Perhaps not voting is a stronger testimony to those who know us, because it is clear that we were not there and did not vote. Let us continue to seek the Truth, follow the way of our Savior and listen to the voice of the Spirit and then we will make the right choice. As Brother Peter wrote, let us listen to our conscience and it will tell us how best to proceed with the election. Shabbat Shalom to every house that loves God the Father!
Mt 7:6
,,Nie dawajcie psom tego, co święte, i nie rzucajcie swych pereł przed świnie, by ich nie podeptały nogami, i obróciwszy się, was nie poszarpały.”
In my opinion such a gesture as a manifestation is a good idea, but it is information that reaches only the commission counting the votes because then it reaches the archive where it will see the light of human eyes only at the shredder or when the prosecutor's office and the appropriate authorities will be forced to check the reliability of the votes in case of fraud. So from one to four people, depending on how many of them there are, this quote will reach you when there is an invalid or valid vote.
It is a waste of the Word of the Lord to pour it out before the eyes of those who may despise it and mock the name of God because of this gesture, which does not mean that it has to be so, but as you wrote Peter, it is a matter of one's own conscience and conviction of heart.
Piotrze, ale możesz też zaznaczyć kandydata i cytat gdzieś na tej kartce – to nie unieważnia głosu. Dzięki za pomysł z cytatem biblijnym coś dopiszę tym razem, wybiorę jakiś mocny cytat 😉 A tak żeby nawet ozdabiał kartkę pięknym słowem bo przeczytać to nwm szybko zliczają. pozdrawiam serdecznie,130517,23962356,czy-dopiski-na-karcie-do-glosowania-sprawiaja-ze-nasz-glos.amp
Yes, there is a lot of work during counting, hurry, but I worked in election committees and I know that such a note will arouse interest. Short-term, but still. Certainly it will not save anyone in 10 seconds, but maybe one day such a member of the committee will remember such a quote, maybe he will start to look for it.
As I said I leave it to everyone's conscience. A valid vote will be a vote of choice and an invalid vote will be a vote of choice.
Oh, and you can add a quote and vote, and your vote will be counted.
And I personally will go to the polls because states that recognize the democratic system allow us to do so, we are part of that state. Jesus taught, give to the emperor what is imperial, and Paul taught submission to authority and praying for whatever authority there may be. Above all, as citizens we have rights and responsibilities. Since we are able to reach out for financial or legal help to the state (500+), let us be responsible and consistent in our duties. I know many believers who regularly take money from the state but they never go to the elections.
The state has no money. People have money. The state takes money from some and gives it to others. Shifting tax revenues between some and others in order to gain votes and power is simply fraud. The government in Poland has been created by people from the Chaldean family, the so-called Sasnids or Blackheads, for 1000 years. It is the families who rule, not parties or kings. It was the black-headed families who brought all the wars of the 20th century upon the people in order to gain power and money. All the rulers of the world come from the viper generation.
The question is why did they choose Slavs as their main enemies?
The state is the enslavement of man. God gave us the whole Earth, and they divided it up into states and taxed almost everything they could.
If people had some sense we would riot and overthrow this whole system, but they prefer to work 8-12 hours a day and be owned by Satan. Ehhh