Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Trump psychologically a great candidate for antichrist.

Somehow I skipped over Mr. Trump's recent hubristic statements perhaps considering them to be lapses. After all, one swallow does not make a spring.

However, I found the recent statement regarding the withdrawal of troops from Syria so shocking that I decided to investigate whether it was fake.

What did he say on the world's news wire that is Twitter for Trump?


“if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey”


Co tłumaczymy – jeśli błędnie napisałem to poprawcie mnie – “jeśli Turcja zrobi cokolwiek, co Me, in my great and unparalleled wisdom, uważam za niedopuszczalne, całkowicie zniszczę i zniszczę gospodarkę Turcji”


President Trump is building a wall on the border with Mexico, but his hubris has no limits even diplomatically.


I am posting a psc of the original statement by the world leader:



Shortly after my inauguration as President of the United States, I wrote this:



But it is also worth recalling others:


Trump jest wielce religijny w znaczeniu ogólnym. Stali czytelnicy rozumieją mnie…


Trump the antichrist? Very possible.


Również dzisiaj dowiedziałem się o proroczym śnie o Trumpie…

Niejaki “prorok” Jeremiah Johnson had a dream about three people.

Donald Trump, Justin Bieber and Kanye Wes.


That's quite the cream of the crop isn't it?




Cool prophet, right? A prophet but of the devil. That's why I recommend staying miles away from charismatic churches.


Back to the point, which is the prophetic dream can have OLD significance as part of people's programming.


Ten fałszywy prorok, we śnie “dołączył do tysięcy widzów, gdy Donald Trump i Kanye West wyszli na scenę i zaczęli dzielić się swoją wiarą. Było surowo, infantylnie i powiedzieli pewne rzeczy, których nigdy nie usłyszycie na tradycyjnym nabożeństwie”.

In this show, the prophet Jeremiah was intrigued because Half the crowd appeared to be saved, but literally manifested demons. They were shouting, pointing fingers, and accusing. They did not believe that these two men were in any way qualified to speak for and about God. They demanded that these men be far more spiritual and express themselves in spiritual matters than they were capable of.

The other half of the gathered crowd was deeply moved and moved to tears. It was staggering.


We have two groups according to the prophet:

  1. Saviors through whom demons manifest because they believe that the troika headed by Trump undermined the Christianity of the three by accusing them of lacking holiness.
  2. The second half was spirited as if at an apparition of the divine mother.




As the tension and divisiveness in the room grew, Justin Bieber took the stage and the crowd went into complete chaos. Again, half the crowd went wild in ecstatic cheers when Bieber came out to sing and share his faith, and the other half of the crowd was so annoyed that they began to riot. The atmosphere became so toxic that the gathering had to be shut down.


In the midst of the frenzy, I pushed my way to the front of the stage to get the attention of one of them. I discovered that all three were in tears, deeply hurt by the reaction of half the crowd that had caused the riot and forced the meeting to close. As I gathered them up, I began to prophesy to them. Here is what I said to each:


Kanye West

"Kanye, just as the Lord raised up Donald Trump to be a wrecking ball for this nation, God raised you up as another wrecking ball for such a long time. Trump has destroyed the political landscape in America, but you will destroy religion. You both won't say or do many of the things the church demands, but heaven designed it that way. There is a spiritual father, a pastor, who will take you under his wing and protect you from the masses of the brood of vipers who will try to crucify you before your time."



Justin Bieber

"Justin, how long will you waver between two opinions? How long will you flee to Jezebel? For the spirit of Elijah rests upon you, son, to turn the hearts of the fathers back to their sons. Because of your own brokenness and pain, a fresh anointing will flow through you that will heal many. You will be a wrecking ball for the mainstream media as you present them to the heart of the Father ".


Donald Trump

"Donald, I have given you Kanye and Justin as gifts to help you have the greater influence you need for the 2020 election. Keep your eyes on Israel and China because I will continue to imparted great wisdom to youwhich will bring tremendous growth and protection in the days ahead. Like King Josiah, you must not fight battles that are not your own. Let me fight the deception taking place in the political arena in America. For I am moving in the media and the church even now, "says the Lord.

Then I woke up.





Unheard of crib.

Why is Trump a psychologically great anti-Christ candidate?


The second letter to the Thessalonians tells us what characteristics this last son of perdition will have:


“Niech was w żaden sposób nikt nie zwodzi, bo [dzień ten nie nadejdzie], dopóki nie przyjdzie najpierw odstępstwo2 and the man of sin, the son of perdition, will not be revealed2Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that which receives worship3so that he will sit in the temple of God3 dowodząc, że sam jest Bogiem.” Tysiąclecia


It's a little different in the Torun version:


“Aby nikt was nie zwiódł w żaden sposób. Ponieważ nie nastanie, jeśli najpierw nie przyjdzie odstępstwo i nie zostanie objawiony człowiek grzechu, syn zatracenia,

which is an opponent and he elevates himself above everything, mające na myśli Boga, lub będące przedmiotem czci. Tak, że jak bóg zasiądzie on w Świątyni Boga, przedstawiając samego siebie, że jest bogiem.”


Trump fits perfectly into this psychological portrait of the antichrist.


Dabrowski translation:



który się sprzeciwia i wynosi nad wszystko, co zowią Bogiem, albo co odbiera cześć boską, tak że zasiądzie w świątyni Bożej podając się za Boga.”




Perhaps the U.S. embassy was moved to Jerusalem to inaugurate the accession of a man opposed to the Law of God on the throne of the temple once built.


Let me remind you that Trump has a great deal with the Sunnis:



Sunnis, who make up the majority among Muslims.



The Sunnis highlighted in green make up about 80-90% of the world's Muslims. I occasionally point out when discussing the war with Iran that it's not just about Iran's oil and bank there, it's about religion.



Trump Cyrus.


Nie przypominam sobie, aby jakikolwiek  w historii  prezydentów USA był porównywany do wielkiego wodza…




A coin depicting Cyrus and Trump.


Kiedyś napisałem o tym również przy okazji innego “proroctwa”


Trump is anointed by false Christians called charismatics.


REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst



In my opinion, Trump will either be the antichrist or the false antichrist, because a large portion of sciene fiction movies depict a dictator who is overthrown by rebieliants (the extreme left).

But it could also be that Trump will solve the world's problems that his son-in-law's nation created.


One thing is for sure: Mr. Trump is not a humble person and based on the Bible alone he is a great candidate for the antichrist.





God is everywhere-even in the news. That's why I interpret every story through the lens of faith.

I post interesting resources to help you understand this world in the context of Scripture.

But to do what I do takes a lot of work and time.

So if you want you can help me be a voice of truth in the ocean of mainstream media and Catholic media by supporting me:


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Thank you all in Jesus' name.










Updated: 8 October 2019 — 09:32


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  1. If God is everywhere, even in the news, then He is probably also in the church you criticize or, for example, in Holy Communion which you do not recognize, my dear brother

    1. Of course God is also in the Protestant and Caotlican church, but not to uphold evil, but to exhort.
      Read God's letters to the churches/churches in Revelation and you will see if the Lord Jesus is gentle and uncritical.

      1. I know, my dear friend, that the Church is not holy, I don't need to read any letters, but I will still go to her, go to confession, receive communion and pray, and I don't believe that for what I do the Lord Jesus will condemn me

        1. może Pan Jezus Cie nie potepi ale będziesz dawał przystep demonom. Nie mozna dwom Panom służyć….

          1. When I go to church it is only for God and Jesus and only to them I pray and there I have forgiveness of sins and more

            1. Boguś I don't know what to write to you.
              It may just be that you support a criminal institution. You're complicit.

              “Ludu mój, wyjdźcie z niej, byście nie mieli udziału w jej grzechach i żadnej z jej plag nie ponieśli: ”

              You have complicity in, for example:


              I always ask on such occasions: what would you say to the victims of these scams?

              Also this:


              but it's the church that counts, not people, not God.
              I don't have time to argue, education without meaning. I wish you to know the truth in Jesus' name. Amen

              1. I don't feel complicit in these atrocities. I condemn them, but just answer me one more question: how can you have sin allowed when Isus said (21) And again Isus said to them, As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.

                (22) And having said this, he breathed on them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit.

                (23) To whomsoever sins ye forgive, they are forgiven; and to whomsoever sins ye retain, they are retained.

                1. Bogus I will answer you with a separate text tomorrow especially for you.
                  kind regards

  2. Rzeczywiście, pasuje żeby być kandydatem…

  3. Remember when Donald wanted to buy back Greenland from Denmark? I remembered you writing about the division of the world by the Club of Rome. Greenland was just part of the US zone. Coincidence that Trump wanted to buy it back. I don't think so. Of course nothing came of it but it could be one of the signs of the coming end or their games.

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