Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Who is Gog?

Text found on the internet. Part I.


In the 10th chapter of Genesis we read about the descendants of Japheth  Ashkenazi, Gomer, Tubal, Meshech, Togarmah and Magog


(2) Japheth's sons: Gomer, Magog, Madaj, Jawan, Tubal, Meszek and Tiras. (3) Gomer's sons Ashkanaz, Rifat and Togarma. (4) Javan's sons: Elisha and Tarshish, Kittim and Dodanim. (5) From them come the inhabitants of the coasts and islands, divided according to their countries and their languages, according to their tribes and their peoples




We must realize that these tribes were located primarily on the steppes, the great plains stretching from southeastern Russia to Asia. The nations located in this region today are Georgia, Ukraine, the famous Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, etc. This is where the Khazars came into existence.


The Khazar Jews are a completely non-Semitic people. One might say that they were Yafites.


Paradoxically, the Chzara people in  over the centuries after their conversion to Judaism, they continued to mix with more and more ethnic groups, eventually becoming one of the most racially mixed people on earth. We know, however, that the Torah forbade mixed relationships just as today it is forbidden for a born again person to mix by marriage with a Gentile (a non-converted person). 


The Khazars became the dominant group of the Mosaic faith, the Synagogue of Satan.

Many apocalypse researchers believe that Gog is Russia, but what is true is in the public eye:



Gog is Satan's GOG 


“Znam twój ucisk i ubóstwo – ale ty jesteś bogaty – i [znam] obelgę wyrządzoną przez tych, co samych siebie zowią Żydami, a nie są nimi, lecz synagogue szatana” ApokalipsA 2. 



These are  Jews of Edom and Khazaria together. The Edomite Jew provided the religion (the Babylonian Talmud, i.e., the "Tradition of the Elders," which Jesus Christ thoroughly condemns throughout the New Testament as a counterfeit of the Law of Moses), and the Khazarian Jew provided the Mongolian blood, viciousness and envy. Bolshevism and Zionism were their children.


Already the Old Testament condemns the land of Gog:


 Ezekiel 38: 2-3: " Son of man, turn toward Gog, toward the country of Magog, the great prince of the country of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, (3) and say, Thus saith the Lord God: Behold I'm against you, Gog"...grand duke of the country of Meshek and Tubal. ".



You will recognize a false Judean called a Jew very quickly. 99% says that God's Law is invalid.


The Khazar Jew is 40% Mongolian; and this alien race, commonly known as Ashkenazi Jews, has been at war with the West throughout recorded history. The international Jews of Khazaria created both Zionism and Communism.

Marx was a Jew.

The Khazars created Communist China by supporting Mao and cutting out Chiang Kai Shek, the then leader of free China. During World War II, Communist Jews in the Roosevelt administration, especially in the State Department and the Commerce Department, did everything they could to destroy free China and hand it over to the Communists. Just as Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill conspired to hand over all of Eastern Europe to the Communists at Potsdam and other secret meetings, the same thing happened in the Far East. China was totally betrayed by the Jews in the Roosevelt regime, and Mao Tse Tung was the beneficiary. Therefore, China is nothing but a vassal state of the international Jew. The whole story of the Communist takeover of China by the State Department is told in a book that everyone should read: America's retreat from victory  senatora Josepha McCarthy’ego. Pisanie tej książki przyniosło Joe’emu McCarthy’emu wieczny gniew Żydów.



  Today the International Jew has made China the largest economy in the East. By transferring America's labor and wealth, slowly but surely, to other nations, especially China, Gog is pushing America into economic crisis. By continually giving China most favored nation status, the international Jew has created a monster that he hopes to use against America if America does not disarm and relinquish its sovereign national status by becoming a province of the United Nations. The day of the ultimatum is getting closer and closer. I don't support gun ownership by Christians, but the traitors in the U.S. government right now are devising a plan whereby American gun owners will have to give up their guns under a UN mandate. If the American people allow this to happen, America will become slaves to international corporate fascism like in Poland. 

Verses 4-6 of Ezekiel 38 describe the allies that the Khazar Jew paid to participate in his military campaign against spiritual Israel. The Jew has always been able to hire the armies of other nations to fight for him and die for them. This will be the last such battle.


4) I will turn you around and put wheels in your jaws, and bring you out and all your army, steeds and horsemen, all in full armor, a great host with long and short shields, all armed with swords. (5) With them are Persians, Kushites, Libyans, all armed with shield and helmet. (6) Gomer and all his army, the people of Togarma in the farthest north and all his army, the numerous peoples are with you.




 Now, knowing that the Jewish people, primarily descended from Khazaria, have such a high percentage of foreign, non-Semitic, non-Hebrew, non-Israelite blood, we can correctly identify modern Jew as Gog.  This is what the Lord Jesus showed us


"those who call themselves Jews and are not Jews, but synagogue szatana”



Therefore, the definition of Gog in Christian Identity is: a combined Khazar / Edomite kingdom under the leadership of the House of Rothschild. Khazar Jews are the world's greatest race mixers. They are the intellectual and spiritual offspring of the serpent.



So the Jews are the original "Serpent People." We all know that the Jews are not a race. They are an ethnic group of mixed races. There are White Jews, Chinese Jews, Black Jews, Moroccan Jews, Babylonian Jews, Edomite Jews, and Khazar Jews. However, by far (95%) the majority of modern Jews are of Khazar origin. 



Although some Jews have a small amount of Adamic/Hebrew/Semitic blood due to intermarriage with Whites, it would be absolutely correct to say that any of them are not Semites, Israelites or Hebrews. 


Ironically, their Canaanite / Edomite / Khazar blood makes them NON-SEMITES because Judaism only requires that the mother be Jewish (which means a woman of any race who is a Jew) so that the offspring will be Jews. Tand the tradition is not biblical because the Hebrew bloodline tradition runs through the father, not the mother. In Judaism, non-Jews can convert to Judaism, which means that Judaism is a religion because your DNA does not change when you convert to another faith! In other words, Jews promote race mixing, even among themselves, while hypocritically pretending that they are a "pure race." In reality, they perpetuate the sin of Eve. Their claim to be a "chosen people" is as false as their claim to be a separate race. Furthermore, their invention of the Talmud actually makes them ANTI-SEMIT.


  The Book of Ezekiel is a book of prophecy for the dispersed tribes of the northern House of Israel. No Jew has ever claimed to belong to this distinct adamic group. 

The house of Judah consisted of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin and members of the former tribe of Levi. It was these tribes that inhabited Judea at the time of Christ. Around A.D. 125, the Edomite tribe of Idumea was forcibly taken into the tribe of Judah by the king of Judah, John Hyrcanus. In doing so, Hyrcanus violated God's holy law against the mixing of races and allowed the Edomites (mixed descendants of Esau, Canaan, and Cain, then collectively called Edomites living in the nation of Idumea) to marry Judah and Benjamin, even though the vast majority of this mixing took place only in Jerusalem. The Benjaminites of Galilee were out of the loop and rarely even visited Jerusalem, just as Jesus Christ rarely visited Jerusalem.

  God's displeasure with marriage is clearly recorded in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Ezra 6:21, 10: 1-12; Nehemiah 9: 2, 13:29, 30.

The Bible mainly teaches separation because that is what God's holiness is all about.

Basically all the Bible verses that proclaim Israel's separation mean just that. No sex, no mixed religion, no mixed culture. Powt Pr  23: 2. In the New Testament, in II Cor. 6: 16-18 Paul quotes various commandments regarding separation and exclusivity from Isa. 52:11; Eze. 20:34; Num. 6: 1, 2; I Kings 8:52, 53; and many other verses that command us to be separate from other nations. Just do a search on the word "separate", "separate", and "separation" and you will see what God means.





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  1. The text was written by a frustrated former KCHWE pastor. He insulted God. He graduated from CHAT Pharisaical school. He failed again in life. He preached the gospel of success. Why do you reproduce a frustrated man? This man preaches heresy, apostasy from God. A pastor who denies the existence of God. Is that who you're basing this on? I'd be happy to buy anything Khazarian from any era. I've never come across any Khazarian remains.

    1. Ark, this man is not Polish. He lives in the USA.

  2. Sorry !!!! I've been hearing this from a former pastor of a spiritual monster for several years now.Once again Sorry !!!

  3. Ciekawe wyjaśnienie, dobrze że można poznać czyjś punkt widzenia…

  4. However, we know that the Torah forbade mixed relationships just as today it is forbidden for a born again person to mix by marriage with a Gentile (a non-converted person). Where does it say that?

    1. I ask kindly:

      1 Cor.

      A wife is bound as long as her husband lives; and if the husband dies, she is free to marry whomever she wishes, as long as it is in the Lord

      and even in Ezra the Israelites were to abandon their Gentile wives.

      God condemned ‛cudzołożenie with stones and trees' (Jer. 2:13, 20; 3:1-3, 9; cf. Ezek. 16:28; James 4:4). When they refused to change their behavior and continued to act like a "wife who practices prostitution," God made a decision. He said: "When I saw this, I dismissed the unfaithful woman Israel because of her adultery and gave her a divorce document" (Jer. 3:6-8).

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