Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Who are you man that you are afraid?

I am slowly falling in love with the book of Isaiah and today I would like to share with you my thoughts from this book.


About the euphoric state just after what I call the awakening, which is the starting point for conversion as a long-term process comes the prose of life and the burdens of the old life and the new.

Pełen zła mąż, żona, a nawet śmierć kogoś bliskiego, ucisk w pracy, problemy finansowe itp. Totalny sztorm…





Dochodzi do tego jeszcze wiedza i spiski, a jak to powiedział Anthony Hopkins  w jednym z filmów “świadomość boli”.


Ogólnie rzecz biorąc można rzec “miało być tak pięknie”….

The problem joins the problem. In Isaiah 51, a prison is mentioned:


“Jeniec wnet zostanie uwolniony, nie umrze on w podziemnym lochu ni braku chleba nie odczuje.”


Ktos powie, jak to, przecież jesteśmy wolni w Chrystusie. Tak, owszem jesteśmy wolni w duchu, ale nie w ciele i nie jesteśmy wolni od “swoich” przekonań.

Do you sometimes feel like you are in prison?

In prison were Joseph, Paul, and Peter.

Don't you feel that circumstances make you feel like a slave to the situation?


This is what God spoke of through the mouth of Isaiah, and before he spoke of the dungeon, he shakes us up like this:


"I AND ONLY I AM thy comforter. Who are you that you tremble before mortal man and before the son of man, whom they will deal with as with grass? (13) Zapomniałeś o Panu, twoim Stwórcy, który rozciągnął niebiosa i założył ziemię; a ciągle po całych dniach jesteś w obawie przed wściekłością ciemięzcy, gdy ten się uwziął, by niszczyć. Lecz gdzież jest wściekłość ciemięzcy?”


Who are you that you tremble before man oppressing you?

A man with whom God will deal as with grass.

Have you already forgotten who your God is?

Many are afraid of the end of the world and chips, which means they are afraid of people.


all day long you are in fear of the rage of the oppressor as he sets out to destroy. But where is the rage of the oppressor?


Who is your oppressor to God?

I know it is easy to say, but evil does not last forever. Your situation may seem tragic, but the evil you are experiencing will only last a while, and then liberation will come.


“Jeniec wnet zostanie uwolniony, nie umrze on w podziemnym lochu ni braku chleba nie odczuje.”



Well, waku up! Wake up!


 Lecz Ja jestem Pan, twój Bóg, który gromi morze, tak iż się burzą jego odmęty. – Pan Zastępów – to moje imię. – (16) I have put my words in your mouth, and in the shadow of my hand I have hidden you, that I may stretch out the heavens and establish the earth, and that I may say to Zion: You are my people. (17) Wake up, wake up at last! 


These words can be applied to the individual as well as to the Ecclesia of Jesus on earth. Evil will not continue forever. Therefore, there is deliverance in Jesus Christ.


Syracha. “Cierpliwy do czasu dozna przykrości, ale później radość dla niego zakwitnie. “



Praise the Lord Jesus!





Updated: 7 October 2019 — 17:00


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  1. Right on point and right on time. Thank you brother for your word.
    May you be blessed by the Lord Jesus who thunders the seas.

  2. What about teenagers who are so oppressed at school that they commit suicide? Or people in general who are so oppressed by other people that they commit this act.
    Will God have mercy on their souls?

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