Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Huawei announces 6G technology.


6G Technology


I was the first blogger in Poland to write on the blog, based on information found abroad, about the threat of 5G, which is slowly entering our homes with political and social resistance. at nasze bloki…. Niestety na bloki. Jakie będą tego skutki dopiero okaże się za kilka lat na oddziałach onkologii.


Meanwhile, the owner Huaweii said his company had long ago begun work on 6G technology.
Admittedly not until 10 years from now, but the offer is very tempting. At stake is one terabyte per second.



According to the Gauss curve, smart people are as scarce as those with mental retardation, so few people will think about the implications of this new technology finally making life easier for every smartphone-addicted teenager or smart home fan.


“Lud mój ginie bo brak mu wiedzy” Ozeasza. 



Observers note that it will be a long time until 5G reaches every village.
Trump's love of tweeting on that platform has indicated that he wants 6G to come in as soon as possible.
From his statement, it seems that he is generally a fan of modern technology. He said:


"I want the United States to win through competition, not by blocking currently more advanced technologies."


In fact, he's a great candidate for antichrist.


6G technology is expected to be (note!!) a thousand times faster than the incoming 5G.
Fear to fear.


Higher Internet speeds for Internet of Things and sensor technologies are key to increasing data usage.

Możliwe, że 6G będzie pierwszym standardem telefonii komórkowej zaprojektowanym przede wszystkim do komunikacji między maszynami….



Wielkie “korzyści” z 6G.


In our time, probably more than in the past, evil is portrayed in a favorable light. Here it says that artificial intelligence will have a positive impact on the economy in terms of job creation.

Apparent advantages:


Automated transport so-called autonomous.
Cyborg Technology
Addressing climate change
Robot as friends
Better care for the elderly



Kiedyś byłem na stacji paliw na której przeszklone drzwi otwierały się po przyłożeniu ręki do czujnika na ścianie. Jeśli dodamy do tego znak bestii, to w miastach będą mogli się poruszać tylko ludzie mający tatuaż elektroniczny na ręce. Już od kilku lat na przejściach dla pieszych są takie czujniki ułatwiające, a raczej przyspieszające zmianę świateł z czerwonych na zielone. Nie masz tatuażu nie wejdziesz do toalety….


This is just one of many system-dependent trends.
5G uses high-frequency waves that support higher speeds but don't reach as far as current wireless frequencies. So instead of relying on sprawling cell phone towers spaced far apart, they need "small cell" sites that are much closer together.
This is a matter of density, which is increasingly evident in Polish skyscrapers.




Cellular equipment emits radiation, but research on its health effects is inconsistent. According to the National Cancer Institute, "A limited number of studies have shown pewne dowody statystycznego związku użycia telefonu komórkowego i ryzyka nowotworu mózgu”.


Pewne dowody… Interesujące i oszczędne stwierdzenie… Może za 10 lat powiedzą “pomyliliśmy się, jednak 5G definitywnie szkodzi”. Ale już tych naukowców nikt nie będzie pamiętał a miliony ludzi w bólach po chemii będzie umierać.


Some in the west even believe that property values may drop if 5G becomes widespread. Suppose you have an apartment on the 10th floor, and there is a 5G antenna on the roof. The apartment will immediately lose value.
It is true that 5G is not yet common and the public is not well informed, but the momentum is growing. Please, observe those white antennas resembling loudspeaker columns, like in the photo above.


Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, promieniowanie robi jedną istotną rzecz dla ludzi i zwierząt – destroys our DNA, either by forcing the DNA to mutate or by killing specific groups of cells, all of which lead to cancer.

Here's What You Can Expect If You Experience Long-term Radiation Exposure:


Hair loss
Reduced appetite
Low energy levels
Damaged bone marrow
Damaged internal organs
Deep depression




Prevention on 5G, or what to do to protect yourself from this technology.


Some ideas to give you a fighting chance:


  1. Don't live near a cell tower or mini station.

2. buy an EMF shield and test measure radiation levels within 200 meters of your home.
3. eat healthy and take supplements to boost immunity.

4 Spend a lot of time in the woods.

5. avoid using a cell phone for extended periods of time, including Never keep a cell phone in your bedroom.

(6) When traveling with your cell phone, store it in an EMF protective bag. The EMF is such a shield, a shield that neutralizes harmful radiation.


Unfortunately, it is not yet fashionable on the Polish market, but maybe after this text traders will begin to import. To encourage everyone I show how it looks on the Polish site:




God will not heal everyone. A year ago a pastor of a charismatic church died despite the prayers of many people. They announced the healing.

We own the earth and our bodies and God has given free will. It is up to you to take care of yourself and your loved ones and not God. God can give us wisdom and the Spirit of Truth. Sometimes He heals, with emphasis on sometimes.





God is everywhere-even in the news. That's why I interpret every story through the lens of faith.

I post interesting resources to help you understand this world in the context of Scripture.

But to do what I do takes a lot of work and time.

So if you want you can help me be a voice of truth in the ocean of mainstream media and Catholic media by supporting me:


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Thank you all in Jesus' name.











Add a Comment
  1. According to government intentions, by the end of 2020 every building in Poland is to have a fiber-optic cable with high-speed Internet. And it is not that someone will not agree to this. They will connect by force.
    Also, the future is not far away to be able to roll out solutions on a mass scale.

    1. You can always cut off the fiber.

      1. Niestety, ale żeby zdrowo jeść to trzeba mieć pieniądze. Jak ktoś jest bardzo biedny i mieszka w pobliżu anteny to nic nie zrobi, bo znowu trzeba mieć pieniądze żeby się przenieść i zawsze jest jakiś problem – albo nie ma mieszkań w danym miejscu, albo nie ma pracy po przeniesieniu się gdzieś daleko (czy dojazdu do pracy). Wszystko sprowadza się do pieniędzy, których większość ludzi ma coraz mniej…

      2. Ale w ustawie jest zapis ze cie moga uwlaszczyc czyli zabrac dom jak sie nie zgodzisz na podłączenia. Wiec jak widac wyjścia nie ma. “Wszystko zgodnie z prawem”
        Let's not expect righteousness before the coming of Jesus 🙂

  2. Mnie to 6G kojarzy się z “6Genesis” czyli 6rozdział Księgi rodzaju – totalne zepsucie moralne / łączenie się gatunków / zniszczenie ziemi przez Boga.

  3. Czytałam o tym jeszcze jak był to projekt badawczy grupy naukowców z Uniwersytetu w Oulu (Finlandia), nie pomyślałabym że to aż tak szybko się rozwinie… ?
    Oczywiście, jest to rozwiązanie mające wady (i to poważne), bo co komu po megaszybkim przepływie danych jeśli będzie ciężko chorować przez to…

  4. I don't think they'll have time to introduce 6G, the progressive degeneration of humanity is already in high gear, the decay of societies increasingly apparent.
    I would be very surprised if this all lasted more than 10 years.

  5. Radiation is also coming from all home and non-home electronics, I recommend throwing away your phone, radio, TV and live a little more like in the days of Jesus. We humans are constantly being irradiated by electronics and we poison ourselves with fast food and other junk food, and yet man is becoming immune to it and lives longer than his ancestors.

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