Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Noahide Laws (Talmud), Vatican,

You will not learn about the FACTS below from deceptive pastors and masses of the Roman-Judaic church.


In 2004, a neo Sanhedrin was established within the State of Israel (not to be confused with the people of God). It was established as a necessary element very much related to the establishment of the 3rd Temple - which will be a godless creation, an artificial monument to falsely testify to its daily sacrifices and this, That the Sacrifice of the Lamb of God was not sufficient.


Jesus is the Passover lamb who takes away the sins of the world.



But they do not accept Jesus even though they use His name.


Let us summarize how the puzzle of the end times are connected, which are the components of preparation for the construction of the 3 temple:


1) Altar dedicated in December (2018) On the last day of Hanukkah.



2) The temple tools, which have all been recreated (except for one, the Ark of the Covenant, which is like one of those lost pieces,


3) Qualified Levitical priests whose DNA has been tested and approved to qualify for the job.


4) Clothing for the priest ready (refers to that part of the puzzle that displays what might be called a shmata. Shmata is the Yiddish word for a rag or garment that usually does not have a particularly favorable appearance) Given the spiritual context of the third temple, these priestly garments are impressive rags for our Lord).


5) Training in schools for priests - a reminder of how busy people can be with the outward appearance of obeying the law, while the Lord looks at our hearts.

Let us recall the words of Jesus:

" Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs that look beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead bones and all kinds of filth. 28 So also you outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity."

He addressed these words to the Edomite Pharisees.


6) The calling of the high priest in 2016. (One can only assume how offensive this must be to the Lord Jesus, our Grand High Priest).



Christ is a merciful and faithful high priest who is able to help those who are tempted:

Therefore, he had to conform himself in every way to his brothers, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest before God for the propitiation of the sins of the people. For in what he himself suffered being tested, in this he is able to come to the aid of those who are tested. (Heb 2:17-18)

I wonder what the charismatics anointing Trump would say?



7) Availability of pristine red heifer for necessary sacrifice.


That missing puzzle in the form of the Ark of the Covenant may "suddenly" come to light.


What is happening is a cosmic chess match between two spiritual forces. Note that the world of pastors and priests do not see this game because they are on the same side.



Now an interesting fact from the Jewish Encyclopedia:


This law is black and white:


"With a few exceptions The punishment inflicted on Noachid (nihid) for transgressing any of the seven laws is to behead, the least painful of the four ways of executing criminals."



Noachid "... can be convicted based on the testimony of one witness, even from relatives... he will not need any warning from witnesses, and one judge can pass sentence on him. "

"The Noachidans are required to establish courts in all the cities and provinces; and these courts are to judge the people with respect to the six laws (Rev. Genesis) and to warn them against the transgression of any of them "


Note, what I often mention will happen: abortion and homosexuality are illegal, and those who do so must pay the death penalty.

A Jew is not subject to the same punishment and would not be executed, but would receive a different punishment.

"Noachid", which breaks one of these laws " and then becomes a proselyte, he is free from punishment."


What does this mean? Well, the fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation 13.



"so that no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark: the name of the Beast or the number of his name."


But here is the thing: everything gets clearer the closer we get to the end times, or rather the last straight.

Yesterday I was reading the apocalypse studying interpretations. As we know a name in Jesus' time and before meant character, so we should read this scripture from chapter 13 as follows:


"so that no one can buy or sell who does not have the birthmark: the nature of the beast or number of her name."


If you do not become proEdomita then you will not be freed from all penalties.


Do we now see the point of having guillotines?


I don't know if this information from the old blog is true, but it doesn't matter.


Christians in the Catholic version have already broken the first law:


  1. Idolatry - You shall not worship objects that represent deities (idols)
  2. Murder - You will not murder
  3. Theft - Thou shalt not steal or rob
  4. Solution - You shall not commit adultery or live promiscuously
  5. Blasphemy - You shall not blaspheme the name of God
  6. Cruelty to animals - You shall not eat meat cut from a live animal
  7. Justice - You will organize the court system to adjudicate, administer justice, and ensure that the above commandments are followed




The Lord Jesus in the apocalypse warned of the plagues associated with participation in the harlot church:

" My people, come out of her, that you may not share in her sins and bear any of her plagues: "


Besides, perhaps the trinity will be idolatry.

Christians under the Noahide Law will be beheaded for their faith unless they convert to Judaism!





I was previously convinced that Christians would be beheaded during the Tribulation if they didn't convert to Islam...As you know I was dreading an article I have in the pipeline about Islam, but it's a false trail.



There's a reason Trump moved his embassy to Jerusalem, which will be the center of the antichrist's world, his government, his rule.  Noah's covenant is being pushed by the Sanhedrin (Supreme Court), which is located in Jerusalem. What would happen IF the antichrist and the Sanhedrin got together during the reign of the antichrist and the court of the Sanhedrin? What if the Sanhedrin judged those who did not worship the Beast and imprint his mark?



The Vatican and the Pope are already on board with noachid rights.

March 14, 2013. The Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC) in Israel congratulated Pope Frances on becoming the next pope.

"At a time when the entire human family desperately needs to restore fundamental moral values for humanity to flourish, we pray that the Church and Pope Francis will be successful in teaching the world the truth of Judeo-Christian ethics (i.e." Noahide " Law ") and the intrinsic value of the human person created in the image of God, said R. Shlomo Riskin, founder and chancellor of CJCUC.

Maurice Pinay: "Noahide Law" proselytizing Chabad rabbi Shlomo Risk congratulates Pope Francis

Somehow I feel that these Noahide Laws, the Papacy, the Sanhedrin, will become very important to the antichrist during the Tribulation.




A well-known website in the US, Lifenews, wants to stop euthanasia activists who want to legalize it in 50 states. the problem is that they appeal to Noachian Rights.



"A congressional resolution to oppose the legalization of suicide surprisingly with the cooperation of Democrats and Republicans recognizes that physician-assisted suicide devalues our fellow human beings. The resolution is also consistent with Noah's Laws : seven laws forbidden by God to Noah after the Biblical Flood, which are applicable to all of humanity. This code of conduct is the fundamental premise of the three Abrahamic religions (recall:Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and was the basis of American civilization as set forth in our founding documents. America's founding fathers stated that our society is based on certain unalienable rights given by our Creator, and that these rights are beyond the power of the legislature or the courts to give or take away.

One basic principle of these Noahide laws and the Ten Commandments subsequently given by God is: "thou shalt not kill." In the context of the euthanasia debate, this means that no active intervention can be taken to end the life of a dying person or a person who is not currently dying but is suffering from a disease that may result in death. Human life has been entrusted to man in trust and can only be taken away by God. Since God gives and takes life, any form of suicide rejects the sovereignty of God."



Noachid laws are also referenced by pro-Catholic lifesitenews.


I once wrote in passing about how these issues like abortion, euthanasia and LGBT can be used to create new laws. First they manufacture an issue, such as lgbt, to later fight it and win. This is what happened with the French Revolution, the October Revolution and the Round Table....


The Vatican is a Jewish company:


In March 2007. Vatican Cardinal Jorge Mejia met with Haifa Chief Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen to draw attention to the significance of the number 7, especially in relation to the 7 Noahide laws and indicating "fullness and maturity." This "DELEGATION OF THE HOLY SECTOR COMMISSION FOR RELIGIOUS RELATIONS WITH JEWS" signed a scroll stating that there are limits to human freedom and that Talmudic Noahide Laws apply to all mankind. Remember that Public Act 102-14 states that international scrolls supporting Noahide laws will be signed.

 Noahides' laws restrict freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of sexual expression under threat of death, and the Vatican supports this.



Jerusalem, March 11-13, 2007; Adar 21-23, 5767
1 At the seventh meeting of the above commission, held in Jerusalem, Chairman Cardinal Jorge Mejia and Chief Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen noted the significance of the number seven in the biblical tradition as indicating fullness and maturity. They expressed the hope that the fullness of the relationship between the Catholic and Jewish members of this commission will be a source of blessing for both faith communities and the world at large.






The Antichrist and the False Prophet will need strong weapons: Islam will provide large armies to behead and control the masses and so they need refugees. They have been aided in this by Polish pastors. Recall which ones...



If you think Noahide laws and Sharia law could never work together in this way ... think again.

"... Al-Azhar Muslim University teaches:" Islam is Noahidism and Noadhidism is Islam "Dr. Omer Salem of Sunni Al-Azhar University in Egypt" says that his professors at Al-Azhar agree with this research that Noahide law is compatible with Islam and that in fact the two are synonymous. "According to the ideology disseminated at Al-Azhar University, Muhammad came out to establish the noadhidism of the Talmud, which he considered a legitimate commandment of Muhammad. There is no conflict between Islam and the recognition of the legitimacy of the Jewish people and Zionism, Jews can follow their own scriptures without breaking Islamic Sharia. Muslim law is therefore not an aberration of Judaism, but an acceptable version of the Noahide commandments and can be used to bring universal submission of the earth under the Noahide code. "


Remember my post from a week ago about leadership education?

The Pope is pushing globalist "education" on his young people, and the Sanhedrin rabbis have made their presence felt among American presidents affirming an "Education Day" with the Noahide Laws at its core. So we can already see the influence of the Vatican/Pope and the Sanhedrin on America and the world at large - the Sanhedrin with their "70 nations" and the world's Seven Noahide Laws and the Pope with his "education", globalization program of "humanity" .




But who is really behind "education" in America? Check out who is publishing/writing the textbooks that American children/students use. Common Core is operated by CAIR (pro-Islamic), and 80% textbooks are published by Pearson. Pearson publishes anti-Semitic, anti-American school textbooks.

Interestingly, CAIR has been accused of participating in Islamist agenda and itthat the group is affiliated with Hamas] i Muslim Brotherhood ,

Government United Arab Emirates designated CAIR as a terrorist organization.


Read more about CAIR and the Coomon Core here:



So Islam already has a strong hold in America through school textbooks (and not ONLY American textbooks!) - pro-Islamic forces have strong control over what our children have been and are being taught today! Liberals, who often count conservative votes on college campuses and classrooms, have no problem with these teachings.

As we can see today, there is already a very large population of leftist, anti-God, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish students in America. Satan's agenda for the destruction of Christianity is going big guns! It is all anti-B-ga! Whether it is by the Pope, the Muslims, the Sanhedrin - it doesn't matter. The goal is the same.

All three of these - Pope, Muslims, Sanhedrin - seek to globalize education and "re-education." Whatever "re-education" entails.

Hitler said: "Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state." The Pope, Islam and the Sanhedrin all understand this. And this is what everyone wants to achieve - the cooperation of all three would be an awe-inspiring enemy!



They do not recognize the Law of God.

Was it not Moses who gave you the law? And none of you are fulfilling the law. Why do you want to kill me?

They had their Talmud. Today also the Law of God does not exist for them and I mean the Zionist evangelical pastors.



These Edomite 70 Noahide laws fit perfectly with the prophecy announcing the coming of Jesus:


"And how was in the days of Noahso will be the coming of the Son of Man."



Besides, our dear Jesus Christ Himself announced to the priests that they would SEE Him coming again:


The high priest asked Him again, Are You the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One? (62) Jesus answered, I am. You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Almighty and coming with the clouds of heaven.



Thus, the Edomite Sanhedrin was to exist in the end times and already does.



The topic is non-exhaustive.




Updated: 30 September 2019 — 13:35
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