Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

“Będę błogosławił tym, którzy ciebie błogosławić będą, a tym, którzy tobie będą złorzeczyli, i ja będę złorzeczył.”

Many dispensationalists (Zionist pastors) use this verse to bless Jews who are not Judeans.

I will base this consideration on a text I posted several years ago.



"I will bless those who bless you, and those who malign you I will also malign. Through thee shall the peoples of the whole earth receive blessing."



In this verse is God's condition concerning blessings.

Wynika z niego, że osoby życzące szczęścia Abrahamitom będą miały powodzenie od Boga. Jednak nie ma tu KOMPLETNIE  mowy o Żydach a jedynie potomkach Abrahama, którzy nie byli Żydami, ale Izraelitami. W Apokalipsie jak to dzisiaj cytowałem zresztą nie pierwszy raz Pan Jezus mówi o Żydach, którzy Judejczykami nie są, tylko wprost – SYNAGOGĄ SZATANA.


Nowhere in the Bible will you find that Jacob was a Jew.


The word "Jew" is a modern invention, which simply means neither "Judah," "Israel," nor "Abraham." All of these claims are frauds invented by the rabbis for the express purpose of deceiving Christians.
Let's look at the entire blessing (verses 1-3) Which God placed on Abraham and see if it can be applied to the Jewish people:
1The Lord said to Abram: "Go out from your native land and from your father's house to the land that I will show you.
2 For I will make of thee a great nation; I will bless thee, and make thy name famous: thou shalt be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you. Through thee shall the peoples of all the earth receive blessing." - Genesis 12:1-3.



Verse 2 says that God will make Abraham "a great nation." Certainly Abraham's name has become "great", but the Jewish people have always been a very HEAVY people, throughout history. This is proven by their own admission. They always list how they have been "persecuted" by every nation they have lived among.


2 Abraham had a total of eight sons by his three wives. He had Ishmael by Hagar, Isaac by Sarah, and six sons by Keturah after Sarah died. The names of these six sons were Zimran, Yokshan, Medan, Midian, Yishbak, and Shuach (Genesis 25:1). Each of these sons was an Abrahamite, but none was a Jew! The Jewish claim that the blessings in Genesis 12 apply to them is a fraud. The Bible says no such thing!

Paul tells us to beware of Jewish fables (Titus 1:14); and their partial quotation of Genesis 12:3, in which there is nothing about the Jews, is the beginning of the greatest Jewish fable of all: The Great Personification of Israel by the Jews.



Verse 2 speaks of unconditional blessing: "you will become a blessing." But since the Jews admit that they are a nation against which every other nation has always been hostile, how can they be a "blessing" to those nations that despise and cast them out! There is something seriously wrong with these Jewish claims!

If they are a blessing, then we should consider the Jewish banks of Rotchild, Kwasniewski, Tusk and Kaczynski a blessing.

The Edomites (Jews), like the Jesuits, were kicked out of all of Europe. Poles became guests in their own country for having received them.

Jeśli więc wracacie z zagranicy do kraju, to możecie śmiało powiedzieć “wszędzie dobrze, ale w Polinie najlepiej”….



Verse 3 says: "Through you shall the peoples of all the earth receive blessing." This is another glaringly obvious contradiction between what is said about Abraham and the Jewish experience. The fact is that the Jewish people have always been despised wherever they have gone!

On the contrary, they would not have been driven out of over 100 countries (Spain, France, Germany, England, etc.) and city-states if the inhabitants considered them a blessing. Rather, the Jews (Edomites) have always been considered a curse and a plague wherever they chose to live.

And this historical fact aligns perfectly with the Curse of Cain: "wanderers and fugitives" (Genesis 4:12), wandering from place to place because their presence so irritated the host nations. Of course, the Jews never quote this verse in reference to their own people, even though it fits perfectly with the Jewish historical experience. These apparent discrepancies between Jewish history and the blessing of Abraham tell us that something is wrong here!
Jews either lie about who they are or the story they tell is wrong.

Point 5: under President Harry S Truman, America was the first country in the world to recognize the bandit state of the Fraud. It has been over 70 years since that state was created. America was the first to bless the Israelis, and America has blessed them more generously than any other country. QUESTION: What blessings have we received in return for the blessing of the Jews? ANSWER: Chaos, confusion, debts, matrimony, treachery, war, war, war and more wars. Our society has rapidly slipped morally, spiritually, economically, religiously, and even intellectually, as a result of our blessing an EVIL NATION.
There are only two possibilities, either the Jews are lying about who they are, or the blessings in Genesis 12:3 are false.


Think about this text, what blessing do we have from the Jews? And don't tell the Edomites that bible because the gospel was distributed by Judeans and Benjaminites (Matthew, John were Judeans and Paul a Benjaminite). In Jesus' day the Edomite Herod ruled pursuing Christians, just as they will soon pursue us.


We have a non-hereditary Social Security as a hidden tax because the communists of Edom and Khazar origin seized the money of our grandparents and parents and we now have to pay for current and not their pensions.

We have Tax Freedom Day in mid-June, though they don't count Social Security and paraprofessional taxes.


We have vaccine coercion, a speed camera state, Hartman, Biedron, failing agriculture, 80% taxes in fuel, subservience to the EU, Russia and the US and Germany.

Once a famous Jew, Michal Piróg, said that in order to be successful in Holywood it is good to be Jewish and even better to be a homosexual Jew.


Here is a blessing from Jews who are not Judeans.


So where is this blessing?

It is for the spiritual seed of Abraham by knowing and obeying the Law of God. This is the fulfilled promise of blessing. By knowing the Law of God (I will put my Law in your hearts) we do not give access to the devil.

It is not the blessing of political positions or a Lamborghini car like Mr. Vega's or academic titles. It is the blessing of the Righteous Life, despite the oppression from the false Judeans.

Musimy w końcu poważnie traktować biblię. Nie pastorów i księdza ale Biblię – Słowo Jezusa.

These Jews, who are not Judeans, are not a blessing for us. They have become a curse for us and Poland has not officially existed since 1944. Poland is only a DISTRICT of the Edomo-Chazaro of Israel.


If you disagree with me, please indicate what blessings we Poles have in Polin resulting from the admission of Jews (Edomites and Khazars) to Poland.


I emphasize again that I respect the descendants of the Judeans wherever they live. Nevertheless, with God's love, undeservedly, I respect the Khazars as well.

I simply just accept the bondage in this country by showing that our only savior in this situation is Jesus Christ and not any party.

Those who think it is possible to take Poland back are either agents or are not standing firmly on the ground.








Updated: 26 September 2019 — 23:27


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  1. Pięknie wyjaśnione…trafnie dostrzeżone…
    Much health and all the best!

    1. Thank you and may God bless you and protect you from evil

  2. In the end Peter is written plainly the real truth. Fraudsters and liars impersonating every denominational organization. Taking over names, land, history by deceit. Without any scruples they robbed Poland of everything. They stripped our good nation, fully unaware of what was happening, of all dignity. Riding the horse called the Vatican, they trampled on our innocence, introducing demonic taboos into our pure Slavic culture.

  3. Hello, I don't understand something. Why did you cite Cain's curse here if it was a curse for him and his descendants, yet his descendants died in the flood? So how did the curse end ? I ask out of curiosity ?

    1. But the sons of rebellion fulfilling their father's lusts remained. The matter is spiritual, and the devil is not drowned and chooses people to rebel against, looking at and exploiting their weaknesses. He chose Cham, and onward his rebels walked through history, assassins began to conquer the surrounding peoples and commit antediluvian sins

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