Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

PAPAL invites world leaders to GLOBAL EDUCATION SOJU on MAY 14, 2020

W watykańskiej hali odbędzie się dyskusja  z udziałem liderów świata pt “Pielęgnowanie marzeń o humanizmie”.


Oprócz spotkania 14 maja w Watykańskiej Auli Pawła VI Franciszek powiedział, że w innych miejscach odbędzie się szereg seminariów na podobne tematy, aby przygotować się na to wydarzenie. „Zapraszam wszystkich do pracy na rzecz tego sojuszu i do zaangażowania się indywidualnie i w naszych społecznościach w pielęgnowanie marzenia o humanizmie zakorzenionym w solidarności i reagującym zarówno na aspiracje ludzkości, jak i na plan Boży” – napisał Franciszek.


Combine the words education with solidarity, and what we get is not only indoctrination but also communism.


Papius Francis is now working to create a "global alliance" that will "foster humanism," and wants to hold the inaugural meeting on the 72nd anniversary of Israel's reassembly, in building shape of the chatter at the Vatican .



"Never before has there been such a need to unite our efforts in a broad educational alliance, to form mature individuals capable of overcoming division and antagonism and to restore the structure of relationships for the sake of a more fraternal humanity," Francis wrote in a message announcing the initiative, published by the Vatican press office Thursday.



Według papieża Franciszka dzisiejsza edukacja zderza się z procesem „przyspieszenia”, który uwięził ludzką egzystencję w „wirze szybkich technologii i komputeryzacji, nieustannie zmieniając nasze punkty odniesienia”. W rezultacie ludzka tożsamość traci „swoją solidność, ” napisał.

According to an African proverb Francis wrote: "it takes a whole village to raise a child." When it comes to education, the village still needs to be created, starting with clearing the ground for "discrimination" and fraternization.

"According to the pope, this includes not only teachers, students and their families, but also the broader civil society, including science, sports, politics and charities.

„Innymi słowy, sojusz między mieszkańcami ziemi a naszym„ wspólnym domem ”, o który musimy dbać i szanować” – napisał Franciszek. „Sojusz, który zapewnia pokój, sprawiedliwość i gościnność wszystkim narodom ludzkiej rodziny, a także dialog między religiami”.



According to the statement The initiative by the Congregation for Catholic Education is in response to a request that came up during several meetings between Francis and various personalities from "different cultures and religious associations."

The statement said, that the fifth anniversary of the ecological encyclical " Laudato Si "  was the "perfect platform" to kick off the event.

„Najważniejsze osobistości świata są zaproszone do wzięcia udziału w proponowanej inicjatywie politycznej, kulturalnej i religijnej, a zwłaszcza młodzi ludzie, do których należy przyszłość” – mówi oświadczenie Watykanu. „Celem jest wzbudzenie świadomości i fali odpowiedzialności za wspólne dobro ludzkości, zaczynając od młodych ludzi i docierając do wszystkich ludzi dobrej woli”.


The Assembly statement also says the new education pact will aim to heal three "brokennesses" affecting the world:


  • The first is that which separates reality from transcendence. According to the Vatican, children should be introduced to "total reality," including openness transcendence, healing the "vertical rift between man and the Absolute."
  • The second fracture that the compact should heal is "horizontal" between generations, cultures, and families, with people who bring different cultural visions and religions, and with those who have financial, social, and moral difficulties.
  • The third fracture is that between humanity and the environment there is an urgent need to "create the conditions for" ecological citizenship "" which educates in "responsible austerity, grateful contemplation of the world, and concern for the fragility of the poor and the environment . "



Pope Francis Establishes Global Educational Alliance.



In a video message, Pope Francis initiates the Global Educational Alliance initiative to shape the future of humanity by forming mature individuals who can overcome division and care for our common home.





If the Edomites had firmed this, no one would be there for political reasons, but the Pope is a puppet of the Edomites.


Ecology is inextricably linked to the climate summit. However, the call for transcendence is very disturbing. The combination of technology with humanism and transhumanism augurs clearly for the new age.

They are waiting for the world of the cyborg god, in which, through this transcendence, the demons will be able to rule over humans no longer without restriction.

The God of the Edomites and Khazars wants to create man in the likeness of the ONE creator, but it will still be a mutation and not a new creation.

I recall a text from my blog:


This transcendence goes hand in hand with many degenerations. The great proponent of Edomite transhumanism Mr. Hartman also wants incest legalized.


Transcendence is associated with esotericism, and this is what the Jesuits themselves are calling for.

It was on their site that I found the following statement about bone structure:


“Uświadomiłem sobie, że nasi przodkowie, budując kościoły, orientowali je ku wschodowi, tam gdzie wstaje słońce. Wysokie sklepienie i okna, portale i nawy zmuszają do spojrzenia w górę i ukierunkowania całej istoty człowieka ku transcendence. Everyone can experience this today as well. Spontaneously, eyes turn to the altar, gaze at some image or cross. The builders of churches possessed the ability to direct people towards transcendence, toward that which transcends the temporal: Wiedzie mnie po właściwych ścieżkach przez wzgląd na swoje imię.”


William Seward Burroughs okultysta i pisarz powiedział, że “nie ma znaczenia czy medium praktyki religijnej czy innej pozwalającej na kontakt z transcendencją jest telewizor, kartka papieru czy drugi człowiek. Liczy się efekt po operacji”. 


Transcendence is thus typical of Jesuit, occult and new age.

This in turn shows that the satanists of the world want to bring humanity into a new era of hybrids through cyberculture and transcendence.


All these politicians, Rome is practicing snake worship.


Polish Sejm building:



This audience room where leaders are scheduled to meet on May 14.



You can check out all that I write for yourself.


Times of mega-deception and forced indoctrination of children in the realm of transcendence are coming. This is what the world religion, which includes the treacherous Evangelical Alliance, will be characterized by. The faith of the serpent's offspring will be the only religion possible to practice. Christianity will be persecuted.


Updated: 23 September 2019 — 08:23


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  1. As for their ecumenism, ours has already taken off. The spot reportedly cost the Polish taxpayer 5 million PLN and refers to the topic.

    1. 5 trillion? You can see how rich Poland is 🙂 - I don't know.

  2. "An alliance that provides peace, justice and hospitality to all peoples of the human family, as well as dialogue between religions."

    Ech. ”Kiedy bowiem będą mówić: «Pokój i bezpieczeństwo»…” i wszyscy wiemy, jak to dalej szło…

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