Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Seven Bible prophecies that are being fulfilled before our eyes.

The text is a transcription of the film.




If there was a book that could predict events thousands of years ahead with 100% certainty, I think most people would want to read and study it as much as possible. Such a book exists and it is the Bible. However, many people who claim to be disciples of Jesus know nothing about prophecy, and in the churches little is said about it either.

Nothing is said about this in the churches because Zionism is afraid of the truth.

Whereas the world will laugh at you if you just mention something about it. But we know that there are a whole bunch of prophecies in the Bible. Many of these prophecies have already been fulfilled, but let's look at those that are still waiting to be fulfilled. Specifically, those that are unfolding before our eyes. Here are 7 prophecies predicted for the end times :



7 Knowledge and travel will increase-this is a prophecy from Daniel 12:4-9.

Never before has this prophecy been as relevant as it is today.

Just get on a plane and you can quickly find yourself on the other side of the world. People travel often and fast. We lead a fast-paced life and are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere. We have cars, trains and planes at our disposal. And a lot of things on our minds. Traveling has never been so accessible and comfortable for everyone. Access to knowledge has also increased tremendously. Just compare things today and 10 years ago. We have incredible access to all kinds of information without leaving our homes, thanks to the Internet. You don't even have to go to a library anymore, just use google.

Romans 1:22 - people think they are wise while they are foolish. People have knowledge but not wisdom.


"'But you, Daniel, hide the words and seal the book until the end times. Many will inquire, that knowledge may be multiplied. (5) Then I, Daniel, saw two other men standing, one on the bank on this side of the river and one on the bank on that side of the river. (6) I said to the husband dressed in linen robes and by the waters of the river, How long until these strange things end? (7) And I heard a man dressed in linen robes and being by the waters of the river. He raised his right hand and his left hand to heaven and swore by the Ever-Living One: To the time, times, and half of the time. All this will be accomplished when the power of the destroyer of the holy nation comes to an end. (8) Though I heard, yet I did not understand; so I said: Lord, what will be the final end of this? (""




6 The beginning of the sorrow

This prophecy comes from Jesus Himself - Matthew 24:6-8 .The Lord Jesus says what we will experience at the beginning of the great tribulation.


(6) You will hear of wars and rumors of wars; beware, do not be dismayed by this. It must happen, but it is not over yet! (7) For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famine and pestilence, and in places earthquakes. (8)But all this is only the beginning of the sorrow. 


Doesn't what is currently happening in the world fit the description in Matthew 24:6-8?

Evidently we are being prepared for a great tribulation. There are rumors of wars whenever you turn on the news on TV. Every now and then there are predictions about the possibility of a Third World War. This is also so-called mind programming, conditioning people to get used to the idea that war is coming. Can you deny that there are more wars and rumors of wars than we have ever heard in our lifetime? Also the number of earthquakes in the world has increased incredibly. We also have weather anomalies, various Ebola type diseases.

Of course some will say that earthquakes have always been around and wars have always been around. This is true, but Jesus said there would be a significant increase in them and this I believe is happening because there is an increase in earthquakes and there is an increase in armed conflict.

We know that the great tribulation will be something as terrible as nothing has ever been before. The Bible also tells us how the world government will be built in these hard times. And the Antichrist will be its leader. We are also witnessing the formation of a world government.



5 This brings us to the next prophecy which is the new world order.

World government was predicted in the Bible thousands of years ago. Of course, the Bible does not say "new world order" or "world government," but it does describe the concept. And that is why Freemasonry, which is one of the most powerful groups in influence and power - it is a secret society that worships Satan - it has its motto "ordo ab chao" or order out of chaos. This motto is derived from Bible prophecy. The knowledge that before they can welcome their god, times of chaos and violence must be ushered in. This is described in Revelation 13 : 7. Scripture says that the antichrist will bring everyone under his rule.

Scripture also tells when the beast will rule and how it will :

* Revelation 13:5 - his reign will last 42 months - or 3.5 years

* the world will glorify him, will follow him - Revelation 13:3-4

* will reign over all people in the world - Revelation 13:7

* the unsaved will worship him - Revelation 13 : 8

That's why we see so much chaos today. Because they want people to beg for rescue, for a savior. People are supposed to demand a solution to their problems and Satan will give them that solution. He will pretend to bring peace and security. But it will be a false peace and a false security. He will only build his temporary kingdom before the Lord Jesus returns.




Ezekiel : 13:10

"Behold, they have misled my people, saying, Peace, whereas there was no peace. And while he was building a wall, those there were covering it with plaster."



Let's look at a movement in the US called Coexist. Let's look at the spread of the idea of one world religion. That kind of watering down - saying your belief system is just as valid as my system . Let everyone do as they feel. Let them do their will. Let us love each other. Let us not criticize. Let's not judge. All this is to prepare people for the coming of the antichrist. That is, there is to be one religion, one government, and one world currency - and we see before our eyes how it is going to happen. The United Nations - and it's all clear. This is what they have been working on for many decades.

This creation of debt in all countries - money as debt - is no accident. There is to be chaos and collapse - to create a single currency.



4. the mark of the beast

Revelation 13:16-18


"(16) And he makes all: small and great, rich and poor, free and slave receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead (17) and that no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark - the name of the Beast or the number of his name. (18) Wisdom is needed here. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast: for the number of the man. And the number of him: six hundred and sixty-six."


We see a process going on to tame people into accepting the mark of the beast. No pastor is warning against this. The churches are deceived by agents of Zionism.


After all, we see more and more cases when people voluntarily chip themselves. There are even chip parties where people get it implanted - for convenience, for modernity. They can buy and sell thanks to these chips. They usually implant it in their hand. Thousands of people do it. And someone can argue whether it is or is not the mark of the beast. Even if it is not, it is taming, conditioning against the actual mark of the beast. Some will say that this is not about a physical mark, that it will be something spiritual, such a spiritual mark of the beast. But God is not the author of confusion, of uncertainty, God clearly says that you cannot buy or sell without this mark. That is why some people deceive themselves by saying it must be a spiritual mark and not a physical mark.


This world is carnal and this will be a carnal sign. God's sign can be spiritual.

Revelation 13:8 says that anyone who accepts this will be blotted out of the book of life.



3 The Great Deviation

This is also happening right before our eyes and getting worse every day.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4


") Let no one deceive you in any way, for [that day will not come] until the apostasy comes first and the man of sin, the son of perdition, is revealed, (4) who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that which receives worship, so that he sits in the temple of God proving that he himself is God."


Let's tie this verse in with the fact that the 3rd temple that is being rebuilt

Age of apostasy - 1 Timothy 4 : 1


"(1) And the Spirit openly says that in the last times some will fall away from the faith, inclining to deceitful spirits and to the teachings of demons. "


People are leaving the faith because neither Catholicism offers anything, nor its Protestant daughters.


2 Timothy 4 : 3 -4




Just look at what's going on in the world, the things that are going on in churches, the books, the movies, the videos, the culture, the visitation that's amazing and that's in churches....

example ; a book entitled. Christ Consciousness author Norman Paulsen, which even some Christians are reading,

To promote the idea that each of us has a little Christ inside of us. And that we can become such little gods. In this theory Jesus is diminished to the role of some master who taught people about Eastern mysticism. Opening the 3rd eye, meditation and other practices forbidden by scripture. This is the view held by many celebrities like Oprah Winfrey - that Jesus came to teach us certain things and we can be just like Him - such gods. This woman has a great influence on people in the U.S.A. and she says that Jesus can NOT be the ONLY WAY TO GOD for people when Jesus Himself says that HE IS THE WAY AND THE ONLY WAY TO GOD.


See how many people talk about God and Jesus and do not follow or preach the truth.


Satan always tells people what they want to hear, what is convenient for them. And this leads people to hell - according to Satan's purpose.

We also have Pastor Joel Osteen - promoted heavily by Oprah Winfrey. He has published his book entitled the power of I AM. It is a book that teaches about the law of attraction. He promotes a kind of incantation where you say the word: I am .... He promotes a kind of incantation where you say the word I am, and then what you say is going to happen in your life, like I am a chess master or I am a rich person.

He mixes Christian terminology with occult practices and various things promoted by the new age, including witchcraft.

Jesus warned against this deception in Matthew 24 : 4-5



Another fallacy is people who claim to believe in Jesus but at the same time accept the theory of evolution. But evolution has no scientific evidence. There is no scientific evidence of a species changing into another species. There has never been any observation of such a thing. It is just a theory not supported by evidence. After all, Christians are supposed to rely on the Word of God as the sole authority.

Another sign of deviation is that churches even welcome sin on the facades of their buildings. I mean, for example, rainbow flags on church buildings. We are all sinful but people cannot be encouraged to continue in sin, to accept it. Unfortunately, more and more churches accept sodomy, adultery, foolishly explaining that everything is ok, that we must not judge anyone, because God is love, love is the most important thing, let us love everyone. This is a simplification and distortion of the teachings of Jesus, who is love, but is also a just judge - 1 Corinthians 6:9-10,

1 Corinthians 6:11)

We also have the promotion of holy yoga-mixing it with Christianity and even inviting it into churches. This is Eastern mysticism, dangerous, opening the door to demons, and now even churches in the U.S. are organizing such classes.

Another thing is - christian witches - pt book the path to the christian witch - author adelina st clair . You cannot sit at the table of the Lord and at the same time sit at the table together with demons. Meanwhile in USA in April 2019 there was 1 convention of Christian witches in SALEM.

Promoting something like ; BUDDY CHRIST APPROVES - that is such a fellow Christ who accepts everything including sodomy. Such a false Christ accepts that you live in sin that you do not repent of it .

There are a whole bunch of things like that now, but the Lord Jesus warned us that it would be like that.


2. construction of Solomon's 3rd temple

Matthew 24 : 15-16


The antichrist is to sit in this temple. This is the author's imagination, but I take it that our bodies are the temple.

the rebuilding of this temple has already begun, as we know.

An offering has already taken place there.

Mike Pompeo went there to watch the model of the temple in March 2019. it is only a matter of time soon when the construction will be completed, and the antichrist will be able to sit there . He will declare himself God and the whole world will worship him. And we know from Scripture that when they declare peace and safety doom will fall upon them - 1 Thessalonians 5 : 3. Then the Lord Jesus will return and make order. This does not mean, of course, that we will not face severe persecution. But we have this wonderful assurance that the Lord Jesus will return, and that we belong to Him. The Bible confirms itself that it speaks the truth, again and again. We know what was in the past and we know what the future is.

1. signs in the sun, moon, stars and sky

Luke 21:25


There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars, and on earth the terror of nations helpless against the noise of the sea and its tempest.



We are to watch for these signs because they will indicate that the time is approaching.


There have been many such celestial events in recent years

The star of Bethlehem was visible in the sky for the first time in 2,000 years - about 2 years ago.

We also had a tetrad of blood moons in 2014-2015

23-08-2017 there was also a cosmic event - once every 7,000 years it happens - Revelation 12 : 1-2

some have interpreted this date as the capture of

we also have total solar eclipses in 2017 and another in 2024

when will the end come? Matthew 24 : 36

no one knows the exact date

but we are not to be afraid

Matthew 24 : 32 - 33






God is everywhere-even in the news. That's why I interpret every story through the lens of faith.

I post interesting resources to help you understand this world in the context of Scripture.

But to do what I do takes a lot of work and time.

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Updated: 19 September 2019 — 10:11


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  1. Good article. I agree 🙂

    1. Very good article, it's true...

      1. "Goodness" of the article by its way, but the "curiosity" of "our time" is undoubtedly outstanding.

  2. Powerful article! Specific and factual and gave me the creeps while reading....
    Everyone should read it, and those who don't believe should finally understand that it's all true and stop deceiving themselves.


    Have you seen this manipulation of people?

  4. Hello, I have a question. What to do when from time to time (even just after prayer), I hear some whispering in a foreign language? Greetings

    1. But I can't sleep at night because something knocks on the furniture or I feel someone's presence in the room, sometimes it's like someone is standing over me and I feel something bad. When I do not pray, it is not there.

    2. Get to know God's Word even more 🙂

  5. I agree with 100%, however I would like to make a small correction regarding the silence of pastors about the mark of the beast. Well, not all pastors are silent, one of such informative pastors is P. Chojecki from KNP in Lublin, who very often speaks about eschatological times and parousia, and consequences connected with accepting the chip. His narrative, apart from using different terminology, is very similar to yours. Thanks for a great job and good luck.

    1. Yes, except that Mr. Chojecki is a Zionist....
      Best wishes

  6. I agree with the article, I only just now looked at the date, thankfully there are pastors who talk about all this. I have come across two and overall I am sticking with them. My warmest regards.

    1. If it's Cyrikas it's the wrong choice

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