Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The deception of giving the Holy Spirit by laying hands on the head.

I was going to write about this a long time ago, but I was provoked by a rebellious woman.


The supposed Holy Spirit received by the laying on of hands on the head is the same fraud as the sacrament of communion or confirmation, and I already explain why.


I don't know a single person among Christians who would repent of all their sins in one day and come to know what God expects in one day, one activity.

Conversion is a process, and I will write about that at some point as well.

Different was Peter (admin) about 10 years ago when he was learning about conspiracies. Different 5 years ago when he read scripture often, and different 2 years ago and different today and different he will be in 2 years and 5.


Scripture clearly states what receiving the Spirit of God is.


In Ephesians 5:18, it says:


“Nie upijacie się winem, ale napełniajcie się Duchem Świętym”



Czasownik “napełniajcie”” użyty w tym cytacie mówi  nam o STAŁYM  napełnianiu, a nie jednorazowym otrzymaniu Ducha Bożego.

Most charismatics are based on Pentecost, but we know that later in Acts the practice of spectacularly receiving the Spirit of God no longer occurred as an apostolic standard. It was so only in the beginning.


The above quote from Ephesians can be illustrated by comparing it to a car. Suppose you buy a car at a dealership or from a classified ad. In every manual and driving course there is information about so called "fuel reserve light". If someone ignores the information on the desktop of the car about the loss of fuel, it will end for him at least immobilize the car during the trip, and in the worst case (diesels) engine overhaul (injectors, tank, fuel pump).


Just as you constantly need to fill up with fuel, you constantly, daily need to fill up with the Holy Spirit.


I also don't know of any person who is constantly starving.


So what is the filling of the Spirit of God?

Let's look at the context of Ephesians:


Therefore, do not be unreasonable, but seek to understand, which is the will of the Lord. (18) And do not become drunk with wine, for that is the cause of debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, (19) Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and Spirit-filled songs, singing and praising the Lord in your hearts(20) Give thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! (21) Be subject to one another in the fear of Christ! (22) Let wives be subject to their husbands as to the Lord, (23) bo mąż jest głową żony, jak i Chrystus – Głową Kościoła: On – Zbawca Ciała. (24) Lecz jak Kościół poddany jest Chrystusowi, tak i żony mężom – we wszystkim. (25) Husbands love your wives, for Christ also loved the Church and gave himself up for her, (26) to sanctify him, having cleansed him with the washing of water, accompanied by the word, (27) to personally set the Church before Him as glorious, not having a blemish or a wrinkle or anything like that, but to be holy and undefiled. (28) Husbands should love their wives as they love their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. (29) Przecież nigdy nikt nie odnosił się z nienawiścią do własnego ciała, lecz [każdy] je żywi i pielęgnuje, jak i Chrystus – Kościół, (30) Because we are members of His Body. (31) Therefore shall a man leave father and mother, and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh. (32) It is a great mystery, and I say: in relation to Christ and to the Church. (33) Finally, let each of you also love his wife as himself! And let a wife treat her husband with reverence!



One at a time.


We are to strive to do what is the Lord's will, and that means you can't get it by putting your hands on it once.

Second, we are to worship God in songs or Psalms.

Third, we are to thank God for everything in Jesus' name.

Fourth, we are to be submissive to one another. Wives are to obey their husbands and men are to love their wives.


The Holy Spirit will not do this for us because He is the Spirit of Freedom. He gives us freedom and we decide how we want to live.


Let's examine the preceding verses (context):


 But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness Let there not even be speech among you, as befits the saints, (4) anot about what is shameful, nor about ridiculous talk or indecent jokes, because it's all inappropriate. Rather, there should be a grateful disposition. (5) For of this be convinced żaden rozpustnik ani nieczysty, ani chciwiec – to jest bałwochwalca – nie ma dziedzictwa w królestwie Chrystusa i Boga. (6) Let no one deceive you with vain words, for by these [sins] the wrath of God is coming upon the rebellious. (7) So don't have anything to do with them! (8) For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord: walk as children of light! (9)For the fruit of the light is all righteousness and justice and truth. (10) Study what is pleasing to the Lord. (11) And have no part in the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather, by condemning, convert [them]! (12) For what is happening to them in secret is shameful to even talk about. (13) On the other hand, all those things that are stigmatized are made manifest by light, for everything that becomes manifest is light


It is clear from this chapter of Ephesians that the filling of the Spirit of God is only when we walk away from SAFE.

From indecent jesting, from debauchery, from covetousness, from idolatry. etc.

Paul also says that the fruit of the Spirit of God is JUSTICE AND TRUTH.

Charismatic churches are in ecumenism, so their members subscribe to the actions of these pastors and denominations. Mr. Wojtek Italian from a charismatic church is a typical example of a pastor who is devoted to Rome and puts his hands on people's heads. So what spirit does he and his like Romans convey?


Gro pastorów z kościołów charyzmatycznych pochodzi wprost z Odnowy w Duchu Świętym –  organizacji katolickiej.


The truth is that it is to me that charismatics come to learn the truth about the world around them because no one is applying themselves in their churches:


For the fruit of the light is all righteousness and justice, and TRUTH.


Charyzmatycy mówią, że maja Ducha Świętego, ale częstokroć na blogu czy na fejsie dają taki popis – powiem wprost – chamstwa, że nie mam wątpliwości co to jest za duch. Oczywiście nie jest to reguła i nie chciałbym skrzywdzić nikogo, ale takie tendencje zauważyłem.


One older woman who thinks she has the gifts of the spirit, but has the kind of rebellious and argumentative spirit that would rival demons, sometimes speaks up on Facebook.


The pastor of the Charismatic Church Wojciech Wloch together with M. Wichary and A. Cyrikas supported bringing in refugees.



To believe in receiving the Holy Spirit by the one-time act of laying on of hands is to deceive oneself. Such a person is convinced that he has the Spirit and no longer needs to do anything, to sanctify himself, to live according to God's law, because he is already holy.

Tak, jest “święty” tak samo jak wierni Benego Hinna.



The Holy Spirit is the Spirit but of Sanctification. Present continuous tense. NFulfill yourselves with the Holy Spirit, instead of fill up. 


Charismatics go to my profile or, for example, another follower of God's Law and a non-Charismatic channel titled John W. Cliff located on YT. They visit it because they can't find the truth at home and that is truth....

I suspect it doesn't work that way. At least I don't go to charismatic sites for the truth. If I do, it's for world news, and that's from American sites.


Ich kościoły prawdy o świecie nie mówią, ale chodzą szukać gdzie indziej, pozostając w kościołach nieprawdy….



Do you think that if someone is said to have received by the laying on of hands the Spirit of God, and if they depart from God, how would that Spirit be given once and for all?


The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth, showing deception, for He has nothing to do with impurity and darkness.

The Spirit of Truth will not lead to the charismatics who laid hands on Trump.


Because Trump is in this system of corporations and banks.


Hands were laid on such Trump:





Tak działa charyzmatyczny duch “święty”.

The spirit after which people roll on the floor and have a loathing for God's Law and for the Sabbath, which does not at all mean that Adventists are holy. But today I was concerned with the laying on of hands.


Yet another example is the testimony of a reader of mine:

Po otrzymaniu ducha świętego, ten duch kazał mu potłuc okulary – a ma dużą dioptrię – oraz wydłubać sobie oczy. Owszem miał wizję, podszedł do pewnego domu znając traumy ludzi w nim mieszkających.




You must understand that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of sanctification and TRUST.




Updated: 22 August 2019 — 13:53


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  1. Pastora Andrzeja Cyrikas miałam okazję poznać osobiście, to prawdziwie oddany Bogu pastor, nie głosi niczego co jest niebiblijne. Nie zrozumiałeś wtedy tego nauczania, pastor nie popiera sprowadzania uchodźców, ale kiedy do nas przyjdą… nauczał co powinniśmy zrobić… Proszę nie oceniaj jeżeli nie masz właściwego poznania… a może warto z pastorem porozmawiać osobiście i wyjaśnić sporne kwestie? Z Bogiem, niech Ciebie i Twoją pracę błogosławi nasz Ojciec

    1. Goddess, I infer from your comment that you are a God person.
      Jednak co do p AC to nie znasz go mimo, że widziałas go. Wszelkie rozważania kontrowersyjne sprowadza do techniki Wałęsy “nie chcem ale muszem’. Tak było w przypadku ekumenii. Powiedział, że jest przeciw, ale nie widzi nic złego w tym, by jexdzic do zborów ekumenicznych glosić. To tak ja bym byl przeciwny kosciolowi Rzymu a jestem i glosil tam. Oczywiście ktos molglby naiwnie sądzić, że to dobrze bo ewangelizowałbym, ale przeciez wiadomo , ze kosciol jako sila polityczna nie pozwo;lilby mi glosic 2 i 4 przykzania w ich kosciele… 🙂

      I think that all listeners of Mr. Cyrikas are deceived just like Catholics. Mr. Andrew is a super prepared man.
      In his video, he told me to hide under the table, that I don't measure up to Michal M, and that his poem was full of the fruit of the spirit:

      “Tak więc zanim pusta pało
      you'll throw excrement into space
      think a little - although not much
      i już nie bądź tak nadęty””

      It takes a spirit of religiosity to see not the fruit but the devil. Because ours, because he has nice sermons then such rotten fruits are not important. the important thing is that he has good sermons like priests.

    2. There was a time when I enjoyed listening to A.Cyrikas. He spoke beautifully about the LDS and many other issues. I changed my mind when the matter rested on the validity of God's LAW 🙁 To draw people away from living in accordance with the will of the MOST is either foolishness or deliberate deception.

      Na profilu p. Cyrikasa na FB wystarczy w dyskusji pod postem wrzucić kilka wersetów Pisma na temat prawa, aby dać “pastorowi” powód do wyrzucenia z grona znajomych. Znam sporo takich osób.
      Tymczasem SŁOWO mówi: __” Ty masz ramię pełne potęgi,
      Your hand is strong and your right hand is uplifted.
      przed Tobą kroczą łaska i wierność.” (Ps.89)

      Apostoł Paweł napisał: ” A tak prawo jest święte,i przykazanie jest święte, sprawiedliwe i dobre” (Rz.7,12)

      Did God give people a SPIRIT to break his law ? Or is it the other way around ? He Himself said why He does this.

      ” DUCHA MOJEGO chcę tchnąć w was i sprawić, byście żyli według mych nakazów i przestrzegali przykazań, i według nich postępowali.” (Ez.36,27)

      “Pastor” Cyrikas odwodzi ludzi od prawa, które jest wieczne, niezmienne i jest przejawem JEGO charakteru…a jeśli tak czyni to kieruje ludzi na drogę grzechu, bo “przestępstwo zakonu (prawa) jest grzechem (1 Jana 3,4).

      1. Well here is a prime example of how God wrote the Law in their hearts.

        1. Boro 🙂

          W rozmowach ludzie twierdzą, że mają wypisane prawo w sercach… prawo Chrystusowe…nie to stare, które było tylko dla Żydów 🙁 🙁 🙁 Oni są lepsi i mają lepsze prawo – prawo miłości.
          Tylko nie wiedzą, że to prawo OJCA, które Zbawiciel cytował z Ks.Powtórzonego Prawa i Ks. Kapłańskiej… a więc nie nowe, ale stare – dane od samego początku.
          They invoke the law of love but don't know what it is 🙁
          Szkoda tylko zagubionych, ślepych duchowo ludzi prowadzonych przez ślepych przewodników…albo przewodników, którzy doskonale wiedzą komu służą i dokąd ludzi prowadzą (bo i tacy z pewnością są). Szkoda ludzi, którzy poszukują i wpadają w sidła pięknych kazań (rzekomo zgodnych ze spisanym SŁOWEM) 🙁 🙁 🙁

          1. Because people in pastors and priests have an idol unfortunately. But according to Scripture:
            “Prawdę Bożą przemienili oni w kłamstwo i STWORZENIU oddawali cześć, i służyli jemu, zamiast służyć STWÓRCY, który jest błogosławiony na wieki.”

  2. I manage somehow at work but lately I've been having some kind of loneliness disorder because I seem to be working but I don't have any friends. It makes me talk to myself.

    1. I often talk to myself in my mind, but I don't have schizophrenia :)))
      Nie załamuj się. Czytaj Nowy Testament, Duch się będzie cieszył. W czasach ostatecznych raczej dobrych przyjaciół nie znajdziesz. Ciężko nawet wierzącego w realu znaleźć 🙂 Takie czasy… ostateczne.

      1. Read the whole bible not just the new testament and pray for friends.

        1. Żeby nie było ze nie polecam calej Biblii 🙂 Polecam, ale nie dla początkujących. Stary czytamy przez pryzmat Nowego, bo inaczej to można sie obrzezać bo Bóg tak kazal… Więc dla poczatkujacych lub slabych w wierze polecam Jezusa i Jego nauki w NT 🙂

    2. You know, I'm the same way, only without the schizophrenia.
      Sometimes I feel like I'm going to die from this loneliness

    3. From what I remember you have schizophrenia, has it been bothering you for long?

      1. The thing with being bullied is that I "slept through" 5 years of "voluntary incarceration". before that there was a long period of remission in high school.

  3. Dzięki, warto wiedzieć czego unikać… ?

  4. Hello, Peter, and best regards. I just have a small question in which translation of the Bible it is written like this. I found 5:18
    And do not be drunk with wine, which produces promiscuity, but be full of the Spirit. It is in three translations, Warsaw, Gdansk and Brest, I do not check in order to correct someone or argue, but I felt like reading it because I have been studying this subject lately. You are right about working on ourselves and feeding on the Word of God every day so that we can walk in the likeness of Jesus Christ in the Fullness of the Holy Spirit. And this transformation continues differently in each person getting rid of carnality every day. May the grace and peace of God from God rest upon you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

    1. I think I used Poznanska, but the translation you posted does not change the meaning of my text. Still Paul recommends to fill in, but the translation from me is more blunt. I always compare the translations to understand the sense.
      May God Bless you as well.

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